
"Undocumented Crime" is a hit Cheng Yong's social big brother is full of aura

author:Entertainment one gossip

Driven by the overall market health model, the quality conscience network dramas in the past one or two years have emerged in an endless stream. Starring Qin Hao, Deng Jiajia, Yao Qiu, Cheng Yong and other criminal suspense super web drama "Undocumented Crimes", it has a good reputation since its launch, and has entered the public eye with a dark horse attitude, and the evaluation of Douban 8.5 points has slightly better than the "River God" that was a fire a while ago, which can be described as a rapid momentum.

This web drama "Undocumented Crime", adapted from Zijin Chen's novel of the same name, is different from ordinary suspense TV series with strict logic, compact plot and unexpected reversals, of course, its success is also due to the superb acting skills of several powerful actors in the play. In addition to the outstanding starring actors such as "gangster criminal policeman" Qin Hao and high-IQ criminal Yao Qiao, the gangster boss Huo Brother played by the gold medal old drama Bone Cheng Yong also makes people shine. Cheng Yong once again starred in such a "fierce role", full of aura, making people shudder.

"Undocumented Crime" is a hit Cheng Yong's social big brother is full of aura

As the big brother of the gang, the fire brother is quite special, who would have thought that as soon as the boss appeared, he would first take a popsicle from the refrigerator and eat it? It is this kind of "contrast cuteness" that makes the audience remember this different boss at once. This is also due to the fact that "Undocumented Crimes" is not limited to telling difficult criminal investigation cases, but focuses the lens on the characters who live in life, shows the faces of the sentient beings in the small northeast city, and excavates and exposes the real human nature.

"Undocumented Crime" is a hit Cheng Yong's social big brother is full of aura

From Mi Lixiong in "Struggle" to He Shousi in "Beijing Youth" to Lei He in "Dare to Love", it seems that the title of "Super Daddy" has been posted to Cheng Yong by the audience. Even in the hit drama "The Best Taste of the World is Qinghuan" some time ago, Cheng Yong still continued the image of a good father, showing the audience the collision of the values of "70" father and "90" children, and his delicate and calm acting skills were also loved by many audiences. This time in "Undocumented Crimes", Cheng Yong played the gangster boss fire brother who put loan sharks, and such a 360-degree change made Cheng Yong himself feel very liked.

"Undocumented Crime" is a hit Cheng Yong's social big brother is full of aura

It is reported that although Cheng Yong often shows people with the image of a warm-hearted father, he has an open-minded and straightforward personality, full of style, and plays a negative role such as a domineering president and a gang big brother. Cheng Yong successfully created the villain role as early as the TV series "Youth in the Flames of War" - the traitor Ma Bole, in the red classic drama "Lin Hai Xueyuan", he also incarnated as the gang boss Xie Wendong, from the bandit leader to the commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang group army, Cheng Yong interpreted the role's banditry, evil spirit, and domineering spirit to the fullest, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

With the previous successful experience, although the fire brother in "Undocumented Crime" is also the boss of the underworld, he has the unique complexity and inner struggle of the character, and Cheng Yong has done his homework in the early stage of shooting, in order to present the most wonderful works to the audience. Now, the success of "Undocumented Crimes" proves that all efforts have not been in vain, which is the best reward that Cheng Yong has received as a qualified actor.