
Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

author:Semin GD
Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Atlantic Empire

Atlantic Empire Boardwalk Empire

The average score of the five seasons is 9.2, even though many are often labeled as "divine drama" Hu works. Chekhov said, "If a pistol appears in the story, it is necessary to shoot a bullet in a certain scene." "This passage fits well inside the Atlantic Empire, which is one of the reasons I love this series, that almost every scene, every character, has a role and meaning behind it.

After the federal government banned alcohol in 1920, the public sale of alcohol became an offence. Atlantic City in southwestern New Jersey doesn't have any laws. The road that runs through the city is flanked by hotels, nightclubs, entertainment centers, casinos, brothels, and theaters on a scale comparable to That of Broadway in New York. Nucky (Steve Buscemi) is the boss here. In addition to the umbrella Atlantic City Sheriff Elias (Shea Whigham), a large group of bosses who made their fortunes from gangster power, there is also a group of thugs who have sworn allegiance to him. Nucky carefully plotted his position in the chain of the private liquor business, fighting with various gangs for control of the black market.

Black and white, in the Atlantic Empire, he is the Emperor (Empire)!

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Mad Men

Mad Men

President Roosevelt said: It makes sense for him to go back to being an advertiser without being president. Seven seasons began in 2007. The 14 episodes of the seventh season and the end of the season will be split into two parts, "Genesis" and "The End of an Era", which is a summary of an era and an industry. The series won the 65th, 66th and 67th Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series and won the Emmy Award for Best Drama Series for four consecutive years.

Mad Men is a series that can't be described in terms of "good looking". Just like a gentleman telling a story in a vicissitudes and magnetic voice, in a familiar plot you only care about being pulled by his tone and rhythm, at the end, he fades out of the darkness, you refill a cigarette or a glass of wine, looking out the window at night, you become him, there is something in your heart, you don't want to say much, you can only be scared out of the gods.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations


Newsroom The Newsroom

The 2012 premiere season was 8.9, and the second and third seasons were 9.0 and 9.5, respectively. In fact, you can also compare with "Mad Men", all of which are doing communication, the former represents society or the United States, and the latter represents various interest groups such as enterprises. Although it is always said to be idealistic, it is still boiling with blood every time.

Suspense rises and flows. Fans of this drama are not only for the confrontation of words and tongues and the sharpness of witty words, but more importantly, they are in awe of the courage, faith and integrity it conveys. Maybe it is idealized out of place, faith and solar terms may not be something I have anymore, but it is also a great satisfaction and satisfaction to see others have.

The protagonist begins: "How dare you say that the United States is a great country?" ”

After watching this drama, you may understand: Why is the United States ten great countries!

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Bloodthirsty forensics

Bloodthirsty forensic Dexter

The show premiered on showtime in 2006 for eight seasons and ended in 2013. The show tells the story of the protagonist, Dexter Morgan, who uses his status as a forensic doctor at the Miami Police Department during the day to hunt down criminals when night falls. The show's attitude and approach to extreme violence is fascinating— it makes people feel terrible, excited, charming, and terrifying at the same time!

"Bloodthirsty Forensics" contains suspense, thriller and other labels, but the male protagonist's narration and small humor that flashes from time to time make it even easy. The meticulous carving of each episode, the meticulous plot of each season and the powerful performances of the actors make this episode that is not suitable for being put on the screen become the ace longevity drama of the US premium channel Showtime.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Dr. House

Dr. House M.D.

Eight seasons were broadcast, and Douban averaged 9.3. 2004 was an important milestone in the history of American dramas. This year, the phenomenon-level evergreen drama "Friends" came to an end, the fans have not yet had time to wipe away the sad tears of other yiyi, and the eye-catching performances of several new dramas have quickly occupied people's vision. As it turned out, it was also the last collective outbreak of American dramas so far, including FOX's medical drama "House M.D."

"Dr. House" quickly gathered popularity thanks to FOX's strong ratings as the talent show "American Idol" as a precursor, "House Doctor" was rightfully placed high hopes by FOX, and in the following years, its performance did not live up to the title of its "Crown Prince" series, whether it was ratings or word of mouth, it was called fox's treasure. So, that year, became the first year of House for many people.

Inside the Princeton University Hospital, there sits a well-known physician, Greg House, who is dressed casually, on crutches, rigid, and sharp, completely without the impression of such a humble and rigorous professional doctor. But beneath this jaw-dropping exterior lies the superb medical skills and rich knowledge that are admired by peers and patients. Dr. House's method of treating diseases is also unique, he does not consult face to face, and he absolutely does not believe in the patient's confessional feelings, but completely relies on his excellent knowledge and superb reasoning ability to solve many difficult diseases.

Dr. Adams, a high-caliber student who trained at Hopkins, also shifted his attitude from initial arrogance to surprise and eventually became a follower of House-style action.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Storm Lawyer

Storm Lawyer Better Call Saul

In 2015, when the fans of the drama were immersed in the pain of losing Lao Bai, the wind and storm lawyers were like a demon star that lit up the sky, and they came out at the right time! This is arguably the most successful spin-off drama in the mythological drama! The biggest difference from the first season of Poisoner is that Lao Bai becomes an anti-heroic high-IQ Badass, while Saul is just an ordinary Underdog who wants to realize his self-worth from beginning to end. So it's also black humor, but the poisoner's crime story will be more "exciting" and the lawyer's struggle story may be more "calm and introverted".

As a derivative drama of the divine drama, "Breaking Bad" has faced the most demanding scrutiny of drama fans from the beginning. But it sets up a unique aura with a beginning that is not impatient and creates suspense like a textbook. From this point on, the show has had a chemical reaction with some of the details of Breaking Bad, and it's hard to even say whether it's the fame of the former that makes this new show, or whether this spin-off drama makes people want to revisit "Poison Master" again.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Gold-clad lawyer

Gold-clad lawyer Suits

This legal drama launched in 2011 is a contest between the intelligence of two smart people, and they are also teachers and friends. Fast-paced, well-shot, eye-catching and intellectual, Meghan Markle, who plays paralegal Rachel, is now the fiancée of Prince Harry in the UK, and they will be married on May 19 this year.

Watching a lot of American dramas about lawyers, sometimes I feel that the screenwriter thinks of the lawyer too great, in the hearts of those screenwriters, the lawyer is a prosecutor, a policeman, and even more unbearable is that the lawyer is a big fool with rich emotions and a sense of justice and will ignore the results. Although this film also exaggerates the profession of lawyers, full of professional pride and full of drunken fans, there is no doubt that he returned to the role of lawyer in my heart, their tit-for-tat confrontation is not to fight for your life, how to use the existing resources to strive for the greatest interests is what they care about, the process is full of games, trade-offs and compromises.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Hacker Legion

The Hacker Corps Mr. Robot

The drama broadcast in 2015, after a glimpse of the great, quickly fell into dullness and talk, metaphysics, really when I thought I was going to abandon the drama of 2017, the choreographer seemed to suddenly wake up from sleep, the tiger body was shocked, and the divine drama was born (this season is not a god, next season is almost the same. )。 Fortunately, the four words "Hacker Legion" were not lived up to. Let's look forward to the fourth season this year!

In the third season, from the narrative, composition, soundtrack, to performance, there is even a realm of immortality, especially the episodes at the end of the season, which make people kneel alive. With the reception as the key TV series, such a way of narration, the director and screenwriter can be said to be very bold. Increasingly believing in the theory of the play, the world is controlled by a few elites.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley

Premiered in 2014, it is one season a year, and each season is on the top of 9.1 points. The strongest comedy in HBO's history is undoubtedly the most powerful, and the depiction of Geek has exploded the "Theory of Promiscuity" into more than 18,000 tons; and it is simply incredible that in addition to the no lower limit of laughter setting, it is full of positive energy.

In Silicon Valley, where high-tech industries are concentrated, the most qualified and successful people are often the most ineffective people to deal with their "success", and the protagonist of this drama, Richard, is such a person. It revolves around four socially ill-informed but brilliant computer programmers, including Richard, and Ehrlich, a millionaire who made his fortune on internet sites early on. Richard and they lived for free in Ehrlich's so-called "incubator" villa, researching and developing potential science and technology projects on their own. They originally thought that the "magic piper" developed by Richard was doomed to be a failed product, but the new compression algorithm he used had infinite commercial potential, which immediately attracted the attention of large companies for "mutual benefit" and wanted to buy at a high price. Just as Richard was about to agree, another investment company joined the competition, and the "Magic Flute Player" rose for a while, and a battle worth tens of millions began.

American drama, I think it can be taken seriously! As the saying goes – dreams still have to be had, in case they come true!!

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

House of Cards

纸牌屋 House of Cards

The political drama, which premiered in 2013, has been broadcast for five seasons, each with a rating of more than 9 points, because the sixth season of Kevin Spacey's sexual assault will be remade this year, and this season should focus mainly on the role of Claire.

The political power plot field is the highest IQ competitive stage, I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional, the names of the characters in this play are worth playing. The first was President Frank Underwood, who at first didn't think the name was the same, until Meechum gave him the pair of cuffs, and the director also gave a close-up, a big FU... FXCK YOU AH!! However, according to the momentum of people like President Kinoshita blocking killing, buddha blocking the killing of Buddha, it is indeed necessary to have such a name to be cool. Secretary of State, Catherine Durant, thinks of Hillary Clinton, both in her hairstyle and temperament. This woman, who has a panoramic view of the men's world and is proud in front of Kinoshita, the screenwriter gave her the same name as The Russian Catherine the Great. Other brain supplements.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Homeland security

Homeland Security Homeland

Six seasons have aired. The rating has been stable at about 8.8 points, originally thought that "Company of Brothers" Demienne Luiz faded out, this drama will decline, did not expect the stronger Claire to take over the baton, there is another charm, have to admire the screenwriter of this American drama, the seventh season will be broadcast before the Spring Festival.

The series was praised by Obama and won four awards at the 69th Golden Globe Awards for Best Series and Best Actress, and the 64th Emmy Awards for Best Drama Series, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Screenplay, and its competitors in the same year were Mad Men, Atlantic Empire, Downton Abbey, and Game of Thrones, which became the best Emmy Award in Showtime history. My characterization of Homeland is that a work that is big enough to be called, before that, the anti-terrorism TV series would not be made because it was broken, and after that, the anti-terrorism TV series would not be made because it was difficult to copy.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations



Premiered in 2016 with a 5-season rating of 9.2 and 9.3, "Homeland Security" Demien Lewis plays hedge fund billionaire Axrod, and Paul Giamatti, who plays U.S. Attorney General, in New York City, in a tit-for-tat contest over money and law.

This financial Drama, which is considered to be the most tense, really makes the editor I boil a little, and you may wish to compare the American drama "Billions" with "In the Name of the People". The former is nailed down, clean officials vs corrupt officials + profiteers. The latter prosecutor vs hedge fund owner – both have darkness, both have light, both have their own desires, struggles, kindness, and both are equally likable. After reading it, netizens sighed: The coolest thing in the world is to make money! Going to school to see this must be full of motivation.

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Black money resort

Black money resort Ozark

The American drama that was only broadcast in 2017 may not be considered to be an American drama of the elite circle, but the protagonist is completely thinking and acting in a business way, politics and finance are the two fulcrums of the elite, why the small country of Israel is at ease in the Middle East world, is because 70% of the treasury of American politics is controlled by the Jews.

The tired daily routine of the American middle-class elite, but this time it is not the boss who deals with it, but the Mexican drug lord and the ground snake on the shores of Lake OZARK, entangled in a deadly battle of wits, pinning the head of the family to the waistband of the pants every minute, and dealing with troublesome family relations. Just the money laundering this high-tech high-IQ high-courage theme is enough to give 5 stars, children's shoes can be compared to "Breaking Bad" to watch, or the sentence "knowledge is power and money"!

Politics Finance Gangster News Lawyer! ‖ 14 high-quality American drama recommendations

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

When I said goodbye to Lao Bai in the fifth season in 2012, how unwilling! The first season of Douban score 9.1, the rating of each subsequent season is increasing, the word "drama" seems to be synonymous with "poisoner", fortunately, the drama is designed for special groups to fight lawsuits, money laundering Thor as the protagonist of the derivative drama "Wind Riot Lawyer" reputation, did not live up to the word "wind trouble", but think the poisoner's genes are too strong!

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