
Are grapefruit still divided into male and female? Autumn moisturizes the lungs to reduce noise and tells you how to pick delicious grapefruit

author:Bright Net

The frost has passed, which is the last solar term of autumn and the transition from autumn to winter. The frost festival is characterized by colder weather in morning and evening, hotter at noon, and a large temperature difference between day and night, and people will feel that autumn is dry. At this time, there happens to be a sweet and moist seasonal fruit on the market in large quantities, which has the effect of reducing autumn dryness, and this fruit is grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in nutrients, the fruit is fresh and sweet and delicious, the peel and grapefruit flowers can be used in medicine, and the grapefruit meat also has the effect of rationalizing phlegm, moisturizing the lungs and clearing the intestines, replenishing blood and strengthening the spleen.

Are grapefruit still divided into male and female? Autumn moisturizes the lungs to reduce noise and tells you how to pick delicious grapefruit

Low calorie low GI is rich in multiple nutrients

The flesh of the grapefruit has a good taste, the flesh is crisp and tender, the juice is delicious, the sweetness and acid are moderate, and the fragrance is full of flavor, specifically there are five characteristics:

First, rich in water: every 100 grams of pulp contains 89 grams of water, the most suitable in the dry autumn and winter to replenish the lack of body water.

Second, low energy: the energy of grapefruit is only 41 kcal / 100 grams, which is nearly 10 kcal lower than apples, so eating yuzu does not worry about gaining weight.

Low GI: Grapefruit is a veritable low GI (glycemic index) fruit, GI is only 25, is especially suitable for high blood sugar or diabetics to eat fruit.

Fourth, rich in vitamin C: grapefruit vitamin C content of up to 23 mg / 100 grams, in the autumn and winter vegetables and fruits content is higher, vitamin C can play a role in reducing blood cholesterol, but also can prevent colds, enhance immunity, beauty skin.

Five, a variety of nutrients: contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene and other vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other minerals. In particular, high potassium and low sodium help prevent high blood pressure and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Yuzu does not distinguish between male and female, choose "three looks, one pinch and one sweep"

Some fruit stall owners say that they want to buy a female grapefruit, which is sweeter, and the male grapefruit will be relatively astringent? Are grapefruit still divided into male and female? In fact, grapefruit is not divided into male and female, and the so-called male and female of some merchants are mainly distinguished by the "small circle" at the top or bottom of the grapefruit. However, these "small circles" are only fruit stalks or scars left after xiehua, and have no direct relationship with whether the grapefruit is good or not, whether it is sweet or not. When buying grapefruit, if you pursue nutritional value, red heart grapefruit and white heart grapefruit have their own nutrition; if you pursue taste, red heart grapefruit will be better than white heart grapefruit.

So, how should you pick grapefruit? To sum up, it is "three looks, one pinch and one pinch".

First, look at the epidermis. The skin of a good grapefruit is uniform, smooth, delicate and thin. It is not recommended to purchase if the skin is rough.

Second, look at the shape of the fruit. Usually, the standard shape of a grapefruit is "upper tip and lower width". "Tipping" is actually looking at the neck of the grapefruit, the neck should not be too long, too long to represent more skin, less sac meat. "Lower width" is to require the grapefruit to be "short, fat, round", and the bottom should be fuller.

Third, look at the size. In general, larger grapefruits have a higher maturity and a little more pulp.

Fourth, pinch it. Good grapefruit is relatively hard to pinch, making people feel very firm, which means that the sac meat is firm and juicy. If there is no elasticity and softness in the pinch, it may have been placed for a period of time, and the water loss is more serious.

Fifth, weigh the weight. If you have two grapefruit of the same size, you can put it on the left and right hands to sweep it, and the heavier water is sufficient.

In addition, grapefruit belongs to the family Rubiaceae. Because the grapefruit skin is rich in essential oils, kneading and smelling does have a refreshing effect, and can also cover up some odors, but there is no scientific basis for removing formaldehyde. (Reporter Qiao Yeqiong)

(Comprehensive Beijing Youth Daily, Shanghai Municipal Consumer Protection Commission, etc.)

Source: People's Daily News

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