
Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade


Wade is known to have removed a meniscus before entering the league, which has caused many scouts to have some doubts about his body, wondering if he can adapt to tougher confrontations in the NBA. It turns out he did it and, and perfect enough. Today we will talk about the story of the former Flash Man Dwyane Wade.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

Wade was born in 1982 in chicago's slums, and his parents divorced when he was young, and he lived with his father and stepmother. When he was in high school, he was a member of the school basketball team at that time, but he did not get many opportunities to play until the third year of high school, he met the bole assistant coach in his life, he gave Wade more opportunities to play, and Wade did not disappoint him, with an average of 20.7 points per game, he became a sought-after commodity in major universities. In the 2003 NCAA 8-4 game, Wade was the first time to really enter the public eye, that day Wade was like a black lightning, swept across Kentucky, a player who has been plagued by meniscus injuries slashed a triple-double stat of 29 points, 11 rebounds and 11 assists, and single-handedly led the unknown Marquette University to the final four and won the MVP crown in the Midwest Division.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

At the end of the season, Wade announced that he was in the NBA Draft that year, but at that time, the talent was gathered, people were not optimistic about his older age and knee injury, and finally the divine operator forced the crowd to select Wade with the fifth pick, bringing the talented player to Miami, and soon Wade proved how correct Riley's choice was.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

Wade made it to the playoffs with the team in his first season in 2003, not only playing the second round, but also losing six games with the pacers who were no. 1 at the time. In the 2004 season, the Lakers dynasty officially collapsed, and the OK group officially disintegrated. Big Shark O'Neill travels east to join the Miami Heat. Wade ushered in the most dominant center of his career, and the team's combat effectiveness has also achieved a qualitative leap. Wade's average of 24.1 points per game made him the absolute core of the Heat's backcourt, and the Heat also swept their opponents in the first two rounds of the playoffs under Wade's leadership to advance to the Eastern Conference Finals, but lost to the Predator Pistons at the time in the Eastern Conference Finals, and they were finally eliminated in seven games.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

The frustrating result did not stop Wade's progress, and the following season can be said to be Wade's own season, in the third season of his career, Wade averaged 27.2 points, 6.7 assists, 5.7 rebounds, 1.95 steals per game, was selected for the NBA All-Star Game, and led the team to the playoffs with the second-highest record in the East. In the playoffs, they first defeated the Bulls 4:2, and in the second round, they easily defeated the Nets 4:1, and met the Pistons again in the Eastern Conference Finals, this time Wade did not let the opportunity slip away, crushing the Pistons by a score of 4:2, and meeting the Mavericks in the finals.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

In the Finals, Wade averaged 46.8% of the 43.5 minutes per game, and he went crazy in the finals of the sixth game of the Finals, slashing 13 points in the final 6 minutes and 34 seconds, reversing the game in an incredible way. This is definitely one of the greatest individual performances in NBA Finals history. Wade was only 24 years old at the time, and he embarked on the peak of his career in this way.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

But the Heat's strength lasted only three years, with the Heat outing in the first round of the 06-07 season and the end of the season early due to injury in the 07-08 season. The heat, which was on top of the world two years ago, fell silent. But in the 2008 season, Wade made a strong comeback, which can be said to be the season that ushered in his real peak state. In 2008, Wade first won the Olympic Games, and then won the title of the season's scoring champion in the NBA, leaving an average of 30.2 points per game, and near the end of the season, Wade scored a career-high 55 points. This year, Wade led the team to play 43 wins and 39 losses to enter the playoffs, that season Wade ranked third in the regular season MVP list, if the Heat can win a few more games at that time, maybe Wade can make up for the regret of not having an MVP in his career.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

In 2010, Wade made sacrifices to usher in James and Bosh, who formed the era of the dominant Big Three. The Jianway Connection is even more praised by the world. But after 2012, Wade's body began to change significantly, and Wade averaged only 15.9 points per game in the 12-year playoffs. Not long after that, with James's departure, Wade had to carry the Heat on his shoulders again, although there were still many good players such as Bosh in the team, but Wade was still the best choice at every critical moment.

Made the whole league a men of men with a men's plate - The Flash Wade

In July 2016 Wade ran away from Miami and returned to his hometown of Chicago. When Wade came to James' Cavaliers after the end of the season, just when people were looking forward to the arrival of the Jianway connection again, in February 2018 Wade was traded by the Cavaliers and he returned to the place where his dream began, which was his final and best destination. After the end of the 18-19 season, Wade announced his retirement, and a generation of genius came to an end!