
The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

author:Doraeze outdoors
The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

George is an Australian legend. He is considered the Dundee of the crocodile fishing world. He was a true crocodile catcher. It can be said that he caught at least 1,000 crocodiles. 30 years ago, George and his friends discovered a giant saltwater crocodile in northern Australia. It is understood that the crocodile often attacks ships and humans, and George decided to capture it.

The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

The saltwater crocodile is about 18 feet (about 5.6 meters) long and weighs nearly 1 ton. This is a real Big Mac. In 2011, it was chased by a 6.12-meter-long crocodile, but after the record holder's death, the saltwater crocodile returned to its position as the world's largest crocodile.

The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

The local residents demanded execution, but George disagreed and took it home and began captivity. He assured the residents of the village that he would not let it escape and harm people. As a result, the world's largest saltwater crocodile began to live with George.

The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

George brought the saltwater crocodile home and examined it. George found the crocodile healthy, had clean teeth, and estimated to be able to live for thirty or forty years. The picture shows George feeding meat to a saltwater crocodile.

The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

George was named Cassius Clay the saltwater crocodile. Time passed quickly, and 30 years later, George had become a nearly 90-year-old man, and Cassius the Crocodile was almost 110 years old.

The octogenarian has captured the largest crocodile and fed it for 30 years without giving up on eating the old man

It can be said that the old man built a paradise for crocodiles and also a refuge. In this shelter, the crocodile doesn't have to worry about external influences, not to mention the danger it poses to its neighbors. The old man said Hughes was savage, and although they had been together for 30 years, they still hadn't given up the opportunity to eat George.