
When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

author:China News Weekly
When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"When Paris shed tears, the whole world had to pull out a handkerchief for her."

——Marcel Aymé


Paris has always been like an elegant woman, and in her history, how many storms have made her more charming and stronger. However, Paris is so beautiful, how can anyone bear to hurt her again?

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"If you lived in Paris when you were young, Paris would follow you all your life, because Paris is a feast of flow."


When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"People who don't come to Paris very often never become completely elegant."

— Balzac

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"In Paris, everyone wants to be an actor; no one wants to be just a spectator."

--Jean Guccideau

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"When people look at the depths of Paris, they are dizzy. Nothing is more wonderful than it, nothing is more tragic than it, nothing is more revered than it. ”

- Hugo

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"Not giving up on Paris is a mark of stupidity, and not liking Paris anymore is a sign of depravity."

- Flaubert

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"Paris is the only city in the world where starvation is still considered an art."

—Carlos Ruis Safon

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

"Paris will always be Paris, what can you make of it?"

--Federik Dahl


Shakespeare said:


It's about putting something beautiful.

Destruction is for people to see.

November 13, 2015,

It was such a tragic day.

From 21:30 on November 13, a series of explosions, from the north of the city to the city center, turned romantic Paris into a hell on earth. This is the worst blow that all of Europe has suffered since World War II.

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her
When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her
When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her
When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

This one once housed:

Zola, Hugo, Balzac, Sartre and beauvoir, Van Gogh and Picasso,

It's a city of love: music, art, champagne, kissing,

When it is forced to close the upper gate,

It is not only the sorrow of the French,

This is even more tragic for human civilization.


And what can truly overcome terror and violence is always good and hopeful.

When the terrorist attacks occurred, officials advised citizens to go home immediately and stay at home, so parisians once again reached out to their compatriots and tourists on the streets.

Since yesterday, netizens on Twitter have spontaneously formed a topic: #PorteOuverte, which means to open the door in French, "If you need a safe place, #PorteOuverte话题下的人会提供自己的家来保护你们." :

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

Regardless of creed or ethnicity, "if you need a safe place, any Sikh temple is willing to provide shelter", the Indian Sikh tweet was instantly forwarded by tens of thousands:

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

These tweets, or directly write out their home addresses, locations and phone numbers, require great courage in the event that the attack has not yet been determined to end:

There are also many people who reach out to the Next French who can't return home due to air traffic control, "If you're a Frenchman who can't return home in San Francisco, come to my house!" :

"#PorteOuverte proves that terrorists cannot win, and even if there are demons everywhere, people will open their homes to strangers." The Tweet reads:

Yes, please believe that even in the worst case, there are good faiths.

When Paris shed tears, the whole world pulled out a handkerchief for her

This article is compiled by China News Weekly based on online content, and the pictures come from the Internet

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