
A little story from Grimm's fairy tale

author:Mom of two babies 01


A rich man's wife was sick. When she was dying, she called her only daughter to the bed and said to her, "Dear child, you must always be loyal and kind, so that I will be happy to watch you from heaven and take care of you." After saying that, she closed her eyes and left the world.

The little girl went to her mother's grave behind the house every day to weep, and maintained her loyal and kind nature. When winter came, the snowflakes covered the grave with a white turban; and when the spring sun took off the white turban again, the rich man took another wife. She brought her two biological daughters to her husband's house. Both daughters have beautiful faces and white skin, but their hearts are very bad and dark. Since then, the poor daughter of the ex-wife has no good life. "Can you let this stupid guy stay in our room?" They said, "Whoever wants to eat bread has to work." Get out of the kitchen! "They took away her beautiful dress and put her on a gray dress

Old coat, a pair of shoes made of wood. "Look how beautiful this proud princess is dressed!" They yelled, laughed, and pushed her into the kitchen. In the kitchen, she did heavy and heavy work from morning to night, and before dawn she got up to fetch water, make a fire, cook rice and wash clothes. And that's not all, the two sisters also tried to make her sad, ridiculed her, and poured peas and lentils into the charcoal ash, causing her to sit there and pick out the grains again. At night, she was tired from work, did not have a bed to sleep, and had to lie in the charcoal ash next to the stove. Therefore, she was always dirty and dusty, and they called her "Cinderella".

One day, my father was going to a fair and asked his stepdaughters what he had brought back for them. "Beautiful clothes!" One answer. "And pearls and gemstones!" Another said. "What about you, Cinderella?" Father asked, "What do you want?" "Daddy, on your way home, touch the first leather shoe of your hat, buckle the hem, and we're going to the palace for a feast!" Cinderella obeyed her sister's support, but she shed tears, because she also wanted to dance, so she asked her stepmother to allow her to participate. "You? Cinderella? The stepmother said, "You're gray, dirty, and you want to go to the banquet!" You don't have nice clothes and shoes and want to go dancing? Cinderella pleaded vigorously, and the stepmother finally said, "Well, I'll pour a big bowl of lentils into the charcoal ash, and if you can pick them all out in two hours, I'll allow you to go with me." Cinderella went out the back door to the garden and shouted, "Obedient little pigeons, little doves, and all the birds in the sky, please fly and help me pick the beans: good beans into small pots, bad beans into their stomachs." As soon as he shouted this, two little white pigeons flew in the kitchen window, then some doves, and finally all the birds in the sky flew in groups and landed around the charcoal ash.

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