
"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

author:Peach pears white
"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Wen 丨 also ming Ge Yiran Figure 丨 comes from the Internet

Faye Wong, who has not been open for a long time, has recently opened her voice intensively.

The occasion to invite her is, of course, not ordinary: one is the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala in the Greater Bay Area, and the other is the National Day movie "My Father and Me".

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

As early as 2019, Faye Wong sang "My Motherland and Me", this time, "My Father and Me", which can make her come out of the mountains again, what is the origin?

The "National Day Trilogy" of the past three years: looking at the motherland in 2019, "My Motherland and Me" stirred people's hearts; in 2020, looking at my hometown, "My Hometown and Me" was warm and healing. Let this IP have become the holiday expectation of Chinese audiences.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

This year 2021, look at the parents. "My Father and Me", written by four directors, tells four different stories.

The directors include Wu Jing and Xu Zheng, who have experience in directing, as well as Shen Teng and Zhang Ziyi, who are directors for the first time.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The star lineup is super strong, you can enjoy "counting the stars".

Four directors, it is inevitable that there will be a comparison: who has the stronger ability to control the actors? Who has a better subject matter?

The first scene of the movie is a cornfield, like a green yarn tent, where Wu Jing breaks corn while walking.

Wu Lei rode a war horse across the river, and between father and son laughing and fighting, the gunfire of war intertwined with the pastoral scenery.

From "wolf warrior" to "war horse", Wu Jing has always liked "big": big scenes, big patterns, manly husbands.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

This is also a common feature of the three male directors.

Wu Jing plays the battle hero, sacrificing his loved ones and hand-bladed enemies; Xu Zheng's "Duck Prophet", China's first advertiser; Shen Teng's robot Xing Yihao, the first experimental object to successfully travel through time and space.

The English name of "My Father and Me" is actually "My country, My parents", which means parents: parents.

Fathers are busy doing big things, but what about mothers?

As the first time to participate in the "National Day Trilogy" project, the only female director among the four, Zhang Ziyi herself became a director for the first time and handed in a brilliant answer sheet.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Wu Jing's "Wolf Warrior 2" box office broke through 5 billion, Xu Zheng has a "囧 series" in his hand, and his performance in "My Motherland and Me" is eye-catching before; Zhang Ziyi has just transformed from an actor to a director, and when he came up, he shot the national day file highlights, and also directed himself, and the outside world is not without doubts.

Zhang Ziyi's response is a simple seven words: it is a challenge and a responsibility.

Let's see how she rose to the occasion.

The chapter she directed, called "Poetry," focuses on the first generation of astronauts to develop the Long March 1 rocket carrying China's first artificial satellite.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Yu Kaiying, the heroine played by Zhang Ziyi, has a very special profession: gunpowder carver.

Such a profession, niche, unpopular, rarely noticed by the outside world (only two hundred people in the country are engaged in this work), is interlaced with Zhang Ziyi like a mountain. She consulted the real gunpowder carvers of the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry in Hohhot, visited the old workers, experienced life, and followed the master a little bit to learn how to use a knife, how to cut gunpowder, and how much force to use.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The final shot of the film actually cutting gunpowder is only a few minutes, but the technical content is extremely high:

One is precision.

In the process of engraving gunpowder, excess fuel needs to be removed, the accuracy requirements are very high, the maximum allowable error value is 0.5 mm, and it can only be operated manually.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Master Yu stood up and issued a military order" "I can drop to 0.2 mm", with his apprentice from 0.8, down to 0.6, down to 0.4, and finally down to 0.2, far beyond the standard.

The second is danger.

The hammer hit the ground and splashed Mars, and the gunpowder exploded in place, always walking on the tip of the knife.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

In addition to being a technical topman, Yu Kaiying's other identity is: a mother of two children.

Zhang Ziyi played her mother many years ago, "Zhao Di" in "My Father and Mother".

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

However, compared with Zhao Di, Yu Kaiying has more vicissitudes on his body.

Yu Kaiying's young style is two horn braids, youthful and beautiful; after being stationed in the desert for many years, after encountering wind and sand, the middle-aged state is sallow and yellow, and the contrast is obvious.

Plain face, short hair, a gray and blue overalls in the factory, a person who looks like a worker and lives a life.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

When her husband died suddenly, she had to take care of her work and her small family at the same time.

If Yu Kaiying let the 20-year-old Zhang Ziyi play, it might be superficial, but now, after Zhang Ziyi has a child, her understanding of maternal identity is much heavier than before.

In order not to let her son find out that his father Shi Ruhong (Huang Xuan) is dead, she brings back a poem to her son every day, saying that his father wrote it to him.

On the night of the rainstorm, the son found that the fathers of the other families had returned, and shouted at her: Is my father dead?

Even if the heart is like a knife, she must hold on, just because she is a mother.

The son was fighting with her outside the door, the daughter was frightened by the lightning and thunder and cried, she was pacifying the small one, doing the big ideological work on the other hand, and she also had to scoop the water herself...

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

After pushing his son out of the door, he quietly wiped away tears by holding the door, which was the release after the pain was suppressed.

Seeing Zhang Ziyi's weak body, swinging shoulders, a mother's whole world has collapsed, but also to come out to clean up the endgame of the tenacity, than the difficulty of the Zhao Di period to upgrade N gears, Zhang Ziyi this time is not relying on acting skills, but with the soul in the acting.

The second time she cried, after her husband died, she stood up on her knees for a long time and made a request to the factory director: Can you help me hide from the child?

The throat was shaking, and the corners of the eyes and the tips of the eyebrows were heartbreaking, but the tears just didn't come out of their eyes, and they didn't cry.

The real grief is silent.

The third time I cried, it was already the calm of explaining what was behind me.

She told the child in a very calm tone that death might come one day.

Every mother wants to protect her child for the rest of her life, but she has to face the impermanence of heaven and man, and what is more cruel is that the child must grow up early.

When holding my son, tears silently slid down the corners of my eyes.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Several crying scenes, layer by layer, are not crying for their own grievances, but letting the tears speak for themselves.

Wu Jing's admonition to his son, "I am afraid that you are 'not afraid of death'" and "I want to die behind me", which is an expression of hard statehood between men;

Zhang Ziyi's several crying scenes, but in the softest place in your heart, fiercely grabbed it.

As a director, the style of "Poetry" is also prominent.

For example, returning from the factory with the child, while saying "don't go to your father in the future", the background is the deep blue sky before dawn, raise your head, go forward, it is a new day, the day will always go on;

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

For example, sending her husband to and from work, the two people wore coats, in the snow, the body gently snuggled together, reluctant to separate, and Huang Xuan's CP feeling was gone.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The chapters of the other three male directors are more intense. In contrast, Zhang Ziyi's "Poems" do not have major ups and downs, even very plain, but they are the most tear-inducing.

Because it is from the perspective of women, in a gentle way, the difficulties of that era are told, and women's tenacity and strength have been particularly powerful.

In terms of details, she is very clever, and big scenes and grand narratives are not the best at it, so she grasps some very small images, such as "poetry" and "Kong Ming Lantern".

The "Kong Ming Lantern" symbolizes a missile that can be launched into the air.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The son's release of the "Kong Ming Lantern" is a rising hope and a spark that ignites the dream of space exploration.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The origin of "poetry" is what the husband said before he died.

The dialogue between Huang Xuan and his son likens the process of developing "two bombs and one star" to writing poetry in heaven, and he describes himself as a poet with a shining light in his eyes.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

Including looking at Zhang Ziyi on the desert, he handed her a letter with only one "poem" written, which was extremely romantic.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

At the end of the film, Yu Kaiying's youngest daughter Shi Tiannuo (Haiqing) grew up and became an astronaut who traveled in space, realizing her mother's long-cherished wish.

"Life is what is used to burn, and death is what validates life".

The story of the "two bombs and one star" rocket engraver makes the sea of stars blend into the ordinary.

With diligence and struggle, youth and enthusiasm, the fathers became the creators of the historical process.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

But they are also ordinary people, fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, and behind all the great moments remembered by future generations, there is a temperature of their emotions.

Several other chapters in "My Father and Me" also interpret their laughter and tears in different ways.

Wu Jing, who is good at filming war scenes, still puts his perspective on the battlefield this time: the iron horse of the soldiers, the sword and the light sword shadow, which can instantly ignite the audience.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The father-son relationship between Wu Jing and Wu Lei who fought bloody battles on the battlefield and shared honor and disgrace was more burning than "Wolf Warrior 2".

Xu Zheng's "Duck Prophet" is relaxed and lively, bringing the audience back to Shanghai in 1978, with the parents of the neighbors being short, and the fashionable girls sitting in the hair salon... Pyrotechnics.

Song Jia reprimanded her husband like a cannon and threw his leather bag out of the door... It's funny.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The addition of Zhang Yuqi and Ni Hongjie, two first-generation advertising girls, full of memories to kill, is also a major highlight.

And Shen Teng in "Young People's Journey" staged a time reversal from 2050 back to the present.

Old partners Ma Li, Alan, And Chang Yuan, these happy twist "carry handles", but also created a steady stream of laughter.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

In addition to amusing the audience, Ma Li's sentence "The child and his father have gone to research, it is not me, and he is a father and a mother", and Zhang Ziyi's "From now on, I am your father!" "It creates a wonderful echo.

It is difficult to see such a film, laughter and tears fly together, but also bring together Chen Daoming, Li Xuejian and other old drama bones, even the big director Zhang Yimou is willing to be a green leaf in it, cameo a supporting role, "I can shoot a movie" Line is very interesting.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

The span of time and space is so large that the rise and fall of the country and the fate of big heroes and small people in different eras in the past half century have been tightly linked together, making people have great empathy, and it is an excellent family movie.

On National Day, take the elders of the family and call relatives and friends to go to the theater together, you can not only recall the past and the glory days, but also feel the changing times that have flown by.

Everyone must feel the epitome of the individual of that era in the film, as well as everyone's laughter and tears, bitterness and sweetness.

"My Father and Me": Laughter and tears fly together, the most suitable family movie for eleven to watch

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