
Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic


<b>Time Network News</b> isolated at home for two months, the movie American drama did not watch less, right?

On Friday, director/screenwriter James Gunn gave fans a list of ten niche films worth watching during the pandemic. Rolling Director was previously running a new Suicide Squad 2 movie, and everything was out of work because of the coronavirus. He tweeted, "When you're self-isolating at home, there are ten movies like this that are worth watching, and you probably haven't seen them yet." For health reasons in the world today, social distancing is very important. Tablets are listed in times. #隔离轻松下"

The following are all recommended comments that Rolling Guide gave on Twitter:

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>01.</b> Two Pairs of Mandarin Ducks in One Bed (1969), directed by Paul Mazursky. Very 70s comedy drama feel, some of the best dialogue ever. The naturalistic style of performance had a huge influence on me, and Elliott Gould's bedroom scene with Dane Cannon was one of my favorites in history.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>02.</b> "Evil Girl" (2017, South Korea) – directed by Jeong Byung-gi. Like The Matrix, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Raid, the film revolutionized action movies. However, this Korean movie has been seen by few people in the United States.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>03.</b> The Poison of Beauty (1968) – directed by Noel Black. In this noir comedy, Tasty Weld plays a hot-hearted sociopath, and Anthony Perkins plays a lonely man caught up in her love network. Very funny, not outdated.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>04.</b> "FirefightEr" (1979) – directed by Philip Kaufman. It's the strangest and most beautiful street gang movie in history (yes, "the most"), exciting, moving, surreal, and a populist art film.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>05. </b>Mother (2009, South Korea) – directed by Bong Joon-ho. Long before Parasite and after Monsters of the Han River, Bong Joon-ho's film is about a mother's never-ending love for her son, even considered crazy. One of his films, my favorite.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>06.</b> "Don't Stop the Camera!" (2017, Japan) – directed by Shinichiro Ueda. Any information about this movie hurts the sense of movie, but if you love zombies, movies, and fun, this movie is what you should watch when you're in quarantine.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>07.</b> Bad Lieutenant (2009), directed by Werner Herzog. I've recommended this film to some friends who think I'm crazy. But for me, that's one of the greatest films of the 21st century, let Herzog make the most of the off-the-beaten-path Nicholas Cage.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>08.</b> "Yellow Sea" (2010, South Korea) – directed by Luo Hongyun. It is also an excellent Korean action film, with rough texture, high quality, down-to-earth, and the villains are very stylish. Maybe the best non-car chase scene.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>09.</b> Wartime Husband (1944), directed by Preston Sturges. I might recommend all of this director's films, but this one is the one with the fewest viewers and may be my favorite. For a current writer/director like me, he's really a pioneer.

Take a look at the niche movies recommended by the rolling director during the epidemic

<b>10.</b> The Revolutionary Freak (1971, Italy) – directed by Sergio Leone. Leone is one of my favorite directors, and this is the second favorite film in my heart after his "Once Upon a Time in the West" and the most easily forgotten one.