
Do you understand the emotional intelligence of a dog?


The little black on the second floor is a small black earth dog, the old one has lost his teeth and his mouth has turned white. Because of the problem of the dog fighting for territory, climbed a few stairs to pee at the door of my house, when Liu Yi was still young, he saw a bark once, pounced on it, and hated it for this reason, and when Liu Yi grew up, there was a little black and black bark, and then ran to the door to pee, Liu Yi couldn't bear the little black black who was riding a paw and screamed, and directly had no power to fight back (Liu Yi was only Samoyed) from then on to see it far away. So far, we have nothing to do, and we will not pee upstairs.

When I came home at night, I saw Little Black and Black idly walking downstairs in the distance, leisurely strolling around. Waiting into the unit door, in the crowd waiting for the elevator, the little black and black ran to me enthusiastically, smelled me, wagged his tail, hey, miracle, did it forget, am I? So I looked left and right to find its owner, hey, not here, and walked myself again. The elevator door came, the crowd took the class elevator, the little black black station door towards me friendly looking at each other, I said "come in, I help you press the elevator", did not think that the dog really understands, shook his body and came in at ease, and looked at me to press the elevator. Well, I was signaled by a dog, the 2nd floor, just the 2nd floor, this dog runs up and down every day, several floors know, come out of the stairs, this upstairs does not want to go, oh yes, it is really ten years old, old. On the 2nd floor, I said you go down, and the dog left with its tail wagging. The people in the elevator were surprised that I was talking to a dog with no owner.

Well, the emotional intelligence of a dog, you know?