
When the Malaysian police arrested a beautiful woman, why did they rush to kill her and destroy her body?

author:Zhang Shengquan's wonderful history

On October 19, 2006, a Mongolian woman walked into a police station in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, in a fit of rage, and reported to the police that her cousin had been missing for several days. Although the family searched for many ways, they still did not see their cousin, so they decided to seek help from the local police. At the same time, the woman also provided the Malaysian police with the details of her cousin's personal information.

When the Malaysian police arrested a beautiful woman, why did they rush to kill her and destroy her body?

(Old photo of Adamduya)

Based on the clues provided by the informant, the police learned that the missing person, named Sharib Adanduya, was a Mongolian model born in 1978. Since his parents worked in Russia, Adamduya lived with his parents in Russia for a long time from an early age and completed all his studies there.

Adan Duya looks sweet, has a typical Mongolian beauty temperament, delicate facial features on a beautiful face, a pair of bright and clear eyes always contain emotional pulses, slightly pouting lips are sexy and rosy, long hair shawl, pavilion.

Adamduya is not only a beautiful billet, but also versatile, with gentle singing and beautiful dancing. In addition to being fluent in Mongolian, she is fluent in Russian, English, Chinese, and even French.

After graduating from school, Adamduya became a teacher. With her angelic countenance and demonic figure, Adamduya was determined to become a model and traveled to France for a short training to take her temperament to the next level. Adamduya, who has a good image and temperament, has had two marriages, but both ended in a hasty divorce.

After receiving the alarm, the Malaysian police did not dare to be sloppy, because the case involved foreigners, they immediately sent a large number of police officers to carry out the mapping work, hoping to find Adan Duya as soon as possible.

A month later, the police finally found a clue. In the middle of the Shayam Subang Dam, police found a mutilated, charred body.

After the police on-site investigation, the body was shot in the head and chest, and the remaining pieces of the body still contained the ingredients of C4 explosives.

This shows that after shooting at the victim, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying the body, the murderer cruelly tied explosives to the corpse and blew the body apart. The scene was unbearable to see, even the police who were not accustomed to the murder could not help but be horrified, and a few timid policemen vomited on the scene.

After a forensic investigation, the police determined that this was Adan Duya, who had been missing for many days.

When the Malaysian police arrested a beautiful woman, why did they rush to kill her and destroy her body?

(Azra and Siru)

So, who exactly did Adanduya offend? Why did you end up being tortured and killed?

A taxi driver provided important clues. According to his account, on the day of Adamduya's disappearance, he had taken his taxi, and because Adamduya was very beautiful, the driver had a particularly deep image of her.

However, after getting out of the car, Adamduya actually forgot to pay the fare, and the driver returned to look for her to ask for the fare, only to see a surprising scene, Adamduya was forcibly hijacked by two strong Malaysians, got into a car, and sped away. The driver not only wrote down the license plate number, but also wrote down the appearance of the two people.

Based on the clues provided by the taxi driver, the police followed the vine and found the two suspects, who were named Siru Uma and Azra Hadri, both from the Malaysian police force. In addition to being police officers, the two men were elite members of Malaysia's Counter-Terrorism Special Operations Force and security personnel for then-Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Najib Najib.

At this point, the murder seems to have become mysterious, and the cause of Adanduya's death seems to be involved in a larger conspiracy.

After police interrogation, the two quickly confessed the motives and the whole process.

The two confessed that they had killed Adamduya by a man named Abdullasa Bakinda. This Barkinda's background is not simple, he is the red man around Najib, the deputy and confidant of Najib, or the think tank analyst of the Malaysian Ministry of National Defense.

It turned out that Adamduya had met Bakinda by chance. Bakinda was conquered by Adanduya's beauty, and Adamduya was also attracted to Bakinda's eminent power, and the two got mixed up.

Soon after, Adamduya gave birth to a girl for Bakinda and has been raising her with all her heart. During this period, Bakinda visited France once to negotiate a major defense deal on behalf of the Malaysian government and France, intending to buy two French-made submarines.

For the needs of the on-site translator, and in order to be able to fool around with Adamduya, Bakinda took Adamduya with him.

It was also during this procurement operation that Barkinda received a huge kickback of up to 114 million euros from the French side, and this corrupt behavior happened to be known to Adamduya.

When the Malaysian police arrested a beautiful woman, why did they rush to kill her and destroy her body?

(Old photo of Najib)

In 2006, Adamduya proposed to Barkinda that she wanted to marry him, on the condition that Henanda divorce his wife. Barkinda certainly wouldn't accede to Adan Duya's request, he knew that this sexy and feminine model was more than his lover, and he didn't want to be the wronged boss. It's okay to play, but it's impossible to get him to marry Adamduya in a proper way.

As a result, a distraught Adamduya demanded a huge amount of compensation from Bakinda, otherwise the evidence of his kickbacks would be made public. This made Barkinda extremely angry, and it was intolerable that a small model dared to openly blackmail herself.

The most critical thing is that at this time, Najib is at a critical moment in taking over the post of Prime Minister of Malaysia, and if the matter is handled carelessly, it will affect najib's overall political situation. Moreover, Najib later learned of this and ordered Barkinda to wipe his ass clean and not to lose money.

Therefore, Bakinda used a killing machine against Adamduya, and he wanted to do nothing and completely solve this difficult woman to avoid the trouble.

Bakinda finds Siru and Azra and tells them that Adamduya is a "very dangerous foreign female spy" and that she must be brought to justice. He also specifically explained that "the body of the foreign spy was disposed of with explosives so as not to leave any traces", and the explosives needed could be collected from the anti-terrorist special operations team.

After making these preparations, Bakinda got in touch with Adamduya and promised to give her $500,000 and ask her to come to the agreed place to collect it. However, it was not Bakinda herself who saw Adamduya, but two policemen who had come to arrest her as a "foreign spy."

When Azra and Azra kidnapped Adamduya, she understood Bakinda's attempt to kill people. She cried and begged Azra to spare her life, and she could hand over all the evidence of Bakinda's kickbacks.

But it was too late, and before Azira could finish speaking, she fired a shot at her pretty face. When Siru found that Adanduya still had breath, he made up another shot, and Adamduya died.

Subsequently, the two men followed Bakinda's instructions and tied C4 explosives to Adanduya's body, and after a loud noise, Adanduya's body was blown to pieces.

However, Najib firmly denied this, pointing out that it was a deliberate smear by a political opponent with ulterior motives and an outright political murder against himself.

In April 2009, two of the killers were sentenced to death, while Barkinda was acquitted.

(Reference: "The Mysterious Case of Mongolian Model "Blowing Up corpses", etc.)