
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

author:Phi Phi King News

On October 8, 2020, the SNH48 "Phase One Session" commemorative concert, which was exclusively broadcast by NetEase Cloud Music, was successfully concluded at the Shanghai Oriental Art Center. The 12 members of the first phase of SNH48, who have been in the group for eight years, are also about to open a new stage of career development with a new identity, and start a new chapter in their lives with everyone's blessings.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

Relive the classic repertoire for eight years

In 2012, SNH48 first-term students officially debuted, not only becoming the pioneers of SNH48 GROUP, but also growing into popular idols loved by fans. Eight years later, they chose to bid farewell to their careers in the troupe with a two-day commemorative concert, ending their status as members of SNH48. The 100-day "One Session, One Session" special event also came to an end with the concert on October 8.

“SNH~! Forty eight! With the familiar prelude to "Battle of the Rapids" sounding, the entire commemorative concert officially kicked off. SNH48 first-term students have successively brought many classic works such as "The Rise of the Campaign", "MUTE", "Breaking the Cocoon" and so on, leading fans and friends to collide with the blood of the past eight years. Fans also enthusiastically waved their supplies and sent their idols full support.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

In the UNIT music link, Dai Meng brought the handsome and capable "Feeling U"; Mo Han and Kong Xiaoyin's "Night Butterfly" made the scene scream continuously; Zhang Yuge and Li Yuqi's "Tears of Love and Hate" was beautiful and romantic; Wu Zhehan, Qian Beiting, qiu Xinyi's "Goodbye Uniform" youth vitality; Dai Meng, Xu Chenchen, Chen Si, Chen Guanhui's interpretation of "No Regrets" let everyone dream back to that year; and Mo Han's specially adapted "Journey of the Heart" let the emotions quietly flow in the field. Xu Jiaqi, who could not attend the scene due to work, also sent the United song "Fox" in the form of a video, which drew a satisfactory end to the link.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

Subsequently, works such as "TAKE ME", "Illusion", "Endless Rotation", and "Mona Lisa No Selfie" with special significance were presented on the stage one by one. The members also participated in the selection of these songs, hoping to re-sing the melody that best represents their eight years and give it to fans to treasure and commemorate.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

The whole concert came to an end with the songs of "River of Dreams", "Transformed into a Cherry Blossom Tree" and "Pillars". Tears intertwined on stage, and offstage did not want to be separated. The eight-year bond between the members and the fans emerged at this moment, becoming the most moving scene of the night.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter
SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

An exclusive ceremony opens the way to the future

At the scene, the first batch of SNH48 students also ushered in their graduation ceremony. The host, Gao Shanfeng, and the staff representatives of SNH48 presented the members with graduation certificates, cloaked them with honorary cloaks, and sent flowers representing blessings.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

In the speech session, member Mo Han said: "We dedicate the most vivid eight years to here, even if only a moment incarnated into light to illuminate you, I think we will live up to these eight years, live up to the meaning of idols." And now, we have to fight for our own future. We were once glorified because of SNH48, and I firmly hope that one day SNH48 will be glorified because we once had us. ”

In the future, SNH48 members Dai Meng, Kong Xiaoyin, Mo Han, Qian Beiting, Wu Zhehan, Xu Jiaqi and Zhang Yuge will continue to climb the peak of their acting careers and march towards their dreams as artists signed by Siba Media. Xu Chenchen will sign up as a vocal teacher for SNH48 and stay in the group to accompany more descendants to continue to grow. The four members, Chen Guanhui, Chen Si, Li Yuqi and Qiu Xinyi, will make unremitting efforts on the new road they have chosen.

For these members, no matter what they choose, what remains unchanged is the persistence of their dreams and the remembrance of their original intentions. They will take eight years of growth and the blessings of their fans to the future they envision.

The "One Phase, One Session" offline large-scale exhibition opened on November 1

Although the concert has come to an end, SNH48 members will officially bid farewell to their current identities on October 14. In the remaining week, platforms such as SNH48's official Weibo will have more video projects to accompany fans and members waiting for the arrival of the sacred moment.

The concert site also officially announced that the first SNH48 offline large-scale exhibition, Xingmeng Journey, jointly sponsored by Siba Media and Shifu Technology, will be officially launched on November 1 on the 6th floor of Shanghai Shimao Plaza.

SNH48 "One Phase One Session" concert ended, and the first phase of students began a new chapter

This offline exhibition will not only show the growth history of SNH48 as a whole group, but also specially display the exclusive pictures, audio, videos and clothing materials about the first phase of the past eight years, as well as the private exhibits provided by the members that carry past memories, and I believe that the feelings that belong to this moment will continue to continue.

One period and one meeting, the world should cherish. Glad to meet, no regrets to part. I believe that the belief of "dream, sweat and perseverance" represented by these 12 first-term students will become the most precious experience in their lives, and will also inspire more SNH48 GROUP members to live up to their youth and forge ahead.