
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel

author:Sanmenxia City Affairs

On the eve of the 24th Sanitation Workers' Day in Henan Province on October 26, the leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited the sanitation workers and sent them rice noodles, cooking oil, eggs and condolence money to thank them for their hard work for the city.

The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel

On October 22, Hu Jiaqun, secretary of the party group and executive vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Jia Lin and Wu Yingmin, third-level researchers, Sun Huifang, director of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, Chen Yulan, director of the Municipal Sanitation Department, and Fang Dong, general manager of Sanmenxia Jinghuan Company, went deep into the homes of the special hardship sanitation workers of Jinghuan Company, learned about the families, work, life and practical difficulties of sanitation workers, and listened to the voices of sanitation workers. They expressed their gratitude to the front-line sanitation workers and urged everyone to pay attention to their health, do a good job in safety protection, standardize their operations, and prevent cold and cold when working. At the same time, he encouraged everyone to continue to carry forward the spirit of love and dedication to work, make new contributions to improving the living environment of Sanmenxia City, and said that they would do their best to solve the practical difficulties of sanitation workers and relieve their worries.

The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel

From October 21 to October 22, bureau leaders Zhou Wenliang, Li Wei, Dong Yongjian, Li Yunfeng, Huang Kai, Shi Xumin, Liu Zhenguo, Shao Yichao, and Wang Xiangyang led the relevant personnel of the Sanitation Department, the Sanitation Department, and the Jinghuan Company to go deep into the homes of the difficult workers of jinghuan company, visit and comfort the special hardship and difficult sanitation workers, and send holiday blessings and the care and concern of the bureau's party group to the sanitation workers. Everywhere they went, the members of the bureau team had cordial conversations with them, inquired in detail about their physical condition and living conditions, thanked them for their long-term contributions to the development of urban management and sanitation, and sent condolences and holiday blessings.

The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel
The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel

In this visit, a total of 30 households of sanitation workers in special hardship and difficulty were visited. The sanitation department will also carry out other condolence activities one after another, distributing work, daily life, epidemic prevention supplies donated by people from all walks of life and caring people to the hands of sanitation workers, and enriching the celebration activities of sanitation workers.

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The leaders of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and the members of the team of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau visited and comforted the front-line sanitation personnel

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