
Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married

author:ACG Dog House
Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married

For Japanese female voice actors, it seems that 30 years old is always a watershed time node in life events, many female voice actors aim to solve their own life events as soon as possible before entering the 30 years old 1, before in April Fool's Day to make a "big news" with Megumi Ogata, Aya Suzaki, once again expressed her mentality of wanting to marry on her twitter. In addition, there is still a distance from the age of 30, and Uesaka, who played Aya Suzusaki in "The Idol Master Cinderella", posted a photo of himself in a baseball suit on Twitter today, and the absolute field of Uesaka Commissar's thigh is unobstructed

Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married

Aya Suzaki has entered the 30th year this year, to this year's Christmas Aya Suzaki will officially usher in her 31st birthday, although Aya Suzaki and Asuka Nishi asuka play lily business is not happy, but the business is business, the real love life or to take seriously. However, Aya Suzaki seems to have its own lily attribute, just after she sent out a twitter that wanted to marry someone, another voice actor in "Little Witch Academy" for the troublemaker Wang Yake voiced Byemi Replied to Aya Suzaki "Marry Me", and Aya Suzaki replied to Pan Emi, let's go on a date after live, Aya Suuzaki This is a female voice actress who can't get rid of the identity of Ji Yao completely. (Nishi Asuka: If you want to live a good life, you have to have a little green on your head)

Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married
Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married

In "The Idol Master Cinderella", Aya Suuzaki voices Miwa Nitta, Uesaka voices Theastasia, and Nitta Miwa and Anastasia are still a pair of CP. Today, Uesaka posted a baseball outfit photo in his own TV show, and in the EARLY MORNING BROADCAST OF THE UISHAKA TV SHOW, UESAKA political commissar became a baseball team coach, taking an amateur team to compete with a professional baseball team, and Uesaka, who knew nothing about baseball knowledge, made a variety of new rules for baseball in the program, and played happily, but from the perspective of real baseball fans, Uesaka's program is a bad change in baseball. The photo that Uesaka posted on Twitter today is wearing a baseball suit with upturned feet, white over-the-knee cotton socks plus thighs that can be seen until the root, and the benefits of the photo of the political commissar Uesaka are said to come. After the political commissar of Uesaka, he did not become a voice actor and became a model

Uesaka Violet baseball suit exposes the absolute field of thighs, and Aya Suizaki openly expresses her desire to get married

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