
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

author:Robb Report
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

From tight long skirts, corsets

To Chanel's classic Women's New Uniform,

The addition of silhouettes in men's clothing,

Not only the enrichment and development of women's clothing,

It is also the constant awakening of female consciousness.

There is a growing recognition that

Women can also be so smart and sexy,

This makes the suit a fashionable new fad for working women.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Walk through the era of traditional suits

Nowadays, whether it is a skirt or a suit suit, it is increasingly common for women to wear suits on different occasions. Looking back at history, the development of the suit also reflected the continuous awakening of women's consciousness in that year.

In the 1920s, Ms. Coco Chanel, the founder of Chanel, was the first to liberate women from tight long skirts and corsets. At that time, Ms. Chanel boldly introduced the cut silhouette of men's clothing into the design of women's clothing, and launched a loose twill tweed suit with a loose silhouette.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

This kind of clothing, which seems commonplace today, was very avant-garde at the time. Its design is neutral and comfortable to wear, and the elite professional women of the time wore exquisite suits and sat on an equal footing with men in the workplace.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Most of the early designs were shoulder-paded and often paired with cardigans and skirts, and this classic Chanel Suit was also known as Women's New Uniform at the time.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

In 1942, Hollywood actress Catherine Hepburn made her debut in a Tomboy-style suit in the film, truly bringing the suit to the masses.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

In order to revive the economy as soon as possible after World War II, countries have advocated women to participate in economic construction. In 1966, the famous French designer Yves Saint Laurent designed and launched the first smoking suit, thus creating the exclusive term Le Smoking.

The design of smoking clothes evolved directly from men's suits, which was bold in the era when the concept of feminism was not yet fashionable.

After the introduction of smoking clothes, slim suits and tuxedos and skinny pencil pants became fashionable symbols for Parisian women in that period. Le Smoking has also become one of the most iconic works of Yves Saint Laurent in the past 50 years, and many big names still introduce designs that pay tribute to smoking clothes every year.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

In the 1970s, white suits and trousers became the classic look of Bianca Jagger, the fashion icon of the time, and the pinnacle of women and suits. Wide trousers and custom jackets allowed suits to break away from the stereotype of workplacewear and become the forefront of pop culture.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

The time came to the 1980s, with the rapid improvement of the overall status of professional women and the rise of feminism, clothing design that blurred gender boundaries became a classic of the times. Italian designer Giorgio Armani, who boldly subverted women's suit design, fully integrated the characteristics of traditional men's suits into women's design, and proposed the concept of power suits for the first time.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

The Armani Power Suit features a wide shoulder pad, blazer lapels, loose structure, and classic base colours to create a natural and slightly bold new female figure of the era.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Since then, the suit has not only been a favorite of high-level professional women in the 80s, but also a classic symbol of the era of international economic prosperity.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

The advancement of the set

A new classic for women

The evolution of suit design not only reflects the awakening of women's consciousness, but also gives women more independence and self-confidence. Since the 1960s, elite women who have been active in different fields have almost always been loyal fans of suits.

In the 1960s, Jacqueline Kennedy, then the first lady of the United States and also recognized as the most fashionable, appeared in a tweed suit on important diplomatic occasions such as foreign visits, with a sense of formality in elegance, becoming the most eye-catching "business card" of the United States in diplomatic occasions.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Jacqueline Kennedy

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Queen Elizabeth II, who we are most familiar with, has basically worn only one simple uniform since the 1990s: a bright solid color short skirt suit or long coat, and a tonal hat, which has become her signature look.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Elizabeth II

The Queen's "rainbow suit" style has also deeply influenced the elite women who appear in the diplomatic field, becoming a dress template that has both feminine elegance and charm without losing her sense of majesty.

For example, the queen's daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, and her granddaughter-in-law, Princess Kate, often appeared in colorful suits on important diplomatic occasions.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Princess Diana, Princess Kate

Nowadays, the suits worn by women are more colorful, more tailored, and more diverse, which is no longer a term defining clothing, but has become a metaphor, an armor of contemporary women's self-confidence.

The reason why the suit is becoming more and more popular is first of all because its smart and concise design helps to highlight women's sense of professionalism and professionalism, giving people an impression of a strong aura and fierceness, which is exactly what female elites from all walks of life need most.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

ECB President Christine Lagarde's "work clothes"

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

On the other hand, the suit does not need to bother with the high degree of uniformity, more suitable for women who pursue the concept of "time is money", and there are female elites who pursue efficiency even in dressing.

Compared with other trendy pieces that are out of the blue, the simple and timeless design of the suit is not outdated, and it is also the first choice to show women's elegant taste. Especially now, with the resurgence of suits, costume designers have introduced more fashionable and eye-catching styles, making the scenes worn in suits more abundant.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Blake Leverly appeared at the event in a suit

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Hayley Bieber Out of the Street Set

Anna Wintour, a well-known fashion witch, often wears a tweed skirt suit, which is both fashionable and elegant, whether it is a workplace, or an event or party.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Anna Wintur

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Suits are back

Everyday wear for contemporary women

With the continuous renewal of fashion trends, the classic suits have also been injected with a richer amount of fashion blood than in the early days. Today's suits are increasingly able to exude unique confidence and strength for women. The selection suit also has some "careful machines", which can be selected according to the occupational attributes and the occasion of clothing in daily life.

Elite women engaged in finance, industry, and industry work, the occupation itself deals with the number more, than emphasizing personal style, in formal occasions need to reflect a rigorous and professional posture, so black, gray, dark blue pants suit is the best choice.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Emma Watson, Carla Divai

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

If you wear a black and gray suit for fear of being too serious and rigid, you can learn from the female "big guys" to work on accessories. Adding a colorful scarf to the dark suit will immediately make the overall match look more elegant.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Bank of The West Bank CEO Nandita Bakhshi

Or embellish the set with a jeweled brooch to enhance your temperament while also increasing your personal taste.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Freida Pinto

For some occupations that not only reflect the sense of professionalism, but also highlight women's elegance in dress, such as lawyers and senior white-collar workers, you can consider wearing elegant and appropriate styles and feminine skirt suits.

George Clooney's wife, the world-renowned human rights lawyer Emmo Clooney, often appears in a full chanel suit, paired with simple pointed heels, which not only ensures a sense of professionalism but also gives people a gentle and elegant and trustworthy impression.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Emmo Clooney

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

If you are engaged in the Internet, new media or fashion-related industries, there is no restriction on daily dress, but it is best to reflect the sense of trend of the female elite, you can choose a more bold color, more outstanding design of the color suit.

After "transforming" into a female entrepreneur and establishing a personal fashion brand, bei sister-in-law changed her dress-based style and often appeared in a prominent colorful suit suit. On the one hand, it can reflect the strong domineering spirit of female entrepreneurs, on the other hand, it is more fashionable than traditional suits.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Victoria Beckham

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

The color suit is not all bright and high-profile, and the elegant and gentle Morandi color suit is also suitable for the daily wear of strong women, which can weaken the sense of oppression brought by the strong to a certain extent and appear more affinity. Many members of the royal family like to wear light and colorful suits on diplomatic occasions, looking gentle and dignified.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Princess Kate of the United Kingdom

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits
RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Queen letizia of Spain

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

The resurgence of suits,

In fact, it is also the feminist trend of the new era

A reflection in the field of fashion.

Shuttling between classic elegance and casual romance,

Help them cut through the thorns in all walks of life,

Show a bold and confident spirit of adventure.

RR · TRENDS | Confidence to wear on the body: the resurgence of suits

Text / YURUO

Figure / Brand, Network

Edit / CARL

New Media Executive / JESSICA

Editor-in-Charge / LENNY