
Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

author:Planted to play

I have introduced a ball chrysanthemum before, it is very easy to open the popping pot, and today I want to introduce a girly powder ball chrysanthemum to everyone.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

When it comes to autumn, chrysanthemums must be the main theme in autumn, but most of the chrysanthemums on the market are more traditional, but this chrysanthemum called "Pearl Egg" must have seen very few people. It is a perennial herbaceous ornamental flower plant in the Asteraceae family, a characteristic variety artificially selected from bulbous chrysanthemums for horticultural ornamentation. Because of its long flowering period, straight rod, large flower head and other characteristics, initially cultivated as a high-end cut flower (bouquet) for use, the style of the pink girl is very jumped out of the plain other flowers, so the price in the flower shop is not cheap, and later people will potted her, found that its ornamentality is also very outstanding, so it has become the leader of the new potted products, the supply is in short supply.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

"Pearl jade egg" is one of the smaller very beautiful varieties of ornamental flowers in the Asteraceae family, she can be planted on the balcony, not taking up more space, only twenty or thirty centimeters high, and has good branching, no need for professional pruning and topping, natural growth of more branches and side branches, only need very little care to be able to flourish, natural growth of the plant type is generally more round, compact, small pots can be planted.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

The flowers of the "Pearl And Jade Egg" are round and rolling like a ping-pong ball, to be precise, it is mostly spherical, small and cute when it first blooms, and its flower color is rich in changes, affected by the weather, the flower color will have more obvious differences. Her outer ring petals are milky white, the flower heart is pink most of the time, may also be orange-red, different seasons of the year, you can see 2 kinds of flowers, when the temperature is low, pale pink from the inside to the outside, when the temperature is high, orange red from the inside to the outside, full of fairy.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

Since it is selected and bred as a cut flower variety, then the "pearl and jade egg" must have its superiority, that is, its excellent compound flowering, after the seedlings mature, the adult plants are flowering in all seasons, new branches and old branches bloom at the same time, and the flowers bloom continuously. Winter because of the low temperature, so the compound flower will be slower, but still will flower, the amount of flowers is not bad, the other three seasons are not to say, it is easy to "burst the pot", in addition, she also has the advantage that the four seasons of evergreen do not wilt, easy to take care of, there is no flower when there is also life.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

The "pearl and jade egg" is still very good to raise, she is very adapted to the domestic environment and climate, but to raise the "pearl jade egg" at home to spend a lot of money throughout the year, it is still necessary to spend a lot of snacks. First of all, sufficient light is essential, plants of the Asteraceae family are light-loving and sunny, only more sun, she can have a developed root system, thick branches, the ability to produce a large number of flower buds, then followed by sufficient nutrients, such as each time watering the flowers more fertilizers are added to the watering, the implementation of thin fertilizer and more policy, in addition, it is necessary to be diligent to the top, proper pruning can promote the plant to grow more new branches, in time to remove the flowers when the flowers are about to fail, so that they can continue to burst into blooming.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

As a plant of the Asteraceae family, sun-resistant and shade-resistant, when other plants need shade in the summer to avoid sunburn, it is not used, but the more sunburn flowers bloom better, although it is more shade-tolerant, but in winter it still needs to pay attention to thermal insulation, maintain the ambient temperature and then above 5 degrees Can safely pass the winter, the south can be placed outdoors, and the north can be moved indoors for winter preservation.

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round

What do you think? Seeing so many beautiful flowers, do you also want to raise a pot? Let's get started!

Have you ever seen a super fairy chrysanthemum that blooms a pale light pink that can bloom all year round