
High-quality leapfrog development, Jiangxi "chain" to open a new situation

author:Xinhuanet client

In recent years, the "two major trends" of Jiangxi's economy have attracted people's attention: one is "fast", the growth rate of major economic indicators has ranked first in the country for 6 consecutive years, and the growth rate of industrial operating income in the province in 2020 ranks first in the country, and the scale of electronic information industry ranks first in the central region; one is "new", and emerging industries such as VR, Internet of Things, and aviation frequently go out of the circle, becoming Jiangxi's "new business card".

Where does resilience and dynamism come from? Jiangxi anchors the key development of industries, makes a fuss around the word "chain", and takes innovative measures to smooth the industrial chain, enhance the innovation chain, and optimize the ecological chain, which not only helps enterprises to short-term bailout, but also focuses on long-term improvement of industrial competitiveness.

Smooth the industrial chain

What do these "new entrants" rely on?

After the Spring Festival, a "special plane back to work" jointly organized by Nanchang High-tech Zone and Nanchang Longqi Information Technology Co., Ltd. landed at Changbei Airport.

"This year, the company moved to a new factory, and its production capacity has expanded rapidly, and it is urgent to increase the number of workers." Shi Xianghua, deputy general manager of Longqi Company, said.

Affected by the epidemic, the global industrial chain supply chain cycle is blocked, why does Longqi Company not drop the "chain"? "The answer is on the 'chain.'" Shi Xianghua said that there is no shortage of orders and raw materials under the epidemic. Where the industrial chain is complete, production can be resumed quickly. In Nanchang High-tech Zone, 90% of the first-level industrial chain of mobile intelligent terminals can be locally supported, some do chassis, some do camera modules, some do backlights, and some do electroacoustic devices, adding up to more than 70 supporting enterprises.

Get through the crisis faster and win more opportunities. Because of seizing the opportunity, a number of "new entrants" in the electronic information industry are emerging in the local area: OFILM, the shipment of imaging, microelectronics, and touch display products ranks first in the world; Huaqin, Longqi, and Tianlong rank in the top three in the ranking of domestic ODM manufacturers...

"Our goal is to create zero warehousing, so that one company's products can be sold directly to another." Liu Dehui, director of the management committee of Nanchang High-tech Zone, said.

Extend the chain and repair the chain, smooth the cycle, and the production of enterprises can be stable and alive. Jiangxi selects 14 industrial chains with good foundation and broad potential, such as non-ferrous metals, electronic information, virtual reality, and aviation, and the provincial leaders serve as chain leaders, build a systematic chain stabilization mechanism, and make every effort to block points, connect breakpoints, and break difficulties, and by the end of last year, 90% of the 1165 problems collected have been completed.

Yang Guiping, director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Jiangxi Province, introduced that focusing on six major advantageous industries such as aviation, electronic information, and new energy, Jiangxi has drawn up the "four maps" of the industry (industrial chain map, technology road map, application area map, and regional distribution map) and "five lists" (list of key enterprises, list of key projects, list of clusters, list of problems, and list of policies), compiled industrial investment guidelines, and focused on carrying out space-filling and supplementary precision investment.

This is a story that happened at the Fuzhou Industrial Chain Docking Meeting: in the past, an ordinary electronic equipment connection line was roughly processed and exported, and reselled to domestic enterprises through the finishing processing of foreign enterprises, and the price doubled; today, two local enterprises "connect the head" and mass produce and sell 400,000 supercomputing server cables, reducing costs and doubling profits.

A unique industrial chain investment promotion activity was held in various places: some are upstream and downstream industry matchmaking meetings, such as Jingdezhen helicopter upstream and downstream industry matchmaking meetings; some are turning the supplier conference of enterprises into investment promotion conferences, such as the 2020 Huaqin Communications Core Supplier Conference... In 2020, Jiangxi introduced a total of 2334 strong chain solid chain projects with a signed capital of 1,415 billion yuan.

Electronic Information Industry Park, Nonferrous Metals Industrial Park, New Energy Automobile Industrial Park...... The "industrial parks" where enterprises are gathered in a platter are transforming into "industrial parks" that are interlocked and nested layer by layer. According to the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Jiangxi Province, by 2025, the average industrial agglomeration of the first industrial agglomeration in the province's development zones will reach more than 65%.

Elevate the innovation chain

These foreign technical equipment take the initiative to reduce prices why

The reporter recently interviewed in Yingtan and heard about a new industrial event: a local company successfully broke through the silver-copper alloy wire billet and tin-copper alloy wire billet technology monopolized by foreign companies such as Furukawa in Japan, and the original processing fee of 60,000 yuan a ton is now only 30,000 yuan, forcing the same foreign product to reduce the price significantly.

Only innovators are strong, and heavy innovators win. In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial change, Jiangxi has deeply implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, laid out the innovation chain around the industrial chain, promoted the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and enhanced industrial competitiveness.

Increase innovation investment for key common technologies——

Since 2015, Jiangxi has significantly increased the provincial special fund for science and technology for 6 consecutive years, and in view of the weak links in the basic fields of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new materials and other industries, the research has put forward 62 key directions for improving the basic capabilities of the industry, and the focus of innovative resources has broken through about 20 core basic components (components) and key basic materials to effectively enhance the basic capabilities of the industry.

"Breaking through a technical difficulty can activate an industrial chain." Gao Hua, director of the Yingtan Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said for example, that in the past, only four or five enterprises in Yingtan produced ultra-fine copper wire, and by aiming at the key technologies that plagued the industry, carrying out the research and development of ultra-fine copper wire with a diameter of less than 0.03 mm, and preparing ultra-fine copper wire series products, there are now more than 20 related enterprises in the city, and the industrial scale has jumped from 1 billion yuan to 10 billion yuan.

Build a major platform to enhance innovation capabilities——

In the face of the shortcomings of insufficient endowments of science and technology and talent resources, Jiangxi took the initiative to dock with the institutes, introduced a number of high-level research and development institutions such as the Ganjiang Innovation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Large Scientific Device of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and successfully approved the National Rare Earth Functional Materials Innovation Center, filling the gap in the province without state-level institutions directly under the Institute, the National Large Scientific Device, and the National Manufacturing Innovation Center.

The introduction of a research institute, more than 200 enterprise customers "sharing". Walking into the Nanchang Xiaolan Economic Development Zone, the enterprises here have a "shared laboratory". Xiong Yunlang, secretary of the Nanchang County Party Committee, said: "Semiconductor enterprises in the park can borrow the micro-nano processing platform of the Nanchang Research Institute of the Suzhou Institute of Nanotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including research and development equipment and engineers, to effectively solve the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises lacking funds to buy equipment and insufficient research and development capabilities." ”

Multi-pronged activation of innovative subjects——

In recent years, Jiangxi has focused on introducing incentive measures from the first (set) procurement, strengthening application traction, and deducting R&D expenses of small and medium-sized enterprises, strengthening the motivation for enterprise innovation, and continuously consolidating the main position of enterprise innovation.

From a small company founded by renting a few rooms to a traffic economy head enterprise with a market value of more than 10 billion yuan, relying on artificial intelligence and big data for intelligent marketing in just a few years, Jiangxi Zhongcan Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. has achieved a counterattack, and the number of brand customer cooperation has reached tens of thousands; through innovation, Zhongwei Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd. has reduced the price of MOCVD equipment that relied on imports in the past from 23 million yuan to more than 9 million yuan a piece, occupying 85% of the domestic market share...

In Jiangxi, the story of innovation breakthroughs is being staged, and the province's comprehensive scientific and technological innovation level index continues to rise, becoming the only province in the country that has been in place for 7 consecutive years.

Optimize the ecological chain

Investment in these new industries has jumped against the trend

During the Spring Festival, four C919 large aircraft arrived in Nanchang for a test flight at Yaohu Airport.

China's first military-to-civilian aircraft type Chujiao 6 was awarded a TC/PC certificate to enter the civil aviation market, and the first domestic private enterprise independent intellectual property rights general aircraft Guanyi Tong Fei GA20 research and development, manufacturing and delivery... In recent years, Jiangxi's aviation industry has taken off, with an output value of 120 billion yuan last year, and the manufacturing scale of the aviation industry ranks third in the country.

"The aviation industry is known as the 'next trillion yuan gold industry', we lay out in advance, an aviation industry ecosystem based on aviation manufacturing technology, integrating design and development, manufacturing, airworthiness approval, test flights, general aviation operations, etc. is accelerating the formation, and the future will strive to let the C919 second assembly base settle here." Li Chenwei, director of the Aviation and Shipbuilding Industry Management Division of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, said.

This is a microcosm of Jiangxi's development of emerging industries with ecological chain thinking. In recent years, Jiangxi has paid close attention to emerging industries such as VR and the Internet of Things, cultivated a good ecology from the aspects of funds, talents and policies, and regarded the development of the digital economy as the "No. 1 project" for the cultivation of new kinetic energy, and actively created a new highland for the development of emerging industries.

In Yingtan, the local government to build a smart new city as the carrier, issued more than 20 policies, continue to promote the smart water meter, smart water purifier and other new Internet of Things products global integration application, pilot a batch, mature a batch, promote a batch, emerge a number of "million-level" application products, the city's Internet of Things core and related industries output value of 50 billion yuan;

In Fuzhou, the local misplaced development of cost-effective "computing power factory", fill the gap of no national data center in the central region, build a big data cloud computing, new electronic information manufacturing, digital integration of the three major industrial development platforms, attract a number of cloud computing, software development, cloud games, graphic rendering and other enterprises to settle down, in 2020 the digital economy to GDP growth contribution rate of more than 30%...

Good industrial ecology, attracting investment to increase. In 2020, investment in emerging industries in Jiangxi Province grew rapidly, with investment in the electronic information industry, the new generation information technology industry, the biological and new pharmaceutical industry, and the aviation industry increasing by 16.0%, 30.2%, 27.6%, and 71.9% respectively.

With the power of "chain" and innovation and change, Jiangxi is moving towards a higher goal. (Reporters Liu Jian, Li Xingwen, Guo Qiang, Yu Xianhong)

Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph