
Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan


"Flowers on the Sea", which has been backlogged for four years, finally (has) been broadcast (in )birth) (year). And last week, the super point was opened, which further upgraded the plot of the original abuse.

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

In the play, Li Tingzhe, the actor of Lin Xiangyuan, was scolded miserably, and last night Li Tingzhe came to the live broadcast room to share with the audience the interesting things behind the scenes of the filming of the play, and at the same time, "appeared to say" to "whitewash" Lin Xiangyuan.

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

In the play, Lin Xiangyuan has been poor since childhood, and after entering the society, he has worked hard in the bustling world but lost his nature. In order to achieve his goal, he chooses to combine with the rich woman Jiang Fanlu (Wang Ruizi). Subsequently, he confronted Lei Yuzheng (Dou Xiao) everywhere in the mall, causing Lei Yuzheng to be imprisoned.

In the process of chasing the drama, many viewers recognized that Li Tingzhe was Miyamoto in last year's hit drama "Autumn Cicada", and there were not a few "scumbag professional households" in the bullet screen who "wanted to send blades to Lin Xiangyuan".

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

Li Tingzhe himself said in the live broadcast that "Flowers on the Sea" was fine, and when "Autumn Cicada" was broadcast, many viewers scolded themselves in private messages.

For the label of "villain professional household", Li Tingzhe laughed, "I have also played a good person." The two new dramas that I want to meet with you this year, "My Mountains and Rivers My Blood" and "Youth Dreamcatcher", are all positive characters. ”

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

When it comes to the role of Lin Xiangyuan, Li Tingzhe also has his own views, he feels that Lin Xiangyuan represents a type of people, they are all young people who have gone from small places to big cities and try to take root in big cities. They are all shaped into self-righteous villains, in order to achieve upward climbing, in order to change the class, step by step.

As a result, the cleverness was mistaken by the clever, and the little nine-nine in the heart was exposed and spurned. "This character is very real, his family is poor, he has no one to rely on, no roots, and he wants to make a career."

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

This spirit of being willing to fight for the goal in mind is actually admirable. In an era when others can't suffer and you are willing to suffer, your chances of success will undoubtedly be much greater than those who are unwilling to suffer and have no ambition.

There is no foundation floating in the big city, and the pressure is so great that it is difficult for the "overlords" with golden spoons to feel.

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

In addition, in response to many netizens "complaining" about "editing problems", "Du Xiaosu and Lin Xiangyuan were not first in love before" and other questions Li Tingzhe also explained.

He laughed and said, "It is not easy for this drama to be broadcast, and I dubbed it three or four times in the post-production." ”

"Lin Xiangyuan and Du Xiaosu are indeed the first love, this drama Du Xiaosu wants to fall in love with three men, and Du Xiaosu and I are mainly in the flashback part of the college period in the script, which was later cut off, so everyone may be a little confused."

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

"Flowers on the Sea" was cut

As for when Lin Xiangyuan, who everyone cares about, receives a box lunch, Li Tingzhe sold a pass with fans, did not answer, and signaled everyone to continue to chase the drama.

Talking about his old classmate Dou Xiao Li Tingzhe revealed, ""Flowers on the Sea" is the first time to cooperate with Dou Xiao after graduating for four or five years", the play is the enemy, but outside the play is a classmate of the Beijing Film Academy, "the private relationship is particularly good, but once the act is full of gunpowder", Li Tingzhe felt that such a relationship was very interesting, and the shooting scene was also very happy.

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

And for sharp questions such as "you and Dou Xiao are actually classmates, without his fire, you are not in a hurry", Li Tingzhe also did not shy away from saying, "Anxious, when will I fire." But he also added that "Lin Xiangyuan can't open the pattern, but Li Tingzhe can open up, although I may have started with a dragon set at the beginning, but step by step, I am still very grateful for my current results."

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

But as for whether he is red or not, whether the role is successful or not, he likes to leave it to the audience to judge. Because he just wants to be a pure actor as much as possible and let the role speak for himself.

Li Tingzhe himself also accurately summed up "tepid, trying to do things, being scolded, doing things again, and being scolded again." ”

Li Tingzhe parachuted into the live broadcast room to wash the white for "Flowers on the Sea" "Scumbag" Lin Xiangyuan

He saw it thoroughly, and he was also very indifferent, and he knew that this "red" needed to be favorable at all times and places. But the timing and location are obviously not something he can control, so he just needs to "try to complete every role and play every play well" to try his best to be "people".

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