
In the past few years, Brilliance Chenyu has quietly done these things

author:Brilliance Battle Group

A month ago, Brilliance officially announced his 2021 Haikou Mars concert, which will open the first round of tickets in Damai this Saturday, October 30, which has made many music lovers excited. This is a new form of concert that has never been seen before, and Brilliance and his team have been preparing for about three years, with Brilliance himself as the general director and performer. In this grand gathering, Hua Chenyu made a bold and crazy idea, and he quietly prepared these surprises for the fans behind the scenes...

In the past few years, Brilliance Chenyu has quietly done these things

Actually opened the concert in the amusement park?

Or is it a full-staff stand ticket?

The most eye-catching thing about this Mars concert is that Brilliance Chenyu chose the location at Haikou Changying Universal 100 Fantasy Park. The amusement park will hold concerts completely out of the norm, and the park will set up a number of humanized functional areas for the concert - Mars Station (leisure area), Mars Energy Station (food area), Mars Club (entertainment area), eating, drinking and having fun, such a park is really unforgettable. At the same time, the form of full standing tickets has innovatively introduced the form of foreign rock concerts, and the audience can watch high-level grand stage lights and top sound effects from different angles in different areas, immersive performances, and even open-air bungee jumping, feeling a more hilarious and relaxed musical atmosphere than regular concerts. Most importantly, Brilliance Chenyu's own super singing ability and function are the most solid guarantee for the concert.

In the past few years, Brilliance Chenyu has quietly done these things

Long show times

Ticket prices have not risen in years

To the surprise of many fans, this concert will be held for six consecutive days, and the length of the performance will be doubled every day, from the original no less than 120 minutes to no less than 240 minutes, and divided into afternoon and evening sessions, and the audience can enjoy a new interpretation of no less than 30 songs. And when the cost of concert sets, choreography, lighting and other costs continue to rise, the ticket price of Mars concerts remains unchanged for eight years, and the minimum 380 yuan in this year's concert can enjoy the audiovisual feast. The original intention of Brilliance Chenyu concert has always been "a party with fans", which is more like a paradise for music lovers, which is the music enjoyment given to fans by the top domestic solo singing brands.

In the past few years, Brilliance Chenyu has quietly done these things

Professional stage team blessing

Create a true Mars paradise

This Mars concert invites Fengshang Culture, who has conducted many grand galas and international performances, as a stage team, to try the stage form of "multi-faceted integration" for the first time, presenting wonderful performances from a 360° full perspective, bringing a fantasy experience of "a thousand faces". Fengshang Culture adheres to innovative concepts, breaks the inherent thinking of traditional concerts, perfectly uses the concept of architectural aesthetics, and works with general director Hua Chenyu to subvert tradition and create a home that truly belongs to "Martians". Brilliance Chenyu's concert choreography has always been of the top level, and the service for song performances is perfectly integrated with the singer's performance and complements each other.

As a singer-songwriter, Brilliance not only delivers the perfect answer sheet of music, but also strives for excellence in concerts, bringing good and far-reaching social influence. Brilliance's latest album will also be unveiled in the near future, let's look forward to the interpretation of the new song at the concert!

Written by: Old Warrior Copywriting Team @ Morning To Yandong

Typography: Grandpa Warrior

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