
Pork trotter mushroom soup

author:Today is the flat top of the mountain


Ingredients: 30 grams of red dates, 12 grams of astragalus, 12 grams of goji berries, 5 grams of angelica

Ingredients: 1 pig's front hoof, 300 grams of loofah, 250 grams of tofu, 30 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 5 slices of ginger, a pinch of salt



(1). Wash the shiitake mushrooms, soak them softly, remove the loofah, wash and cut into pieces, and cut the tofu into pieces and set aside.

(2). Remove the hair from the pig's front hooves, wash and chop the pieces, boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, scoop up and rinse with water, put the astragalus and angelica into the filter bag for later.

(3). Add 10 cups of herbs, pig's trotters, shiitake mushrooms, ginger slices and water to the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat to cook until the meat is cooked (about 1 hour), then add loofah and tofu for 5 minutes, and finally add salt to taste.

Efficacy: nourishing blood, communication, lower milk, suitable for postpartum physical weakness, insufficient floating juice.