
What is succinic acid and what does it do?

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Natural source of succinic acid

The natural source of succinic acid is mainly the resin secreted by pine plants buried in the ground for a long time, after tens of millions of years of petrification to form amber, in addition to existing in a variety of plants, animal tissues.

In the 15th century, a famous mineralogist and doctor used dry distillation to extract the succinic acid component, a valuable and beneficial substance, which is widely used in medicine today. According to scientific testing methods, amber generally contains 3% to 8% succinic acid, these medicinal ingredients are used in modern medicine, and are mainly concentrated in the amber skin, that is, the outermost layer of amber ore. Therefore, raw amber ore, unpolished or slightly peeled amber products (necklaces, bracelets and pendants) have a certain therapeutic effect and bactericidal effect. So where is the medicinal value of succinic acid? Next, Xiaobian introduces the drugs about amber one by one, so that everyone can really understand the various effects of amber.

What is succinic acid and what does it do?

1. Inhibitors (tranquilizer) and antioxidants (anti-aging)

The latest scientific research proves that succinic acid has a positive effect on human organs, which can not only enhance human immunity, make people energetic, but also balance the degree of acidity and alkalinity in the human body. In foreign countries, there have long been ten kinds of drugs made of succinic acid ingredients, mainly acting on inhibitors and antioxidants.

Proponents of modern bacteriology have carefully analyzed succinic acid: the 1886 Nobel Laureate, the German bacteriologist Robert Koch, affirmed the positive effects of succinic acid, finding that the accumulation of succinic acid residues in the human body does not have any negative effects, and even excessive intake of succinic acid is harmless.

After scientific analysis, succinic acid can be called the modern elixir of youth. Succinic acid is of high value to athletes. It is a reconciler that balances the full development of bodily functions. Succinic acid, an indispensable food ingredient, has also been found in other plants. But because it is difficult to find in nature, succinic acid deficiency is now common. (High-acidic, immature mulberries, carrots and rhubarb stems all contain 1,000 times less acid than amber!) )。 Succinic acid has a good effect on recovery after long-term lying and serious injuries. Therefore, succinic acid has the effect of restoring immunity and can also concentrate people's attention.

What is succinic acid and what does it do?

(Suitable for: hypertension, angina, chronic heart failure)

2. Activate blood and dissolve stasis

Amber oil has a good effect on rheumatic pain, succinic acid components can quickly penetrate into the cell tissue, it can be seen that succinic acid has the effect of promoting blood circulation and reducing muscle pain.

3. Liquor

Succinic acid is also an important abstinence drug, which can reduce a person's dependence on alcohol, and more interestingly, it can quickly neutralize excessive alcohol intake. A pill containing about 0.1 grams of succinic acid can restore the ability of a drunk person to normal in about 15 minutes. Therefore, succinic acid is not only a kind of alcohol abstinence medicine, but also a magical abstinence medicine.

What is succinic acid and what does it do?

(for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia)

4. Other uses

In addition to making solid drugs, succinic acid can also be used in liquids and oils. Irrigating crops with a solution containing very little succinate can significantly increase plant yields and have a shorter growth cycle.

Succinic acid can produce a sour and flavorful taste, and can be used for bean paste, soy sauce, sake, seasonings, etc. In the food industry, it is used as flavoring agent, souring agent, buffer, used in ham, sausage, aquatic products, seasoning liquid, etc.

Succinic acid is a good surfactant, a component of detergents, soaps and demulsifiers, which can produce hair removal agents, toothpastes, cleaning agents, highly effective wrinkle-removing beauty esters, etc.

5. Medicinal

It can be used in the pharmaceutical industry to produce sulfonamides, vitamin A, vitamin B and other antispasmodic agents, sputum relaxants, diuretics and hemostatic drugs.

What is succinic acid and what does it do?

(For the treatment of symptoms of urinary incontinence, urinary frequency, urgency and other symptoms of patients with overactive bladder disorder)

6. Pharmacological effect

1) Antibacterial effect Succinic acid has an inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Catarrhacoccus and typhoid, aeruginosa, morphopause, dysentery bacillus at a concentration of 2mg/ml.

2) Central inhibition of rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats and dogs intraperitoneal injection of succinic acid can protect animals against hyperbaric oxygen, electroconvulsive and auditory convulsions. The anticonvulsant effect is associated with increasing the amount of GABA in the brain. The hot plate method has analgesic effect, has a synergistic effect with pentobarbital, and also has the effect of sedative and lowering body temperature.

3) Anti-ulcer effect Rat pyloric ligation produces gastric ulcer, intraperitoneal injection or oral administration of 50mg/kg, due to inhibition of gastric juice secretion and expansion of gastric muscle and anti-ulcer effect.

4) The effect on immune function succinic acid is dissolved in normal saline, NaHCO3 is added to adjust the pH to 6.4, the concentration is 11.8%, rats and rabbits are injected daily intraperitoneally 1mM (118mg) /kg, 2.5mM (295mg) /kg, 5mM (590mg)/kg, continuous injection for 7d, once a day, the number of rat leukocytes increased on the 4th day after medication (P<0.025), but the phagocytic rate was not significantly improved. The number of white blood cells in rabbits also increased significantly at larger doses, and the phagocytic rate also increased (P<0.01). In the specific skin reaction experiment, intraperitoneal injection of succinic acid 5mg/kg, 4 times within 48 hours, or once a day for two weeks, succinic acid can inhibit passive and active skin allergic reactions in rabbits, and can reduce the formation of 1gE antibody in animal serum.

6) Detoxification effect Succinic acid has a significant protective effect on mice in venomous cobras, and the protection rate is similar to the original formula.

The above is the various medicinal effects of succinic acid, pay attention to this headline number, add Xiaobian WeChat 17815581, learn more about the knowledge of amber wax.