
Gansu Pingliang special snack - Jingchuan canned buns

author:Global international vision

Gansu Pingliang special snack - Jingchuan canned buns

Gansu Pingliang special snack - Jingchuan canned buns

Gansu Pingliang specialty snack Jingchuan specialty can bun, is a famous specialty of Pingliang Jingchuan, it is known for its white face as snow, crisp and delicious, soft and chewy, shaped like a small jar and famous. Jingchuan canned bun was founded in Lanjia Mountain in Jingchuan County. As early as the Han and Tang Dynasties, this was the key point of the ancient Silk Road, and merchants used fruits and steamed buns to worship the gods and pray for a safe journey. The people of Lanjiashan in Jingchuan use local fine white powder, suck clean mountain spring water and steamed noodle steamed buns, and sell them to merchants on the Silk Road. Since this kind of bun appears as a commodity, it pays great attention to color, aroma, taste, and shape. According to legend, when the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty passed through Jingchuan in the west, he once tasted the Jingchuan canned steamed buns, which were greatly appreciated after eating, and the cans and cans were set as tributes, and the years of tribute doubled the value of the cans and cans. Jingchuan canned buns are carefully steamed with local high-quality refined powder. The production process is complex, and it takes 36 hours to go through 21 processes such as noodles, fermentation, kneading, waking noodles, and secondary kneading, from grinding the noodles to the basket.