
The 4 dishes with the most stories, the emperor asked for a recipe, but in exchange for a pot of leftovers

author:A star-picking journey

There is a saying that only food can not be disappointed, I am the star who introduces food for you, many small partners often go to some famous local restaurants, there are some specialties in the restaurant, these dishes are full of deep meaning, many small partners are also very interested in some stories. Today's star picking takes everyone to see, the four dishes with the most stories, the emperor went to ask for recipes, but only exchanged for a pot of leftovers.

The first is the first one – the Buddha jumping off the wall

When it comes to Buddha jumping off the wall, the little friends must feel particularly tall in their hearts, and its main ingredients are all kinds of precious foods, such as sea cucumbers, abalone, pig's trotters, etc., but what everyone does not know is that there is a particularly interesting story about this dish. According to legend, the person who invented this dish is a group of beggars who want rice, these beggars carry broken clay pots every day, beg everywhere, collect all kinds of leftovers in the restaurant, one day, a restaurant owner went out, smelled a particularly peculiar aroma coming from the street, and then saw the beggar's broken crock pot, all kinds of leftover wine and leftovers mixed together, the boss was inspired, after returning to the store, immediately mixed with various ingredients, with fine wine, Buddha jumped off the wall was born. The delicious taste of this dish is indescribable, and many friends are interested in it, but they have not had the opportunity to eat it.

The 4 dishes with the most stories, the emperor asked for a recipe, but in exchange for a pot of leftovers

The second is the second one - mapo tofu

Mapo tofu is a home-cooked dish, one of the top ten famous dishes in the Sichuan cuisine, and now it has taken an ocean-going cruise ship and shuttled around the world, becoming a favorite food of many Westerners. Friends hear this name, is not think it is a person named Mapo created, in fact, the creation of Mapo tofu, in the Qing Dynasty, there is a restaurant, the owner died early, it was run by the boss lady alone, the female boss has some small hemp on her face, people call her "Chen Ma Po", she has a very special production method for tofu, the tofu color and flavor are complete, and the people who have eaten it are admired, so this dish is also named "Chen Ma Po Tofu", which has been passed down to the present as we know Ma Po tofu.

The 4 dishes with the most stories, the emperor asked for a recipe, but in exchange for a pot of leftovers

Then there's the third one – Pei Gong Dog Meat

I believe that many small partners are not unfamiliar with Liu Bang, the monarch, he is the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, his hometown is in Pei County, Xuzhou, Pei County's dog meat is very famous, why famous, here is a small story. According to legend, when Liu Bang was still a county official, he liked to eat dog meat very much, at that time, the dog meat in Pei County was a must, when they revolted, Liu Bang and Fan Duo stewed dog meat and turtle together, producing a very wonderful strange fragrance, this dish got its name, passed down to the present, still very famous.

The 4 dishes with the most stories, the emperor asked for a recipe, but in exchange for a pot of leftovers

Finally, there is the fourth one – pearl emerald white jade soup

Pearl emerald white jade soup is not a particularly famous dish in itself, but it is a dish that the emperor has sought for recipes. Legend has it that at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was hungry and had no strength, met an old mother, he begged this big mother for some meals, the old mother saw that he was pitiful and made a dish for him, Zhu Yuanzhang felt very delicious after eating, and later became the emperor, he remembered this old mother, wanted to eat again, he sent people to use thousands of dollars to get the recipe, the old lady did not want to deceive Zhu Yuanzhang, just said that the dishes at that time, in fact, leftovers poured together, cooked a bowl of soup, until now, although this dish has various methods, But this statement is the most convincing.

The 4 dishes with the most stories, the emperor asked for a recipe, but in exchange for a pot of leftovers

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