
Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

author:China Famous Brand Magazine
Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

Recently, a term called "Tongrentang launched Chinese medicine coffee" rushed to the hot search to attract widespread attention, wolfberry latte, hawthorn tangerine peel American, motherwort rose latte and other Chinese and Western combination of goods are increasingly entering the field of consumers.

Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

New actions of traditional pharmaceutical companies

According to reports, as a century-old brand, Tongrentang has created a new brand focusing on healthy life experience - Zhima Health. In the Zhima Health Cafe, "punk health coffee" is the highlight. This point, look at the slogan can be clear at a glance: the slogan of goji berry hand-brewed coffee is "coffee with goji berries, burn calories", the annotation of guiyuan red jujube hand-brewed coffee is "coffee plus red dates, tomorrow can get up early", rose hawthorn hand brew coffee is "coffee plus hawthorn, love is no longer slag".

Whether it is a slogan or a product, it is very suitable for young people. Behind this, "soaking goji berries in a thermos cup" has gradually evolved from a paragraph and a lyric to a new consumption opportunity. And the veteran pharmaceutical companies such as Tongrentang are the "tide makers" among them.

Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

Tongrentang sells coffee, and Zhang Zhongjing's pharmacy sells milk tea and pastries. According to reports, Zhang Zhongjing Pharmacy opened two new stores in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, named "Zhongjing Life". According to the data of third-party consumer review websites, a "Zhongjing Life" located in zhengzhou's guomao business district is located next to the Zhongjing Pharmacy, "the door with white characters on a green background, the decoration and display of the store are more like a baking shop.".

It is not medicine that sells here, but products with chinese herbal ingredients, including lily snowflake crisp, chocolate lotus cake, red bean yam cookie, poria yam vegetarian pastry and other baked pastries, as well as drinks such as ejiao soy milk tea and yam Ah Hua Tian.

Although the decoration and products are full of bakery style, "Zhongjing Life" also contains some pharmacy design styles, highlighting the concept and product characteristics of "medicinal and food homology, health and wellness". Wang Xin, deputy general manager of Zhang Zhongjing Pharmacy, said that the opening of Zhongjing Life Store is on the one hand to promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine through the platform, on the other hand, to use the characteristics of Chinese herbal medicines to advocate a healthy lifestyle.

Like Tongrentang selling coffee to become an "internet celebrity", Zhang Zhongjing's new action of the pharmacy has also attracted a large number of consumers. A female netizen commented after trying ejiao soy milk tea: "The shop that I found by chance, as a health girl, must punch the clock." ”

Layout of the "young health" market

A few days ago, in the live broadcast room of an e-commerce platform, a "staying up late tea" sold nearly 30,000 copies, once again making "young health" a hot spot for consumption. At a time when the concept of "great health" is highly valued, with the marriage and children of the post-90s, health care behavior has gradually shown a trend of rejuvenation.

The fast-paced lifestyle has led to the increasing speed of tonic and health products. Snacks as the best supplement to daily diet, open bag food product characteristics have also become the focus of many food companies to optimize product forms, health snacks have become a new hot spot for consumption.

Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

According to the sales staff of a ejiao brand: "The biggest feature of our product is fidelity, and the ejiao content is high, vacuum packaging is suitable for room temperature storage, open the bag to eat at any time to supplement, replenish qi and nourish blood, especially suitable for office workers to eat in the office, especially girls, eating ejiao is particularly good." ”

In fact, some traditional medicine tonic brands are beginning to specialize in urban white-collar office scenes, and have launched ready-to-eat portable health snacks. Such as Fang Huichuntang, Hu Qingyutang, Pan Gaoshou and other pharmaceutical companies launched black sesame pills; Dong Ejiao launched a small package of ejiao cake "Peach Blossom Ji".

In addition, the popular ready-made drinks have also begun to "cross-border" health, launching a number of products that cater to office white-collar workers. Pacific Coffee and East Ejiao launched an ejiao coffee, which was listed in stores in 7 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, and sold more than 30% higher than conventional new products; Among the current drinks of the Chunfeng brand, ginseng, kudzu, bird's nest, monk fruit, honeysuckle have become common raw materials, giving the product weight loss, beauty, digestion and other health functions; Shanghai's Zhuchun Humanistic Tea uses golden turmeric milk developed by Yunnan Yellow Ginger, which has become a single product with more than 300 cups of daily sales in the store, and a ginger-themed hot drink series with an order rate of more than 40%.

Cross-border drainage of long-established pharmaceutical companies

According to the Data of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, China's coffee market is entering a stage of rapid development. Luckin Coffee Prospectus has given more specific data, in 2018, the average coffee consumption of Chinese was 6.2 cups, which is still at a low level compared with developed countries, only 0.71% in Germany and 1.6% in the United States. In 2019, the average coffee consumption of Chinese increased to 7.2 cups, and there is still great potential for development space and development speed.

Tongrentang started with coffee, and perhaps it is precisely because of this potential. Previously, its launch of the "Zhima Health" new retail business, opened an offline store to sell health food suitable for young consumers, set catering experience, commodity sales, medical treatment, health consultation as one, so that the consumer group of the health food market is no longer limited to the original middle-aged and elderly people.

Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

Industry insiders believe that Tongrentang's Zhima Health Store, with its modern decoration style and diversified service experience, not only meets the curiosity of young people's Internet celebrities to punch in, but also meets the real needs of young people's health conditioning, and the uniqueness of these two points ensures the continuity of traffic.

In addition, in addition to the testing of Zhang Zhongjingda Pharmacy and Tongrentang, PepsiCo has also recently cooperated with Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, and its Quaker and Pan Gaoshou jointly launched new products of Lion's Head Oats and Ejiao Oats, which have been listed in September this year; Dong Ejiao launched Dong Ejiao Milk Tea Cup, Dong Ejiao Kudzu Powder and other health foods suitable for young consumers; Besunyen has launched products such as white kidney bean tablet candy, meow meow yeast collagen jelly strips, and green onion waist comprehensive plant drinks.

"Young people's health consumption trend report" shows that more than 90% of the post-90s have a sense of health, in the traditional nutritional tonics, health tea, goji berries, honey has become the most popular after the 90s of the top three, young consumer groups with increasing health needs, so that many established pharmaceutical companies are targeting this market.

Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

Extended reading: How old brands go long

Nowadays, there are more and more old brands that play cross-border, why can they become popular? In fact, it is simply because they lower the threshold of brand recognition, or they are grounded and actively integrate into the life scenes of young people.

Chinese medicine is broad and profound, and ordinary people want to understand it has a certain cognitive threshold, but if the Chinese medicine industry lowers its posture, conforms to consumer culture, and integrates into the market, more people can contact, understand, and then recognize Chinese medicine. For example, when young people walk into such a Chinese medicine coffee shop, when they choose to drink goji berry coffee or motherwort coffee, they will know and understand the efficacy of Chinese herbal medicine in this process, and then become interested in Chinese herbal medicine, and further may enter the Chinese medicine store to consult with Chinese medicine, which is a good way to make Chinese medicine grounded and popularized.

After the cross-border innovation of enterprises has made products become "internet celebrities", and customers have tasted freshness, is there room for such innovation to continue to rise?

In this regard, industry insiders said that relying on a single explosive model, sooner or later there will be a time, in addition to the Internet celebrity explosion, what can the merchant provide for customers, which is the real competitiveness.

Tongrentang has responded to similar questions. "Walking into the offline store, consumers will have an understanding of the one-stop service solution of Zhima health and wellness created by Tongrentang, and pay more attention to health under the guidance." He Junshuai, head of brand management of Tongrentang Zhima Health, said. He also said that in the large traffic, there will be consumers with health problems, and they need in-depth consultation and medical treatment.

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Dynamic丨 Veteran pharmaceutical companies make the tide "young health"

Source: China Business Daily, Today's Headlines

Edit: Kingsoft