
Taiwan Oyster Noodle Line, also known as Sea Oyster Noodle Line, production method


Oyster noodle noodles, also known as sea oyster noodles, are one of Taiwan's famous snacks.

The nutritional value of sea oysters is very high, it has an effective tonic for the health of the liver, and it can also reduce high blood lipids, inhibit the growth of tumors, fat and calories are relatively low, and there is no burden on the body.

Taiwan Oyster Noodle Line, also known as Sea Oyster Noodle Line, production method

The production materials and methods are as follows:

Ingredients: sea oyster meat, noodles, garlic, leeks or shallots.

Preparation method: 1. Pick out the shell and its impurities inside the sea oyster meat, and then blanch it for about six seconds, and then remove it for later. 2. Mince the garlic and set aside. 3. Dice the leeks or shallots and set aside. 4. Put oil in the pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of water, cook until boiling, add noodles, add seasonings according to your own taste, when the noodles are cooked, put the newly blanched oysters on top, and then sprinkle leeks or green onions, a healthy and delicious dish is completed.

Taiwan Oyster Noodle Line, also known as Sea Oyster Noodle Line, production method

Intricately intertwined, messy and orderly. Affectionate, obsessive.

Taiwan Oyster Noodle Line, also known as Sea Oyster Noodle Line, production method

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