
A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

author:Raising flowers

Pomegranate tree is one of the few fruit trees that can be planted at home, it can both flower and bear fruit, and can also be farmed indoors, because the flowers and fruits that bloom are orange-red, bright and festive, so it is also given the meaning of many children and many blessings.

Plant a pomegranate tree and eat pomegranates at home while admiring the flowers! Flowers and flowers are about to move!

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

First, soil

Pomegranate trees are not as large as other fruit trees, so they can also be grown indoors, choosing medium-sized pots or even small pots. The soil should be loose and fertile, good drainage and breathability, you can choose humus soil, mainly humus soil, adding a small amount of vegetable garden soil and bone meal to mix it is more appropriate.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Second, water and fertilizer

Pomegranate trees do not need much water, and can be properly watered when the soil is dry, so that the soil of the pomegranate tree is always in a slightly moist state. Specific watering can be divided into: water once every 1 to 2 days in summer, do not have standing water, and should be discharged as soon as possible; water once every 4 to 6 days in spring and autumn, watering when the soil is dry and white; controlling the amount of water in winter, once a month.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Third, lighting

Pomegranate trees like a long-term sunlight environment, the light is not sufficient, can directly lead to pomegranate flowers blooming color is not bright, the amount of flowers is not much. If the light does not meet the growth requirements of the pomegranate tree, the leaves will be easy to yellow, the branches will become small, affecting the flowering and naturally affecting the fruit.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Fourth, the temperature

Pomegranate trees like to grow at a temperature of 15 ~ 25 ° C, but pomegranate trees are also very hardy, and the minimum can withstand low temperatures of -10 ° C, so there is no problem with normal overwintering, but pay attention to more ventilation.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Fifth, pruning

Pomegranates should be properly pruned according to their different conditions, and the most important thing is to prune its branches. Pomegranate trees that are not carefully guarded are easy to grow many branches by themselves, and it is easy to divide some of the nutrients needed for flowers and fruits, so for the long branches, as well as dry, aging, intersecting, and dense branches, they must be pruned in time.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Especially in the early stage of the growth of pomegranate trees, it is necessary to retain the branches of the fruit, mainly to carry out the work of thinning the branches, so that the whole plant maintains a beautiful shape, which can better accumulate nutrients for the later flowering and fruiting.

As soon as the branches of the pomegranate tree are loose, the pomegranate receives more light and good ventilation, and it will not cause insect infestation.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

6. Precautions

If there is an insect infestation during the growing season to harm the fruit, it can be removed with 1000 times the extermination profit, and the fruit can be eaten after one month;

If there is a problem of yellowing leaves, first of all, we must think about whether it is caused by too much watering, then you need to quickly change the water or even change the soil, the accumulation of water for too long will lead to rotten roots, naturally can not produce large pomegranate fruit. If the leaves are yellowed because too much fertilizer is applied, just water as soon as possible to dilute the fertilizer applied earlier.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

In fact, the maintenance method of pomegranate tree is not much simpler than other flowers, after all, pomegranate tree is a plant that can both flower and bear fruit, of course, it also has to pay double the heart. When the pomegranate tree grows a strong and huge pomegranate, it really makes everyone feel relieved, and all this effort is worth it!

In addition, friends who do not have a garden at home should not be discouraged, and pomegranate potted plants can also be farmed at home, as long as they are given sufficient light.

A pomegranate tree, only 6 steps of maintenance, can enjoy the flowers and eat fruit at the same time

Flowers and flowers are here to wish all of you pomegranate trees can blossom and bear fruit smoothly!

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