
An outspoken loyalist - Guan Longqi

author:Le said Wenshi 888w

Hello everyone, I'm Chestnut Music. Today we will first conclude the tail of the previous part, and then we will talk about the main text.

The prisons of the Xia Dynasty mentioned it when they were talking about Ji Fen, but only mentioned it. Today I will elaborate on it.

Prisons were called huán soil during the Xia Dynasty. Circle means circle. Prisons at the time were dug up in the ground or built with dirt on the ground. It is said that the lower capital city of Yang Zhai (my mother's hometown, in present-day Yuzhou, Henan, where I especially like the miscellaneous grams and steamed buns) said that it would be on the right topic. The name of the prison is Juntai, and legend has it that Xia Jie imprisoned Shang Tang in Juntai.

An outspoken loyalist - Guan Longqi

After talking about the round soil, it is time for us to talk about today's main text.

I believe that everyone knows the person who is going to talk about today, after all, the title is so eye-catching.

We mentioned him when we talked about Ji Fa, and if you forget, you can quickly go to see "The Last Ming Emperor of the Xia Dynasty".

According to the rules, let's first introduce this famous courtier. Guan Longqi, surnamed Dong, was born in the 19th year of Xia, died in the 32nd year of Xia Jie, who commented on Guan Longsheng. The cause of death was to be killed by speaking out to Xia Jie. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 9 He has done the appearance of two generations of emperors.

An outspoken loyalist - Guan Longqi

Next, I will talk about the cause of Guan Longqi's death, there are three causes of his death, one is more cruel than the other.

Before I talk about it, I will briefly repeat the background (if you want to see the details, go to the things that I wrote about Xia Jie between May 22 and May 27), Xia Jie is absurd and unscrupulous, and he spends all day playing with you, and everyone who enters the counsel is killed.

After the atrocities that Xia Jie had committed, The straight Guan Longqi finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran to the advice with the yellow map, which was the map. Guan Long's dedication of the yellow map means that the country is already in danger, and if you don't care about the government and the Xia Dynasty, the country will be destroyed. Guan Longqi deliberately stood there without moving, and Xia Jie saw him like that and said impatiently, "Do you have any evil words to say?" ”

An outspoken loyalist - Guan Longqi

I reckon that Guan Longqi's lungs were about to explode at that time, and he should have been scolding Xia Jie for being a dimwitted jun.

After Xia Jie finished speaking, he ordered someone to burn Huang Tu and called on the soldiers to imprison Guan Longkui, and soon killed him.

We will talk about the remaining two statements next time, I am Chestnut Le, we will see each other next time, remember to like the forward comment collection.