
What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

author:Purple Star Weichen

The first unified feudal dynasty in China's history was the Qin Dynasty, and the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty was the Great Qin Shi Huang Emperor Yingzheng, but Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng did not rely on his own merits to complete the great cause of unifying the Six Kingdoms. Qin Shi Huang also relied on the efforts of the ancestors of Great Qin, "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in order to ascend to the position of the "Ninth Five-Year Supreme", and to conquer the Central Plains and unify the six kingdoms.

Then when it comes to the "Sixth Emperor Of the Qin Dynasty", the most thunderous Great Qin general, that is, Wu Anjun, "killing gods" is white.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

Bai Qi was a major general during the reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin of the Qin Kingdom, and he was famous in the annals of history for his bravery and good fighting, especially Bai Qi killed 400,000 people in the Battle of Changping of the State of Zhao, which directly frightened the Six Kingdoms of the East.

At that time, there was another country in the world that also had a very powerful monarch, that is, the monarch of the ancient Macedonian kingdom - Alexander.

Alexander became king of Macedonia at the age of 20, after which he directly unified all of Greece and conquered Egypt, which was located in Africa and across the Mediterranean Sea from him. The whole of the eastern Mediterranean was surrendered to Alexander's feet. After that, Alexander led thirty-five thousand carefully selected soldiers, with a mighty force, to the east, began the famous "Alexander" crusade, and later, all the way through the Persian Gulf, until the present-day Indian region did not stop.

And this "Crusade" that can be called unprecedented in the past also directly pushed Alexander to the position of the head of the four major military commanders of the ancient West.

So if the pace of Alexander's crusade did not stop, but continued to the east, would it encounter the Qin state at that time? If Alexander and Bai Qi met these two people, then who was better?

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

On the Internet, many netizens have made their own views on this issue, but basically they all think that Bai Qi will "crush" Alexander, and even some netizens have made the conclusion that "after Alexander comes, his Crusade army will be arrested to repair the Great Wall"; or according to Bai Qi's previous achievements, he said in a proud tone: "Too little, less than 100,000 people, I will not take it." ”

But here, we still have to first point out a historical common sense.

Historically, Alexander died in 323 BC, although there is no accurate scientific record of the year of Bai Qi's birth and death, but a well-established theory is that Bai Qi was born in 315 BC, even if there is an error, it is estimated that there is not much difference, so it is reasonable to say that the two did not have any chance to meet at all.

But with the development of science and technology, today, we have the game "Awakening of All Nations", in the game, players can freely choose a variety of civilization types, so as to attack each other, if one side chooses the Chinese civilization, the other side chooses the civilization where Alexander is located, then Alexander still has the opportunity to complete his "road to the Eastern Crusade" and meet the Qin State.

So if Alexander really kept going on his crusades, which king of the Qin state would he meet at that time? Can Alexander win? If he does meet Bai Qi, what are the probabilities of winning?

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > food is the guts of soldiers</h1>

As we all know, Marx once said in Capital: "The military is an extension of politics, and politics is the concentrated expression of the economy." ”

Although the era of Marx and Alexander was separated by more than two thousand years, we can explain the events of that time with Marx's advanced theories today. So, if you want to know who loses and who wins after these two very powerful countries meet at that time, then you must first know the economic situation of both of them.

If Alexander had arrived in the State of Qin at that time, then the monarch of the State of Qin he was facing should be King Yingsi of Qin Huiwen, the King of Qin Huiwen, the first person to "change the title of King" of the State of Qin, and at the same time, he was also the King of qin who ordered the "car split" Shang Martingale.

Although this King Huiwen of Qin "cracked" the Shang Martingale, the results of the "Shang Martingale Transformation Law" were preserved, and the main economic policies were "heavy agriculture and suppressing business" and "agriculture is the foundation of the country".

Even in the Qin state at that time, the Shang martingale enacted a law that men's production of grain and women's production of cloth, both of which met the prescribed standards, could be exempted from hard labor. If it is "overproduced", then the state will also give rewards.

Under this economic policy, the production enthusiasm of the qin people has been greatly improved, and after several generations of development by the Qin state, the Guanzhong region of the Qin state has also changed from the previous "barren land" to a large and fertile plain, which also provides objective conditions for the agricultural development of the Qin state. It can be said that the Qin state can unify the six countries, and the rich grain storage and strong logistical national strength are the real fundamentals.

And the importance of resources, in any era, is worth remembering the leader of a country, which is also well reflected in the "Awakening of All Nations", especially the issue of food, in "The Awakening of All Nations", whether it is building buildings or recruiting soldiers, it is inseparable from food.

If you want to get more food, in addition to relying on your own "farmland" output, that is, to "light" the science and technology tree, you can give priority to upgrading the "irrigation" skills, you can effectively increase the yield of food. In addition, "monarchs" can also send their own generals to the wild for resource collection, and even some generals will have "miracle effects" when collecting resources.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

As for Alexander's side, since the state of Macedonia is located in Europe, and Europe has been in a state of small countries and widows since ancient times, and the plains of Europe are divided into pieces by undulating terrain, it is impossible to develop agriculture on a large scale, so the economic type of Europe has been dominated by commerce since ancient times, and due to the need to develop commerce, Europe has also developed a very developed maritime transport.

Then when he came to Alexander, if he wanted to go all the way to the east and directly hit the land of the Qin State at the time of the "Eastern Crusade", he would have to face a very real problem, the transportation of grain and grass.

As the old saying goes: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the grain and grass have gone first." "Grain is the guts of a soldier." ”

But the question is, Alexander, how do you get the grain over?

In ancient times, transporting grain can be said to be "thousands of miles away, a hundred do not save one", that is to say, if you want to transport a hundred catties of grain to thousands of miles away, then when you arrive at the destination, it is likely that there will not be even a pound of grain left.

And almost the more grain is transported, the longer the route, the greater the loss, because the more grain is transported, the more people who need to transport grain, the more people who need to pull the cart, the more people who need to pull the cart, these people also have to eat, and the cattle pulled by the cart also need to be fed every day, and then not only to go to the destination, but also to come back, it is an amazing double loss.

And not only because the people who transport the grain have to eat themselves, the longer the grain route, the more emergencies on the road, for example, the heavy rain wets the grain and grass, the grain and grass may directly sprout, and at that time, the grain was basically not wanted.

In addition, the grain is taken from the granary and sent to the destination, and the longer the route, the longer it takes, the more likely it is that the grain will deteriorate as a result, and if you are worried about the spoilage of the grain, and the grain is processed into other foods that are easy to preserve, then this is the case. There is also a part of the loss.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

Let's look at the route of Alexander's crusade? Starting from today's Italy, it has been to the east, and after several twists and turns, it has reached the Indus region of India, and if you want to meet the Qin state at that time, you must continue to march east, and you will encounter a terrible "enemy" - the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

After crossing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the westernmost region of the Qin state, Longxi, which is what we know today in Gansu, is the "most recent" war between Alexander and the Qin state.

The distance of this trip, let alone more than a thousand miles, I am afraid that there are ten thousand miles, and it is also necessary to cross the mountains and mountains, but also to cross the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau that kind of dangerous environment to march, and normal land marching is still not the same, such a journey, the rate of loss of grain, where is "one hundred does not exist one", I am afraid that "seven or eight hundred do not exist one", are all undercalculated.

Even if Alexander later reduced his troops once more and reduced the "Crusade Army" to 20,000 people, the daily consumption of horse chewing was an astronomical amount.

Therefore, when Alexander came to war with the Qin State, the biggest problem was the grain and grass problem. Without grain and grass and logistical support, Alexander's army was bound to collapse and defeat itself without a fight. But Alexander actually had another good solution to the problem of grain and grass.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

The most reasonable way is to "feed the war with war" and raise grain and grass directly from the nearest Indus Valley or ganges river valley, because in the third hundred years BC, there was no grain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at that time, and the Indus Valley and the Ganges River Valley were the closest grain preparation places to the war between Alexander and the Qin State.

But even if the grain transported at this distance is very large, even according to the most basic "one hundred does not save one" loss, if you want to transport enough grain for Alexander's twenty thousand soldiers at a time, then you must prepare two million people to eat grain in advance, which is not counting the soldiers' physical consumption and eating.

At this time, the developed shipping in Europe seemed to be of no use, because the Qin state was located in today's Shaanxi Province, which was simply an inland area, and what sea area let Alexander play? Therefore, in terms of logistical support, especially the guarantee of grain and grass, Alexander fought on the road and lost one move first.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > military comparison</h1>

Then there is the direct comparison between Alexander's troops and the Qin troops, the comparison between the army, mainly taking into account two aspects, the objective quality of the army's soldiers, such as the army's weapons and equipment, and the subjective army's will to fight, that is, "morale".

In terms of the quality of the army and military equipment, "The Awakening of All Nations" has a very intuitive embodiment, that is, a large killing weapon of the Qin State, the "Qin Crossbow".

At that time, "the strength of the crossbow in the world is no more than Qin", it can be said that the reason why the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty can do "sharp and unstoppable" when fighting with soldiers from other countries, "Qin crossbow" occupies a considerable part of the credit.

Moreover, the range of the crossbow and the bow is not the same, and the bow is purely pulled by human power, and the range is limited. It was like Lü Bu's "Yuanmen Shooting", but one hundred and fifty steps was enough to scare Off Ji Ling.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

However, the crossbow is launched by the machine, especially the range of the Qin crossbow, according to Liu Zhancheng, an expert at Northwest University and the leader of the archaeological team of the Qin Shi Huang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, in the "Range of the Qin Dynasty Crossbow" article, the smallest "three-stone crossbow" range is also about 200 meters, as for the strongest "ten stone crossbow", the range is amazingly six hundred meters, and it is all effective killing range.

But even the smallest "three-stone crossbow", with a range of 200 meters, was amazing enough, and an arrow pierced the heart at 200 meters away, which was simply appalling at the time.

As for Alexander's "Crusade Army", their military quality and military equipment are also reflected in the "Awakening of All Nations", that is, the "Macedonian Phalanx".

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

The "Macedonian phalanx" is Alexander's proud work, mainly composed of infantry, divided into "shield soldiers" and "spearmen".

In battle, the "shield soldier" is in front, the shield is defended, the "spearman" is in the back, the spear is stretched out from the gap in the shield to kill the enemy, in order to attack, the entire phalanx attack and defense are integrated, and when fighting, it is like a steel fortress that advances steadily, generally making the enemy have a feeling of "tiger bites hedgehog - there is no way to bite".

Therefore, if the soldiers of the Qin State wanted to rely on the power of the "Qin crossbow" to kill and injure the "Macedonian Policy" at a long distance, they must take advantage of the fact that the other side had not yet assembled into a formation and quickly attacked. Once the opponent's "shield soldiers" are gathered in front and shielded, then unless it is penetrated at close range with a powerful "ten-stone crossbow", it is really possible that even the "defense" of the "Macedonian phalanx" cannot be broken.

In this regard, it seems that the "Macedonian phalanx" assembled by Alexander's "Crusade Army" had more advantages.

But if you add the cavalry of the Qin State, with mobility to divide the battlefield, there is still a chance to win, just like the "archers restrain infantry, gunners restrain cavalry" set in "The Awakening of All Nations", if this battle is fought, it will be very exciting.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

The second thing to talk about is the soldier's will to fight, morale.

In the State of Qin at that time, after the Shang Martingale Reform Law, the military merit system was implemented, that is, the twentieth rank system, in which as long as a soldier killed an enemy, then he could obtain a lowest rank title, a duke.

From the name, we can see that this soldier at this time is no longer a civilian, but a person with the title of a Qin state, shi zai: "The Shang Emperor is the law of Qin, and he is given a knighthood of the first rank in battle, and he wants to be an official of fifty stones." ”

That is to say, after killing an enemy, this soldier can get the "Fifty Stones" of Qilu even if he does nothing.

Under these circumstances, the combat enthusiasm of the Qin soldiers has been greatly enhanced, and the enemies one by one, in the eyes of these Qin soldiers, are one military merit after another, that is, they will do nothing in the second half of their lives, and they will have the guarantee of support.

Under this temptation, which Qin soldier can not "red eyes", so that the six eastern countries directly call the Qin state "tiger and wolf Qin", and the soldiers of the Qin state are "tiger and wolf division".

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

At that time, Alexander launched this mighty crusade, in fact, a large part of the reason is because Macedonia has already owed a huge debt, the domestic economy has almost reached the brink of bankruptcy, so Alexander will directly launch the "crusade", came to a way to transfer domestic contradictions through international contradictions.

However, it is reasonable to say that when Alexander's "Crusade Army" hit the Indus Valley, the wealth they gained was already enough to calm this "economic crisis", and if Alexander continued to go east and even crossed the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to go to war with the Qin State, it was difficult to guarantee that the soldiers in the army would not have the will to fight with "the same enemy".

After all, no one is a fool, Alexander said that the economic crisis in Macedonia was caused by Persia, caused by the countries of Asia Minor, such a reason is still believed, after all, these countries are indeed not too far from Macedonia. But Alexander said that Macedonia's economic difficulties were caused by the Qin Dynasty, which is a bit unspeakable, the two countries are thousands of miles apart, how to say this matter does not make sense.

And "the division is nameless" has always been a taboo for soldiers to fight, even if "Sun Shiwan" agreed to Lü Meng's plan to stab Guan Yu in the back, he also had to take an excuse to "not return Jingzhou and humiliate Eastern Wu".

However, Alexander and the Qin State went to war, this matter is obviously no good excuse, coupled with too far from home, it is difficult to ensure that the "Eastern Crusading Army" will not become weaker, and it is difficult to ensure that it will not affect the combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

Therefore, in terms of "morale", it seems that the Qin state is more powerful. And in "The Awakening of Nations", the "morale" is indeed taken into account, just like the ultimate talent of a generation of cavalry, "morale boost", which can effectively improve the attack power of soldiers.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="64" > white to fight Alexander</h1>

Finally, it is necessary to talk about the duel between the two generals, although Bai Qi and Alexander have never seen each other at all, in history, when Alexander died, Bai Qi was not yet born, but through the general recruitment system of "Awakening of All Nations", "Guan Gong Zhan Qin Qiong" is no longer a nonsense, the duel of historical generals in various periods can also be achieved, Guan Yu can assist Cao Cao to fight the world, Alexander can also fight with the goddess Joan of Arc, it can be said that it can be a good satisfaction of our historical desires.

These two "great gods", one is to pit and kill 400,000 Zhao Guo descendants, in history, no matter which dynasty, no matter how to rank the "Wu Temple" ranking, can be ranked in the first file, "Wu Temple Ten Zhe" of the "Killing God".

Speaking of the peak of the unified generals in Chinese history, it must be "Sun Wu Baihan and Wei Huo Li Yue", and almost every general in history is proud of these.

Moreover, Bai Qi was "born from the military" from the root, he was born as a civilian in history, but through military merit, step by step, he was promoted from "Wu Chang" and "Hundred People Chief" to "Zuo Shu Chang" and "Da Liang Zao", and finally he was awarded the title of "Wu An Jun" of the Qin State.

It can be said that Bai Qi is very familiar with the things in the army, from small to large, everything is very familiar, because he himself started from a small soldier.

Alexander, on the other hand, single-handedly unified the whole of Greece, then sent troops to the east to pacify Persia, south to Egypt, owned half of the Mediterranean, and after the Crusade, directly hit the Indus Valley, established a huge empire of 3.3 million square kilometers, spanning the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, and together with Hannibal, Julius Caesar and Napoleon, he was also known as the four military commanders of Western history, and he was also the leader of these four.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

But there is a point that Alexander was the king first, and then the "Crusade", and Although Alexander was not mostly liked by his father Philip II, he also lived a carefree life.

And after becoming king, if it were not for the economic crisis in Macedonia, it is likely that Alexander would not have "crusaded" at all. Therefore, it is very likely that Alexander began his military life after his military talent was slowly discovered, and it should be more and more happy the more he fought. Fighting a war is more interesting than being a king, and when we play "Awakening of Nations", it is likely that we will also have this feeling, just to experience the pleasure of defeating others, the sense of achievement of conquering the world, who likes to deal with political affairs every day.

Therefore, Alexander can be said to be a great general who "went halfway out of the house", which is inevitably a little inferior compared with Bai Qi.

Moreover, the leading style of the generals on both sides is also very different.

Just like at the time of the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi also used the "anti-inter-strategy" to let Zhao Xiaocheng Wang of the Zhao State transfer the veteran general Lian Po and use Zhao Kuo, which won in one fell swoop, which shows that Bai Qi is not weak in "psychological warfare".

Looking at Alexander again, the reason for his invincibility in this crusade seems to be because of his 20,000 or 30,000 Macedonian troops. For those small countries and widows in the West, it is already a "behemoth", and his "Macedonian phalanx" is indeed very advanced, but it is only suitable for the two sides to face each other head-on.

And through Alexander's skills in "Awakening of Nations", we can also glimpse his leading style, in "Awakening of Nations", Alexander's skills can be said to be both offensive and defensive, but there are two passive skills of "leading soldiers" and "royal conquest", which must be triggered in the wild, which is very consistent with the combat characteristics of the "Macedonian phalanx" that needs to be assembled into a formation in an open field, which is very consistent with Alexander's combat style as the king of Macedonia and must repel the opponent head-on.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

However, these two advantages, in the Qin Kingdom, do not seem to be enough.

The first was the 20,000 Macedonian soldiers. You know, at that time, we had already entered the Warring States era, and the Seven Heroes of the Warring States fought wars, and basically tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of large armies fought. Just like the Battle of Changping in Qin and Zhao, the State of Zhao directly dispatched more than 400,000 troops, and later when the veteran general of the State of Qin destroyed Chu, he directly dispatched 600,000 people and horses.

It can be seen that at that time, the strength of the qin army under king Huiwen of Qin was so strong that even if it was not as strong as the million Qin army at the time of the later reign, it would be at least four or five hundred thousand. Remove the army that still has to resist the invasion of the six eastern kingdoms and the northern nomads, then at least 200,000 soldiers and horses can be taken out.

How could Bai Qi, who held the "Tiger and Wolf Division" of the Qin Kingdom with 200,000 Qin States in his hands, look up to Alexander's "20,000 Troops"? The ratio of troops between the two sides has almost reached the terrible "one to ten".

Then there is the so-called "Macedonian phalanx", Sun Tzu once said: "Soldiers, tricksters." ”

And isn't Bai Qi a Dacheng martial artist? According to his style, how could he have collided with the "Macedonian phalanx" in the frontal battlefield? You must know that the "gunners" of the "Macedonian phalanx" are the "cavalry" who restrain the Qin state, so if the remaining "archers" cannot break through the defense of the Macedonian phalanx, won't they be very passive?

What can we think of, how can Bai Qi not think of it? Therefore, in this war, Bai Qi must be indispensable to the "trickery" in the use of war.

On the whole, "Awakening of Nations" can indeed complete a more appropriate reproduction of the historical environment at that time, and its core gameplay is "map warfare", coupled with its "resource cultivation" and the mutual cooperation between the generals and the classes, it can be said that this is a very strategic gameplay, and in the "Awakening of Nations", players can also strengthen their sense of substitution through its clear 3D technology, so as to freely choose the class and the general, freely place their favorite "technology tree", Freely build your own city, form alliances with other players, "attack the city" together, and enjoy a timeless brotherhood.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

When standing at the peak of the full service with his brothers, "pointing out the country and the mountains, across the world", seeing a piece of "territory" that he has played down, seeing that his name is well known by every player in the full service, the real "who in the world does not know the king", that unique sense of achievement and happiness, is definitely a valuable memory worth recalling.

Therefore, under the conditions at that time, if Alexander wanted to attack the Qin State, or even directly fight with Bai Qi, then the winning side was not too big, and the duel between Alexander and Bai Qi should be in a situation of "three or seven points", Alexander won the situation accounted for "three", and Bai Qi accounted for "seven".

But even if Bai Qi wins, it will not be too easy to win, and it will not be like many of our friends said, "when you come, you will be directly arrested to repair the Great Wall", after all, although the Qin State is strong. But Alexander, who can build such a huge empire, is definitely not a "fuel-saving lamp", and our national pride is very worthy of affirmation, but the national pride of science is even more precious.

Although "Awakening of All Nations" can make the forces of these two people "appear" on the same battlefield in another way, but the development of war is changing rapidly, who can be better than these two "big gods" and the forces behind them? Then let's enter the Awakening of Nations together and teach it.

What happened to Alexander's crusade against Great Qin? Bai Qi: I don't take the work of less than 100,000 people? Don't mislead the grain is the courage of the soldiers in military contrast to the white war against Alexander

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