
"People's Network" Liuzhou City launched the construction of an education community

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"People's Network" Liuzhou City launched the construction of an education community
"People's Network" Liuzhou City launched the construction of an education community

The participating leaders awarded the EC plaque to each unit. Photo by Zheng Meili

On October 15, Liuzhou City held the launching ceremony of the construction of the education community, Su Hong, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Wu Shuqin, full-time deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee and member of the Party Group of the Municipal Education Bureau, attended the meeting and made a speech, Tang Yi, deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Compilation Office, Jiang Hongkun, deputy director of the Party Group of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Chen Jun, director of the Talent Center of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, attended the meeting, and Liu Min, deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, member of the Party Group, and member of the Municipal Committee education working committee, presided over the meeting.

Under the witness of everyone, the district and county education community construction units and the first batch of city and county high school education community construction units signed a cooperation agreement, and the participating leaders awarded the teaching community plaque to each unit.

Su Hong said that in recent years, Liuzhou City has solidly and deeply promoted the reform of the school district system with group-run schools as the main form, and strengthened the radiation of high-quality resources through the development of school district system alliances. At present, there are 53 groups in the compulsory education stage of the city, involving 155 schools, benefiting 245,400 students in the group, accounting for 52.06% of the total number of students in compulsory education schools in the city, but the gap between urban and rural education, the gap between the concept of high school education and education and teaching level in cities and counties is still very large, and the construction of an education community to promote the radiation of urban high-quality educational resources to the county is the inevitable development of education reform and development. All relevant functional departments and community construction units should enhance their sense of responsibility and mission in their work, and fully understand the importance of the construction of the education community to promote the construction of the teacher team in Liuzhou, build a new model of high-quality education development, and promote the revitalization of rural areas. First, it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building, each functional department and the main body of construction performing its own duties, adhere to the guidance of party building, and make overall planning and guidance for organizing and carrying out the construction of the education community. The second is to adhere to the principle of putting talents first, scientifically evaluate the effect of the construction of the teaching community, and cooperate in depth in talent training and school management through various forms such as talent exchange, teaching rotation, sending teachers to the countryside, online synchronous teaching, collective lesson preparation and research, and scientific research ability guidance. The third is to adhere to overall planning and consideration, steadily implement the construction of the education community, make overall plans to promote the vertical and horizontal linkage of educational resources across administrative affiliations, promote the joint construction of educational organizations, the joint education of teachers, the joint sharing of resources, the joint operation of activities, the linkage of services, and the joint grasp of development, gradually narrow the quality gap between regions and schools, and realize the high-quality and balanced development of education under the leadership of party building. The focus of the construction of the Teaching Community is inclined to rural schools and weak schools.

Wu Shuqin interpreted the policy document on the construction of the Education Community in Liuzhou At the meeting, and she said that the overall goal of the construction of the "Education Community" is to focus on the work idea of "urban and rural education as a chess game", and promote the normalization of urban high-quality educational resources to radiate rural and weak areas through the construction of an education community. From the four dimensions of party building leadership, school construction, team cultivation, and talent training, we will help rural schools and weak schools, narrow the differences in education quality between urban and rural areas and counties, comprehensively improve the overall quality of education and teaching in primary and secondary schools in Liuzhou City, and achieve first-class education goals.

It is understood that the "teaching community" currently established in Liuzhou City is divided into three categories: the city and county high school teaching community, the district and county teaching community, and the county teaching community. The first batch of schools built by the first type of "city and county high school teaching community" are formed by Liuzhou Senior High School, Liuzhou Tieyi Middle School, Liuzhou No. 1 Middle School, Liuzhou No. 2 Middle School, Liuzhou Tie'er Middle School and county high schools; the experience of party building, education and teaching management, and talent training in urban high-quality high schools is radiated to the high schools in the five counties, and a discipline team is formed to promote the integration of teaching and research within the teaching community, and support the cultivation of talents in joint units. The second type of "district and county education community" is formed by Liubei District, Chengzhong District, Yufeng District and Liunan District as the lead units, and other counties (new districts) as joint units. The education administrative departments of each county and district (new district) send outstanding middle-aged and young cadres to the corresponding county (new district) education administrative departments to exchange services, serve as deputy leaders (and concurrently serve as deputy directors of teaching and research offices), promote the exchange and improvement of education management experience between counties and districts (new districts), and promote the construction of district and county education communities. Lead the urban area to select high-quality schools in the jurisdiction and rural schools or weak schools in the united counties (new districts) to build a district and county school teaching community, and each school section should build no less than 1 district and county school teaching community. The third type of "county-level education community" is jointly formed by the urban schools and high-quality schools in the county as the lead unit and the rural schools and weak schools as joint units. According to the model of school district system reform and collectivization of schools, each county district (new district) will further deepen the school district system and group management with the construction of the education community as the carrier.

The duration of each EC cooperation is generally not less than 3 years. Through the leadership of famous schools, mutual integration and coordinated development, establish a new image of education, broaden new ideas for development, benefit students, serve the people, and contribute to the realization of first-class education in Liuzhou.

At the meeting, representatives of the Liucheng County People's Government, Liuzhou Senior High School, and Liuzhou No. 46 Middle School made statements respectively. (Zheng Meili)

Each unit awarded the EC plaque. Zheng Meili

【Source: Liuzhou Municipal Education Bureau_Media Focus】

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