
Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

author:China Magazine for the Disabled

At the centenary of Pan Guangdan's birth, Fei Xiaotong said, "The biggest gap between me and Mr. Pan is how to behave. Mr. Pan's generation of intellectuals, who are not for fame or profit, feel that they are worthy of doing things for the society. Mr. Pan has suffered hardships, but he does not complain, and even indifferently says that this is the inevitability of the times, and this personality and realm are very comparable to people. ”

Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

Pan Guangdan


Zi Zhongang, a native of Luodian Town, Baoshan County, Jiangsu Province, is a famous sociologist, eugenicist and ethnologist. Throughout his life, he has a wide range of knowledge, and has deep achievements in the fields of family system, eugenics, talent science, genealogy, ethnic history, and education. He is the author of "Introduction to Eugenics", "The Principle of Eugenics", "The Problem of the Chinese Family", "The Problem of Reading", "A Visit to the Land Reform in Southern Jiangsu", "The "Tujia" in Northwest Hunan and the Ancient Ba People", etc. Together with Chen Yinke, Mei Yiqi and Ye Qisun, he is known as the "Four Great Philosophers of Tsinghua".

In the 1930s, in tsinghua garden, you can often see such a gentleman: a kind round face, cheeks with a blessing face, myopic glasses on the nose, hair but not long, let it roll up naturally. Not tall, but not very short, looks nearly 40 years old, with two crutches, but not slower than ordinary people. This was the lovely middle-aged Mr. Pan Guangdan in the eyes of Tsinghua students at that time.

At that time, Pan Guangdan was the provost of Tsinghua University. From students, teachers to school administrators, Pan Guangdan has experienced Tsinghua for more than 30 years. In July 1922, a reading report entitled "Feng Xiaoqing Kao" was deeply appreciated by Liang Qichao, who taught a course on "Chinese Historical Research Method" at Tsinghua University, and wrote in his comments: "With the clarity of my brother's mind, he can be a scientist; with the depth of my brother's emotions, he can be a writer." At the age of 23, Pan Guangdan was deeply appreciated by the master of thought, and since then, he has been erudite and integrated Chinese and Western, becoming a shining Hongru in China in the 20th century.

Son of Hanlin A disciple of Qinghua

In 1899, Pan Guangdan was born into a family of squires in Baoshan County, Jiangsu Province (present-day Baoshan District, Shanghai). His grandfather Pan Qitu was a private school teacher, and his father Pan Hongding entered the high school in the year of the Pengshu Reform Law, served as the editor of the Hanlin Academy, and also served in the Beijing Normal University Hall, and then went to Japan to investigate, and after returning to China, he founded several new schools in his hometown. The family background that attaches importance to education has enabled Pan Guangdan to be influenced by strict tutoring and good family learning since childhood.

In 1905, Pan Guangdan entered a private school, and the following year he studied at the Yangzheng School of the Fire Temple in Shanghai. Influenced by his father, Pan Guangdan read many books from the new school and was exposed to many new cultures and new knowledge. At the age of 12, he flipped through a bookcase about sexual hygiene that his father had brought back from Japan. When his father saw it, he did not stop him, but encouraged him to read.

In 1913, at the age of 14, Pan Guangdan was admitted to Tsinghua Academy. At that time, Tsinghua Xuetang was a preparatory school for studying in the United States, and the main course of the school was English training. Pan Guangdan was not satisfied with this, and he believed that as a Chinese, he should study Sinology. He used his evening self-study, winter and summer vacations to read line-bound books, and his study of classical Chinese literature was extensive and deep, and in addition to the classics, histories, sub-books, and collections, novels, barnyard officials and wild histories, Fang Zhi, and genealogies were all involved. When he studied abroad, he also carried a copy of the Index of the Thirteen Classics with him. In later academic research, Pan Guangdan insisted on combining Modern Western science with Chinese Sinology.

In the second year of enrollment, Pan Guangdan suffered an accident. According to the American education policy, the school stipulates that four to five o'clock in the afternoon is exercise time, and it is included in the examination program in the United States. In a physical education class, Pan Guangdan injured his right leg due to high jumping, and was infected by failing to treat it in time, and finally had to saw off one leg.

Pan Guangdan became a "one-legged guest" in Tsinghua Garden (Mei Yibao's "Tsinghua and Me"). Some classmates made fun of him, but he didn't think much of it, and even repeatedly "self-deprecated" in public. He went to the Southwest United University to give a speech, and when he talked about Confucius, he said: "For Old Master Kong, I am full of admiration. After speaking, he glanced at his missing leg and corrected: "If you say it wrong, it should be thrown to the ground on all fours." A joke caused the students to laugh. Xu Zhimo once joked about "Hu Shengpan Xian". "Hu Sheng" refers to Hu Shi, and "Pan Xian" refers to Pan Guangdan, which means that Pan Guangdan is the "Iron Abduction Li" in the Eight Immortals.

Pan Guangdan tried to install a prosthetic leg, but there was a lot of trouble, so he simply put on a double crutch. On weekends, his classmates took an outing and walk, and he was never absent, holding on to a double lign and walking for more than 20 miles. Later, a student asked Pan Guangdan how one leg had affected his life. He thought about it and smiled and said, "I've got more time to read, and it's a sign that people recognize me." What he did not mention was that because of the leg disability, the marriage contract that had been agreed upon was canceled by the other party.

In 1915, Pan Guangdan returned to his hometown to recuperate for a year, fell in love with his cousin Zhao Ruiyun, and married in 1926, after which he had seven daughters. The two respected each other, and Pan Guangdan once proudly said that he had a "harmonious family that has never had a problem." During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to subsidize the family, Zhao Ruiyun and Mrs. Mei Yiqi bought rice to make rice noodles, processed it into a northern flavor of pastry, named "Dingsheng Cake", and sent it to the pastry shop for consignment.

Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

Pan Guangdan and Zhao Ruiyun had seven daughters, named Naiqi, Naimu, Naihe, Naigu, and Nainian, as well as Naiyi and Naiqiu, who died of dysentery at the age of two and a half. Zhao Ruiyun once longed to have a son, but Pan Guangdan chanted: "A woman is more tender than a child." ”

Pan Guangdan's second daughter, Pan Naimu, later recalled: "My father never reprimanded us and was gentle with people. Mothers and fathers are very similar, whether rich or poor, young and old, urban people and rural people can approach and wait for people. Even in very difficult financial situations, she must keep her meal when guests come. ”

In 1958, Zhao Ruiyun died of illness, and Pan Guangdan wept, which was the second time he had such a big mood swing. The last time was in 1946, after hearing that his friend Wen Yiduo had been shot dead by Kuomintang agents, he cried out in grief. But he was able to quickly control his feelings, crying as if nothing had happened. "He is the most balanced of men's intellect and feelings." Bing Xin once commented on Pan Guangdan.

Study Abroad First Thought

Among the scholars who grew up around the "May Fourth" period, Pan Guangdan's image is quite special. Wen Yiduo thinks he is a scientist, Liang Shiqiu said that he is an outstanding talent, learning from Both China and the West, and his works embody the condensation of natural sciences and social sciences, while in the eyes of student Fei Xiaotong, Pan Guangdan is a humanistic thinker and anthropologist. This is probably related to Pan Guangdan's wide interests and many involvements.

During his studies at Tsinghua University, Pan Guangdan was a well-known "book lover". The books that have influenced him the most are a large number of books on chinese and foreign sexual psychology, including the seven-volume Psychology of Sex and Sigmund Freud by the famous British sexual psychologist Havelock Ellis.

In 1922, he combined western knowledge of sexual psychology with the novel "Feng Xiaoqing" to analyze the unfortunate marital encounter of Feng Xiaoqing, a woman at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and wrote the article "Feng Xiaoqing Kao". When most scholars studied "Feng Xiaoqing" from a patriarchal perspective, Pan Guangdan took a different approach and was greatly praised by Liang Qichao.

In the same year, Pan Guangdan was selected to study abroad with excellent results, entered Dartmouth College in the United States, and transferred to the third year to study biology. In 1924, Pan Guangdan entered Columbia University Graduate School to major in paleontology and genetics, under the tutelage of geneticist Morgan, who won the 1933 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology and belonged to the leading figures in the field of biology at that time. In 1926, Pan Guangdan received a master's degree.

During his studies abroad, under the influence of racial discrimination, Pan Guangdan, together with Wu Jingchao, Wen Yiduo, Liang Shiqiu, Gu Yuxuan and other alumni, founded a patriotic group in the United States, the Dajiang Society (later renamed the Dajiang Society), to advocate nationalism. Pan Guangdan once pointed out the essence of "nationalism": taking the people and the people of real quality and sound quality as the foundation of the country.

At the end of the 19th century, the fear of subjugating the country and exterminating the species has always haunted the hearts of China's advanced intellectuals, and people of insight are always looking for the road to strengthen the country and the people. Pan Guangdan, who was trained in eugenics, continued to explore the issue of racial reform that the intellectuals of his predecessors were concerned about, and tried to promote artificial social choice in addition to the overly cruel natural selection.

Unlike the "eugenics" measures adopted by the United States at that time to sterilize or isolate the so-called "inferior population" using technical means, Pan Guangdan's eugenics focused on optimizing genetics and family environment. He encouraged healthy men and women to marry early and have more children, put forward the views of marriage at the right age, prohibition of marriage of close relatives, and fewer or forbidden childbearing for those with hereditary diseases, hoping to improve the natural inheritance so that every family has a sound and excellent offspring, so as to improve the quality of the nation.

In 1928, based on first-hand survey data and combined with the actual situation in China at that time, Pan Guangdan studied the root causes of the national pathology of "private, foolish, poor, sick and chaotic" embodied in the characteristics of Chinese from the perspective of family genetics and environment, pointed out that to achieve national rejuvenation, national health and national health are the most important way out, and wrote a book "China's Family Problems" and published it. This book, which can be called a masterpiece of public opinion investigation and research on Chinese family issues, still has reference value to this day.

During his stay in the United States, Pan Guangdan studied extensively, and used the summer vacation every year to travel to various libraries to learn anthropology and biological knowledge, laying a deep foundation in eugenics, and completed the eugenics works "Introduction to Eugenics" and "The Eugenics Movement in the World in the Past Twenty Years".

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Pan Guangdan completed many book manuscripts at the Southwest United University, two of which had a special status in the academic research results of his life, one was "Eugenic Principles" and the other was "Sexual Psychology". With the purpose of "improving national quality", the 200,000-word "Eugenic Principle" uses eugenics principles to study and explore national progress, and its basic views and main contents still have important reference value for China's "eugenics and eugenics".

Although "Sexual Psychology" is a translated work, this 340,000-word translation has nearly 100,000 words of annotations, most of which are opinions and examples of sex circulated in Chinese literature and customs, and it is a precious material he collects and accumulates from a large number of canonical histories, wild histories, notes, and novels, which is not only enough to play a role in mutual confirmation, supplementation and even correction with the original work, but also an important document of sexual psychology in China.

Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

Because of the excellent Chinese and English language, Pan Guangdan also served as the editor of the "Monthly Report for Students Studying in the United States" and the "Quarterly Journal of Chinese and American Students" in the United States. In 1925, when Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, Pan Guangdan participated in the preparation of a memorial service for students studying in New York, and translated Sun Yat-sen's will and the Declaration of the First National Congress of the Kuomintang into English and submitted it to the American media for publication. Some scholars believe that "there are many English translations of Sun Yat-sen's will, the best of which is from the hand of Master Pan, and the translation is elegant and can be remembered by anyone who has read it." ”

Pan Guangdan wrote more than 6 million words in his lifetime, but pan Guangdan's status as a distinguished social science translator has not received enough attention compared to his constructive role in the development of other disciplines. In fact, his translations are an important part of his scholarly contributions and, like his writings, have had a profound impact in academia.

Coaching Tsinghua first mentioned "bit education"

In 1926, in order to explore the way of eugenics to strengthen the country, Pan Guangdan resolutely gave up the opportunity to study for a doctorate at public expense and returned to Shanghai to start a teaching career, successively teaching at Wusong National Chengchi University, Soochow University, Guanghua University, etc.

During his teaching, Pan Guangdan created a eugenics curriculum and edited the Eugenics Monthly. He often held academic discussions with Hu Shi and others to find a way out for China. Hu Shi's diary once recorded this: We discuss the "China issue" from all aspects, and Mr. Pan Guangdan believes that the Chinese nation is fundamentally in danger, and there is no shortage of people in China, but what is missing is social elements with sound physique and intelligent qualifications. In Pan Guangdan's view, having children is not only a family mission, but also a matter of social security. To this end, he actively popularized eugenics knowledge to the society, and he was invited to give lectures many times by the Peking Women's Association, the Young Women's Association, and the University Women's Studies Association.

In 1934, at the invitation of Mei Yiqi, president of Tsinghua University, Pan Guangdan returned to his alma mater as a professor of sociology, and two years later became provost. At that time, the ideas of national salvation and national rejuvenation were gushing, and in the face of a severe social environment and educational environment, Pan Guangdan gradually had a clearer understanding of the current situation of modern education. In his view, the purpose of university education is not only to teach people to be experts and scholars, but also to teach people to develop in an all-round way. Based on the theory of sociobiology, he put forward the educational concept and thought with the concept of "position education" as the core and generalist education and the cultivation of whole personality as the main content.

The concept of "bit education" is derived from the "Neutralization, Heavenly Status, and Cultivation of All Things" in "Zhongyong", which is the crystallization of Pan Guangdan's thought on the integration of traditional Chinese thought and western modern social biological views. "Position" means that each person has his or her own place, and society has order; "education" means that it develops and grows in its own position and environment, and society has progress.

Based on the concept of "position education", Pan Guangdan believes that the purpose of education is to enable everyone to find a suitable position for themselves in the real environment, to fully display their talents and develop themselves, and then to achieve the purpose of harmonious coexistence and common development between people, people and nature, and people and society, and ultimately realize the superiority of a strong country.

In the context of professional education at that time, Pan Guangdan and Mei Yiqi vigorously advocated the idea of "generalists". Pan Guangdan believes that "at present, school education at the primary, secondary and university levels, especially university education, should be aimed at seeking various levels of mastery. If students are prematurely included in a narrow professional scope, not only can they not take into account the commonality of people, but they will also stifle the personality of people. Such a person can only be a deformed person, a fragmented person, an unsound person... Professional education is important, but it must be based on a good general education. ”

When Pan Guangdan was the head of the Sociology Department at Tsinghua University, the Department of Sociology was once known as the "Generalist Manufacturing Institute". He advocated that students of science, industry, agriculture, and medicine should have more connotations of literature and law, and students of literature and law could also learn more about the spirit of true materialism. In 1941, in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University, Mei Yiqi and Pan Guangdan collaborated to further expound the idea of generalist education in the article "A Solution to the University".

As a teacher, Pan Guangdan loves and loves to interact with students. In addition to communicating with students in class, students are also welcome to come to the home to discuss, no matter how big or small, they will sincerely answer. The student said, "Mr. Pan's personality is as amiable as his round face." "Guangdan is gentle and loyal in nature, and he deserves the virtues of 'gentleness, kindness, courtesy, frugality, and concession' in the Analects." His classmate Mei Yibao, president of Yenching University, said so.

In 1937, the Anti-Japanese War broke out, and the Changsha Provisional University, which was formed by the merger of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University, was moved to Kunming, Yunnan Province, and renamed Southwest United University. In the turbulent years, Pan Guangdan eliminated interference, taught by example, and in addition to teaching courses such as eugenics and family issues, he also opened new courses such as the history of Western social thought, the history of Chinese Confucian social thought, and the theory of talents.

He actively participated in the patriotic democracy movement led by the Communist Party of China to "persist in resisting the war and opposing surrender; upholding democracy and opposing dictatorship" and shouted for the survival of the nation. In Qian Weichang's memory, Pan Guangdan always tried his best to protect the progressive students who participated in the student movement and was one of the famous progressive professors of Southwest United University.

Bibliography and study pen cultivation for the rest of his life

In the process of long-term study, Pan Guangdan evolved reading into a habit of life. He has 1200 degrees of myopia and is almost attached to the tip of his nose when reading. His family laughed at him, saying that it was no longer a "reading" book, but a "smelling" book. For Pan Guangdan, reading and buying books has become a hobby of his, and most of his living expenses are used to buy books, so that sometimes there is only a little living expenses left in his pockets, but the collection of books is piled up in several rooms.

When I lived in Room 11 of the New ForestRy Institute of Tsinghua University, on the vine rack in the green space in front of the door, a pair of gourds were formed, evenly symmetrical and lovely. Zhang Jingyu, a neighbor botany professor, said: "It is almost once in a thousand years that such a gourd is produced!" This made Pan Guangdan novel and joyful, so he named the study "Hulu LianLi Zhai".

Pan Guangdan cherished this pair of gourds very much. After the "July 7 Incident", he brought the pair and the ti gourd to the Southwest United Congress. When Qinghua North returned, he took it back to Tsinghua Garden and carefully hid it in a special triangular gourd cabinet. Feng Youlan once gave a couplet to his study: Xue is good at specializing in kung fu jing spectral, and Zhai has a special number and a gourd.

From 1938 onwards, Pan Guangdan held teaching positions and was also the director of the library of Tsinghua University. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, most of the books that Qinghua moved south were destroyed by Japanese aircraft, and only 20,000 copies were transported to Kunming. In 1946, Pan Guangdan returned to Beiping and devoted his energy and time to library business. He single-handedly handled the distribution of books at the Southwest United University, purchasing 14,000 copies of Liu Bannong's suicide note and 15,000 copies of the Suzhou Jinsongcen collection. The following year, Pan Guangdan received more than 200 books donated by the central delegation. At that time, the Kuomintang was broken, war broke out, and Pan Guangdan took the risk. But he was bent on collecting books, and he didn't care about anything else.

Pan Guangdan has his own philosophy of receiving and purchasing books, "to apply the main, do not investigate the version, do not have prejudices, and do not buy too expensive and cold books that are not commonly used by students." On the way to procurement, seeing that the private library and the old book industry were withering, and a large number of paper books were turned into pulp, Pan Guangdan wrote "The Sense of The Journey to the South" and "Saving the Book", calling on the library to work hard to collect it so as not to disperse.

Under the auspices of Pan Guangdan, tsinghua libraries overcame various difficulties and returned to Beiping for a year, restoring the collection to pre-war levels. According to the 36th anniversary of Tsinghua University, "All departments are open, and the most popular is the library. After demobilization, most of the lost books were recovered. Curator Pan Guangdan stood in front of the auditorium with a smile on both crutches, and congratulated him with humble thanks..." (Tianjin Ta Kung Pao, April 28, 1947)

In 1952, Tsinghua University underwent a department adjustment, and Pan Guangdan was transferred to the Research Department of the Central Institute for Nationalities, responsible for the study of ethnic minorities in Central and Southern China. During this period, Pan Guangdan and Fei Xiaotong were neighbors for nearly 20 years. In Fei Xiaotong's eyes, the learned Pan Guangdan is a "living dictionary", and if he has any questions, he will always sneak to the next door to find Pan Guangdan, and Pan Guangdan will tirelessly answer directly, or find a book to answer. After Pan Guangdan's death, Fei Xiaotong said: "I feel as if I have lost my crutch from time to time. ”

Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

During his teaching at the Central Institute for Nationalities, Pan Guangdan (left) and Fei Xiaotong (right) were neighbors, and Fei Xiaotong often visited Pan Guangdan's home for advice. After Pan Guangdan's death, Fei Xiaotong once lamented: "I feel like I have lost my crutch from time to time. ”

In 1953, Pan Guangdan accepted the task of studying the Tujia family, read a large number of historical documents, and completed a 140,000-word long paper in 1955, "The Tujia and the Ancient Ba People in Northwest Hunan Province", which strictly demonstrated that the Tujia family was a single ethnic minority, which was accepted and affirmed by the academic community. A year later, Pan Guangdan, who was already a member of the CppcC National Committee, made a decision that puzzled many people - he personally went to the Sichuan-Hubei Tujia area with extremely underdeveloped transportation on crutches to conduct an on-the-spot investigation.

In 65 days, it traveled through 18 counties and cities such as Hubei, Sichuan and Chongqing, and traveled more than 7,000 kilometers. During the day, Pan Guangdan listened to the county's report, listened to the simple voice of the local elderly, and distinguished the choice from their simple narratives and vague expressions, and removed the false and the true; at night, he found the local zhishu, picked the lamp to read and copied. If there are important cultural relics in the local area, he must go to the scene to see the actual objects.

When you get to Yong'an Town, Fengjie, Chongqing, you have to walk uphill more than 200 steps. It was a dark day, rain and snow, and the group struggled to get up. Pan Guangdan did not want to be supported, supported the double crutches, two levels and one stride up vertically, jumped to the last few steps, double crutches and slipped, fell down the body. Pan Guangdan is very strong, does not want help from others, and insists on standing up and walking on both crutches. Sometimes I walk too much, and my armpits are often worn.

Pan Guangdan 丨 Help the generation of Hongru who is moving forward

The Sichuan-Yunnan-Tibet region has a bumpy road and often requires trekking through mountains and waters. Pan Guangdan is very strong, does not want help from others, and insists on walking on crutches.

In July 1957, Pan Guangdan and Professor Xiang Da of Peking University jointly delivered a speech at the CPPCC meeting entitled "A Fraternal Ethnic Group in Northwest Hunan Province, Southwest Hubei, and Southeast Sichuan: Tujia Family" based on the results of field investigations on the basis of the results of field investigations on language, writing, customs, and surnames. Two months later, the West Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture was established.

Soon after, however, political movements portrayed Pan Guangdan as a rightist and were repeatedly criticized. Even in the difficult years of political squeeze, Pan Guangdan continued to work hard and insisted on translating Darwin's magnum opus, The Origin of Mankind. During the Cultural Revolution, Pan Guangdan fell ill from the cold of labor reform, and finally lost his life because of lack of medical treatment and no medicine. On June 10, 1967, a generation of thought masters passed away.

At the centenary of Pan Guangdan's birth, Fei Xiaotong said, "The biggest gap between me and Mr. Pan is how to behave. Mr. Pan's generation of intellectuals, who are not for fame or profit, feel that they are worthy of doing things for the society. Mr. Pan has suffered hardships, but he does not complain, and even indifferently says that this is the inevitability of the times, and this personality and realm are very comparable to people. ”

As Fei Xiaotong said, Pan Guangdan's life was a scholar's life, sincere and bumpy. His academic thoughts and feelings of home and country are like stars shining on the hearts and lives of the Chinese people. His personality is also quite consistent with the twelve-character inscription engraved on his homemade old bamboo pipe - shaped like a dragon, qi like a rainbow, virtuous and able to tolerate, and zhiyutong.

Source 丨China Magazine for Persons with Disabilities(ID:zgcjrzzs)

Wen | Liu Ye

Editor 丨 Hao Yiming