
Wesley - Tomb Raider 2

author:Book sounds are large

I turned around and prepared to leave, but after one step, I froze and stood still. I saw a man, standing in the doorway, and this man was standing there, giving the impression that a mummy was over there. His expression was so strange, his face was so ugly, his body was trembling, it was an involuntary trembling, but it also seemed extremely stiff.

I had to settle down before I realized that that person was no one else, but the original outwardly extraordinary, worthy of the title of Qi YuXuan. In Du Bao's hand, he was still holding a white robe, or most of it, because one end of the white robe had torn places.

As soon as I saw him like this, I said, "What's wrong with you?" ”

Du Bao shook a little and began to make a sound, and I did not say that he "began to speak", but only that he "made a sound", because at first, he had no idea what he was saying, and the vague sound, coupled with the "get" sound of his upper and lower rows of teeth touching each other because of the trembling, no one could know what he wanted to express.

I shook sharply again, and looked out the door, the door that had clamped the white robe had been opened, and the white robe in Du Bao's hand was naturally the three mysterious figures. The man, after the white robe was caught in the door, tore the white robe and left. Now that Du Bao was so shocked, it was entirely possible to guess what extremely terrible things had happened to him. So, can it be assumed that the image of those three people after removing the white robes is extremely frightening?

Ever since I met those three people, I felt that these three people were full of strangeness and mystery, and Du Bao's panic now had a great deal to do with those three people.

I took a breath and said, "Oh my God, Dubao, what do you see?" ”

As soon as I shouted, Du Bao's eyes turned and looked at me, and even his eyes turned, they were extremely stiff, which showed how much panic in his heart was.

He looked at me, and although his voice was still mixed with wheezing and the sound of his teeth tapping, he could finally hear what he was saying: "I... Nothing was seen, nothing... Nor did I see it. ”

For a moment, I didn't understand what he meant by this, and I thought he was lying, so I immediately said, "I haven't seen anything, so why are you afraid of being like this?" ”

Du Bao still repeated the sentence: "I didn't see anything." It wasn't until he had repeated it five or six times that he said, "It's because I didn't see anything that I was afraid." ”

I stayed for a while, still didn't understand, and wanted to ask again, the virus had screamed: "Don't ask so much, let him say it himself." God, can you shut up and ask fewer questions? ”

I had never given anyone such a shout, but at this time, because the atmosphere was so strange, I didn't have time to say anything more with the virus, because I was also anxious to hear Du Bao's explanation.

Du Bao gasped, took a few steps forward, picked up a wine bottle, and drank the wine at the mouth of the bottle. His movements were so flustered that he didn't have time to open the cork, the crystal glass cork, which fell as he lifted the bottle, rolled out of the carpet.

The wine flowed down his mouth, and he did not wipe it, but only raised the white robe in his hand: "I saw the three men coming out quickly, and the corner of one of them's clothes was caught in the door." ”

I wanted to ask again, but thinking of the "comment" that the virus had just made to me, I couldn't help but stop making a sound.

Du Bao continued, "I wanted to stop them, but although the corner of the man's clothes was clamped, he had no intention of stopping, he was still walking forward, and the white robe was torn apart, and most of the people below the turban remained by the door, and the man continued to walk forward." ”

At this time, Du Bao had calmed down, and his words sounded very organized.

I couldn't help but say, "When the white robe was ripped off, you saw that person's body, so you were scared?" ”

Du Bao first took a long breath, and then, very slowly, exhaled that breath, "No, I didn't see anything." ”

As soon as I inhaled and wanted to speak again, Du Bao immediately said, "Inside the white robe, there is nothing, there is no body at all." ”

I shook my head sharply, and although Du Bao's words were very clear, I didn't understand them. "There is no body at all", what is this situation? I looked at the virus and saw the look of the virus, not panic. At the same time, I could hear him muttering, "Really, really." ”

I didn't know what the virus meant when it said "really," so I turned to Du Bao and said, "Please explain a little bit." ”

Du Bao took another sip of wine: "I have said it clearly enough, after the white robe has fallen..." He said this, paused, waved his hand, and his expression returned to calm, although he was still frightened: "There is nothing, the inside of the robe is empty." ”

I quickly turned to read, I heard Du Bao's words, but in common sense, I could not accept his words, the inside of the robe was empty, how could this be? There must be a body in the robe, even if he is not a human, but a monster, inside the robe, there should be a monster's body.

But Du Bao said that the robe was empty. Empty, there is nothing. No matter how weird a body is, it will not be nothing.

I suddenly thought of a little, and immediately "ah" said, "That person... You mean the guy... Is it an invisible person? ”

If it was an invisible person, or a transparent person, after the robe was torn off, his body could not be seen, which is why Du Bao did not see anything.

When I asked this question, I could hear the virus make a muffled hum. I thought the virus must have something to say, and I looked at him, only to see him with his hands on his head, and I didn't know what he was doing. I looked at Du Bao again, hoping that he would agree with the "invisible man" statement.

Du Bao shook his head, "No, they are not invisible people." ”

I was a little angry: "It's not an invisible person, how can you not see that person's body?" ”

Du Bao said, "When the white robe was torn off, I didn't see the person's body, there were three of them in total." I snorted, "Yes." ”

Du Bao said, "At that time, I couldn't see the other two people's bodies, so I pretended that the person didn't exist and castrated faster." Because of their rapid castration, the white robes on their bodies were raised..."

Du Bao said as he made a gesture.

I understand this situation, a person in a wide white robe and rush forward, the white robe will rise.

Du Bao saw that I seemed to understand, and then said, "Their castration is so fast that the angle of rising backwards from the inside reaches thirty-five degrees, perhaps, even more." ”

I blinked, "What are you trying to say?" ”

Du Bao said, "Absolutely no one can maintain the body forward at such an angle, if there is a body in the white robe, they cannot move forward, in the white robe, there is no body at all, not invisible." ”

I still blinked: "Without a body, how can it move forward?" ”

Du Bao smiled bitterly, "At that time, I was really frightened and stunned, so I couldn't think of this, but now, I can explain." ”

I stopped blinking, raised my eyebrows, and Du Bao said, "First of all, the one whose white robe was torn off, the white robe was torn off, but the turban was still there, covered... Covered..."

When he said this, he couldn't talk about it anymore, and I smiled bitterly: "Under the turban, the cover should be the head, of course." Du Bao's expression was also extremely bitter: "Yes, it should be the head, I mean, the head... head...... In..."

He didn't really know how to phrase it, but I knew what he meant. What he meant was that the three men had no bodies at all, only heads, heads covered with turbans, and white robes covered up. Because the white robe is wide and reachable, and "no body", it is unexpected, and it looks like a whole person. And once the white robe is torn off, of course, only the head is left to advance with the turban.

I understood the meaning of Dubao, but the confusion was extreme: the head alone was wearing a turban, of course, not "walking" forward, but "flying" forward. This may explain why the three men were advancing so fast, and why the thorny wooden stick hit the white robe, because the robe was empty!

But why would a big man with a stick fall to the ground? Why doesn't The Panther move forward? I thought again of the three men sitting on the couch, the three of them clinging to each other, only to think that the three of them were too close together, and could not pay attention to whether there was a body inside the white robe.

Their heads... What is their head like? I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. I talked a lot to the three men, but I didn't see their heads at all.

All I heard was the sounds, the sounds they made, and seeing their eyes or feeling the strange glow that emanated from their eyes. As for what they looked like, I couldn't see them at all, because their turbans were pulled low and dense.

As I thought about it, the virus suddenly said a sentence: "As early as the first time they came, I found that these three people were not ordinary people, so they made a promise to me, and I believed them without hesitation." ”

I said, "How unusual is it?" No body? "The virus looked at me with a very sincere look, at least, he wanted me to feel that he was very sincere.

The virus said: "The first time they came, they called out a name that I used to use as a teenager." You know, I'm so old, the people who knew me as a teenager all went to another world, and no one would know that I used that name. ”

I shook my head and said, "Maybe they saw it from some record." ”

The virus ignored my words, for example, he said that no one would know his name as a teenager, and that no one would know, no longer argue with me, and said to himself: "When they come in, a brilliant grave robber must have a natural ability to be different in all aspects, one of which is to have an extremely sensitive hearing, more sensitive than rabbits and gophers." ”

I let out an "um" at this point, and I did not understand what special and sensitive hearing could be of any use to a brilliant grave robber. Afterwards, I learned that many ancient tombs, in order to prevent theft, have played tricks when building.

Generally speaking, there are many unpredictable traps in the ancient tomb, and the tomb robbers who enter the ancient tomb will be trapped and buried in the ancient tomb if they are not careful. No matter how clever the trap is, there will always be a little noise when it is about to be launched.

This kind of sound may be extremely low, so low that even in the dead and silent tomb, ordinary people cannot hear it, but a person with a special sensitive sense of hearing can hear it and escape in time.

Therefore, hearing, as sensitive as a gopher, is one of the necessary conditions for a good grave robber.

The virus pointed at me: "For example, I'm sitting here, and although I'm old enough, I can still hear your breathing and your heartbeat!" ”

I nodded, subconsciously, holding my breath. The virus immediately said, "Now, you are not breathing." ”

I have no doubt that the virus has this ability, in a silent environment, I can also hear the breathing of a person close to me, even if that person is very careful to control his breathing. But hearing the heartbeat sound, it was a bit strange, but unfortunately I didn't have the ability to make my heart stop beating temporarily, to try him.

The virus sighed: "When the three people first came in, I didn't hear their breathing, nor did I hear their heartbeats. ”

I felt a shock, and the virus said, "At that time, I just thought, Ah, I am old, my hearing is no longer as sensitive as before, but I can hear the breathing and heartbeat of other people around me, and I can also hear that Ada, who brought the three of them in, was beating very violently, and his heart was feeling very afraid." ”

The more I listened, the more I felt a chill. The virus's voice was calm, but he could hear that there was also a strange fear in his heart, and he said, "So, I can know that these three people have no breathing or heartbeat at all." ”

Du Bao let out an almost groaning voice: "Master, these three people are..."

The virus said, "These three people are dead people, but they are talking again." Du Bao, I am old enough, so old that I have encountered and heard of all kinds of strange things. I'm also old enough that there's nothing weird to scare me, so I can stay calm, talk to them, talk to three people who don't have a heartbeat! ”

When I heard this, I involuntarily let out a groan.

From the time I received Qi Bai's tape, to Qi Bai's disappearance, to Shan Si's death, and inexplicably someone bought me something at a high price, until now, the situation is not gradually becoming clearer, but step by step, towards a deeper and more unpredictable mystery.

Three people who didn't breathe, who didn't have a heartbeat, now have proof that these three people have no body at all!

No breath, no heartbeat, no body, in such a situation, can these three people be called "people"? I groaned a little, "Those three, not people. ”

The virus said, "Yes, they are not human beings, I don't know what they are." ”

Suddenly, there was a sense of extreme amusing, and I almost laughed: "Three don't know what it is... What is the use of things, to be seventy-four concrete? ”

The virus said, "I don't know, please ask, why do people want so much wealth and power?" ”

The virus suddenly asked such a question, which was really ridiculous, and I said, "Then I have to ask you, because only you have so much wealth here." ”

The virus murmured, "Wealth is of no use to me anymore." ”

My heart fluttered: "Well, these three... Whatever they are, what benefits are they allowed to give you that makes you anxious to find Qi Bai and steal the corpses for them? ”

The virus rolled its eyes and glanced at me, "I won't tell you, but I believe they can do it." I stared directly at him: "You have found that they are not human beings at all, you must think of them as gods in your mind, and you will believe whatever they say to you." I guess the promise they gave you is to prolong your life, or to restore youth, right? ”

The virus shook a little, pressed its lips, and did not make a sound.

My speculation is reasonable, that in the current state of the virus, he has countless wealth, but only a limited life. This is man's greatest sorrow: as death approaches step by step, the role of wealth becomes weaker and weaker.

Those three "people", if they really have the ability to prolong the life of the virus, then the virus will be willing to do anything for them!

I sighed, "However, you have been deceived, they even have to entrust people with tomb robbers, it seems that they do not have much ability..."

The virus cried out, "No, no, even a god with great powers must be unable to do something." ”

I said, "If you're sure of their promise, then why don't you go out yourself?" ”

Virus smiled bitterly, "I'm so old." ”

I shouted, "Your movements are still very sensitive, and you can completely perform any tomb robbery operation!" ”

The virus was extremely angry by my words, and he said, "Yes, but they won't tell me where the burial chamber is, I don't do such a thing, I must know exactly where I am going before I act." ”

I snorted, "Despicable! You feel extremely dangerous, so you don't go, tell Qi Bai to go, and when Something happens to Qi Bai, you tell me to go again. ”

The virus shouted angrily: "It is voluntary! No one forced Qi Bai to go, nor did he force you to go..."

When he said this, his tone suddenly became extremely weak: "But... I beg you to go... Really, they... Promise me, in one way, I can even return to the vitality I had when I was twenty. ”

I expected that only this promise could impress the heart of the virus. I sighed, "Well, you're only giving one of the twenty collection rooms, that's a bit of a miserliness." ”

The virus said, "As long as you can succeed, it's all for you." ”

I took a deep breath, and the virus is arguably the highest pay in the world for a solo action. Of course, I would not be moved by this reward, but I did, and I would like to meet the three "people" again.

The words they said to me as they were leaving proved that they had made the call, and that the place where they could meet was the manhole, located at the junction of 29.47 degrees north latitude and 29.47 degrees east longitude.

With such precise latitude and longitude, it is not difficult to find that location.

The three of them were waiting for me at that place, which was a great temptation for me.

As I thought, the virus looked at me with a pleading look, and I said, "Now I can't promise you with certainty, but I know where they are, and I'm going to see them." ”

The virus said, "That's great, that's great." ”

And I asked, "What is the use of the seventy-four corpses they want?" ”

The virus shook its head, and I smiled bitterly: "It seems that they are very capable, not afraid of attack, even the panther does not dare to invade them, but why do they not carry it out themselves, but they have to go to great lengths to ask the tomb robbers to carry out this matter?" ”

The virus still shook his head, and it seemed that he really didn't know anything. I felt that the virus had confidence in them, mostly a dying old man mentality. At the age of the virus, people can believe anything for the sake of life extension.

I didn't ask any more questions, but looked at Du Bao: "Please send me out." ”

Du Bao looked like he couldn't ask for it, and even said yes. As soon as he came out of the door of the study, Du Bao lowered his voice: "Mr. Wei, according to my point of view, those three... To ask the owner to rob the tomb... Not like a creature. ”

I was stunned, what is this conclusion? No matter how strange the three of them are, they can also say that they are active, how can they be said that they are not creatures?

Du Bao saw that I looked suspicious and hurriedly said, "I majored in electrical engineering at university." ”

I said, "Those three are electro-robots?" ”

Du Bao thought for a moment: "Similar meaning." ”

I also thought about it: "Electro-robot, flying with the principle of jets?" Theoretically, it makes sense. But who is the maker? Who is the controller? ”

Du Bao couldn't answer, and I patted him on the shoulder: "You're not quite right, as far as I know, beasts of prey, like the Panther, have an extremely keen sense of smell, they don't feel afraid of any mechanical work, and the only thing that can make them afraid is this more powerful and vicious creature, or a creature they have never experienced." ”

Du Bao took a deep breath, and I said, "Your master's feeling is no worse than that of the beast, his feeling is that of those three people, there is no breathing or heartbeat at all." ”

Du Bao murmured, "That's why I think they are not creatures." I sighed, "It's a creature, just a strange creature, a creature outside the realm of our knowledge." ”

Du Bao suddenly laughed: "How can a creature from outer space have a relationship with a tomb robber?" Should and... He couldn't imagine for a moment what kind of person he should have a relationship with. At this moment, my heart moved steeply, and in an instant, A knot was connected.

Of all the mysteries, there is no ring that can be buckled, and the most troubling part of the whole thing is here.

And now, Du Bao's words are actually his expression that he doesn't know how to say, but he has given me inspiration. He said that outer space creatures should not have a relationship with tomb robbers, and indeed, outer space creatures have nothing to do with people who specialize in digging ancient tombs. It should have something to do with the people at NASA.

Among the many mysteries, one is related to a certain Space Agency person. Several space agency personnel, posing as employees of the auction company, died in a plane crash, and I still have the id documents of one of them.

I still don't know what role these space agency staff play, so if those three are outer space creatures, the people who should be most related to them are the space agency staff.

This knot may have been fastened, but after it was fastened, what could happen, no matter how I thought about it, I had no clue. The car was driven by the driver and drove to Hu Ming's residence.

Du Bao did not send me in, as soon as I entered, I saw Hu Ming, who had been sitting, jump straight up, while Ada was still there, looking at me with a grimace. Hu Ming ran straight to me: "What does the virus tell you to do?" Did you put forward the conditions? ”

I put my hand on his chest, walked forward, and pushed him straight down on a chair: "You can hear clearly, as long as I can do what the virus requires, he will give me all his treasures." ”

Hu Ming and Ada opened their mouths together, and a vague sound came from their throats. Hu Ming asked, "God, what does he want you to do?" ”

I said, "Tomb robbery, from a burial chamber, steal seventy-four corpses." It is that Qi Bai did not do a successful thing, Qi Bai is now missing, and the murder is more than ji. ”

Hu Ming gasped, "For those treasures, no matter how dangerous, it is worth it." ”

I said coldly, "I can recommend you to the virus, and it is up to you to do this." ”

Hu Ming listened, opened his mouth, looked at him like that, as if he wanted to blurt out "good" immediately, but in the last tenth of a second, he considered that he could not agree arbitrarily, so he opened his mouth and did not make a sound.

Departing early the next morning, I checked in detail the gear I had brought with me. All the gear, in a good performing medium-sized jeep, had enough fuel to triple what I needed for my journey. Early in the morning, I set off for the desert. Hu Ming got off the bus at the edge of the desert and returned to the city alone.

By noon, it was so hot that my clothes were drenched in sweat. The car was very boring and monotonous driving in the desert, but I was very excited because I didn't know what strange experiences were waiting for me.

The intersection of "twenty-nine:47" is about two hundred kilometers southwest of Cairo. The speed of the car in the desert could not be too high, it could only travel twenty to twenty-five kilometers per hour, and at sunset, it was close to its destination.

I stopped the car, looked at the sextant, and determined that less than three hundred meters was my destination.

I picked up the telescope and stared intently, and saw that at more than two hundred meters the grains of sand were moving slowly, and that kind of movement, at a very slow speed, was impatient, could never be seen, almost looking at the surface of the clock, watching the movement of the minute hand.

Moving further forward, you can see that the speed at which the sand grains are moving is gradually accelerating. The movement was carried out in one direction, extremely slowly, and after a long pause, I could see a grain of sand suddenly turn over, and the shining side became backlit.

Looking further ahead, the speed at which the grains of sand moved increased, all the way to the center point.

Beyond my imagination, the center point, instead of sinking downwards, bulged upwards, forming a small sand dune less than a meter in diameter, only twenty centimeters high, and the tip of the dune seemed quite sharp, and on that tip, the grains of sand were rapidly tumbling.

Hu Ming once explained to me that manholes are a phenomenon produced by the flow of sand in the desert, and the whirlpool of water flow is exactly the same principle. So in my imagination, the center point of the manhole should be a whirlpool of sand, which is concave downwards. However, instead, a force was generated, arching the grains of sand, and the situation was somewhat different from the whirlpool in the water.

I got out of the car, grabbed a gun, pulled the trigger, and shot a flag.

This kind of gun, used exclusively to shoot flags in the desert, can make people have a fixed target when advancing. Because in the endless desert, even if the target is determined, and if there is no obvious mark, it will go in the wrong direction because of the illusion of sight.

I aimed at the center point of the manhole from the long-range shooter on the gun and fired the flag. The flag is a fifty-centimeter-long flag with a small bright red flag attached.

The flag landed precisely at the center of the manhole, planted on the sand, at least forty centimeters exposed outside the sand, and the bright red flag looked very distinct. But in the blink of an eye, the target was gone, and half of the flag was sunk into the sand.

I opened my mouth wide, and before I could shout out, the whole flag was gone, and it was pulled under the sand by the whirlpool of sand. The weight of the whole flag is very light, it is really hard to imagine, if people step on it, at what speed they will sink down!

I raised my voice and said, "Hey, where are you?" I'm coming, here's twenty-nine point four-seven, I'm coming, you guys are coming out. ”

I screamed and pressed the car horn hard, making a startling noise. In the flat desert, the sound does not know how far it can be transmitted, let alone three hundred meters, but it can also be heard outside the three thousand meters.

I didn't dare to step forward again, and the situation of the flag falling into the sand just now seemed shocking!

I shouted for a while, but there was no movement in the desert.

I snorted and picked up the rope from the car and fastened it to my waist, the other end of the rope, wrapped around a winch. There is a control button on the winch, and it takes a hard pull to relax the rope by about a meter, which was originally a special kind of equipment for climbing mountains, and now I can use it. If a person is pulled down by a whirlpool of sand, the rope will make me stop sinking, and I can pull the rope and break free of the whirlpool.

When I was ready, I began to walk forward, only a dozen meters from the center point, and looked down to see that my feet had sunk into the sand.

I shuddered, loosened the rope again, took another step forward, sank even more, even my ankles were gone, and took two more steps forward, and the sand had reached my calf! I stopped and didn't move, who knew that for a moment, the sinking was faster, and all of a sudden, the sand had reached the bend of my leg. And by this time, I had felt a tenacious and slow force underneath me pulling me downwards, and the sand had quickly passed the bend of my legs. Pull me down with great force and pull the rope straight!

Then, the unexpected happened, the rope was tightened, and suddenly there was a "clap" sound, broken! As soon as the rope broke, the eyes went black, and the whole person was pulled into the sand.

It happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to be afraid. There was only one thing on my mind: Ah, my whole life, ended in the desert.

But even such a thought lasted only a very short time, and suddenly, the body was light, and the feeling of pressure that had been half buried in the sand disappeared. At the same time, I heard the voice that I was already familiar with, a little harsh: "You are here, very good, you finally figured it out, willing to do things for us?" ”

For a moment, I really didn't know what was happening, because it was dark in front of me, and I couldn't see anything, but in terms of feeling, I could feel that in a very short time, I had passed through the sand layer and come to a space under the sand.

I fixed my mind, and I had no difficulty breathing. I struggled to calm down, "Where am I?" ”

The voice said, "It doesn't matter where you are, have you decided to go to that tomb and steal all the seventy-four corpses inside?" ”

I snorted, "Why do you think I'm here?" The voice said, "Well, let's go." ”

I tried to move forward, but as soon as I moved forward, I touched something hard, like a wall, and the sound was clearly coming out in front of me.

I was very confused about what kind of environment I was in, and the other person said "go", and I suppressed my anger: "Go? You must at least make me see things. ”

The voice said, "It is not that we make you invisible, but that your eyes make you invisible." ”

I was startled: "What do you mean?" I...... Eyes..."

The voice said, "Your eyes are normal, there is nothing wrong with it." The structure of your eyes only acts on light: without light stimulating your optic nerves, you can't see things. ”

I snorted, I couldn't see anything in the darkness, the structure of the human eye was what it was. What immediately occurred to me was that this might be the entrance to the tomb I was going to.

The voice said, "Please go to the right." ”

Things have come to this point, and there is no room for consideration. Turning to the right, I walked forward, took about three or four steps, and came across something.

When something comes to me, the most natural reaction is naturally to reach out and touch it, and I cannot be an exception, I stretch out my hand, and in less than two seconds, I can be sure that in front of me, is a chair. But this chair is a little special, and on top of it, there is a device that looks like a circle.

If the environment wasn't so weird, I'd guess it was a chair permed by a female guest in the barbershop.

At this moment, the voice sounded again: "Please sit down!" ”

I sat down and said, "Where can this chair take me?" ”

The voice said, "Listen, from now on, what I say is very important. You will be temporarily unconscious, and we will take you to the entrance of the burial chamber you are going to. There, you have to go through a passage about eight hundred meters long, the passage is caused by a sudden rush, you may encounter some difficulties, but not too serious. ”

At this point, the voice paused for a moment before he said, "The difficulty lies in the fact that after you have left the Yongdao, we do not know what the situation is inside, but we believe that it must be not far from the tomb, and in that tomb there are seventy-four corpses, and you want to transport all these corpses out." ”

The more I listened, the more confused I became, but I stopped asking because they didn't like people to ask too many questions.

I just said, "Well, I've never been in an ancient tomb, and I hope I can succeed." ”

The voice suddenly said, "Ancient tomb, who said it was an ancient tomb?" ”

I froze for a moment: "Not an ancient tomb?" What is not an ancient tomb? ”

The voice paused for a moment, as if considering whether it was time to answer my question, and after a moment he said, "It's just a burial chamber, and when you arrive, you'll know." ”

At this time, the doubts in my heart were really to the extreme. I immediately remembered the words from Qi Bai's tape: "Where am I... I saw the ultimate... Wait a minute. ”

What kind of burial chamber am I going to? I still wanted to ask, but it was too late, and the circular object on the chair, toward my head, shrouded down.

It was like sitting in a barber chair with a hair dryer to dry it. A uniform "nuisance" sound sounded in my ears, and I lost consciousness in a very short period of time. The voice could be heard saying, "Because of Qi Bai's actions, the difficulties in entering that tomb will inevitably increase, and you must be careful, be doubly careful." ”

I didn't have a chance to think about why after Qi Bai had been there, it would be more difficult for me to go again, and I was already unconscious.

I don't know how long later, I suddenly woke up, I stood up at once, and thought about the whole thing quickly since I was ripped off by the sand whirlpool, until now.

It was still pitch black in front of me, and I immediately heard the voice again: "On your right, there are some necessary tools, and you can start." ”

I took a breath: "Can you ask a very simple question?" ”

The voice "hummed" impatiently, and I was quickly thinking about how to ask. From that indication, the identity of "them" has gradually become clear, and I do not think that they will be "electro-mechanicals" as Du Bao said, but if they can build a space under the sand whirlpool, it is definitely not a matter of human ability.

So, after thinking about it for a very short time, I jokingly said, "What I don't understand is why higher creatures from aliens are interested in corpses." ”

I asked myself, and it was asked with great skill, for in this simple sentence I was not only certain that they were from alien origin, but I also raised new questions about why they were going to steal the seventy-four corpses.

The voice snorted again, "If all goes well, you'll understand." ”

I said busily, "That's not the answer." ”

But the voice stopped sounding, and I repeated it twice, still without any response. I squatted down slightly, groped down with my right hand, and touched a soft leather bag that looked like a tool bag.

I opened the bag and reached in, and unexpectedly, the first thing I touched was a flashlight.

After a long time in the dark, a flashlight excited me, and I immediately took it out and pressed it on. The light was too intense, but it also allowed me to see what was in front of me, and I was in a corridor.

It was a very rough tunnel that led all the way forward, and the walls of the tunnel were a red, rather hard mud. I got up from a chair, but the chair wasn't there. Where I am, just the height of a person standing up. It seems to be the beginning of the tunnel, but the entrance to the tunnel cannot be found.

After observing the environment, I took a picture of the bag with a flashlight, and found that there was an electric drill in the bag, and I guessed that it was an electric drill, connected to a small square box, and tried to press a button on the handle, and the drill turned rapidly, without any sound. I lifted it up and aimed the drill at a small stone protruding from the tunnel wall.

The stone looked like granite, and I didn't use any force at all, the ten-centimeter-long drill beak, like a red-hot iron branch inserted into butter, and the stone powder splashed around.

The hardness and sharpness of the nozzle was beyond expectations.

There were some other tools in the bag, it seemed that they were all accessories for electric drills, and I could not study their use one by one, so I put the tools away, carried the leather bag, lit it with a flashlight, walked forward, took a few steps, and bent down, and there was a tunnel, where it passed, all hard stones, and had to crawl over it with my hands and feet.

I wondered in my heart: I should be in the desert of North Africa, assuming that the tunnel was under the desert, leading to a burial chamber. I never knew that under the desert, there would be a hard granite layer. Maybe I don't have enough geology knowledge?

In the narrow tunnel, crawling slowly forward, it was not pleasant, it took a long time, the granite was strict, it was one hundred and fifty meters. It's an extremely difficult project, of course, "difficult" is that according to the usual level of engineering, if there is a tool, cutting granite like cutting butter, it is nothing.

After passing through the granite tunnel of about one hundred and fifty meters, there is no road in front of it, just a stone wall, but the height can make people stand up.

I stood up straight, took a breath, and saw that on the stone wall in front of me, there was a piece of granite that had been cut and placed in place, and a small part, protruding out, and the granite was about fifty centimeters square. I grabbed the corner of the stone with force and pulled it outward, and the stone, with a heavy sound, fell down, revealing a hole.

The hole was the size of a hole for people to drill into, and as soon as the stone fell, I heard a strange sound. I had been in the tunnel of extreme silence for a long time, and I was very sensitive to sounds, but for a moment I could not determine what it was. The sound sounded like a machine coming out of a regular operation. I never expected to hear the sound of machinery running in this environment, because I had come to rob the tomb to steal seventy-four corpses from a burial chamber, possibly mummies from thousands of years ago. I could expect to hear a spell from a dead man three thousand years ago, and I wouldn't want to hear the sound of machinery running.

I thought about it for a moment, but I had to assume that it was the sound of air rushing through a narrow space. It can be true that ancient tombs often have narrow corridors, but in the corridors of ancient tombs, there will be rapid air circulation? Even I feel that this assumption is not very reasonable.

I stood at the mouth of the cave for quite a long time, unable to figure out what the sound was, and I went through the hole, and the light of the flashlight shone, and I stayed for another moment.

Inside the cave, there is another corridor, very long, and the place where I entered, probably in the middle of this corridor, shines at both ends, and the light of the flashlight cannot shine to the end.

I definitely expected to enter a corridor, because I knew that the environment I was in at this time must be the same place that Qi Bai mentioned in the tape. Qi Bai once had a long yongdao. In the tape, when Qi Bai walked forward in this corridor, he already expressed extreme doubt in his words, not knowing where he was.

When I listened to the tape, I didn't know why Qi Bai felt this way, but now I fully understood Qi Bai's feelings, because as soon as I entered this passage, I had asked myself a thousand times in my heart: What is this place?

This, of course, is a corridor, and I also know that there must be one end of the corridor that leads to a burial chamber. But I still keep asking myself: What is this place?

I was asking myself this, and my thoughts were extremely confused.

It is said that if you had known that there would be a Yongdao and come to this Yongdao, you should not have felt this way, but this Yongdao, heavens, it is actually made of cement!

It was absolutely cement, very rough, on the cement wall, the traces of the wooden plank mold, you can also see very clearly, the whole corridor, all cement.

Even if the whole passage was made of rubies, I wouldn't have been so weird in my heart. But how many years has cement been invented? In the middle of the ancient tomb, how can there be a cement corridor?

Not only was the corridor made of cement, but at the top, there were several thick and thin iron pipes laid, and the length of the iron pipes seemed to be as long as the corridor, and the iron pipes were also coated with black asphalt.

Such a corridor, such an iron pipe, coupled with a regular mechanical sound, no matter which side I look at, I am in a modern building!

I took a few steps forward, and the footsteps on the concrete ground made a hollow sound, and in Qi Bai's tape, there were footsteps like this for a long time. Qi Bai described it as a "corridor" in the tape, this description is not appropriate, it should be a corridor, I think, Qi Bai's thoughts at that time must be more confused than mine, so he will not choose to use the term "corridor".

Qi Bai didn't understand why he came here, and so did I now, not understanding why he had come here. First in a chair, then in a coma, and then, when I woke up and passed through a tunnel, I came here.

Struggling to calm myself, I took a few more steps and saw a huge quizzle painted in white on the cement wall of the corridor, pointing in the direction behind me. Next to the mouth of the arrow, a mark painted in white paint that I did not understand looked like a cross, and I did not know what the purpose was.

I was not sure which direction to go, but now that I saw the quizzle, I thought for a moment that no matter what the purpose of the quizzle was, it should be no problem to go in the direction the quizzle pointed.

So I turned around and walked forward.

The corridor is very long, and no matter how I lighten my steps, there is always an echo. Ten minutes later, I saw the iron pipes on the top of the corridor, a few places particularly thick, with a round and thick pipe followed, and in those pipes, there was a "whirring" sound of wind. That is to say, it is exactly the same as the sound heard in Qi Bai's first volume of the tape.

The more you go forward, the more rapid your breathing becomes, the sound of footsteps and rapid breathing is extremely uncomfortable, and there is an inexplicable sense of pressure when walking in such a corridor for a long time.

I recalled the contents of Qi Bai's tape, and I knew that Qi Bai must have had a very strange encounter in the process of moving forward, because he had called "Wait a minute", and after calling, there was a very rapid footstep.

I was waiting for this strange scene to appear, and after another five minutes or so, I could hear the sound of the machinery running more and more clearly.

Finally, I saw something extremely strange.

As soon as the thing came into my sight, I really didn't know what it was, and under the light of the flashlight, I saw a large cloud of black paint, slowly turning. I first paused, and then, at once, quickened my pace and ran forward (at this time, my reaction was exactly the same as that of Qi Bai in the tape).

I ran out not long, and when the light of the flashlight was enough to make me see the thing clearly, I stopped.

It wasn't such a weird object that I could immediately call out its name: a huge pumping fan.

The leaves of the exhaust fan are about two meters high, and the entire exhaust fan is just right. Completely seal the entire road to Yongdao.

The pumping fan is turning, and that kind of regular mechanical running sound is what it emits.

My first feeling was: I've come to the wrong place. Judging from the entire corridor, iron pipe, and exhaust fan, this should be the lowest floor of a huge building.

I should not be here, I should be in a corridor paved with stones, maybe even gold, leading to a burial chamber, not in such a place.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but say loudly: "Mistaken, wrong place, you are mistaken." ”

Of course, there was no one around me, just hoping that the three mysterious figures could hear it, but after speaking five or six times in a row, there was no other sound except the sound of the pumping fan of "Hu Hu". I smiled bitterly and saw that next to the pumping fan, there was a small iron door, closed. Since the blade of the exhaust fan is rotating, you can roughly see the situation behind the exhaust fan. Behind the exhaust fan is a space with many iron pipes of different thicknesses, which look like a machine room.

I'm definitely in the wrong place, and I'm not ready to go any further and turn around. When I turned around, I saw that in front of the exhaust fan shelf, in a corner, there was an open toolbox, which contained many kinds of tools, some of which were so peculiar that I could not name them at all, and each tool, in the part of its handle, was a very exquisite and delicate ivory carving.

That's Qi Bai's tomb robbery tool! Qi Bai liked to show off the ivory handle on the tools he used to rob tombs, indicating that he was a first-class grave robber, which was the same psychology as some gunmen who deliberately decorated their pistols.

This box of tools, for Qibai, is extremely important, why did it stay here?

Is Qi Bai still here?

I screamed twice more, but got no answer. At this time, I also began to doubt the "wrong place". Qi Bai had been here, and he continued to walk forward and made new discoveries. I looked at the small iron door, walked over and pushed it, the small iron door opened, the door lock was broken, that may be what Qi Bai did. I leaned down, and behind the small iron door was a machine room, and there was another iron door, which was closed, but the door lock was obviously broken.

I went into the computer room, walked through it, came to the door, pulled it open, and saw a staircase, leading up, and at the end of the stairs, there was another door.

On the door on the staircase, a line of English writing is written in red paint: This door cannot be opened without permission.

As soon as I saw this line of English text, I couldn't help but curse in a low voice. I was not mistaken, this is not an ancient tomb at all, but the underground level of a modern building, and I really went to the wrong place.

Whatever it was a modern building, I had no interest in seeing it, so I closed the door, walked through the machine room, bent out of the small iron door, and returned to the corridor.

I closed Qi Bai's toolbox, lifted it, felt quite heavy, so I still had it left there, and then, I followed the same path, all the way forward, to the mouth of the hole, and drilled out.

At this time, my heart was really angry and funny, to come to this corridor, you can come down from the top of the building, why bother to dig a tunnel.

And when I think about this, I can't help but laugh: I want to leave, I can go out of that building, why come back to crawl the tunnel?

I was thinking: People always do something stupid, just climb the tunnel again.

But I immediately realized that my mentality was not so simple, but subconsciously, I still felt something strange.

A building, if it has such an underground layer, the building on the ground must be very magnificent. However, at the junction of the eastern and northern latitudes of twenty-nine-four-seven, I can be absolutely certain that there will be no buildings within tens of kilometers.

Maybe I had this impression in my consciousness that I didn't have the courage to go out through the building?

I stayed in the tunnel for a moment, unsure of what I should do. It wasn't pleasant to crawl the tunnel again, but I decided to go out the same way, at least I had a chance to get in touch with the three mysterious people again and tell them that this was not where I was coming. Crawling out of the tunnel all the way out, the light of the flashlight shines forward, and I feel more and more that digging such a tunnel leads to that passageway, which is superfluous!

I crawled through the tunnels and came to that starting point.

I had noticed that there was no way out of that little space, and I shouted a few times first, but I couldn't answer, and I began to chisel on all sides, hoping to find the exit, but it seemed that it was a sealed space.

At this point, I couldn't help but hesitate: I was confined to the ground.

This is impossible, because if I stole the body out of the thought, I felt a chill and felt that something was wrong!

I felt like going to a burial chamber to steal a corpse, but it turned out to be inexplicably arranged in a modern building. Was this an inadvertent error, or was it a deliberate arrangement?

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly, things were getting more and more inexplicable, of course, I was not afraid, even if I couldn't find a way out in this small space, it was a big deal that I climbed forward again, and then through the tunnel, into the Yongdao, through the huge exhaust fan, through the machine room, from the underground level of the building to go up, there was not always a way to the building.

I searched carefully for a while, still unable to find a way out, and I got a little angry, took out the electric drill, attached the drill to an elongated one, and began to drill upwards.

The drill bit was sharp, and the dirt and stones on it fell one after another, and fell on my face, and after a while, the drill bit touched a harder object, and I waited until there was no more mud and stone falling, and looked up and saw that there was an iron plate on it.

I propped my feet up against the earth wall, making my body rise until my hands could touch the iron plate, and then I pushed my hands up hard. The iron plate actually opened as soon as it was topped, and immediately a soft moonlight shot in.

I raised my body until my head could stick out of the iron plate, which was originally covered with some sand, but slipped down because the iron plate was open.

I could see the situation outside, and I was completely stunned, as if I was having a nightmare.

Outside is the desert. At twenty-nine points four seven degrees, there is nothing but sand, and the sand forms many sand dunes, and some of the sand dunes form beautiful wave-level patterns on the slopes, which is the real great desert.

Now the desert I look out at is rocky, and somewhere there are very small plants, and even when I probe out, there is a marmot, just within my reach, looking at me with wide eyes, perhaps because I have come out of the ground, it makes me its giant kind!

This is not the desert I should be in, how come nothing is wrong? I stayed for a very short time, then I jumped up, the iron plate closed again, and I stood on the iron plate and looked around.

The desert was also huge, it looked extremely desolate, and only at least a kilometer away, there were shadows, like a bunch of buildings, and lights coming out of the buildings.

I was really stunned, and I considered that in the "comatose" state, I might have been moved.

But how far have I been moved?

For a moment, I don't know how many questions came to my mind, I didn't know where I was, and after staying for a while, I thought that as long as I walked to the place where there was a light, I would know where I was.

Filled with doubts, I strode forward, and along the way, alarmed many animals that moved in the desert at night, and when I saw a lizard with bright white spots on its back, quickly crawling over the sand, I froze again. It is not necessary to be a biologist to know about this white-spotted lizard, which lives only in the deserts of North America.

I rubbed my eyes hard, and I thought it was funny, there must be someone joking with me. But who would catch a lizard from North America and put it in the desert of North Africa for the sake of a joke?

I took a breath and continued to walk forward, while paying attention to the creatures on the ground, and after a while, my eyes, fixed on a cluster of plants, could not be removed, and the cluster of plants was nothing special, just a cluster of cacti.

The cactus was in bloom, because it was night, and the blooming flowers and petals were all closed.

However, I could tell at a glance that it was a plant in the cactus family Asterofedon. This type of cactus plant is very peculiar in shape, in a quadrangular shape, and does not have the long spines of the general cactus. This is a cactus plant that grows only in the deserts of Mexico.

Well, since I emerged from underground, I have seen not only white-spotted lizards in North America, but also cacti that are only found in Mexico, if you ask the simplest question: Where am I? How should I answer?

The answer, of course, should be: in North America!

I know that during the "coma", I have been moved from the deserts of North Africa to North America.

The doubts in my heart, to the extreme, everything is too weird, I just want to hurry to someone's place, no matter who I meet, first ask him where he is.

Hurrying forward, it wasn't long before I found that the pile of buildings was quite low, all of them one-story bungalows, but with fairly high walls, walls higher than the buildings themselves, and as I got closer, the lights I saw were all emitted from the walls of the walls.

The first thing that came to my mind was, "This is a prison." After about ten minutes of walking forward, I saw a rather deep and wide trench that stretched all the way around the building. At the bottom of the trench, at least three meters deep, there were many cement shelves, and on the shelves, full of thorny wire.

The trench was about a hundred meters from the wall. When I came to the ditch, I could see clearly that the light on the wall was a spotlight, slowly turning, illuminating the open space at the time of the ditch and the wall.

It's an extremely well-defended place.

I stood at the edge of the ditch for a moment, never thinking of crossing the ditch and walking forward along the ditch, when I saw a huge sign erected not far from me. I wanted to go over and see what the sign said. Within a few steps, a light from the wall suddenly shone on me and froze. I also heard a roar.

I covered my forehead with my hand and looked at the source of the light, while waving my left hand, trying to make the person who was shouting understand that I had no other intentions, but to "get lost" in a very unexpected situation.

But the intense light of the searchlight was still shining, and I stepped back, and the light still followed me, which made me very angry, because in the strong light, I could not see anything. At the same time, the shouting continued to come.

I had no idea where I was or what was going on, but I wasn't welcome to stand here, that's for sure, so I turned around and walked forward.

I took dozens of steps forward, and the strong light could not stop me, and at this moment, suddenly two other rays of light shot at me, and at the same time I heard the sound of cars and dogs barking.

I followed the prestige and saw a jeep with its headlights shining on me, and at the same time, at least four large dogs were sneaking down from the car and rushing toward me. And someone in the car was shouting: "Stop and don't move, the dog won't hurt you, don't move."

The four wolfhounds were fierce, and they suddenly sneaked up in front of me, and they were obviously trained for a long time, and as soon as they came to the front, they immediately lay down and did not move, but they kept making terrible barks.

I stood still. It was not a threat from these four vicious dogs, but I thought to myself: Thank goodness I can finally meet people and ask them where I am.

The headlights were still shining on me, so the two men came up to me, and I couldn't see their clothes and faces, but I could see their figures, very tall, and, in their hands, weapons similar to automatic rifles.

At that time, the question in my mind was that the defense work of this pile of buildings could be regarded as the first in the world, and I only approached it, and I caused such trouble.

The two men came not far from me, and all I saw was that they had pointed their guns at me, and I suppressed the anger in my heart, and one of the two men shouted, "What are you?" What's going on here? ”

He spoke English and had a thick Southern Accent, and I shuddered, "I'm lost." ”

The man seemed to be irritated by my words and said, "Lost? ”

As he drank, he took two steps closer to me: "Leave!" Did you know that just one step further and the sentry could shoot at you? ”

I froze for a moment: "I don't know anything. ”

The man said, "This is a military zone!" ”

I said, "Okay, I'll leave right away." But can you tell me what this place is? ”

The man became angry and shouted, "It is a first-level military organization, what do you want to inquire into?" ”

I said, "You misunderstand, I just want to know, where am I, for example, in what country?" ”

As soon as I asked the question, I heard another person say, "This man is a madman." ”

The one who spoke to me first said, "There is no madhouse nearby, do you want to take him back to inquire?" ”

The one said, "No need, just drive him away." ”

The man shouted, "Turn around and run forward." ”

I cried out, "Hey, you haven't answered my question yet." ”

The man's answer was peculiar, his hand made a movement, and I heard the pulling of the bolt. It seems that I had to follow his orders and run forward. I turned around, but I still said, "Is it true that the name of your country is also a first-class secret?" ”

The man seemed to be unable to bear it and shouted, "Hurry up! ”

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly, I met two people, but they wouldn't answer my question, so I had to pull out my feet and run forward, and as soon as I started running, the four wolfhounds barked. I followed, and I immediately heard the sound of cars again, apparently the two men driving the car and following me all the way.

At this time, I was so embarrassed that I was being chased forward like a prey.

I kept running forward, at least a kilometer before the wolfhound went back, and I gasped, stopped, turned my head, and saw that the jeep had turned back, and the searchlights of the pile of buildings were glowing, turning across.

My heart was full of doubts, and I kicked a stone away, thinking that if I didn't even know where I was, I would have to sneak into the building to see what was going on.

At this time, I didn't want to make a fuss, I only hoped that the three mysterious figures would appear again, but there was no one in the four silences. I walked out half a kilometer again, saw a large bush, leaned against a mound next to the bush, and sat down.

Fixing my mind, I felt that the first priority was to find out where I was, I looked around, it didn't look like anyone nearby, I was worried, I had to wait until dawn. The slope of the mound was very comfortable to lie on, and I lay down. I thought that my encounter was strange, and the period from this time to dawn could always be spent quietly.

However, things were unexpected, and I only lay down for a short time, not far from me, there was a sound of "SiSuo". The sound, which sounded like something, was crawling through the dirt.

I thought to myself, of course, it was the sound of a nocturnal animal, either a groundhog or a weasel. I also immediately thought that most of the nocturnal animals in general are geniuses who start to move soon after dark, and it seems that there will be some time before dawn, and I can get a good night's sleep.

I thought so, the sound of climbing the soil was even louder, and suddenly there was a "bang" sound, and very close to me, there was a piece of soil connected to several small trees, and suddenly moved to the side and moved away. When I saw this, I couldn't help but be stunned, not understanding what animal had so much strength and such ingenious wisdom. Because after the dirt block was removed, a rather large cave appeared.

The dirt block is clearly used to cover up the cave, which is really a strange phenomenon, the ground ferret or badger bear, will have such a high intelligence? I didn't move, just stared at the cave. The doubts in my heart were soon answered, and there was another noise in the cave, along with the head of an animal protruding from the cave.

The animal's head, drilling out of the hole, I first saw a messy black hair knotted together. The surprise in my heart is indescribable. I'm sure it's a human head.

It's really surprising, why does a man come out of the ground, is he a caveman?

Never have I ever heard of cavemen digging holes in the ground, which could be a great discovery in anthropology! I didn't move, the man's head sticking out of the hole and turning slightly, and I heard him taking a deep breath. At that time, I couldn't see his face clearly, only that his hair was long and messy, and his beard was also very long.

Then the man's upper body popped out. The cave was not very large, and there was no gap for a man's head to drill out, and the man's shoulder was obliquely drawn out at a very clever angle.

His upper body was completely out of the cave, his hands on the ground, he took another deep breath, and then, looked up.

I was so close to him that I could almost reach him, so as soon as he lifted his head, he immediately made a face-to-face with me.

As soon as he saw me, a strange and inexplicable sound came from his throat, and his body shrank steeply, as if he wanted to retract back into the hole, but then he had changed his mind, and with a quick movement that I had never expected, he suddenly came out of the hole, almost crashed into me, and then rolled several times in a row. Almost still rolling, the whole person bounced up and sped forward.

The man moved so fast that he sprang out of the hole and seemed to be rushing towards me, and I leaned back to avoid him, so that I didn't even have a chance to speak.

By the time I fixed my eyes on him again, the man had already run at least a dozen steps, running extremely fast, but after running out of a dozen steps, he stopped abruptly. It was really fast, it stopped fast, and when I stopped, I saw him slowly turn around and look directly at me.

I was ready to chase him, so I stood up, and their eyes met again.

Just then, something I hadn't expected happened again, and the man opened his mouth and said something I could not have imagined in any way.

He said, "God, Wesley, it's you!" ”

I was really stunned, how could a caveman who lived in a cave call me by my name? I opened my mouth wide, and for a moment, I didn't know how to answer.

And the man was already walking toward me, looking around as he walked, as if trying to figure out if there was anyone else besides me. I said, "I'm the only one, you are..."

I was only halfway through the question, and before the man could answer, I could already see who he was, and I screamed, "God, it's you!" Qi Bai? What's going on? You..."

That person is Qi Bai, there is no mistake at all, he is Qi Bai. Although the last time I saw him, when he was dressed up, driving a Limborghini sports car, with a blonde beauty in one hand, and at this time, he seemed to be a caveman, I still recognized him as Qi Bai, one of the two greatest grave robbers in the world.

I immediately said, "This is the entrance to an ancient tomb?" ”

Qi Bai showed an extremely bitter expression: "Tomb? As long as it's not my grave. ”

I really didn't expect to meet Qi Bai here, I don't know how many words I have to say to him, but I don't know what to say. Qi Bai grabbed me and said, "Go in and talk about it." ”

I froze for a moment: "Where to go?" ”

Qi Bai pointed to the cave, and I smiled bitterly, "What's going on?" Do you live underground? ”

Qi Bai suddenly became agitated: "Groundhogs live underground, I have no way, only here is the safest, if I show up, I will be killed, like Shan Si." ”

Qi Bai mentioned Shan Si's death, which made me feel that the situation was serious. Qi Bai leaned down and drilled into the hole in the ground, while saying, "It's not easy to drill in, you can come in with some effort." ”

I watched him go into the hole in the ground, and I learned from him, first drilling my head into it, and then, leaning over the shoulders, squeezing hard. The tunnel was narrow, three or four meters long, and the people had to squeeze forward against the dirt, and then I fell into a mud pit.

The pit barely allowed two people to lie down straight, with two tubes sticking up on top of the pit and some canned food and canned drinks in the pit. Qi Bai came first, and he turned on an electric light, so he could see the situation inside the pit clearly.

As soon as I came in, he pulled a rope, and I heard a noise, guessing that it was the bush-grown piece that covered the cave again. Then, he turned his head: "This place was originally designed for me to hide alone, you came, the air may not be enough..."

Qi Bai pointed to the tube: "This leads to the top, and when you feel that you are not breathing well, you can breathe at the mouth of the tube." ”

I was surprised and amused: "Thank you for your thoughtfulness, smoking must not be allowed here?" ”

Qi Bai smiled bitterly and threw a can of beer at me, I was so thirsty that I could open it immediately, and even drank a few large sips before saying, "Qi Bai, who is going to kill you?" ”

Qi Bai wiped his face, "Those who killed Shan Si." ”

I said, "Who are they?" ”

Remembering that Shan Si was shot next to me, my heart was sad and angry. Qi Bai's flesh twitched a few times: "They are chasing and killing me, but they can't expect it anymore, I hid near them, they never expected me to hide here, Wei, they didn't expect it, didn't they?" They can't find me, can they? ”

As he spoke, he grabbed my arm and shook it vigorously.

I saw that he was emotional, and I thought about what he said, and he said, "Hide near them." What does that mean?

Near here, I immediately thought of the pile of buildings and the two men who had driven me away.

Seeing qi bai so scared and nervous, I had to comfort him: "Can't find it, of course can't find it, who would have thought that the famous Qi Bai was hiding under the ground, like..."

I was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so I didn't go down, and Qi Bai's voice was very bitter: "It doesn't matter, I am indeed like a groundhog." How did you get here? ”

I smiled bitterly, "I don't know, I really don't know." By the way, what is this place? ”

Qi Bai looked at me steeply, and in an instant, his expression was extremely strange.

I asked, "What are you doing looking at me like this?" ”

Qi Bai "giggled" again and swallowed a mouthful: "You... Coming from a manhole? ”

I nodded, "That manhole..."

Qi Bai waved his hand, interrupted my head, and his breathing became very short: "The manhole is at twenty-nine o'clock four seven, three mysterious white-clad people, you were pulled down by the sand, sat on a chair, and then..."

This time, it was my turn to interrupt him: "Yes, it seems that my experience, like yours, I have also been to the tunnel, the yongdao, the huge pumping fan, and nearby, I saw a toolbox that you left behind." ”

As I spoke, the look of fear on Qi Bai's face kept increasing, and he even moved his body, tightened, and leaned against a corner of the cave.

When my words came to an end, Qi Bai screamed, "God, you didn't pass that pumping fan, did you?" ”

I said, "Pass by, it's a machine room, it's weird, I thought I should be in an ancient tomb." ”

Qi Bai let out a terrible groan and said, "God, you... Moving forward again? ”

I shook my head and said, "No, I think it may be wrong, there is no need to go any further." ”

Qi Bai's reaction, and to my surprise, he jumped straight up, completely forgetting that he was inside a hole in the ground, so that his head "slammed" and crashed into the top of the hole.

He stroked his head as he said, "Thank goodness, you're luckier than me." ”

I didn't know what he meant by that, and I asked, "What is this place?" ”

Qi Bai looked at me fixedly and did not make a sound, which annoyed me, and I said, "This question is difficult to answer?" What is this place? ”

Qi Bai turned his head, "I don't know. ”

I reached out steeply, grabbed his hair, turned his face hard, qi bai screamed, I said: "Qi bai, don't lie to me, you are hiding here like a weasel, but you don't know where this is?" Tell me quickly. ”

Qi Bai slapped my hand away hard: "Yes, I know, but I don't tell you, it's always okay." ”

I yelled, "Why? ”

Qi Bai held his head in both hands, shook it vigorously, and suddenly raised his head: "Don't ask, you really don't know where you are?" You didn't go through that room either? That's your luck, you don't necessarily like to hide in the hole in the ground to escape the pursuit, so don't ask. ”

I was surprised by Qi Bai's attitude, but thinking of Shan Si's death and his situation at this time, I knew that things were not simple, and I took a breath: "It is useless, Qi Bai, I must get out of here, meet people, they will tell me where I am." ”

Qi Bai murmured, "I have a way, I have a way..."

I said, "Well, I don't ask this question, we start from the beginning, I don't know how many questions I have to ask you, your things started with you, you sent me two tapes." ”

Qi Bai said, "Yes, it was sent to you?" I beg you, for your own good, and you don't ask anything more! Forget everything, as if nothing had happened, is absolutely good for you, and in the future, don't think about it again, or even if it is a dream, as if it were something that never happened. ”

I laughed and said, "You know I can't do this, but you still honestly tell me what happened step by step!" The sounds recorded in your two tapes..."

Qi Baizhong hugged his head again: "At that time, I didn't know that things were so terrible, I think you would be interested, but now, the situation is completely different, you still don't have to mention it again." ”

I smiled and said, "Someone once paid me a high price to buy me something you found..."

When I said this, Qi Bai showed a look of fear and inexplicableness, and lost his voice: "Heavens, they found you?" ”

I said, "Those people are not terrible, they pretend to be people from the auction company, but I know their true identity, it is really inexplicable, it turns out that they are NASA people." ”

When I said this, Qi Bai leaned out his head steeply, aimed his mouth at the tube, and took a few hard breaths, looking at him like a fish out of water.

I added, "There were six of them, and it was a coincidence that they went to Egypt and lost all their lives in a plane crash." ”

Qi Bai's face turned pale: "Heavens, they are determined to keep the secret, at all costs, to keep this secret." ”

I didn't understand what Qi Bai meant when he said this, and Qi Bai cried sharply, "Don't ask any more questions, you know too much, they will kill you and kill you." ”

The doubt in my heart, as for the pole: "What is the secret?" ”

Qi Bai took a few breaths, looked at his expression, as if he had decided something, and leaned over to me. In this situation, I thought he must tell me what the secret was, so I went to him as well. His lips were quivering, and I couldn't hear what he was saying, so I leaned closer to him. I could no longer imagine that Qi Bai, the bastard, would come up with such a ruse, and he was not ready to tell me the secret, but was ready to plot against me when I was never vigilant.

I approached, ready to listen to him, when suddenly he raised his fist and struck me the back of my head.

Before I introduced Qi Bai, I forgot to introduce him as a master of martial arts. Hitting the nail on the head, and damn Qi Bai, the hand was so heavy that it made my head hang down and faint.

This time, I did not know how long I had been fainting, and when I was gradually conscious again, I tried to move my body, but I could not move, and I immediately found that I was in an extremely narrow space, and, at once, it became clear that the narrow space was a coffin.

I lay in a coffin.

Not only that, but my hands, feet, and waist were all wrapped in a fairly wide belt and could only make small movements, while my mouth was covered with a piece of tape, and I lifted my head vigorously and slammed into the wood next to me, making a sound that was not very loud.

I bumped and bumped, about seven or eight times, and there were a few knocks outside, and I tried to make some noise, but it was just some "uh-huh" sound in my throat.

There was a few more knocks outside, and I hit the wall of the coffin with my head again, making a noise, and I heard a human voice outside, and a man was saying, "Oops, he woke up." ”

Another said, "How come?" We injected enough anesthetics. ”

The first person said: "Qi Bai told us earlier that this person is different from other people and needs more anesthetics." ”

The second person said, "More? That would be deadly. If this man dies, Qi Bai will open our heads and look at our brains! ”

They were discussing, which made me understand that my current situation was caused by Qi Bai.

At this time, if I can make a sound, I will certainly do my best to make a sound. I don't know what kind of frieze it was, those three mysterious figures have already embarrassed me enough, and now I am lying in a coffin like death.

I hit my head twice more, and a voice came from outside: "I'm sorry, sir, we know you're awake, but you have to pass out, and we're entrusted to make sure you're in a coma and transport you to safety." ”

I couldn't express what I meant, and after a while the two men seemed to be discussing for a while, and their eyes lit up sharply, and the lid of the coffin was lifted.

As soon as the lid of the coffin was lifted, I immediately smelled a fishy smell, and I was in a cabin, which could be a fishing boat. At the coffin, there were two people, one of whom was holding a syringe.

I was so angry that I struggled with all my strength, but the result was that there was no movement other than the swing of my head from side to side, and the needle on the syringe had already pierced into my arm.

I had to look at the two people, and one of them said, "I'm really sorry, no one dares to disobey what Qi Bai ordered." He said as he pointed to his head.

The anesthetic soon came into effect and I fainted again. I haven't woken up again since that fainting, I mean, I haven't woken up again before I've been sent to "safety."

When I became conscious again, the first thing I heard was the sound of the waves and the wind. After being under anesthesia for a long time, I had a headache, and I struggled to open my eyes, struggled to get up, and found that it was on a beach, not far from some light.

I didn't know where I was, so I still had to walk towards a place with lights. He was very weak, touched his chin, and his beard was very long, and he had not shaved for at least five or six days.

The feet walked forward for a while, gradually approaching the light, and a familiar sound came over. I froze for a moment, and the sound was not an illusion. I could already see a few simple rooms in front of me, and there was a sound coming out, it was the sound of playing mahjong. When I got a little closer, I saw that the houses turned out to be small shops.

By looking at their signboards, I could already be sure of one thing: I was back in the city where I lived, and I was home.

After taking a hot bath in comfort, I recovered my spirits and told Bai Su about my experience after leaving. Bai Su listened attentively, and from beginning to end, she only expressed her opinion once: "Animals will relocate, and wild plants will never relocate." ”

I understood what she meant, she was saying that the place where I met Qi Bai should be North America.

I smiled bitterly, and in the forest, my thoughts were in a mess, and I lay down, and the back of my head touched the pillow, expecting it to be soft and enjoyable, who knew that unexpectedly, there was a "bang" sound, and at the same time there was a pain.

I screamed strangely and sat up, not knowing what had happened, but just staring at Bai Su.

Bai Su showed a look of apology and amusement: "I'm really sorry, I..."

At this time, I also turned my head and looked at the pillow, and it was clear that on the pillow, it was a square glass brick.

This glass brick, which I am no stranger to, is the one found in my study. I muttered, "Isn't this intentional harm?" ”

Bai Su picked up the glass brick, "I'm really sorry, is the back of Wei Daxia's head swollen?" ”

I pretended to be very angry, reached out and took her hand, and pulled her down: "Swollen, I want you to pay!" ”

Bai Su brushed his hair: "When you were away, I thought this piece of glass was very strange, so I put it on the pillow and looked at it." ”

I laughed and said, "Glass is glass, what's so good?" ”

Bai Su did not answer immediately, but just frowned and thought for a moment: "Different, this glass is really strange, there seems to be something in it." ”

I thought it was even more funny: "It's a completely transparent piece of glass, if there's something in it..."

I just said this, and I stopped talking.

At this moment, Bai Su put the piece of glass in front of my eyes and moved a lamp closer, so that the light could be transmitted from behind the glass. At this moment, I saw many fickle turquoise lines in the glass. It's a rather peculiar phenomenon, and those lines are looming and uncertain. Bai Su said, "See no, there is something in it." ”

I sighed, "I think it's just a refractive phenomenon when light passes through the glass." ”

Bai Su moved the lamp closer, and I saw that under the light, the lines seemed to form some kind of pattern, but it still looked illusory and elusive.

Bai Su said, "Seeing that there is none, they will change with the intensity of the light." ”

I said, "If it is the refraction of light, then nature will change." ”

Bai Su put down the glass and looked directly at me, and I immediately said, "What did you think?" ”

Bai Su said: "In Qi Bai's second volume of the tape, there is a continuous sound of glass breaking? ”

I snorted, not knowing what Bai Su wanted to explain, bai Su said, "This piece of glass is in your study, only Shan Si has been to your study, it must have been left by him." Qi Bai had been to the tomb, and Shan Si might have been there, at least, Shan Si knew all of Qi Bai's actions. ”

I waved my hand impatiently, "What does that have to do with this piece of glass?" ”

Bai Su said in a very affirmative tone, "This piece of glass came from that burial chamber." I think there's a great secret in that. I thought you missed a great opportunity. You should go past that huge pumping fan before moving forward. ”

Of course, I was not convinced by Bai Su's accusations: "Why do you continue to be wrong?" ”

Bai Su said slowly and firmly, "After you met Qi Bai, do you still think so?" ”

I stayed for a while, and for a moment, I couldn't answer. Qi Bai was near the building, digging a hole in hiding, full of fear, and, where I had been, he had been.

So, I'm not in the wrong place?

But I should go to a burial chamber and steal the corpses, seventy-four in all, not in the basement of a "first-class military secret organ."

I immediately put this point forward with a straight face.

Bai Su sighed, "At the beginning, we made a mistake, drilled into a bull's horn tip, and couldn't get out." We have always thought that it is an ancient tomb, but we have not thought that the burial chamber is not necessarily an ancient tomb, and the corpse can also be in a modern building. ”

I opened my mouth wide, and for a moment, I couldn't make a sound.

Bai Su was right, I always thought that Qi Bai entered, and what the virus wanted me to enter was an ancient tomb. But why must it be an ancient tomb? The body can be placed anywhere. Any place where the body is placed can be called a burial chamber.

The burial chamber, of course, can be in a modern building.

But what is the use of stealing corpses in modern buildings? Those three mysterious figures seemed to have great powers, so why didn't they go?

The more I thought about it, the more confused I had to smile bitterly: "Please, don't make any more trouble, things are clueless enough." ”

Bai Su said, "It is precisely because we have been thinking wrong that we will be disordered." ”

I had to spread my hands: "Can you sort out a clue?" ”

Bai Su said, "Let me think about it, because I only know your experience, and you said it very briefly." ”

I didn't say anything more, and for the rest of the time, Bai Su kept asking me questions and asking me about my experience. I asked in particular detail about the three mysterious figures, especially when the white robe was torn off, and after I met Qi Bai in the cave.

After a full hour, she stopped asking questions, squeezed her mouth, thought, and after more than ten minutes, Miss Bai finally spoke: "Those three people who asked the virus to go to the tomb to steal, there are many strange things, enough to assume that they are not earthlings." ”

I rolled my eyes: "Don't assume, I can be sure." ”

Bai Su said, "Since they are unpredictable creatures, coming from unfathomable planets, it is possible that the corpses they want to get to are the corpses of their kind, not..."

As soon as Bai Sucai said this, I couldn't help but raise my hand, "clap" it, and hit my head hard.

I didn't expect that!

This is a very important point, as soon as you hear death, you think of human corpses!

Bai Su's thinking was meticulous, and she thought of the so-called "corpse", which may be "the corpse of their kind", what kind of body is it? What "they" were, I had no chance to see, and the "they" I had seen were covered from head to toe under the white robes of Arabia. When I think about it now, the only thing that "they" made of me was "their" eyes, the kind of eyes that had a dark green glow like a cat's eye.

I looked at Bai Su and continued to listen to her analysis. Bai Su pondered for a moment: "Suppose, there are a group of alien corpses, fell into the hands of the earthlings, for some reason, they themselves are not able to get back, they do not know what information, know that the virus is a tomb robber expert, so go to him to help, is this not very reasonable?" ”

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly: "Understanding between people is too difficult." ”

Bai Su did not understand why I had such an exclamation for a moment, and I stood up: "According to your hypothesis, I can speculate about their mental journey to find the virus." ”

Bai Su Oh sighed and did not comment. I said, "They know that these dead people are hiding in a certain place, and they know that on earth, the place where the dead are buried is called a tomb, and the one who is best at stealing objects in the tomb is the virus, so they find the virus." ”

Bai Su sighed, "They are looking for the wrong person." ”

I said, "Not necessarily, the virus itself did not shoot, sent the task to Qi Bai, Qi Bai can already succeed."

I was just invited here, and I stopped sharply. According to speculation, Qi Bai had been to the tomb, and the Yongdao I had been to, the basement with the huge pumping fan, was the burial chamber, and I had not been sent to the wrong place, and the burial chamber where I was required to steal the corpse was in that building!

I looked at Bai Su, and Bai Su said, "So at that time, you stopped walking forward and retreated back, which was a mistake." ”

I just smiled bitterly, "What kind of agency is that?" What is the use of a military institution on Earth that holds the corpses of a group of aliens? ”

Bai Su actually said immediately, "I know what kind of organization it is, it is a secret research institute or a secret base under the Space Administration of a certain country." ”

I thought for a moment: "I can accept that the place is in North America, but why must it be a secret base for NASA?" ”

Bai Su said, "Those six people who claim to be employees of the auction company..."

I nodded, "Yes, their real identity is that of a NASA security guard." Bai Su added: "They are in Egypt, and the plane crashed and died." ”

I blinked, and Bai Su took a breath: "Repeat what Qi Bai said after hearing the news of their death." ”

I had already told Bai Su once, and when Qi Bai heard me mention the identity of those people, he immediately had difficulty breathing and aimed his mouth at the snorkel. Then he cried, "Oh my God! They are determined to keep the secret, and at all costs, they want to keep it. "At the time, I had no idea what he meant by that, but now I know a little bit. Qi Bai once shouted again: "You know too much, they will kill you and kill you." ”

I now understand that, according to Qi Bai, those six people were killed, and Shan Si was also killed because he knew too much. Ordinary people can never possess weapons that kill Shan Si, and if it is a certain country's space agency, holding such a new type of weapon, it is not unusual at all.

Originally clueless, now, there are already a number of small? I quickly turned my thoughts, trying to put these links together, but the more anxious I was, the more I couldn't catch the main points, and I was anxious to scratch my head.

Bai Su reminded me: "Think about how those people on the plane originally treated you, and then how they didn't take you to heart." ”

I thought about it quickly, I said "precious antiquities", and everything changed. They paid a high price to buy ghosts from me to know what it was, it was something that Qi Bai had in his hands, and of course I thought it was a precious antiquity.

Now I know that it is by no means an antiquity, but something so modern that it can no longer be modern.

So, as soon as the phrase "precious antiquities" came out, the six people knew that what they wanted was not in my hands at all.

It really has to do with NASA, not only about it, that's the root of everything!

As soon as I thought about it, I felt a sharp chill, looked at Bai Su, and after a long time, I said, "It's really coming." ”

Bai Su also said, "It's really coming." ”

In my words with Bai Su, the word "they" was omitted above "really coming". And "they", of course, refers to advanced creatures beyond Earth: aliens!

So far, although there are more and more people who believe that there are other higher beings beyond the earth, they have only believed that psychologically, they regard it as a matter of time and distance, and there is no psychological preparation for suddenly being close to the immediate future.

Although there are constant reports of UFOs around the world and occasional reports of contact with aliens, everyone still psychologically regards them as a matter of the distant future.

In time and space, it is a matter of the distant future, and it has suddenly moved to the present, and the psychological shock caused by it is really conceivable.

I swallowed as soon as I thought about it: "They are determined to keep it a secret and not let the world know that aliens have arrived." ”

Bai Su also said, "Yes, I am determined to keep secrets, and even my own people will not hesitate to kill them." ”

My palms sweated coldly: "How many people know exactly?" ”

Bai Su smiled bitterly: "Who knows, maybe no more than ten people, more likely, no more than five people." ”

Everything, which had no clue, had only then begun to have some outlines: only such speculation could explain all the mysteries.

After I paused for a moment, I said slowly, "Let's take it one step at a time, first of all, assuming that there are some aliens who have come to Earth and have had contact with Earthlings and then died." ”

Bai Su agreed: "It should be added that those who have had contact with aliens are high-level personnel, and I mean, senior military personnel of a certain country, or personnel of a certain country's space agency." ”

I nodded, "The fact that the aliens have arrived on Earth is carried out in extreme secrecy, and when they die, their bodies are properly hidden, and the high-level personnel who have been in contact with the aliens are also determined to make this matter a secret forever." ”

Bai Su took a deep breath: "Yes." ”

I smiled bitterly, "Why?" Why keep it a secret from the world that aliens have indeed arrived? ”

Bai Su was silent for a moment: "If I were a decision-maker, I would do the same." ”

I looked at her and waited for her to say why.

Bai Su sighed: "Aliens to the earth, has always been just a human fantasy, suddenly became a fact, everyone living on the earth, will feel extreme shock, by this shock caused by the chaos, to what extent, can not be estimated, so we must keep the secret." ”

I objected to this argument put forward by Bai Su: "I don't see why it causes confusion. ”

Bai Su said, "Of course, the aliens are coming, and all the people will look up at the sky and find that the earth is actually undefended, and we earthlings have no ability to resist the invasion of aliens..."

I waved my hand and interrupted Bai Su's words: "Wait, why are the aliens coming, it must be 'intruding'?" This is the inferior nature of human beings, and as soon as any change occurs, the first consideration is whether their own interests will be violated and whether the status quo will change. As soon as they hear aliens coming, they use words like 'invasion'. Why can't they just travel, to meet, to express the kindness of beings of the same universe? ”

I gradually became excited, and Bai Su said, "Maybe it's because the relationship between people has always been so bad that I can't imagine aliens with no malicious intentions." ”

I raised my voice: "More importantly, people are too incompetent and ignorant. Aliens can come to the earth, their wisdom, must be more than ten thousand times the earthlings, the earthlings because of inferiority, so they have a variety of ugly thoughts. What's so bad about letting people all over the world know that aliens are coming? Of course, it will cause a period of shock and chaos, but it can also make the minds of the earthlings calm down. At the very least, we can let the people of the earth know that the people who live on the earth are not actually the spirits of all things, and in the whole universe, we are only low-level creatures, just like the contrast between people and ants on the earth. ”

Bai Su murmured, "Maybe... Isn't that far away? ”

I sneered, "It's pretty much the same." We see ants fighting for food, which is very ridiculous, in fact, people are not the same? How many stupid things humans have done for the sake of gain and loss! There must be another advanced creature coming, which can wake up the minds of the earthlings who have been intoxicated by the entanglement of gain and loss, and see how many stupid things they have done in the thousands of years since civilization. ”

Bai Su smiled bitterly, "Yes, I agree, but unfortunately, people who want to keep secrets at all costs do not agree." Qi Bai broke into the secret burial chamber, he wanted to hide in the cave to escape, Shan Si knew the secret, and was killed by careful arrangements. And those six security guards were also silenced..."

I gave a cold gag: "Qi Bai knows everything, no wonder he heard that I did not continue to move forward, he said that my luck is better than his, and he also knows that if I continue to pursue, there will be extreme danger, so he knocked me unconscious, through his relationship, put me in the coffin, and transported me back." ”

Bai Su's voice was very low: "Poor Qi Bai, he doesn't know what happened?" Still hiding in a cave? ”

I had already made up my mind and said out loud, "Of course it's not the way to go, I'm going to go out and come out with him and expose it to the whole world." ”

Bai Su frowned, "What evidence do you have?" Until now, everything is our speculation. ”

I waved my hand, and in an instant, I had thought of two ways. I said, "There are two ways, one is to force the head of the Space Agency to announce this matter to the world." The second is to steal the bodies of those aliens and show them to the people of the world. ”

Bai Su looked at me for half a moment: "The first method seems to be a little milder, but how are you going to proceed?" I don't think it's possible for you to meet the head of NASA. I thought for a moment: "The person in charge is..."

Bai Su said, "A few days ago, there was still news about him in the newspaper, he is General Taifeng." ”

I waved my hand vigorously: "Yes, go to him and ask Qi Bai to go with me." Bai Su nodded, "Well, the three of us want to see him, although he is a first-class dignitary, he must not be able to refuse." ”

I was only inexplicably excited: "I'll leave tomorrow." ”

Bai Su said, "No, first take a little time to try to collect information about a certain country's Space Administration." ”

I took a deep breath and agreed. Bai Su and I spent three days collecting information about a certain country's space agency. Although NASA is a first-level secrecy agency, in a democratic country, it is not difficult to get its information, and the information we have come into contact with in the past three days is stacked higher than that of people, and it is naturally impossible to introduce them one by one, and even if the abstract is introduced, it is very dull, because there are many specialized technical terms, a large number of numbers, these, will not arouse the interest of ordinary people.

I'm sure the building I saw was in a desert area, so I focused on looking for AGENCY affiliates in the data, and found that there were three agencies in the desert.

One is a rocket launch base, where many important space exploration efforts are fired into unfathomable spacecraft, from where they are lifted off. I rowed this base because I didn't see any elevated or equipment available for rocket liftoff.

The other is an astronaut training center in the middle of the desert, which is a building with a very modern architectural beauty, and there are pictures of it on the data, of course, it is not the place I have been to.

Next, the only remaining institution is called the "Center for Data Research in Outer Space." The name of this institution is nothing special. But it is full of mystery. The information I obtained, there is no accurate location. There is not much mention of what the research center is doing, except that the first ore specimens collected from the moon were sent here for study. Then there are the photos taken by the spacecraft, which were used in this center for spectral analysis to see if there may be life.

I said to Bai Su, "I have found that place, there is a desert name, it is not difficult to find that building, as long as you get there, inquire about which places are military restricted areas, and you can figure it out at once." ”

I was buried in the SPACE AGENCy's data pile, and Bai Su was also looking for information, but the information she was looking for was a newspaper, trying to collect news about senior NASA personnel.

She said, "I have gained too." ”

She spread out many copies of newspapers: "Seven months ago, General Tai Feng went to the research center you mentioned, and the purpose was unknown, and at the research center, he met with the head of the center, Dr. Douglas. ”

She flipped through another newspaper: "Look at this. ”

I looked at the newspaper, and the headline read: "One of the key heads of NASA, Dr. Douglas was killed in a car crash." ”

I felt a chill: "Even such a senior personnel, do not let go?" ”

Bai Su smiled bitterly: "There is another small piece of news here." ”

The "little news" was: "The president received General Taifeng and discussed for about an hour." "The time was three days before Dr. Douglas was killed.

I took a breath: "The meeting of two important people, but there is no record of what they talked about." ”

Bai Su said, "There are two more pieces of news here..."

One piece of news was that "a director of a NASA-affiliated research center in the desert was dismissed from his post because of his nervous abnormalities, and his person disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown." ”

Looking further, the dismissed person's position is "Director of Important Data Custody".

He was fired because of a drunken drink that he claimed not only had seen aliens, but had also touched their bodies.

I let out a groaning voice: "Our speculation is getting closer and closer to the truth." ”

Bai Su pointed to another piece of news, which said that at a research center attached to NASA in the center of a desert, the alarm system suddenly went wrong, and the alarm sound could be heard ten miles away, and the nearest residents protested afterwards.

Looking at the days, the time of the "false alarm" was about ten days before Qi Bai handed me the tape. I naturally "ah" a sound: "It is not a mistake, it is Qi Bai who triggered the alarm bell." ”

Bai Su said, "Of course, Qi Bai is really remarkable, the guards in that place are so tight, it is conceivable that he was able to escape after triggering the alarm bell." ”

I stood up, "What are we waiting for?" As long as Qi Bai was still in that cave, he would definitely be able to find him. ”

Bai Su said, "If those three aliens care about the corpses of their kind, I think they can also be seen near there." ”

At this time, I was in a very excited mood and extremely arrogant: "I want to see those three, and it is a big deal to go to that manhole again." ”

Bai Su thought for a moment again: "I really don't understand, those aliens, they can come to the earth, all aspects of the ability, must be far above the earthlings." The tunnel they had made could already lead directly to the basement of the institution. And they can unknowingly get you from the desert of North Africa to North America..." I didn't wait for her to finish, and I said, "Yeah, why don't they get the seventy-four corpses out of their own hands?" ”

Bai Su did not answer, and I felt a chill again: "Seventy-four alien corpses!" It's unimaginable! ”

To sum up everything in the simplest terms, there is a group of aliens who have arrived on Earth, and they do not know why, they are dead, and their bodies are stored in a secret place belonging to NASA. This matter is classified as the highest absolute secret, and except for a few people, they believe that this information must not be leaked to the world, and all those who know this secret will be silenced. We believe that those who were silenced included Dr. Daulas, the dismissed senior executive, the staff of six fake auction company employees, and the upside-downs, who were involved in this matter only to make tomb robbery an amateur hobby.

That is to say. If I and Bai Su continue to investigate this matter, the danger is incomparable.

We are confronted with a powerful government whose head of government has made up his mind to keep this secret, and whoever touches it will be silenced.

I thought about this, and couldn't help but be a little discouraged, looking at Bai Su, who saw through my heart and said slowly: "If it is something else, I can no longer insist." ”

I froze for a moment: "What's so special about this?" ”

Bai Su took a deep breath: "This matter is almost related to the future of all mankind." ”

I vaguely felt that Bai Su's statement was reasonable, but I still shook my head: "Too great, right?" ”

Bai Su shook his head: "It is not an exaggeration at all, if you think about it, in the future, the advanced creatures of aliens will definitely continue to come to the earth, and now, the leader of the earth thinks that the aliens must have the purpose of aggression, so they have adopted a strict policy of self-preservation." ”

I smiled bitterly, and Bai Su used the "retreat policy" to describe the policy of the earthlings leader towards aliens, which sounded a little strange, but it was true.

Bai Su added: "This practice will cause misunderstandings, aliens may not have the intention of aggression, but under the misunderstanding, it may cause tragedy, and if there is no conflict at all, suddenly because of the misunderstanding and war, the earthlings are really vulnerable." ”

I said, "This... It will be a tragedy. ”

Bai Su said, "So we have to do our best to prevent the tragedy from happening." ”

I said, "You mean..."

Bai Su said, "I mean, we should make the fact that aliens have come to Earth public, so that everyone in the world knows that we are not the only creatures in the celestial bodies, but also to let the world know that other celestial bodies have advanced creatures and have a high degree of civilization, which is much better than us." ”

I frowned and asked, "Want us to surrender to the higher creatures of other celestial bodies?" ”

Bai Su sighed, "Even you are no exception, with this deep-rooted concept, between superior and inferior civilizations, there is in fact no struggle, surrender, victory, defeat." When two civilizations come into contact, the superior civilization will inevitably eliminate the inferior civilization, and the inferior civilization will collapse and change from inferior to superior. It is useless to resist stubbornly. ”

I didn't make a sound, because what Bai Su said was so direct, so direct that it was almost unacceptable.

What Bai Su is talking about today is an interstellar affair, but a situation of the same nature has happened on Earth: Western civilization, at the end of the nineteenth century, invaded the East with overwhelming superiority.

The tragedy caused by the superiority of the dominant civilization and the resistance of the inferior civilization is well known.

Without making a sound, Bai Su said, "I know what you're thinking." You will replace the relationship between the nations and nations on earth, and the relationship between the stars. The situation may be the same, but more likely, completely different. ”

I said, "What if it's the same?" ”

Bai Su said, "If it were the same, resistance and acceptance, exactly the same, and the disparity between strength and weakness was so great, what would be the result of resistance?" The result must be that the superior civilization eliminates the inferior civilization, so from now on, the earthlings should establish a new concept. Otherwise, it will not be enough to adapt to future changes. And to establish this idea, first of all, to make the world know that aliens have arrived on Earth. ”

I didn't say anything more, of course, I have no objection to Bai Su's point of view, but considering the shock this fact has brought to the world, I really have no way to think about it further.

After a moment's pause, I said, "Okay, then let's get started." The first step, let's go to Qi Bai first. ”

Bai Su nodded in agreement.

It is not difficult to find Qi Bai. We already knew where the research center was located, and I remembered the building and the place where I saw Qi Bai, and I could find it as soon as I arrived.

Arriving at our destination, we rented a car, looked at the map, drove across the desert, and after seeing the sign that read," "The front is a military base, no permit, no way to move forward," I turned onto a path through a bush and stopped slightly.

At that time, in the telescope, the building could already be seen.

There is no doubt that I have been here before. In the afterglow of the setting sun, I tried to remember the situation as much as possible, and half an hour later, the car had come to the side of the mound with bushes.

I stopped the car, made a gesture with Bai Su, and pointed to a large stone in front of me: "Qi Bai is in the hole below." ”

Bai Su said, "We have to try to let him know that we are coming." Otherwise, he thought that his pursuers would find him and would resist. ”

I said, "That's easy." ”

I jumped out of the car and walked forward, and before long, in the midst of a lump of hay, I saw a pipe emerging from the soil, which was the vent of the hole in the ground where Qi Bai was hiding.

I said to the pipe, "Qi Bai, it's me, Wesley." Although you were kind enough to send me away, I came back! You've been hiding in a cave for a long time, and that's not the way to go, is it? We can negotiate a better way. "I called again, sure that Qi Bai in the cave must be able to hear it, so I came to the stone and waited for the stone to move away, and Qi Bai appeared."

I waited for a while, and the stones didn't move. Bai Su and I looked at each other, and Bai Su said, "He's gone?" ”

I pushed the stone hard, and there was a noise under the stone that pushed me away.

I looked into the hole under the stones and shouted, "Qi Bai." ”

There was no reaction in the cave at all, at this time, the sky was already dark, and Bai Su took out a small flashlight and shone it into the cave. Under the light of the flashlight, I saw that in the cave, there was more debris than when I was there, but there was no one at all.

I jumped down, turned around in the hole, climbed up again, and took a breath: "Qi Bai is gone." ”

Bai Su said, "See what he has left behind?" ”

I went down again and looked for a moment, and there was nothing but empty cans of food. Qi Bai was gone, where had he gone?

That night, after waiting for another three hours by the cave until it was certain that Qi Bai would not appear, I left a letter in the cave, and then, in a nearby town, found a car hotel, and stayed.

In the room of the motel, Bai Su and I planned what to do next.

After thinking about it and thinking about it, I said, "The entrance to the basement, I remember, let's sneak in first, get out the seventy-four alien corpses and then talk." ”

Bai Su immediately agreed: "Yes, with these alien corpses, we can negotiate with General Tai Feng, the highest head of NASA." ”

I was extremely excited: "We figured out the ins and outs of things, and we went on without psychological fear and confusion, and we knew exactly what we were going to do." ”

Bai Su helped me check the tools, and since it was impossible to know what would happen, we prepared for the worst and the most difficult, so we brought a lot of application tools.

We rested a little, and only in the early hours of the morning did we quietly leave and drive away. It was not difficult to find the entrance, and when the car stopped, Bai Su and I involuntarily took a breath. Near the entrance, we saw three men in white robes, like ghosts, standing next to each other

After a while, I lost my voice and said, "It's them." Bai Su had heard me recount everything and naturally knew what the phrase "it was them" meant.

Before Bai Su could react, the three of them were already moving closer to me at a very fast speed.

I don't say they "walked" closer to me, but I said "moved" closer, because I already knew that there was no body under the white robe. I didn't know what they looked like, so I felt extremely strange in my heart and shook Bai Su's hand with my backhand.

In the blink of an eye, they were near, still dressed as before, under the white cloth, only their eyes shining with a dark green light could be seen, and one of them opened his mouth first, and his voice was still raw and stiff: "You deceived us." ”

I waved my hand: "The process is very complicated, slowly I will tell you, where is Qi Zi, you know?" ”

The man said, "I don't know, you've already entered the burial chamber?" Found that the body is not an Earthling, so do not start? ”

I calmly said, "No, on the contrary, I didn't go into the tomb last time." Now, it is because it is already known that the corpse in the tomb is not an earthling, so it is only then that it comes again. ”

The man made an "Oh" sound, and the three of them looked at each other, and there was a wonderful light in their eyes. The man turned to me and asked, "You seem to be very different, different from others." ”

I said, "This is my wife's opinion, Bai Su..." I introduced Bai Su to them, of course, I did not want them to reach out and shake hands with Bai Su. Bai Su just stared at them, and they also stared at Bai Su.

After a full twenty seconds, Bai Su spoke first: "It is a pleasure to know you, the current situation is that some people with great power have come to Earth as a top secret." Anyone who deliberately exposes this secret will lead to murder. ”

The man sighed, "Why are they doing this?" ”

Bai Su said, "Because of fear, fear you are invaders with superpowers." ”

The man said, "We're just passing through here." We have our own planet, your planet is by no means suitable for us to live..." He said this, suddenly issued a few laughs: "Fear of aggression between planets, the most unreasonable, the environment of each planet is very different, here, we even have extremely difficulty surviving, you are afraid of alien invasion, just like the animals in the forest, afraid that the jellyfish in the sea will encroach on the forest as nonsensical." ”

I said, "Then you guys..."

The man said, "Take the bodies of our companions and they will leave, and in our sailing reports there will be records of creatures on a certain planet." ”

Bai Su said, "Your ability is very high, why don't you go and get the corpse out yourself?" ”

Bai Su's question is a core question, and I am waiting for the other party's answer. The man said, "In the burial chamber, there is a gas that we cannot resist. ”

I immediately said, "What gas?" ”

The man said, "This gas, four-fifths of the way through the air, is the limit of what we can resist, it's all this gas, we can't get close to it, that gas..."

I've said, "It's nitrogen." ”

The man said, "Yes." ”

Bai Su and I looked at each other, the nature of nitrogen is very stable, under pure nitrogen, bacteria will not grow, it is indeed the best way to preserve the body. Of course, if it's just nitrogen, me and Bai Su can't survive, but that's very easy to solve, we just need to have a compressed oxygen cylinder.

I immediately thought that they could use oxygen cylinders to solve this problem, even if they could not breathe on oxygen, they could use other gases. When I thought about this, Bai Su also thought of it, and she said, "If it's just nitrogen, we can't do the same, you guys..."

The three men looked at each other again, but still the man spoke, "There is a very special damage to us, and we have no way to overcome it." ”

I also wanted to ask, and the man seemed reluctant to talk anymore and changed the subject: "If you can help us retrieve those corpses, we can do our part to meet your demands." ”

Bai Su and I looked at each other and said, "Okay, but we can't move tonight because we need to compress the air, otherwise we won't be able to enter that secret room." ”

The three of them said "Oh", as if very disappointed, and I said, "What does it matter if you wait one more night?" I looked at my watch: "I hope to see you here at this time tomorrow." ”

The man agreed, turned and quickly left.

Bai Su asked, "You told me that after they ripped off their white robes, they had no body?" ”

I said, "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but Du Bao told me." ”

Bai Su said, "Their bodies must be very small, as small as our heads." ”

I blinked, "So... They..."

Bai Su said, "They act in white robes and look just like us." ”

I couldn't help Bingha laughing: "Wearing a white robe?" They always have to have something to support their bodies from falling. ”

Bai Su had already turned and walked toward the car: "That's not easy, it doesn't have to be a physical object, there is a strong gas shooting into the ground, you can make their bodies hang in the air." Do you think their bodies shouldn't be small? If you think about it, if they were as big as we are, with seventy-four corpses, and sent only one person, how could they be stolen? ”

I couldn't help but "ah" and complained in my heart that I had never thought of this problem.

Since we had seen the three men, and knew that the burial chamber we were going to was full of nitrogen, the next day we pioneered the car into town, bought two pairs of compressed air for diving, waited for dark, and at about the same time, came again to the place where we had seen the three men last night, but did not see them, waited for a while, and did not see them.

I snorted, "They missed their appointment." ”

Bai Su said, "Leave them alone, as long as we get the corpses out, they will definitely appear." ”

I agreed with Bai Su, and did not go far forward to reach the entrance of the tunnel, bent over with Bai Su, and went inside.

I had been in and out of that tunnel once, and this time there was no difficulty, and after a while, I came to the middle of the passage, and I said to Bai Su, "You see, when I first came, I expected that I would see such a situation in an ancient tomb, and I thought I had arrived in the wrong place. ”

Bai Su said, "Really, it is no wonder that Qi Bai has shown such a strangeness in the tape." ”

Walking forward in the corridor, it did not take long to hear the rotation of the exhaust fan, and then, seeing the huge pumping fan, and then, through the exhaust fan, passing through the small iron door, to the machine room, and pushing open another door. Last time, I pushed open the door, saw the stairs, and thought I had come back in the wrong place.

Bai Su used a flashlight to illuminate the line of English painted on the wall: Zhu Jing permission, this door is not allowed to open. He whispered, "We must assume that from this door onwards, we will enter the vigilance system, and all actions must be careful." ”

I nodded and hurried up the stairs to the back of the door, which was locked. In less than a minute, the door was open.

I made a gesture to Bai Su, signaling her to back off, and then, slowly pushing open the door. Pushing a few centimeters away, and without the expected ringing of the alarm bell, I looked out and there was a long corridor outside, rather dark, with only a lamp at the end, and the lamp was on a door, and there was a sign nailed to the door with the words on it, but it was too far away to see clearly.

I turned my back, asked Bai Su for the telescope, and then looked forward and saw that the sign in English read: "Warning: No one can open this door without the permission of the Supreme Leader!" Violators are punished with the harshest military penalties. ”

I handed the telescope to Bai Su: "The burial chamber must be right behind that door." ”

Bai Su nodded, I carefully observed the corridor, sure that there was no warning in the corridor at all, pushed open the door, and walked forward with Bai Su.

There really wasn't any alert in the corridors, which was unexpected.

All the way to the door with the warning sign, I broke the door lock again, sorted out the compressed air cylinder with Bai Su, bit the snorkel, pushed the door open, and walked inward. The backhand closed the door, and it was pitch black. And just as we were about to turn on the flashlight, the light suddenly burst forth.

Because the light came so suddenly, in an instant, we couldn't see anything in front of us, but it wasn't long before we could see what was in front of us.

It was a huge room, at least a hundred square meters in size, but empty. Emptiness means nothing, there is really nothing, just emptiness, walls, floors and ceilings, all white. Being in such an empty, pure white room is extremely strange.

And then, we found that the room was not really empty, and in the corner near the ceiling, there were many CCTV camera tubes.

This is definitely unexpected, don't say it's me, even Bai Su is completely stunned.

Just then, I heard a voice coming from the corner of the ceiling, and it was a voice that sounded full of surprise: "God! These two are just like us. ”

At the time, I didn't understand what the phrase meant, but the door was slammed open, and there were four uniformed men, wearing something like gas masks, holding weapons that I didn't know, and looked like a small hand-held rocket launcher. If it is such a weapon, it is extremely powerful, and the weapons in the hands of these four people are afraid that they can destroy two tanks.

The four men rushed straight in, immediately scattered, and pointed at us with their weapons in their hands, without making a sound, but signaling us to go outside. Bai Su and I looked at each other, and the bitterness in our expressions was really indescribable.

At this moment, I am afraid that there will be no third grave robber including all the planets in the universe, just like our current situation.

In such a situation, there was no room for resistance, so we had to go outside, and as soon as we went out, we felt that the situation was a little wrong, but it was too late to respond.

As soon as I went out, Bai Su and I took a step, and found that the door was no longer a corridor, but a rather narrow space, I immediately turned around, and at one point the door behind me fell down, enclosing me and Bai Su in this narrow space.

I pulled down the compressed air snorkel and cried out, "Hey, what does that mean?" ”

Bai Su also pulled down the tube: "We are locked in a cage." ”

I punched, indeed, we were locked in a cage, the four walls of the cage, it seemed to be a very hard metal, and we immediately felt the cage moving, and immediately found that the four corners of the cage had a television camera tube.

I never dreamed that such a situation would happen, and I cried out again: "Let us out, let us out!" ”

When I called, I kept kicking the four walls with my feet, running around in the "cage", Bai Su was much calmer than I was, she just looked up and looked at one of the TV camera tubes: "We are not dangerous, we don't have to lock us up for observation, we can talk face to face." ”

I listened to Bai Su say this, and stayed for a while, but then I understood what she meant by this, and I also understood our situation at this time.

We were treated like aliens.

It must be after the last time Qi Bai came, it is estimated that there will be more people here to steal the body, so such an arrangement was made, and the last time Qi Bai went in and out smoothly, the people here did not know that it was Qi Bai who came, and thought it was aliens, and now this arrangement is of course used to deal with aliens.

And when we bumped into it, we were treated like aliens by the people here.

When I figured this out, I couldn't help but laugh, as for the pole.

I've been used as a variety of eccentric characters, and my kind of people have been treated as aliens, but it's the first time I've ever solved a problem.

What happened after being treated as an alien can be seen in a top-secret report.

The "absolutely confidential" report, written by General TaiFeng himself, has a small line on the cover of the report, in addition to the red words "absolute confidential", which states: "This report is typed in sentence-by-sentence branches, and is completed by sixteen typists, and the typists absolutely cannot know the contents of this report." At the same time, there is another line: "Those who read this report must not reveal the contents of this report to anyone." This report is submitted to officials at the central level for review only. "The contents of the report are as follows: (In the report, I have added my opinion in parentheses so that it is easy to understand the truth of the facts.) )

"Top Secret Report No. 3."

(The first and second top secret reports, which I also had after the fact, are described later.) )

"After the 'minor incident' and the 'gasification incident', the above two incidents, referring to the absolute confidential reports No. 1 and No. 2, the events described in this report have occurred, and it has been decided to use the 'double incident' as the code name.

"In the aftermath of the 'gasification incident', the research centres to which the Department belongs have adopted extremely tight security measures, including a number of operations agreed to by the highest authorities, which have been so successful that the persons concerned have been eliminated in order to ensure confidentiality, and detailed reports of these operations are shown in the appendix to the absolutely confidential report No. II.

(The so-called "several actions agreed to by the highest authorities" are killings, including Shan Si, six NASA staff, and Dr. Douglas, and the "director of important information storage," among others.) This kind of action, carried out under the reason of "absolutely no secrets", is real, exposing the ugly side of human nature, but the person who gives the order is full of words. The arguments between me and them, the different opinions of both sides, will be described below, which is a very important difference of opinion. )

"We reckon that the other side may come again, and the defensive measures we have made include a plan to capture the other side. On September 17, at three o'clock in the morning, the alert system alerted the two intruders into the chamber, and they were immediately enticed into a pre-prepared cage, which was strong and indestructible, with closed-circuit television to monitor all the actions of the characters inside.

"These two intruders, who look the same as earthlings, insist that they are earthlings. After repeated cross-examination, which lasted for three days, they also reported their identity, and after a review of their identity, it has been confirmed that there is no falsehood, which is an accident.

(The easy phrase in the report is "an accident.") In fact, Bai Su and I were locked up in that cage for three days and three nights. It was three days and three nights of extreme pain! )

(During these three days, we were not only treated as aliens, but also often there were inexplicable gases put in, and there were rays of unknown origin, and if we did not have compressed air and nerves that were strong enough, we would have died long ago, and we would have been hidden by the corpses of aliens.) )

(In the end, we really couldn't do anything about it, so we had to tell them who we were and ask them to investigate, and they were very efficient and suddenly figured it out.) )

"Considering that alien creatures can invade in various forms, the investigation of the identities of this man and woman is extensive and in-depth, and the results of the investigation can prove with certainty that they are not alien creatures, but two specially identified Earthlings."

"Having proved to be a misunderstanding, the Department has considered eliminating them in the same way as previous personnel, and has been approved by a majority of the Department's decision-makers.

(I'm on the same line of life and death as Bai Su.) We are confined to that cage, and it is so easy for the other side to "destroy" us. We can say that one foot has stepped into the ghost gate and saved our lives. )

"But the man of the two men, who claimed that they had come here, was commissioned by three aliens, and as far as they knew, they were of the same kind as the seventy-four corpses we had obtained. Their terrible foreign enemies, still coming and going on the earth, are extremely dangerous, and they feel the need to get more information in their mouths, so they temporarily cancel the plan of action and move them to another secret room.

"After the transfer of the man and the woman to the Chamber of Secrets, under close surveillance and interrogation, the information obtained is as follows.

(The report is here, recording in detail my account, and those things have been written before, so I will skip it.) )

"After investigation, it was confirmed that the man named Wesley had said everything was true. In other words, the fact that extraterrestrial advanced beings are still active on Earth is the greatest threat to Earth, and once this situation is known to the world, the psychological shock and chaos caused by it will be immeasurable. The Department therefore advocates the continued maintenance of absolute secrecy and requests instructions from the highest authorities on how to deal with the man named Wesley and a woman named Bai Su. ”

The content of the report is as described above.

In the days after the report was sent out, Bai Su and I were still confined, and the equipment in the secret room was quite good, which was not the same as the "cage". But our mood is just as uneasy, because fate is still unknown. Bai Su and I tried our best to escape in these days, but none of them succeeded.

The TV camera tube is always facing us, and the dialogue is all carried out by mechanical devices.

The last words we heard were: "Regarding your situation, a report has been submitted to the highest authorities for review, and you must wait with peace of mind!" ”

It wasn't until three days later, when Bai Su was still calm, and when I reached the limit of my patience, something unexpected happened. The door, which I could not open after exhausting all my means, suddenly made a few noises and opened.

I let out a strange cry and rushed straight to the door, and when I reached the door, the door was open, and a man dressed in the general's uniform, with an extremely majestic look, appeared at the door, and as soon as I reached out, I was almost about to catch his general uniform, and the general suddenly said, "I am General Taifeng." ”

As soon as he gave his name, I stopped less than a centimeter on his chest, and I snorted, "Hello, General." ”

General Tai Feng took a breath: "Mr. Wei, because of the extraordinary incident, I think we do not have to apologize for what happened to you." ”

I said angrily, "Yes, I want to apologize." ”

I was supposed to speak in anger, who knew that General Tai Feng had honestly and unceremoniously said: "Yes, you have to apologize, you broke into the secret military institutions of our country, if you are shot and killed here, no one in the world can say anything for you." ”

I shuddered, and for a moment I couldn't speak. It is true that the treatment I received after I came here was extremely poor, but the way I came in was also extremely unobtrusive, which made me dumbfounded.

I had to say, "That's a straight argument between the two sides, and no one has to apologize to anyone." General, after more than ten days as a prisoner, can we regain our freedom? ”

General Tai Feng's expression was very sharp: "There are several leaders of several countries who want to see you. ”

I sneered, "Ha, all of a sudden I've become a guest." ”

General Tai Feng said angrily, "Your attitude is better to be serious, things are not funny." ”

I wanted to have a seizure, but Bai Su was behind me, pulled my clothes, and I forced my anger down, but I still couldn't help but say, "How to meet them?" Did you take us in that box? ”

General TaiFeng ignored me and turned around, "Follow me." ”

When he turned around, it was a good opportunity for me to attack him. But I only thought about it for a moment and didn't do it. Bai Su obviously knew what I was thinking and glared at me fiercely.

After passing a long corridor and not meeting anyone at all, he came out of the doorway of the building, took a very short ride in a car, and got on a small jet machine. Part XII: Two top-secret documents

During the flight, there were only three of us in the cabin. It seems that General Tai Feng is also taking risks, he is only one person, and we can deal with him at any time. But he didn't want more people to know the secret, so he would rather take the risk.

Originally, I had no good feelings for this general, but when I thought of his bravery, I also looked at him differently, and slightly reduced the disgust in my heart.

At first, we were almost completely silent, and after ten minutes, General Tai Feng said, "There are three documents, you can read them first." ”

He opened the tunic of the general's uniform, and from within the tunic, he took out an envelope. A general who wanted to collect documents in this way, I saw it for the first time, so I could know the importance of these documents.

I took the documents and was a little flattered.

General Tai Feng said, "I didn't mean to let you participate in this high level of secrecy." My opinion is what you can know in the third top secret document. ”

The third top-secret document is the third top-secret report that has been cited earlier. General Tai Feng's opinion advocated the elimination of me and Bai Su.

At that time, after he finished speaking, he turned his head, looked out the window, and stopped looking at us.

I unwrapped the envelope of the document and looked at it with Bai Su.

There are three documents, all "top secret". The third number, which has been quoted above, the first and second numbers, the things that are remembered are extremely surprising, and after Bai Su and I read it, we were stunned, and we could not speak for half a moment, and the whole thing composed of many mysteries could be answered in these two documents.

The days between the two documents are quite long, about two years.

The first document reads as follows:

"Top Secret Document No. 1."

"On August 17, our Office received seven reports indicating that they had all seen UFO between 19:00 and 23:00 on 17 August. Please refer to the appendix for the names of the reporters, their occupation and the location where they saw the UFO.

(The appendix is quite long and there is no need to cite it in full, because it includes seven investigations of the detailed resumes, life backgrounds, etc. of twenty-four people who saw the UFO, and it should be stated that these people who saw the UFO were not lying.) )

"There are many reports of UFOs, and the reports witnessed by these seven cases have one thing in common, that is, the UFOs they reported are of the same shape, and this UFO, flying in the northwest coastal zone of our country, is seen in the southernmost and northernmost places, with a distance of 1,672 kilometers. The difference in time is only twenty minutes. Assuming that there is only one UFO, its flight speed has reached an incredible level.

"Unfortunately, people who saw the unknown object were unable to photograph it at that time. According to their description, all the people were individually interrogated, there was no possibility of collusion, and the shape of the UFO was as follows.

"Semi-spherical in shape, about ten meters in diameter, flying high and low, extremely unstable. The witness of the car, when he saw the UFO, the power of the car suddenly disappeared. Although the power does not recover after the UFO is gone, the after-the-fact inspection is: the power is completely gone.

"At the bottom of the semi-spherical UFO, there are many antenna-like projections, and there are three witnesses who have seen the UFO skimming only two hundred meters above the ground, and they all see that between the antenna-like protrusions, there are constant sparks, and there are low explosions, which are very dense. Based on the eyewitness accounts, the Department used seven UFO sites to be seen as points, and then combined these seven dots with a line, and it can be found that the UFO passed through three major cities in the northwest of the country from south to north, over a twenty-minute flight journey.

"The most noteworthy is why the appearance of the UFO is not handled in the ordinary way, and this is why it is classified as a particularly top-secret report: the route of the UFO, including the three major cities, has been completely cut off from the power supply during the time of the appearance of the UFO.

"The interruption of the power supply on such a wide area is unprecedented, and the power supply was restored after several hours, and the reports of the power stations after the fact are all the same, for unknown reasons.

"The misalignment of power supply in such a vast area due to unknown causes is a very serious matter. The losses under normal circumstances are already incalculable, and if the power supply in this situation is abnormal in extraordinary times, it will completely paralyze the defensive and offensive forces of our country. An unprecedented crisis of national security!

"The Department has carefully considered the appearance of UFOs and the sudden interruption of electricity supply in a wide area. First, this idea was proposed. Then, according to the flight path of the UFO, the power outage area was found to be within a wide area of one hundred kilometers of the flight path.

"Secondly, many experts, according to eyewitness accounts, believe that the antenna-like object at the bottom of the UFO may be a conductive device, similar to the wireless conductive equipment under study in China.

This opinion of the experts has led to the seriousness of the situation: if the enemy has some new invention, he can use some kind of flying object to completely divert the electrical energy from the area where the flying object passes, a hundred kilometers wide, it will become a weapon that poses the greatest threat to national security, and it must be thoroughly investigated.

"The Department has informed the relevant departments of this idea, and the Department has also conducted a separate investigation. A three-member investigative team composed of Colonel Humel was responsible for conducting it.

Group Leader: Colonel Humfil.

Team member: Captain Aaron,

Captain Liesamov.

"After a month of hard work, the investigation team has made a shocking discovery, which is the second main reason for constituting this report, and the results of the investigation cannot be described in words, but only to ask each person who reads the report to decide how he or she feels."

(After the report is here, it details Colonel Humfil's investigation, and after reading the investigation, I have to agree that the phrase "cannot be described in words" is correct.) )

(Since I met with Colonel Humfil afterwards, who told me in detail about the investigation, I no longer described the incident in terms of the dullness of the report, but adopted a more vivid accounting method.) )

(Although my acquaintance with Colonel Humel is after this, it is also appropriate to insert Colonel Humfil's investigation here.) )

Colonel Houffier was not a regular soldier by birth, but an intelligence officer in wartime areas behind enemy lines. After the end of the Second World War, this category of personnel should have all been retired. But he was kept in the army for his outstanding achievements.

After the war, Colonel Humel earned two doctorates on his own, one of which was precision metal science, so he was transferred to NASA. Because of his precise and meticulous mind, he was sent to head the intelligence group.

NASA's Intelligence Group is responsible for a wide range of work. All developments in space armaments in hostile countries to investigations into UFOS are within the scope of the work of the Intelligence Group.

In Absolute Secret Report No. 1, the idea of linking the route of the UFO to the blackout area at that time was first proposed by Colonel Humel, so the investigation fell on him.

Humfil first met with the person who witnessed the UFO and inquired in detail about the situation. The last two to see the flying object were two climbers.

The two climbers said: "It was already dark at that time, and we had reached a certain height, but strangely, looking at the foot of the mountain, we should be able to see the brilliant lights of the town below the mountain, but in fact it was pitch black, there was no light at all." This strange sight stunned us, and then we heard a strange sound. ”

Of all the witnesses, only these two heard the "strange sound", and the rest, at most, heard the crackling sound of a slight spark burst, and the speed of the flying object was extremely fast, but silent.

The voices heard by these two people were very "noisy and intermittent." Their description was: "It was a noisy sound, like there were dozens of rollers moving together, but it was intermittent, like the operation of the machinery was faulty, not smooth, like an old car, and then we saw the UFO."

"The speed of the flying object is extremely fast, but it is swinging left and right, and the rhythm of the swing is coordinated with the intermittent noise, and it seems that the whole flight body is faulty. At that time, we shouted together: This thing is going to fall. Indeed, it seems to be like this.

"Around the flying object, there is a light purple light like lightning, which appears from time to time, appears and disappears rhythms, and also cooperates with noisy sounds, and when the sound is loud, the purple light is weak; when the sound is small, the purple light is stronger. It shakes at a very high speed? Swing forward, fly north, and in a moment, you can't see it at all. ”

Humphre interrogated the two men more than a dozen times until he was sure that all the words of the two men were true.

Humphre reported his own speculation to General Taifeng: "The purple glow at the edge of the UFO may have been caused by an electric current. High-voltage currents exceeding 30,000 volts or more will form such a purple glow. And this flying object must have been faulty, because when it was finally seen, it flew irregularly, it could not continue to fly as far as it could, and if it did not fly far enough, it would definitely crash into the mountains of the northern part of our country. ”

General Tai Feng, who can serve as the head of the Space Agency, is by no means an imaginative person, but after listening to Hu Feier's hypothesis, he can't help but pause for half a moment: "On what basis do you make such a hypothesis?" ”

Colonel Humfil's thin face showed a very self-satisfied look, and replied to his superior: "My estimation is that this UFO, when it was first seen, had already had difficulties, so it had to fly low. The purpose of its low flight, I think is to grab electricity, what method it uses to grab electricity, I don't know, in short, the area it flies over, all the power disappears! ”

General Taifeng gestured and encouraged Humphre to continue. "It grabbed electricity and hoped to continue flying, but apparently the situation was getting worse, and the intuitive impression of the last two witnesses was correct: the flying body had failed, and the area of the power outage, up to that point, could be concluded that the flying object had stopped grabbing electricity and crashed in front of it." ”

General Tai Feng corrected a little: "Or, landed." ”

Huffair said, "Whether it lands or crashes, we just have to look for it, and we can definitely find it." ”

General Tai Feng took a deep breath, "How many people are you going to mobilize?" ”

At this time, Humfil intuitively felt that things were extremely unusual, so he also had a plan: "There are not too many people, just take two people, you must be the best person, and then, bring some of the most sophisticated detection equipment." I had already decided who to take, and they were Captain Aaron and Captain Lee Shamov. ”

General Taifeng believed in Humel's choice, so he immediately approved it.

The preparation took three days. The instruments they carry are as light as possible, because they may have to go over mountains and mountains, and it is not known where the destination is. In order to carry the necessary exploration equipment and tools, they did not even have the equipment for camping. Fortunately, they are all excellent soldiers, and it is difficult for them to sleep in the open.

Captain Aaron was twenty-nine years old, an excellent officer from the officer school, with no flaws in his record, red hair, one hundred and eighty centimeters tall, with the shape of a sportsman, and everything was so perfect. Captain Liesamov looked a little worse, he was forty-two years old, and the so-called "almost" was all he had, not by the standards of Aaron.

Captain Lishamov is a veteran, has experienced many cruel wars, all kinds of survival methods are proficient, few people can reach, he is also a mountain climbing expert, usually a little oily slippery, do not care, will also play a little small? For example, stealing a little military supplies out, assembling them into some exquisite machinery to sell for profit, and so on.

In this kind of unambiguous, mysterious exploration mission, someone like Lishamov is the most suitable candidate.

Three men, led by Huffair, kept their departure, even in their own organs, secret, known only to General Taifeng alone.

They first went to the place where the last two witnesses saw the UFO, and then, according to the two men, the flying object "wobbled" in the direction of the flight and headed forward.

That area is full of mountains and mountains, and there are no roads at all. Outingers and climbers, too, only go where they started, and then go forward, and God knows if there are any people.

On the first day, they climbed to the top of the mountain, and on the top of the mountain, they each searched with their telescopes, but as far as they could see, all they could see was a dense pine ridge, and there was something in the forest that they could not see.

That night they went down halfway down the mountain to rest, and the next morning they began to walk forward again, and in the afternoon, they climbed over another mountain, and on the top of the mountain they observed again with binoculars.

Along the way, they had already turned on the metal detector they carried with them, but the pointers on the instrument did not respond. Humfil also considered that the power of the UFO may be a nuclear device. So A radio detector was also brought, but it was also unresponsive.

When they were observing the mountain with a powerful telescope again, Lishamov cried out first: "I found something, looking fifteen degrees west-northwest, halfway up the mountain opposite the mountain, see it?" ”

Humfil saw: "Yes, it seems that someone is there illegally logging." Aaron also saw: "At least a hundred pine trees have been cut down, and it is too late to transport them." ”

Li Shamo laughed and said, "Captain, the pine trees on this hill have all been given to you, what method do you have to transport them?" Those trees were knocked down by some force. ”

Huffair said, "If it is caused by thunder, there will be a fire in the forest, and there will be no trace of this, so..."

Lishamov said, "Therefore, the UFO we are looking for must have landed in that place." This conclusion was immediately accepted by all of them, and they did not expect to have a result so soon, and everyone was very happy, and after falling down the mountain, they tried to move forward. But on the day, it was impossible to reach its destination in any case, so I had to spend the night between the two peaks.

In the morning, they marched forward refreshed, climbing up and out, and the dense forest blocked the view, but fortunately they identified the direction and kept moving forward. By noon, halfway up the mountainside, the pointer of the powerful metal detector began to move, and the more it went forward, the greater the pointer moved, pointing out that there was a large amount of metal in front of it, and the distance was only five hundred meters.

The radiometer also reacted, but not too strongly to be dangerous.

Humfil watched the intensity of the radiation closely until they saw the twisted pine trees, and they also saw the "UFO." There were many fallen pine trees, and the flying object, next to the pine trees on the nearest northern edge, had split into three parts.

Houffel, Aaron, and Lieshamov stood still, not speaking or moving forward for a long time. They were truly stunned, even Humphre.

Houfeir had made various speculations about this UFO. But speculation is one thing, actually seeing UFOs is another! Is that a flying tool from another country, or is it from another star? Everything is full of extreme mystery, and this mysterious shock is enough to make anyone look like a wooden chicken.

They couldn't remember how long they stood still, but Aaron spoke first, and he uttered a very silly question, and he shouted, "Anybody?" ”

Aaron's inquiry of course went unanswered, and Humfil made a gesture as they walked forward.

The flying body, which split into three parts, seems to be no longer able to be put together into a circle, and the force of the impact is very large. To their surprise, the size of the flying body is not very large, as large as a large truck. As they walked forward, there were many pieces of metal on the ground.

When they came to the middle of the three split parts, they saw a set of unformed machines.

The machine had been completely destroyed, and it had been incinerated, and it was already a pile of waste. Three split parts, two smaller, one quite large, and when they came to the largest part, they all froze.

If the shock they felt when they saw the flying object just now was one, then the shock they felt at this time was a thousand, ten thousand. For a moment, the three men froze, and there was a crunching sound in their throats, and before long, Captain Aaron first made a strange cry, and with his strange cry, it was a gunshot. Humfil heard shouts and gunshots, but that wasn't enough to make him turn his head to see what was going on, and he still had his eyes straight, staring ahead.

And Lishamov, an experienced veteran who could sleep soundly in a dead heap, burst out laughing after the gunshots. He smiled and charged forward. When Humphrey settled down slightly to look at him, he had already run to a cliff and had no intention of stopping.

At this moment, Humel made a cry, saying that he did not understand at the time that he was calling in order to send out his own inner panic or to stop Lishamov.

Lishamov did not stop, continued to run forward, and fell straight down the cliff.

Humfil watched him fall, and as he fell, instead of exclaiming, he still let out a loud laugh, and fell all the way down the valley of a thousand taels, and according to Humel's report, he had been laughing until Lishamov fell to his death.

When Humel turned his head to look at it after witnessing Lishamov jump off the cliff, he found that there was a hole in Captain Aaron's forehead, and the blood was flowing outward, and the sound of the gun just now was that he had ended his own life with a pistol.

At that time, Humfil only felt that the end of the world had come, and he even subconsciously drew a pistol in his hand, wanting to learn from Aaron and raise a gun to commit suicide. He knew the mood of the two suicides at the time and afterwards, because he himself wanted to end his life.

Even Colonel Humfil had this impulse because what he and his two dead companions saw was so shocking. The first thought they had when they saw it was that the end of the world was coming and the future of mankind was over.

In that case, it is like the enemy's army has reached the door, and it has no strength to resist, and as soon as the enemy attacks, it will become a prisoner and a slave. Anyone with a stronger temperament, in such a situation, would think of preferring to die unyieldingly, preferring to end his life rather than surrender to the enemy.

What did they see in the cabin that had broken open? According to Colonel Humel, it was a man. One by one, many, there are dozens. There was no doubt that they were human beings, and though they were so small, they must have been human.

The men were extremely small, only about fifteen centimeters, and in proportion their heads were very large, bare and hairless, their eyes protruding and frighteningly shaped, and their clothes seemed to be made of metal wire.

Colonel Humfil had drawn his pistol and was about to follow in the footsteps of Aaron and Lee Shamov. That was because as soon as he saw those very small strange people, he immediately thought that they were high-level creatures from aliens, and the deep-rooted concept of alien invaders immediately came into effect, making him feel that there was no power on Earth to defend against aggression from aliens, and the earthlings were finished.

The reason he didn't do this was because he suddenly found that the eyes of those strange people looked green and dull, and there was no light. Then he found that the many little enemies were all motionless, all dead. In Humel's heart, there was still a great fear, a real fear he had felt for the first time in his life. But after discovering that the strange people were dead, it at least calmed him down a lot. That's why he dismissed the idea of ending his life. Humphre calmed down and began to examine the bodies, and he counted them, and there were seventy-four in all. Inside the remnants of the spacecraft, which was already what was certainly the spacecraft, there were many devices that Humel could not understand. In that instant, Humfil felt only his own smallness, the smallness of the earthlings.

Advanced creatures from unknown stars have been able to come to Earth through spaceships. This fact is a fatal blow to the self-confidence and self-esteem of the people of the earth.

He didn't know how long he had been there before he decided what to do. The purpose of his trip was to search for the whereabouts of the UFO, but when he found the UFO, he did not feel any excitement, but fear, frustration and anxiety.

He first unzipped his rucksack and wrapped the alien corpses together with a cloth. At that time, he discovered something very strange at the scene where there was almost no complete thing.

It was a glass brick, and in the Top Secret No. 1 report, it was very clear that the size of this perfect glass brick was recorded? weight.

(When I saw this paragraph, I looked at Bai Su and almost couldn't help but open my mouth and scream, but Bai Su immediately stopped me.) )

(There is no doubt that the glass brick is the one that appeared in my study!) )

Colonel Humfil picked up the glass brick, and he didn't know what it was, so he took the body and it and began his journey.

When the bodies of those aliens were displayed in front of several senior heads of NASA, everyone was stunned and could not make a sound. After the shock, opinions were divided.

Some say that the United Nations should be immediately informed that several powerful countries should be united to discuss a method of resistance. Some had to dissect the corpses, and some had to mobilize immediately and issue urgent orders. Finally, it was Humfil's opinion, which was unanimously adopted.

What Humel meant was: keep this matter in absolute secrecy and never declare it to the public, lest the social order be completely destroyed. The placement of those corpses was also the idea of Humfil, who chose a research center located in the desert, and hid the bodies of the aliens in a secret chamber at the bottom of the layer, using many glass boxes.

In order to avoid people entering and the corpses broken, the hidden glass box was vacuumed, and the entire chamber was filled with nitrogen. The glass brick that was found with the corpse was also placed with the corpse.

Then, huffel alone, took the explosives and went to the site where the spaceship crashed, and completely blew up the wreckage of the spacecraft, leaving no trace.

The whole process was carried out in extreme secrecy, and the deaths of Aaron and Lee Shamov were personally approved by General Tai Feng: "Killed in the line of duty in the execution of some extremely secret mission."

There were two small accidents, Professor Douglas and a director-level officer, the professor did not agree with the general administration's handling method, ready to announce to the world, the director was shocked, drunk and said a few words about alien corpses, both of them, were killed by Humel.

General Taifeng and the supreme authorities, apparently reluctantly, agreed to Colonel Huffair's approach, doing whatever it took to keep it secret.

Thus, this matter became a secret known to no more than five people. The report on the matter is the first top secret report, code-named "Little Incident". Perhaps it was the alien's corpse that seemed so small that it was given such a code name.

The incident would have been over, if it weren't for Qi Bai breaking into the tomb. Qi Bai's intrusion into the burial chamber is written in the "Top Secret Report No. 2".

After Bai Su and I read the "Little Incident" report, we were just scared and didn't know what to do.

General Tai Feng looked at us, the faces of the two of us must not be very good, he said coldly, "Shocked? You have seen the report, and it has been like this, and you should be able to imagine how we were shocked that day in the face of this fact. ”

I snorted and did not answer, and General TaiFeng added, "Therefore, I still think that Colonel Huffair's opinion that our method of handling the incident is necessary, and since it is necessary, there is no need to discuss whether it is justified or improper to do so." ”

I am still unable to express my opinion.

General Tai Feng added, "Please look at the second report, if there is no thing that happens in the second report, there will be no your thing, and the world will never know, just as it did not happen." I remained silent, and Bai Su went to see the second document.

"Top Secret Report No. 2, Codename: Gasification Incident."

"The research center's secret room, where alien bodies are stored, is absolutely forbidden for anyone to enter, not even the head of the center. To this end, the General Administration made the strictest measures, and the key to the door of the Chamber of Secrets was kept in the Office of the General Administration, Colonel Huffair.

"This regulation took effect immediately after the alien corpses were collected in the Chamber of Secrets, and for nearly two years, there were no accidents at all.

"On the evening of May 30, the alarm system of the research center was suddenly touched, proving that someone had illegally invaded.

"It was immediately discovered that the place where it had been invaded was a chamber of top secrets, and that the door lock had been breached. Since the order was absolutely strict: no matter what the circumstances, no one could enter the chamber without the approval of the General Administration, the Research Center carried out the order and sent personnel to guard the door of the Chamber of Secrets while notifying the General Administration. Before Colonel Humphre arrived as soon as he could, the security guards at the research center had also discovered a tunnel that led directly to the underground ventilation channel of the research center building, from which the intruders had entered.

"After a thorough search, it was found that there was a bag of tools left by the intruders, which belonged to professional grave robbers. The exit of the tunnel, three kilometers from the center, is a desert desert.

"Colonel Humfil arrives at the Research Center..."

Before Colonel Humfil arrived at the research center, no one had ever entered the chamber. When he came to the door of the chamber and saw that the lock had been broken, he could not imagine what had changed inside.

He gave the order first, and ordered all the people to leave far away, and only after he was sure that the door was open, and he was the only one who could see what was happening in the chamber, he kicked open the door.

The chamber, which he had arranged himself, was seventy-four glass boxes, and in each box contained a corpse, and when he kicked open the door, he froze. The chamber was full of broken glass. All the glass boxes that had been used to house the alien corpses were shattered, and they were shattered very thoroughly, all into tiny pieces. And the corpses of all the aliens are completely gone.

The nitrogen in the room had all escaped and mixed into the air, and the air in the room was no different from the air elsewhere, and Colonel Humfil walked back and forth a few steps back and forth in the room, the soles of his shoes stepping on the broken glass, making an unpleasant, harsh sound.

He looked for the glass brick. Since the floor was full of broken glass, he wasn't sure if the glass brick was also broken.

Seeing that all the alien corpses were gone, Colonel Humfil's heart was full of surprise and joy. He was pleased that it was very difficult to maintain this secret for a long time, and now that the body was gone, that is, the secret no longer existed.

But what worried him was whose hands did the body fall into? Who has such great supernatural powers that God unknowingly dug a tunnel into the basement, into the well-guarded research center, and into the secret room?

Of course, Humir wanted to investigate this matter, and the extremely large investigation work was carried out under his auspices, and all the staff involved in the investigation did not know the truth of the matter, but only knew who had sneaked into the research center on the evening of May 30.

The course of the investigation is very complicated, and in the second of the top secret report, there is also a detailed account, which is lengthy and stuffy, so it is not quoted, but it is only necessary to know that in the series of days after May 30, thousands of people from various agencies, centered on NASA, have participated in this mysterious investigation. Half a month after the investigation, the results showed that a mysterious Chinese, recognized by many people, appeared in the town near the research center around May 30. The Chinese, in the early hours of June 1, had been drunk in a nearby town and shouted "The end of the world is coming!" "The fate of mankind has reached its end!" In this category, a few people in the bar at the time thought he was a propagator of a protestant sect.

Huffel immediately focused his investigation on the Chinese, and according to the images described by witnesses, he was sent out in large quantities, and the whereabouts of this Chinese gradually became clear.

Modern large-scale investigation can completely clarify the ins and outs of a person. Humfil already knew that the Chinese's name was Shan Si, he was born into a very wealthy family, and he was himself a brilliant amateur grave robber.

After receiving news that Shan Si was in Cairo, Colonel Humphre flew to Cairo and, as soon as he got off the plane, went straight to a third-rate nightclub.

In Cairo, there are many such nightclubs, which are characterized by black smoke miasma, the degree of air pollution, will make people feel as if they are in the stove, the belly dancer frantically twisting the carcass, the smell of inferior wine, people will cough as soon as they enter the door.

In a corner of the nightclub, Humel saw Shan Si lying on the stomachs of five belly dancers, bottles in their hands, pouring wine into their mouths.

Huffair, a seasoned intelligence worker, did not reveal his identity, but did not utter a word, and in the laughter of the belly dancer, he huddled next to Shan Si, and also lay down, twisting the wine in Shan Si's hand to his mouth, and also pouring wine.

Shan Si looked at him, glad that someone had come to be with him, and the two of them kept drinking wine.

The nightclub was open twenty-four hours, and Humier and Shan Si had been in this corner for at least sixty hours, waking up and getting drunk, drunk and awake, until Humfil thought the time was ripe, and he said, "The end of the world has arrived, you know?" ”

Shan Si seemed to have heard the heartfelt words of his confidant, and immediately nodded his head: "I know." I thought only the two of us knew, and you knew too? All of you know? ”

Shan Si said this, which is equivalent to telling Humfil: There are two people who sneak into the research center, and there is another person besides him. Humfil couldn't help but be surprised in his heart, because his investigation was so extensive and in-depth, but he only found out that Shan Si was related to the incident, and who was the other person? How could it seem to disappear into the air and not appear in his investigation network? (Colonel Humfil, of course, did not know that there was another man named Qi Bai, who had been hiding in a cave in the desert near the research center.) Qi Bai was not only smarter than Shan Si, but also calmer than Shan Si, and after seeing the alien corpse, he was not as bad as Shan Si. )

Humfil replied, "No one else knows, only the three of us know the secret." ”

Shan Si glared at Humphre: "That's terrible, isn't it?" ”

Huffair went straight in: "Yeah, so many corpses, alien corpses from unfathomable celestial bodies, people on Earth are finished, they have become inferior creatures." ”

Shan Si's body trembled violently and murmured, "It's over, it's over, damn Qi Bai, why would he invite me to do such a thing?" ”

Humel had the name "Qi Bai", which made it easy for him to find out everything about Qi Bai. At that time, he just asked inadvertently, "Where is Qi Bai?" ”

Shan Si said, "I don't know, he said he... We have inadvertently touched the greatest secret of mankind today, and we will certainly be unfortunate, and those who deliberately keep secrets will not let us go. ”

Humeel was silent: "Unless you can return the body to them." ”

Shan Si let out a rather terrible laugh: "Corpse? Haha, where are the corpses. ”

Humfil asked, "What happened to your corpse?" ”

Shan Si waved his hands: "I don't know, everything is like a nightmare, one glass box after another, as soon as it is broken, the body suddenly disappears, dissolves into the air, and disappears." Qi Bai kept breaking the glass box, and the corpse kept disappearing..."

Shan Si said this, his eyes were full of red silk, staring at Hu Feier: "You say, did they run away?" Going back? Like a demon locked in a treasure box by a spell, escaping, and then, will come back on a large scale to take revenge? ”

For a moment, Humel did not understand what Shan Si meant by this, until after repeated questioning and conversation, Huffel figured out what had happened.

In his report, he affirmed that what Shan Si said was all the truth.

The situation that passed was: Qi Bai invited Shan Si to go to the tomb robbery together, through the tunnel, entered the secret room, and saw the corpse of the alien. When they entered the Yongdao, Qi Bai began to record, and by then, he was already extremely confused, because he was determined that he should be in an ancient tomb.

When they entered the Chamber of Secrets and saw the alien corpses, they began to understand what was going on, and Qi Bai, like crazy, smashed the glass boxes.

(This is the source of the constant glass cracking sound in Qi Bai's tapes, as well as his screams.) At this time, Shan Si was already unable to make any sound because of the extreme shock. )

The glass box shattered, and the corpse in the box quickly disappeared, and they had no chance to touch the corpse.

(This phenomenon is extremely peculiar, and Humel does not understand it, but just records it according to Shan Si.) )

(I could be a little more clear.) The three men had told me that they couldn't stand the gas in the chamber. It can be roughly inferred that pure nitrogen will cause their bodies to quickly dissolve in nitrogen. )

In the end, they found a glass brick, Qi Bai picked it up, Shan Si had no idea what Qi Bai had done, in fact, as soon as he entered the secret room, he saw the alien corpse, and he was already frozen.

Then, Qi Bai pulled him and ran outside, because they were too hurried to run, which triggered the alarm bell, but they still escaped.

As soon as they escaped, Qi Bai said, "Shan Si, we have seen secrets that we should not see, and someone will kill us in order to keep the secret, so we will flee and flee to a place where no one can hide." ”

After Shan Si had calmed down, his intuition was not as sensitive as Qi Bai's, and Qi Bai's warning was only a vain listen, he just said: "This kind of strange thing, I must tell Wesley." ”

(Therefore, my name appears in the second number of the top secret report, which is really not simple.) )

Qi Bai said at that time: "You still have to run away, you can write a letter to tell him, don't go to him." ”

(These two tapes, sent to me by Qi Bai after he left Shan Si, he could not have sent them himself, he entrusted someone to send them.) I remembered the people he had sent into the coffin, and I knew that he had great powers. )

Then, Qi Bai said, "There is one thing I want to give wesley too." ”

Shan Si looked at him, "What?" ”

(Shan Si, recorded in the report, is important to what Humel said about the conversation between him and Qi Bai.) Qi Bai said he wanted to give me something, but he didn't ask Shan Si to give it to me, and I didn't receive anything. )

(It was because Humphre might think something was in my hands that he sent six of his men, after assassinating Shan Si, to track me down and find out where it was.) )

(At that time, I thought it must be a very rare antiquity, so I said a "precious antiquity", which, after listening to the six people who knew the inside story, naturally knew that I didn't know anything, and this was what happened to me in the plane.) )

(Fortunately, I really didn't know it at the time, because these six people had already been ordered, and as long as I knew the inside story, they would deal with me like Shan Si.) )

(And these six people, after completing the task, what happened to them, everyone knows.) )

Qi Bai and Shan Si broke up, Qi Bai disappeared, Shan Si went to Egypt, because the shock was too great, indulged in drunkenness all day long, until Colonel Humfil found him.

Colonel Humfil learned about the situation in Shan Si's mouth and was ready to get rid of Shan Si, but he still wanted to know more about the process, and there was a little accident, and several people of unknown origin suddenly took Shan Si away.

Humfil investigates again, and Shan Si appears in the East after more than a month. Humphrey hadn't known where he had been for more than a month.

(I can speculate on where Shan Si is.) Qi Bai has always been concerned about The safety of Shan Si, and those "people of unknown origin" in the report must have been Qi Bai's friends who took Shan Si away from Cairo and to a safer place, just like taking me out of the hole in the ground. )

(But Shan Si was obviously unsympathetic, he knew someone was going after him, but he still came to me, thinking that What Qi Bai had mentioned was here.) )

(What happened next, which was written about at the beginning, was already known.) )

The report concludes by mentioning that Shan Si and the six men sent on the mission were all dead, and that two others were noteworthy, one wesley, but who had proved to be completely ignorant of secrets, and one of the most important people, Qi Bai, whose whereabouts were unknown.

The whole event, due to the miraculous disappearance of the corpse, is codenamed "Gasification Event".

In the last paragraph of the report, Colonel Humfil expected that there might be another person, most likely the aliens wanting to get back the bodies of their companions, so it was proposed not to close the tunnels as a trap for those who re-entered, to fall into the trap.

As a result, Bai Su and I fell into the trap of Humel, which is why we had the third top secret report.

The jet was still flying at high altitude, and after reading the three reports, I took a deep breath and held each other's hands with Bai Su, and my palms were sweating. General Tai Feng looked at us coldly.

Bai Su squeezed out a very reluctant smile: "It seems that the two of us should be included in the list of exterminations." ”

General Tai Feng snorted, "It was, but Colonel Huffair didn't advocate it." ”

I couldn't help but "hum" and say, "Why?" The plan of extinction, from beginning to end, was carried out by him, and it was he who first proposed and formulated it. ”

General Tai Feng said, "When you get to your destination, you will naturally understand, and now I don't want to explain first." ”

I said nothing more, and exchanged another look with Bai Su. The whole thing, by now, can be said to be the truth. The scope of the matter is so wide! The supreme ruling clique of a powerful country bent on keeping the aliens coming to Earth an absolute secret may in itself be a matter of concept, not a crime, but in order to achieve its ends, it is necessary to use the most ugly means.

Bai Su whispered to me, "Calm down, don't be impulsive, and don't treat them as enemies." ”

I exasperated, "They can take our lives at any time." ”

Bai Su shook his head, "They are just too scared, and the fear psychology makes them unable to face the facts." ”

I couldn't agree with Bai Su's statement, and the gamble stopped sounding, and the plane flew for three hours before landing at a military airfield.

As soon as we got off the plane, under extremely tight guard, we were put into a fully sealed car, and General Tai Feng took another car. We had no way of knowing what the car had passed, and the car stopped in about half an hour. We got out of the car and were already in a building.

The armed men took us into a room, closed the door, the room was not big, only me and Bai Su, we sat down, a wall opposite, suddenly moved, the compartment and this room, became one.

In the next room, there were already five people, a General Taifeng, whom we knew, and an old man who seemed to be over sixty years old, but whose physique could still be called strong, and we could see at a glance that he was the supreme leader of the country.

There were two more, all senior officials who had seen the photographs, and the other sat closest to us, and this man stood up as soon as the wall was removed, he was extremely tall, thin, fierce, and his eyes were shining. Eagle hook nose, thin lips, at a glance to know very unsympathetic.

The man stared at us and introduced himself, "No one else needs to be introduced, I am Colonel Huffair." ”

He held out his hand and walked over to me, and I stood up and shook hands with him. He nodded politely to Bai Su again and turned back, "Everyone knows what's going on, let's start right away!" ”

The rest of the people agreed, and I shouted, "Wait a minute, I'm not here voluntarily, I'm not participating in any issue discussion." Huffair stared at me with his godly eyes, and only then did he say, "What is the situation now, you are still paying attention to this." ”

I coldly asked, "What time is it?" ”

Humphre roared steeply, "Now is the most critical time for the earth..."

After he roared, he immediately felt that the presence was full of people of high status, and he could not be so rude, so he immediately lowered his voice and his face was swollen red: "The aliens have come." ”

I sneered again, "I don't understand why you are so afraid, as long as there are other creatures in the universe, they will come sooner or later, what is the fuss?" ”

Colonel Humfil's expression became extremely strange, as if I was not his kind at all, that I was an alien.

The old man coughed, "I'm sorry, you didn't come voluntarily, but you broke into a first-level military secrecy agency, and our country has the right to interrogate you." ”

I wanted to speak, but the old man waved his hand and didn't let me continue: "Now, we are not trying to interrogate you, but we just want to talk to you and find out how to deal with things." ”

As the supreme leader of a superpower, the old man's attitude was much better than that of Huffair, and I said calmly: "Well, this way, everyone can start talking." ”

Humfil squeezed out a very reluctant smile, and I rushed ahead of him and said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with aliens coming to Earth, they're coming sooner or later." We don't have to think that according to the perception of the earthlings, they are coming, it must be an invasion. Invaders from outer space, all in video games, comic strips, and movies, don't necessarily happen in real life. ”

General Tai Feng said, "Judging from the facts that have happened, if they attack, we have absolutely no room for resistance." ”

I laughed and said, "General, I don't know what logic you have, for example..."

For a moment, I couldn't think of a proper example, and turned my head to look at Bai Su. Bai Su's posture was very elegant, and she immediately said, "This is like a dwarf, as soon as you see the heavyweight boxing king, you decide that this boxing king will definitely attack him." ”

General Tai Feng's flesh twitched a few times: "In fact, farther away, before these alien creatures, we were too fragile, and one of their spaceships could make tens of thousands of square kilometers completely disappear from electricity." ”

The old man said, "Therefore, we have decided to keep it a secret, otherwise, once the real situation is announced, the end of the world will come, and we do not have to wait for the aliens to attack, and we will destroy ourselves, just as when something happens, the crowd of people tramples on each other to death out of fear and competition for their lives." ”

He said this, a little pause: "Human beings have lived on the earth for many years, and after many upheavals, they have established an order that is not ideal but acceptable to most people, and the people of the earth need a certain amount of support psychologically to live under this order. Once this supporting force is gone, chaos begins. ”

I nodded, "I agree with this analysis, but this is a conclusion that affirms that outsiders will attack us." ”

Humfil shouted again, "Of course they will." ”

I stared at Humphre for a moment. It may be that my gaze is very strange, and it is Huffel who shows an uneasy and angry look under my gaze.

My mood at this time was one of pity and anger towards Humfil. I pity his ignorance, and he stubbornly believes in his own ignorance and acts according to this stupid conclusion.

I stared at him for a while before I said, "I met them before I was imprisoned as aliens." ”

Above the word "they," I particularly reinforced the tone.

As soon as these words were uttered, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, and everyone, involuntarily, stood up, and Colonel Huffier even stood up and sat down again, his face became very ugly, his lips were moving, trying to say something, but he did not make a sound.

I expected my words to shock him. I continued, "You must not have guessed what they were talking about. ”

Humphre made a moaning sound, and I told me what happened to the three "white-robed men."

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes and didn't make a sound.

I said slowly, "The example they give is very convincing, the jellyfish living in the sea will never expand its territory into the forest, because in the forest, it cannot live at all." ”

Humphre muttered, "But their abilities..."

I immediately said, "Among the jellyfish, there is a highly poisonous one called the 'Portuguese warship', and almost no land creatures can resist its toxins." But what is the mentality of a hare living on the Siberian plains, day and night, worried that it will attack? ”

Several senior leaders looked at each other and seemed to agree with me a little. But Humel cried out, "No! ”

I wanted to hear what he had to say, and I saw him. Huffair's expression seemed very excited: "The hare did not have to worry, but the jellyfish has appeared in the field of its life, can you not worry?" ”

I shuddered, and for a moment, I couldn't help but answer, and the old man sighed, "Yeah, the truth is, they've come." ”

I took a breath: "It's a fact, they've come, but that doesn't mean they're going to hurt us." That big blackout, according to my speculation, was that their spaceship, malfunctioning, needed a lot of power, so they had to grab our power supply. ”

Humel snorted and didn't say anything, General TaiFeng said bitterly: "If a spaceship malfunctions, it can cause such damage, and if there are ten spaceships that need power replenishment, our country will be completely finished." ”

I took a sip, and Bai Su said in her elegant tone, "There is no point in discussing these issues now." Because the will of the outsiders is good or bad, the earthlings have no defensive power at all! ”

Huffier immediately said, "Yeah, that's why we should be extremely nervous and frightened." ”

Bai Su said slowly, "Nervousness or panic will not solve the problem either." ”

Hum hums, "Miss, what better way do you have?" ”

Bai Su said, "Yes: Understand! We have to try to get to know them and let them know us. ”

Huffier's eyes rolled and did not make a sound, and the rest of them remained silent.

Bai Su continued: "Mutual understanding can make things simple. Guys, they're coming, it's a fact, panic is useless, defense is incapable, let them come. ”

Huffair's voice sounded sharp: "I can't stand it, and the vast majority of people can't stand the sudden appearance of a fifteen-centimeter-tall villain around us, whose wisdom and ability are above us." ”

Bai Su said, "At first, everyone will not be used to it, but this is an irresistible fact, in the future, interstellar creatures will come and go between different stars, and there will be more and more." There will not only be fifteen centimeters tall villains, but also twenty meters tall adults, and even many aliens who are completely beyond our imagination in form, and our principles must be changed..."

Bai Su took a deep breath, and then said in an extremely firm tone: "We must all regard them as friends, and we must not psychologically treat them as enemies and invaders." ”

Several senior leaders looked at each other, and the supreme leader sighed again: "It's very interesting." Ms. Bai's words are very interesting, I think, now is the time to start, to start to change our attitude towards aliens. If this fundamental attitude does not change, earthlings will not be able to adapt to future life. ”

The other muttered, "Yeah, but how do you get started?" ”

I interjected: "Of course, this is very difficult, and it is extremely difficult to have an earthling who has an aggressive nature, and believe that other creatures may not be aggressive at all. ”

Humel said coldly and dryly, "Probably, aliens are also aggressive at all." ”

I said, "Yes." Possibly, but so what? Do Earthlings have the power to protect themselves? The result is not the same! ”

Humfil shouted, "The result is different, don't let the earthlings know that there are aliens, do everything you can to keep this secret, so as not to cause panic, the result is different." ”

I smiled bitterly and said that Humphrey still wouldn't change his opinion. But at least, we have expressed our opinions to each other.

There was a moment of silence in the room before the old man said, "I agree that this is the only way that can be done at present to change the fundamental ideas of people all over the world, and it will take time." ”

Bai Su said: "At least, in all publicity, we can start to change the image of the 'alien invaders'." ”

General Tai Feng said in a deep voice: "The facts are already doing that, under our behind-the-scenes planning, a film about contact with peaceful aliens has been filmed and screened all over the world." ”

I exclaimed, "Oh, that movie!" ”

The old man waved, "Basically, our opinions don't differ much..."

The old man's expression was very solemn in his speech, but I still unceremoniously interrupted him: "There is a disagreement, and if we want to keep it absolutely secret, my wife and I will be included in Colonel Humel's list of exterminations." ”

Colonel Humfil's face became extremely off-looking. The old man said, "I have given the order that there will be no more silence." Still, I agree that we will do everything in our power to keep it a secret. ”

Bai Su and I looked at each other and didn't say anything. The old man continued: "We cannot be sure that what we did in the past was right, nor can we be sure that what we are doing now is right, we just do our best to judge, and then act, everything is right or wrong, only for the future, waiting for history to judge." ”

In his voice, there was a little sadness, this old man, although his status is extremely high, but gives people a kind feeling, I stretched out, with my hand on his shoulder twice, he also clapped the back of my hand, it seems that we are like old friends.

He glanced at one of the leaders, who said, "The purpose of the meeting with the two is to convey to them through the two that we really do not welcome them to earth." And the corpses they want have disappeared into the nitrogen and no longer exist because of their special body structure, so they can be asked to leave. ”

Humphre lost his voice: "They won't go, and that thing!" He waved his hand vigorously, "Although no one has ever seen what that thing looks like." We still have to use all methods to find Qi Bai. ”

I shook my head and said, "Qi Bai won't say, he's scared more than anyone." If I see them again, I will relay this message. ”

The old man stood up: "I believe you will keep the secret, now, you can leave." ”

I also stood up: "I am very happy to meet you, but I disagree with you, not only will I not keep secrets, but I will do everything I can to publicize and tell the people of The Earth that aliens have arrived." ”

Huffair said coldly: "No one will believe you, you can't come up with any evidence, and what you say will be thought to be a fantasy novel." ”

I murmured, "People may not believe it for a while, but the truth is difficult to hide for a long time." ”

General Tai Feng said, "Don't take the problem back to the old way, if you continue to argue like this, there will never be any results." ”

Bai Su also stood up: "Indeed, we are tired and need to rest." ”

The old man came over and shook our hands, still accompanied by General TaiFeng, and Colonel Humfil followed me and said, "Personally, I would be glad to be friends with you." ”

I looked at him for a moment: "I'm really sorry, Shan Si died by my side, I can't forget the scene." ”

After saying that, I didn't look at the hands they held out to me, turned around, and strode out.

After Bai Su and I were freed, because General Tai Feng still wanted me to meet with the three white-robed aliens, we stayed near the research center for three more days.

But the other party did not appear. I promised General Taifeng, at most, that I would go back to that manhole in North Africa to meet them, but now I was really tired and wanted to rest.

General Tai Feng reluctantly agreed, repeatedly asking me to contact them as soon as I had their information. In these three days, I also exhausted my methods to find Qi Bai. But Qi Bai seemed to have disappeared in the air, and there was no news.

Bai Su and I set off for home, and during the voyage, I tried to talk to a few people who seemed to be very knowledgeable, asked what they thought of aliens, and got a similar answer, not believing that aliens had arrived on Earth, but not denying the existence of aliens. When it comes to aliens who have arrived on Earth, the unanimous reaction is that it is the end of the world.

Alas, what a grave misconception that earthlings would really perish and perish in such a misconception that they could not adapt to the friendly interactions of the higher interstellar creatures.

When we arrived at the door, the old servant Lao Cai opened the door and welcomed us in, Old Cai was very old, but his spirit was still strong, and as soon as he saw us, his wrinkled face showed a very strange look: "This house... This house... Sort of..."

He spoke very hard, and I said, "Old Cai, if there is something, please say it quickly." ”

Old Cai smiled bitterly: "This house is a little unclean!" I understood what he meant by "unclean", and laughed in my heart: "What, hell? ”

Old Cai shook his hands and looked solemn: "Not to say laughing, I have seen it twice, that... The ghost was very fat, with three heads, wearing a white robe, and twice all came down the stairs, and I... I..."

As soon as I heard Lao Cai describe the appearance of the "ghost" he had seen twice, I couldn't help but be overjoyed, and even Bai Su showed a very happy look. Old Cai looked stunned, I don't know what nerves our two couples had, and when they heard that the house was haunted, they would be so overjoyed.

I patted Old Cai's shoulder: "Old Cai, you didn't see clearly, they are three people, not very fat one has three heads." ”

Old Cai opened his mouth wide, closed it, and looked even more frightened, and I said, "Rest assured, they are my friends." ”

Old Cai swallowed a mouthful, from childhood to adulthood, he was used to seeing my strange actions, so he was a little helpless, but he still couldn't help but mutter: "What kind of friends, even the three-headed ghost is a friend." He grunted as he turned and walked in.

I said to Bai Su, "It turns out that they came earlier." ”

I took three steps and two steps and jumped up the stairs, and Bai Su said, "What are you in a hurry, they may not be upstairs now." ”

Bai Su shouted, I had already run up, stopped in the space between the study and the bedroom, saw the door of the study, opened a little, and a voice came out: "We are here." ”

I whistled loudly with pleasure, beckoned behind me, pushed open the study door, and at a glance saw the three men, as if they were seen in a room of viruses, "huddled" together, sitting on the couch.

I made a gesture to them, waited for Bai Su to come in, and closed the door of the study. By this time, I already knew what their form was, but I was amazed at the size of their eyes.

If their bodies were only twenty centimeters tall, and their eyes, which looked like earthlings, were incredibly large in proportion. As I looked at them, Bai Su had already said, "Three, the corpse problem no longer exists." ”

One of the three, his voice still so blunt: "Doesn't exist? ”

I said, "Yes, in fact there are no bodies." Qi Bai entered the burial chamber and saw the body sealed in a glass box, which shocked him extremely. In the tape he gave me, he used the word 'ultimate' to indicate how shocked he was at the time, thinking that the end of the world had arrived. ”

The man snorted, and I continued, "Qi Bai, shocked, began to break the glass boxes, so the body was exposed to the nitrogen in the room at that time..."

When I said this, the other party made an "ah" sound, and a strange light appeared in his eyes.

I said, "I don't understand what the structure of your body is, but the truth is that all the corpses, once in contact with 100 percent nitrogen, immediately disappeared." ”

The man was silent for a moment before he said, "This is an extremely complex chemical change, and it is indeed not easy for you to understand, for example, like... There is an element... Called uranium, the result of exposure to air is the same. The main constituent elements of our body, when we encounter 100 percent nitrogen, are completely dissolved in the gas. ”

I took a breath: "The corpse does not exist, the ship that caused the problem, and no one will ever find it, you guys... Sorry, this is not my personal meaning, but it was entrusted by its side to convey... You can also leave. Your appearance is obviously not very popular. ”

The man made a rather strange sound, whether he was sighing or wrying a bitter smile: "Yes, we will leave, who will stay on such a terrible planet for a long time?" In fact, we even got that thing back. ”

I let out an "Oh" and the man's sleeve was raised upwards, and I noticed the glass brick, in his "hand."

Bai Su and I simultaneously let out a low voice: "This... It is...... That thing? ”

The man said, "In our way, we record things in this thing, of course, not glass." What you don't see doesn't mean that what you recorded doesn't exist. The video tape you use looks like a black-brown band! ”

I lit my cigarette and took a long breath: "But how does Qi Bai know that this is an important thing?" ”

The man: "I believe he found... A reader, that is an instrument, can see everything recorded in it, just as you can hear or see everything recorded on a tape through a device. It's strange he didn't give you this 'reader' too. ”

I shook my head and said, "Qi Bai never came to me, I always thought that this piece of glass was given to me by Shan Si." ”

The man said, "It won't be a single thought." After he said this, he paused for a moment before he said, "I also have a few words that I would like you to convey." In the course of our voyage, we found that there are many advanced creatures on the stars, and you are the most backward! ”

I said, "That's why we're scared or shocked." ”

The human: "Because the environment in which you live is so poor, there is such a concept of plundering and encroaching, and if you can devote yourself to improving the environment in which you live, this concept will naturally not exist over time." Perhaps, my words, you can not understand at all? ”

I thought for a moment before I smiled bitterly: "I can understand something, I know, the living environment on the earth is really poor, everyone has to struggle hard, in order to barely survive, to material abundance for people's needs, people's fundamental concepts will change?" ”

The man let out a long sigh, "You don't really know anything. ”

I was not convinced: "Why don't you understand?" The people of the earth are greedy, usurped, plundered, and selfish, all for the sake of material inadequacy. If the ground were full of gold, who would go crazy for gold? ”

The man let out a longer sigh again: "You really don't understand at all, to change the living environment, it is not about material abundance or not." The desires of the earthlings are endless, the material is rich, the spirit is empty, and the problems cannot be solved. ”

I was still thinking about the man's words, and Bai Su had already said, "Spirit! Spiritual fulfillment can make the earth life exist in a satisfying environment without plunder! ”

The man said, "Yes, you kind of get it." ”

As he spoke, the three of them had left the couch together. I said busily, "Wait, I still have a lot of questions." ”

The man: "You want to know where we come from?" How big is the ability? ”

I kept nodding. The man said, "These questions are all meaningless to you." ”

I busied myself and said, "Well, this..." I pointed to the glass brick, "The content of this thing..."

The man replied, "This is the ship's logbook, and I'm sure you wouldn't be interested even if you knew the whole story." ”

I said busily, "What is that reader you are talking about?" Maybe it's in my study that I can look for and let me know what it is. ”

The man said, "I'm sure not here, but if I were, we'd know that there were two hexagonal protrusions of that thing, and the color was a very dazzling red, translucent." Through it, everything we have recorded will have an effect on your computer radio waves, and the person who uses it will be able to see your words, which is a very complex transformation process that you will not understand. ”

I really can only imagine, I can't understand. Obviously, the knowledge of the people of the earth cannot understand such a complex matter, just as I cannot understand how they were able to move me from North Africa to North America at once.

After the man finished speaking, he walked outside and came to the door, and I hurriedly opened the door and let them go downstairs, and I heard Lao Cai make another exclamation, and the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by the sound of opening and closing the door, and they had already left.

Not long after, I saw the news in the newspaper that the virus had died, and the treasures in the collection were donated to the National Museum of Egypt.

After another year, by chance, I met Qi Bai in a ski resort in Europe. Qi Bai had returned to his old way of life, and we had been talking all night, and when the fire in the fireplace had been extinguished and only white ash remained in the pyre, he suddenly mentioned: "I sent someone to give you two things, who knew that the man was unreliable, thinking that one of them was a ruby, and took it and sold it to the jeweler." ”

I exclaimed, "Ah... Glass tiles and its reader? The man you sent..."

Qi Bai said, "That person put the glass bricks in your study, there is no other thing, you can't know the contents of this thing." ”

I said, "Yeah, this thing..."

Qi Bai yawned: "The content is extremely dull, it is all a record of the voyage, by the way, there are still people waiting for me, goodbye, old friend." ”

Since he said that the content was only a record of the voyage, it was extremely dull, and I did not want to ask any more questions.

I just looked at the growing fire, thinking about the few words that the tiny alien had said that earthlings should do everything they could to improve their living environment, and I didn't care if I could finally figure it out and understand it.

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