
Wesley - Reserve 1

author:Book sounds are large

The title of this novel is "Backstops".

"Backup" is not a good novel title, compared to "XX Horror", "Blood Splash XX" and other topics, there is no irritation, and the attraction seems to be relatively poor. Therefore, before writing this novel, it took a long time to consider using another topic, but come to think of it, since the whole novel is written as a backup story, then, called "Reserve", although there is no stone breaking, the effect of not surprising death, at least it is appropriate. Therefore, it is still the title of "Backup".

Reserve is a term used in most cases in sports. For example, a team must have reserve players. Taking a team as an example, under normal circumstances, the reserve may not play a role at all, and the player is selected to play, and the reserve is just waiting on the sidelines. Once the players in the main selection have a situation where the game is not ideal, at that time, the reserve takes effect, replacing the positive selection, so that the whole team is still playing under normal circumstances.

In mechanical terms, the term reserve is also commonly used. Any machinery is made up of many parts. A set of machinery, which is particularly susceptible to damage, is replaced at any time. The role of the spare parts is extremely large, because the whole set of machinery may be damaged by a very small part, resulting in the entire paralysis, so that the entire machine, can not carry out any operation.

A brief introduction to the meaning of the word reserve seems tedious, but the whole story of "Reserve" is very tortuous and strange.

"Reserve" is the story of the backup. Chu Lun really couldn't trust his eyes!

He stared ahead, his heart pounding, and for a moment he forgot to lift his camera. As soon as he saw something new and peculiar, he immediately raised the camera, which was a professional instinct he had cultivated over many years, and he never missed precious shots, and that professional instinct had made him win international awards many times.

However, what he saw now was so shocking that he just stared at what he saw, unable to make any other movements.

Chu Lun was a photographer, or rather, a photojournalist. To be more specific, he is a freelance photojournalist. His profession was photography, and he traveled all over the world, taking all kinds of photographs and then selling them to news agencies, magazines, newspapers.

It's a pretty good career, especially for someone who loves adventure, excitement, travel and photography.

Chu lun has photographed left-wing guerrilla activities in the primeval jungles of Central America; he has photographed secret societies in the Golden Triangle of Asia; he has photographed the footprints of snowmen in a mountain range at an altitude of 7,000 meters; he has photographed the moment of whale spawning in the deep sea of 1,000 meters...

Chu Lun once used his camera to record the disappearance of a rocket car at a speed of 600 kilometers per hour, and once used special instruments to capture the beautiful structure of the pollen of violet flowers.

In the course of his professional photography, I don't know how many thrills he encountered, the dictatorship of an African country, because he took a cruel scene of abuse, and sent the country's national military police to hunt him down, according to his own words, he was in the mud, caught the tail of a large crocodile, and escaped from the country's borders.

A person who had had such an experience should have nothing to shock him anymore, but at this time, Chu Lun really froze. At this time, Chu Lun was not in any dangerous place. On the contrary, the place where he was, the extreme calm, was on a meadow by a small lake, green grass, wildflowers, and there were a few old trees by the lake, the roots of which were twisted and coiled, half immersed in water. Just on the grass by the lake, Chu Lun laid out a tablecloth on which was a bamboo basket containing wine and food, and a radio with melodious music.

On the other side of the small lake, there were several small boats, parked near the shore of the lake, and someone in the small boat was fishing. Occasionally, a few water birds swept low on the surface of the water, making the calm lake splash in a circle.

This is an ideal place to spend time with your loved one.

And that's exactly what Chu Lun came here for. Ten days ago, after he met Haven at the cocktail party, such an appointment was the third time.

A few seconds before planting, Chu Lun was still looking sheepishly at Havon's back, his long hair fluttering with the breeze, Andhaven was sitting on the root of a tree near the lake, gently tapping the lake with a branch, and Chu Lun was also trying to get closer, saying to her a word that he had been thinking about in his mind for days and could not find the right time to say it.

Such an environment, such a scene, should be the right time to say this sentence. In his thirty-two years of life, Chu Lun had spoken countless words, but he had never said this to a person of the opposite sex he loved, so he knew that it was the best moment, and he still had some hesitation.

If he hadn't hesitated, he might have spoken again and never heard the slightest sound behind him, nor would he have turned his head to see the situation that was so startled and overwhelmed.

But he hesitated, so he heard the sound, he turned his head, and he saw the man.

Don't think he saw any strange man with eight eyes, six legs, and tentacles on his head, by no means, he saw an ordinary man, that person, probably one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, his complexion was surprisingly pale, his eyes were distracted, just behind him, less than ten meters away, standing, his eyes were not even looking at Chu Lun, but at the radio on the grass that was playing music.

The man was wearing a very strange dress, which Chu Lun had never seen before, and it was simply a piece of cloth, put on a man's body.

What surprised Chu lun so much in an instant, of course, was this man, for a moment, he opened his mouth, even when he was having a picnic with his beloved woman, Chu Lun's camera was also carried with him, but for a moment, he forgot to lift it.

This man, Chu Lun knew. Absolutely recognized.

Just half a month ago, Chu Lun had taken a picture of him, and Chu Lun had taken a picture of him at the side of this person, about fifteen meters away, and this person was speaking to more than 100,000 people.

This man was the head of an Asian state that had only seized power through an extremely secret conspiracy, General Zilo.


General Zilo's first public speech since he became head of state, almost every sentence, aroused the applause of tens of thousands of people. Fully equipped with photography, Chu Lun squeezed up on the left side of the podium to take a picture of the radiant General Zilo.

His press card was licensed and had been subjected to extremely strict scrutiny beforehand, but because he had squeezed so close, as he raised his camera, two guards had taken action, one with the butt of his rifle in his abdomen, hitting hard, and the other immediately snatching his camera. There were also two plainclothes, behind him, twisting his shoulders and twisting them back.

This was not the first time Chu Lun had encountered such a situation, and he immediately wanted to open his mouth and shout, but a security guard behind him had already covered his mouth and prevented him from making any sound. A few more well-trained security guards rushed over and lined up in a wall to cover the rest of the people's view, so Chu Lun was pushed and pulled and stuffed into a small truck, and the truck sped away.

It was not until six hours later, that evening, that Chu Lun was called out of a secret room, his eyes covered with a black cloth, and then pushed into the car, and after about half an hour, he was pushed out again, walked for ten minutes, stopped, and unbuttoned the blindfolded black cloth.

The light was bright and dazzling, but Chu Lun could still see at a glance that it was a gorgeously furnished room, and behind a huge writing desk sat General Zilo.

On the writing desk, there were several enlarged photographs, and Chu Lun could see at a glance that the photos of General Zilo's expression while he was speaking were his own works, that is, he had taken them before his arrest. General Zilo looked at the picture and looked very satisfied. When the security guards whispered something to General Zilo, General Zilo looked up, stared at Chu Lun, and said, "How many heads of state have you taken pictures of?" ”

Chu Lun took a breath and said, "More than thirty." ”

General Zilo nodded, "Yes, photo, where are you going to publish it?" ”

Chu Lun said, "Of course, it is a worldwide newspaper and magazine. ”

General Zilo pointed to the photograph and said, "On my left cheek, there are two side-by-side moles. Why are you exaggerating these two moles in particular? ”

Chu Lun said, "I think this is more able to show Your Excellency's strong and indomitable character." ”

Qi Luo looked at the photo, nodded his head slowly, and said: "The security personnel reported to me that your actions at that time were too much, so they detained you, that was just a misunderstanding, I hope you don't see anything strange." ”

Chu Lun was a little flattered and said busily, "Of course not." ”

General Zilo stood up, he was not very tall, about one hundred and seventy centimeters, but his expression was very powerful, he waved his hand, and said, "You can get everything back from you." I hope you don't make reports that are not good for us. ”

Chu Lun said, "I have never reported on articles. It's just photography, and the camera's reporting is always the most faithful. ”

General Zilo smiled and looked sideways at the picture again, touching the two sizable moles on his left cheek, looking satisfied.

The impression of this meeting with General Zilo was extremely profound, so chulen suddenly, with his keen observation of photography, he could immediately recognize that the person in front of him was General Zilo.

The two moles on General Zilo's left cheek were characteristic of his appearance, and Chu Lun could no doubt recognize them at once.

This man, apart from General Zilo, could not have been another man.

But how did General Lowe end up here, by a small lake in Europe? He's coming for a vacation? It was impossible, he had only recently come to power, and was working day and night to root out the opposition and consolidate his power.

Moreover, even if he came on vacation, it would be worldwide news, because General Zilo was one of the world's heroes this year.

When Chu Lun looked at the man in front of him, stunned and dazed, forgetting every action, the man still just stared sheepishly at the radio on the grass, as if he had never seen anything in his life that would make a sound.

Chu Lun's consternation actually lasted only a very short time, about half a minute or so.

Then, involuntarily, he let out an exclamation and pointed to the man in front of him. The man, obviously startled by his exclamation, looked steeply at him, showing a look of utter horror.

When Chu Lun came to make any further movements, he saw a car speeding towards him. The car, which was the kind used in ordinary golf courses, came very fast, and rushed to the front at once, and on the car, in addition to the one driving, there were two strong men.

The two strong men, even before the car stopped, jumped down and ran to the man who was looking at Chu Lun in shock, moving quickly and skillfully, and grabbed the man at once, pushed him into the car, and the car sped away again.

At that time, Chu Lun had woken up from his extreme consternation, and he let out a loud cry again, "Hey, what are you doing?" As soon as he shouted, he jumped up and chased forward. But the car was moving very fast, and Chu Lun immediately found that he could not catch up with the car, and he still ran forward, raising the camera and pressing the shutter until the soft film in the camera was exhausted.

Chu Lun ran up the road, looked at the car, and at the front of the road turned into a small road, and at the end of the path was a red brick building that looked rather old. The car was speeding toward the building.

Chu Lun couldn't see if the car had gone into the red brick building, because in front of the building, there was a forest, and after the car had entered the forest, Chu Lun couldn't see it again.

When Chu Lun gasped and returned to the lake, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, his girlfriend Hevin, with a calm face, looked like he was ready to leave, the bamboo blue and the radio on the tablecloth were gone, where the radio was unknown, and the bamboo blue floated on the lake. Floating near the bamboo blue was a bottle of fine wine that he had carefully selected.

Chu Lun spread his hands and wanted to explain a few words, but he really didn't know what to say, so he hesitated for a while before he said, "I... Just now...... Suddenly saw a person! ”

Haven didn't even look at him, and said coldly, "When you see a person, you will go crazy, there are 4.2 billion people in the world." ”

Chu Lun wanted to explain again that the person he saw was General Zilo, the head of state of a country, but Chu Lun did not say anything more, because he suddenly found that a beautiful woman, when she was angry without asking for reasons, was not cute, and he was a little glad that he had not spoken the words that had been calculated for a few days.

Haven was obviously still waiting for Cullen's apology, but Cullen said, "Looks like you want to go back?" I'm sorry, I have a little thing, please find your own car to go back okay? ”

As soon as Chu Lun uttered these words, his eyes flowered, followed by a "clap" sound, and before he knew what was happening, he heard a roar from Haven. Until his face suddenly hurt fiercely. Only then did he know that he had been slapped. And when he calmed down and turned his head to look, Haven had already walked to the road, and it seemed that it would be easy for Haven to intercept a passing car on the highway.

Chu Lun touched his hot cheeks and smiled bitterly.

Haven is a translator for a United Nations agency, beautiful and moving, with many suitors, and originally, after knowing Chu Lun, he also had a certain good feeling for Chu Lun. If Chu Lun hadn't hesitated when he wanted to speak to Haven, everything might have turned out very differently in the future. Now, of course, Chu Lun didn't know how much effort it would take, but he was afraid that there was no way to make up for it.

Afterwards, Haven was still angry, and when he talked about Chu Lun, he gritted his teeth and commented as follows:

"This man is crazy, inexplicably, and when it's time to say' he will scream like a sheep with epilepsy. Will leave the woman in the suburbs more than fifty kilometers away from the city, asking the girlfriend to go back by herself! There is no more man in the world than him, ahem, fortunately, I have seen his true face and have not been deceived by him. ”

Reviews are naturally extremely bad. However, whether it is good or bad, it really does not make any difference to Chu Lun, because Chu Lun has no chance to hear her comments. In Chu Lun, something happened again, or rather, some extreme accident.

Chu Lun watched as Haven intercepted a car, driven by a blonde man, and Chu Lun waved his hand, but Haven did not even turn his head. Chu Lun walked toward his own car.

When he came to the car, a man who looked like a tramp, with a smiling face, came to his side and said, "Sir, got into a fight with your girlfriend?" ”

Chu Lun snorted and did not answer, and the man said, "It's a pity, I also saw her throw a bottle of wine into the lake, it must be a good bottle of wine, isn't it?" ”

Chu Lun sighed and said, "It was 1949." ”

The man let out a sharp whistle and said, "It is an unforgivable sin for such a woman who wastes fine wine." ”

Chu Lun smiled bitterly and pulled open the car door, and in that instant, his heart moved sharply, and said, "At the other end of the road, there is a small road, and at the end of the path, behind a forest, there is a red brick building, that is-"

The tramp said, "That's a private sanatorium—" He then grimaced again, "Most of them are neurological patients, who are being treated there." ”

Chu Lun let out an "Oh" and he remembered that the man who had startled him was wearing a very strange look, and it seemed to be the clothes worn by the patients in the mental hospital.

If it was a psychiatric hospital, and one of the patients escaped and was captured, it was also a very common thing, wondering why this person would look exactly like General Zilo?

Qiu Was stunned for a moment, and then the tramp said, "Sir, are you interested in a mental hospital?" ”

Chu Lun waved his hand and said, "Who would be interested in a mental hospital?" But, though..."

Chu Lun really didn't know what to say, he had doubts in his mind, he wanted to find someone to talk to, but he was sure not to be bored enough to say anything to a homeless man he didn't know. So, without saying a word, he got into the car. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got into the car, the tramp honestly and unceremoniously opened the door of the car on the other side and sat down next to him.

Chu Lun stared at the tramp, who smiled at him and said, "Sir, will you give me a ride?" ”

Chu Lun was a little angry and said, "Where are you going?" The tramp made a gesture and said, "Whatever." ”

Chu Lun sighed, took some money, gave it to the tramp, who knew that the other party showed a very aggrieved look, and said, "Sir, I am not a beggar, I don't want people's alms, unless you want me to do something." ”

Chu Lun laughed and said, "Well, I ask you to get out of the car immediately." ”

The tramp's expression was even more aggrieved, and he cried out, "What kind of request is this, what you gave me, it is a great insult." ”

Chu Lun was helpless and said, "Well, you do it for me... For me..."

Chu Lun really couldn't think of anything that could make the tramp do it, but in a moment's thought, he thought about it and said, "Well, you can make two phone calls for me, long distance calls, to a friend who lives in the East." ”

The tramp was happy and said, "Happy to serve, what should I say?" ”

Chu Lun said, "You told him that I was here and met General Zilo, and that's it." My name is Chu lun, my friend, called Wesley. ”

Chu Lun handed the money to the tramp, who took the money and got out of the car happily, and Chu Lun drove straight to the road, turned into the path, and drove into the forest.

I put down the phone, looked up at Bai Su, who was sitting on the couch, and said, "Neurosis! ”

Bai Su didn't even raise his head.

I added, "Chu Lun, this guy, made a long-distance call from the special entrusted man, saying that he had seen a military strongman, General Zilo, on a small lake in Europe. ”

Bai Su glanced at several newspapers, and on the first page of the newspaper, there was a picture of General Zilo, who began to exercise iron-fisted rule in the country, because one of his opponents had fled to a neighboring country, and he had ordered fire on the neighboring country, which was the news that shook the world.

I added, "This man is always crazy and crazy, and he thinks crazy about insider news." General Zilo — what did the newspaper say? ”

Bai Su said, "The newspaper said that he would personally lead an army to attack a neighboring country, and he also seems to be a madman." ”

I didn't say anything, went on with my work before listening to the phone, and didn't take that call to heart at all—a call like this, if I'm going to be serious, two hundred and forty hours a day isn't enough.

Bai Su picked up the newspaper in his hand, flipped it over, and suddenly said, "The communication says that General Zilo's favorite photo was taken by Chu Lun, and he really saw him." ”

I said, "Yes, but by no means a small lake in the middle of Europe." ”

Bai Su was still flipping through the newspaper, and after a while, she added: "It turns out that Chu Lun was also arrested by security guards when he took pictures of General Zilo. ”

I put down the work at hand, straightened up, and said, "You are always General Tichuren and Zilo, what do you really want to explain?" ”

Bai Su smiled and said, "I want to explain that Chu Lun has seen Zilo and is very impressed with Zilo, and he should not recognize the wrong person." ”

I snorted and said, "I judge by the facts." Besides, even if he met General Ziloh by a small lake in central Europe, so what? ”

Bai Su let out a "hmm" and said, "Yes, even if it is, there is nothing special." She said, letting go of the newspaper and not discussing it with me anymore.

As I turned my head to work again, I looked at the desk calendar, which was March 24.

At 2 p.m. on March 24, in the office of the oil minister of a small Arab emirate, Oil Minister Apant was angry.

Apante has a very handsome appearance, and his official title should be Prince Apant, or Dr. Apant, a doctor of economics at the University of Cow Law. Apant's current position is Minister of Petroleum, and the future position will certainly be that of the head of this small emirate.

This small emirate has a small land area and a population of less than a million, but its international status is very important, because almost all the territory of this small emirate is floating on the best quality oil. The oil produced by the small emirates is extremely abundant and is the object of purchase by the advanced industrial countries.

Apant had just received a Japanese representative, and that Japanese representative had come to see him on behalf of three large Japanese enterprises, and when the talks began, the atmosphere was very good, but the Japanese representative got closer and closer to him the more he talked. Since it was a matter of great interest to both sides that was being discussed, and since an agreement could be reached on an issue that would allow Prince Apante's personal bank account to increase his deposits in Swiss francs by more than nine digits per year, Arpante did not notice that the Japanese man was too close to him.

The Japanese suddenly picked up the gold paper knife on the table, brandished it, and gestured in a tone of voice, and almost without noticing, the tip of the paper knife suddenly stabbed the back of Prince Apant's hand, and the tip of the knife pierced the epidermis, and blood flowed out.

The Japanese were stunned and shouted and walked out of the office, and the people outside the office immediately came in, and Prince Apant sucked on the wound with his mouth, and the blood quickly stopped, but the cut was a little, it was a small thing, it was not enough to make Prince Apante angry.

However, after the Japanese man walked out of the office in the confusion, shouting, he did not come back, and Apate waited for more than ten minutes, impatient, and ordered the secretary to call the Japanese embassy to inquire, but it made Prince Apate very angry.

The Japanese Embassy replied: We never knew that such a representative of our country had arrived.

The Japanese who claimed to represent Japan's three major companies was definitely a fake.

Prince Apant immediately tensed up, and ordered an investigation into why a fake Japanese representative could go through the complicated procedures of the meeting, and came to the office to speak to him face to face, and stabbed him with a sharp knife that could kill people.

At the same time, Prince Apant immediately drove to the hospital, and the best doctors and laboratory technicians at the disposal of the nation could do an urgent examination for him, and he had been stabbed by the Japanese of unknown origin, and if there was any poison on that knife, it would be unimaginable.

Prince Apant's anger lasted for three days, during which time he even refused to attend an international oil conference.

Three days later, the following things were identified:

The Japanese who impersonated their identities, after extremely sophisticated design, used documents that are almost the same as the real thing, are obviously the masterpieces of a large group, and it is difficult for individual forces to do it.

The wound on the back of Prince Apant's hand had healed completely, without poison, and certainly without inflammation or worsening, nothing happened.

There was no loss in Prince Apant's office, and there were many valuable displays in the office, and there was no loss at all. The Japanese man who was pretending to be a Japanese man did not know what purpose he had for.

Prince Apant was busy with things, and soon forgot about it, but was more careful with the people he met.

But Saring did not forget it. Shaling was an Englishman, a security expert who had served as a senior official in the British Intelligence Service, and after his retirement, he came to this small emirate as the chief of security, responsible for the security of the head of the small emirate.

After the incident of the Japanese pretending to be Japanese, Sha Ling organized an investigation, but the Japanese disappeared from the air and never appeared again.

In order to investigate further, Sha Ling personally went to Japan, and after more than ten days of investigation in Japan, he found nothing, left Japan, passed by the city where I lived, and stayed for a day to see me.

Sha Ling and I are old friends, he is sixty-six years old, but his body is as strong as a middle-aged man, and his mind is as flexible as a youth.

In my study, he shook his wine glass, made the ice cubes in the glass touch slightly, and made a pleasant "ding" sound, while telling me in detail about the Japanese who pretended to be a Japanese, and said: "According to your eyes, what is the purpose of this Japanese?" ”

I thought about it for a moment and said, "It seems that I want to assassinate, but because of the temporary panic, I fled in a panic." ”

Sha Ling shook his head, "No, he didn't get any news at all, the content of the conversation was just to get an additional oil supply." ”

I took a breath and said, "What's the loss?" ”

Sha Ling smiled bitterly and said, "This is the most difficult to understand, because there is no loss at all." To a Japanese who pretended to be a Japanese, his losses were quite a lot, fake documents, travel expenses, etc., and the numbers were not small. No one in the world will spend money to do something purposeless.

I thought about it for a while before I said, "The only possibility is that this person who pretended to be an identity was originally purposeful, but then an accident happened." He cut the prince's hand, making it impossible for him to achieve his purpose, so he had to retreat, which is the most reasonable explanation. ”

Sha Ling stayed for a moment and said, "I have to accept this explanation until there is a more reasonable explanation." ”

I was a little annoyed and said, "That's the only explanation." ”

Sha Ling shook his head, but without making a sound, I said, "What else are you thinking?" What other assumptions are there? Even if it is hypothetical. ”

Sha Ling looked at me for a moment and said, "I have been in Japan for many days, and although I have not found the Japanese who is pretending to be a Japanese, I have learned two things of similar nature that cannot be explained." ”

Originally, I had no interest in this matter, but when I heard Sha Ling say this, there was more than one inexplicable thing, which made me feel very curious.

I said busily, "Two things, let's hear them." Sha Ling took a deep breath and frowned. When he frowned, his face was full of wrinkles, and he looked like a bad old man, but I knew that this bad old man was not a simple person. In Scotland, he solved strange cases and is recognized as one of the best case handlers in the world.

After the war, Japanese industry developed rapidly and many new consortiums were formed. The head of this new consortium, whose wealth increased so quickly, was astonishing that by the eighties, several of them, personal property, had almost reached astronomical numbers and had become the world's new chaebols.

Mr. Takeuchi is such a new chaebol, he controls a company with an extremely large organization, employs more than 30,000 people, and sells products all over the world, and is an extremely important figure in the Japanese business community. What's more, he was still very young, only fifty-eight years old.

Such an important figure is the world's attention, he receives many guests every day, and those who can be received by him are naturally not ordinary people, but they must also go through careful arrangements.

One day, Mr. Takeuchi received a representative from the Arabs, the Arab, who claimed to be able to represent several well-known Arab oil companies, so that Takeuchi's enterprises could obtain more oil supplies.

Since the energy crisis, all industrialists have been most worried about the supply of oil, and Mr. Takeuchi is naturally attentive to this Arab, and after talking very speculatively in the office during the day, he has set up a banquet in a famous geisha at night.

As he jumped to the point of near fanaticism, the Arab, at some point, pulled out the pliers on the head of a geisha, waved it, and accidentally, the head pliers hit Mr. Takeuchi's arm and stabbed it, piercing Mr. Takeuchi's skin, causing slight bleeding.

The guests apologized profusely, and the host did not pay any attention to it, and still returned home that night.

The incident was not unusual at all, but the next day, when the Arabs did not appear in Takeuchi's office at the agreed time, Mr. Takeuchi inquired and there was no one who knew the origin of this Arab, and none of the institutions related to the Arab countries knew the origin of this Arab.

Mr. Takeuchi was very angry and ordered an investigation, but there was no result. Since there was nothing to lose, the matter was not resolved.

Sha Ling inadvertently learned of this while investigating the Japanese who was pretending to be a Japanese. "Two things, with the same plot. Pretending to recognize the Japanese to the Arabs, pretending to recognize the Arabs to the Japanese, all the people who ask for the meeting are super big people, and in the process of seeking to see, the big people have been damaged once, which is insignificant, and then the people who pretend to be identities disappear without a trace, and they do not know what their real purpose is.

Xin Yanshi is a Wall Street tycoon, the office is luxurious, world-famous, a specialized magazine, has been featured. He was Jewish and one of the top ten richest people in the United States. Economic authorities estimate that if he were to mobilize funds, he could mobilize the cash needed to buy off a small Central American country overnight.

American politicians and Xin Yanshi have friendships, although Xin Yanshi himself has never appeared and carried out any activities, but everyone knows in their hearts: when the President of the United States makes a major decision, he will definitely consult with him through his personal representatives.

There are forty-two billion people in the world, but there will be no more than forty-two important people like Mr. Xin Yanshi.

Mr. Sim's hobby was playing golf, and every time he played on a private golf course, bodyguards gathered, as he had on other occasions.

Mr. Xin Yanshi pays the most attention to his safety, and when a person reaches the position of his pretense, there is nothing worth paying attention to except the safety of his life.

But once, while he was swinging his bat at a golf ball, there was a slight accident, a caddie carrying a heavy bag of bats, next to Mr. Xin Yanshi, a unsteady, leaning over, the bat rubbed the back of Mr. Xin Yanshi's hand, damn the bat, somehow there was a spike, the spike was on the back of Xin Yanshi's hand, pierced a hole, causing bleeding.

This slight injury, on others, is not a thing at all. But what happened to Mr. Xin Yanshi, who had such a distinguished status and status, of course, was not simple, and a special car immediately took him to the hospital, after the careful care of two surgeons - such a small injury dispatched the country's famous surgeon, which was like a rocket to hunt rabbits.

Two days later, Xin Yanshi's wounds healed, and his bodyguard, relieved, went to look for the caddy, that is, found that the caddie had died in the residence on the night of the incident, and the result of the police investigation was that he died of an accident that leaked gas.

Accidents of gas leaks occur every day, and the cause of death of the caddie is by no means suspicious, and Mr. Xin Yantu's wound has long been healed. Without even leaving any scars, things naturally came to an end.

Sha Ling knew about it in small talk, and he also returned it to his injured counterparts like Apant and Takeuchi, and I disagree with that. I said, "Xin Yanshi's injury was just an accident, and no one in it pretended to be an identity and deliberately tried to injure him." ”

Sha Ling narrowed his eyes and said, "However, a caddie, the person who injured Xin Yanshi, died that night." He waved his hand and said, "Don't tell me it was an accident, I don't believe it at all." ”

I glared at him and said, "I know what you're thinking, you're thinking of a caddie who was hired to injure Xin Yanshi and then, killed." ”

Sha Ling said, "Exactly." ”

I snorted and said, "What's the purpose?" ”

What is the purpose? Sha Ling couldn't answer this question, he stood up, walked back and forth, then stood still, pointed his finger at me, and said, "Apant, Takeuchi, and Xin Yanshi are all people of great status and property, aren't they?"

I nodded, "Yes, they can come up with hundreds of millions of dollars as long as they want to." But it only caused them a slight injury—"

When I talked about this, I suddenly froze, and in an instant, I thought of something, so that I could not continue to talk about it.

Sha Ling said, "You... What comes to mind? ”

I said, "It seems insignificant that the skin is injured so that it bleeds, but there are some poisons that can kill people at the sight of blood. According to Chinese, it is to see blood seal the throat. ”

Sha Ling said, "But they weren't poisoned." ”

I waved my hand and said, "There are hundreds of thousands of types of poisons, and there may be one chronic poison that will occur every few days after being poisoned." ”

Sha Ling's face was full of wrinkles again, and he said, "However, after Apant was injured, he made a detailed examination, and the doctor said——""

I interrupted him and said, "Don't believe the doctor, of the eight hundred thousand poisons, there are at least seventy-nine thousand, and the doctor does not know their origins." ”

Sha Ling's expression became very heavy, "Is there really such a thing?" ”

I said very solemnly, "Absolutely. ”

Sha Ling hurried a few steps and said, "If this is the case, then the purpose of the people who do these things is to blackmail the poison at the time of the poisonous attack." ”

I said, "Of course it is." ”

Sha Ling took a breath and said, "That's terrible, when will this mysterious poison strike?" ”

I spread my hands and said, "Who knows, a year, half a year, maybe faster, maybe slower,"

Sha Ling took another breath and said, "I have long felt that this kind of thing must be full of evil conspiracies, if so... If that's the case, then I... I..."

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Yes, I have to wait." ”

The conversation between Sharing and me ended there, and on the same day, I sent him on a plane back to the Arab emirate.

In the days that followed, I also paid attention from time to time, and as soon as I remembered, I had a phone call with Sha Ling, who sometimes called me.

During the constant contact with Sharing, many things have happened, and I have been to many different places because of many different events, so there have been many times when Sharing called me, I was not at home. But Sha Ling has left a message, so I can take the initiative to contact him after I go home.

Here, it needs to be explained. The affairs of Chu Lun, Prince Apant, Takeuchi, and Xin Yanshi all happened many years ago, at least more than five years ago. I'm just making up the things that happened then, the things that happened later, and the intervals between them and these things, at least five years, and notice that.

This is very important, because the final conclusion of my discussion with Sha Ling is that the people who injured the big people such as Dexin Yantu may have taken the opportunity to use a seemingly simple method to prescribe a complex chronic poison so that when the poison is launched, it can extort huge sums of money.

It seems that this is the only plausible explanation.

However, with the passage of time, five years have passed, nothing has happened, and the "conclusion" at that time is clearly only a guess, not a fact.

In a recent contact with Sha Ling, Sha Ling said on the phone: "Wesley, poison blackmail, it seems that it does not work. ”

I agreed with him, saying, "It doesn't work. ”

Sha Ling's tone was a little hesitant, "Over the years, I have taken one thing as an amateur hobby, and guess what?" ”

I smiled bitterly, how can I guess this? I had to say, "Are you collecting slave girls who escaped from the Arab palace?" ”

Sha Ling sighed and said, "Don't be ridiculous, in the past five years, I have done everything possible to collect records of minor injuries suffered by the world's big people through all relationships." ”

I said 'ah' and said, "Why? ”

Sha Ling said, "Then you don't understand?" I want to see if there are any other examples besides Apant, Takeuchi, and Shin Yanshi. ”

I was silent for half a moment, and I knew Sha Ling's perseverance, but I also found it unimaginable that he had been doing such a job all these years.

I asked, "What happened?" ”

Sha Ling said, "The result is very satisfactory, or rather, the result is extremely shocking and unexpected." ”

I said, "How' it goes?" Please let me know in detail. ”

Sha Ling took a breath first, even in the long-distance telephone communication, you can still hear the "snort" sound he made when he inhaled, he said: "I investigated more than a hundred big people, the objects of investigation, all super big people, including dictators in more than ten countries, 'kings' in all walks of life, all the subjects of my investigation, can come up with more than two billion dollars in one hour." ”

I'm a little ironic, it's a very difficult job, even in terms of Sha Ling's abilities and relationships, it's a very difficult job, and I really don't know what his purpose is in doing this.

I asked, "What are you investigating about these big men?" ”

Sharing replied, "I investigated whether they had suffered minor cuts in the last few years. ”

I sighed and said, "Sha Ling." Anyone in the world has had a slight cut in their lifetime. ”

Sha Ling said, "Don't be in a hurry, listen to me, the results of my investigation." It is extremely shocking that they have suffered minor injuries of varying degrees over the past decade. ”

I exclaimed, "I've already said that anyone, whether he's a caveman or an oil king, will have a slight injury in their life." ”

Sha Ling said, "Twenty-eight of them were injured in a similar situation to Prince Apante. ”

I couldn't help but be silent, and stayed for a moment before I said, "Someone pretended to be an identity to get close to the big people, and deliberately they were slightly hurt now?" ”

Sha Ling said, "Not bad at all, and besides, these twenty-eight injured people, who had all investigated the people who had injured them afterwards, had achieved no results." These people who impersonated identities had all been arranged in advance in an extremely dense and almost impeccable arrangement, otherwise they would have met the twenty-eight super-big people, and their purpose seemed to be only to cause some minor harm, and then after the fact, they disappeared. ”

I don't make a sound.

Sha Ling asked, "Do you still think it was accidental?" ”

I took a breath and said, "Of course it wasn't an accident – what about the rest of the people?" ”

Sha Ling said, "The injuries suffered by the rest of the people are all caused by the carelessness of others, and there are many kinds of situations, some of which are accidental by the waiters, and some of which are cut by suddenly broken glass, and I cannot enumerate them, the injuries are not caused by their own carelessness, but by man-made 'accidents'." ”

I took a deep breath and said, "Sha Ling, what kind of thing do you think this is?" ”

Sha Ling said, "I don't have any clue." I only investigated and collected this information, but I never knew what was going on, nor did I know what the purpose of these people was, because those injuries were extremely minor, and they were cured in two or three days at most, and there was no trouble at all, and no one would take it to heart after the fact. ”

I thought about it for a moment and said, "The results of the investigation are indeed very shocking, but they are also inconclusive." ”

Sha Ling snorted and said, "Since there are people who have been doing the same job for ten years, of course there is a reason, Wesley, it happened to the world's top people, not to ordinary people, and I feel more and more that there is an extremely strong smell of crime in it-don't say that I say so because of professional instincts." ”

I said busily: "I didn't say that—I'm sorry, who was the first person in your profile to have such a record of injury?" ”

Sha Ling said, "General Zilo." ”

I shuddered, and general Ziloh, in my memory, seemed to have something to do with this military strongman, but for a moment I could not remember.

I just said "Hmm" and repeated, "General Zilo." This man—"

Sha Ling said: "When he was slightly cut, he was not a general, just a colonel, he was in charge of the armored forces of that country at that time, he was already a very powerful and powerful soldier, and it can be seen that this officer's potential power is extremely large, as long as he launches a coup, he will definitely be able to seize power by force and become the head of state." ”

I let out another "Hmmm" sound. "More than five years ago, he really launched a coup d'état and it was successful. ”

Sha Ling said, "Yes, until now, his power has become more and more consolidated." He was injured during a military exercise when a soldier's bayonet accidentally pierced the back of his hand. ”

I said, "It looks like it was an accident, General Zilo... General Zilo... He..."

As I spoke, I tried to think about why I was particularly impressed with this military strongman.

Suddenly, I remembered.

That was many years ago, and one afternoon an inexplicable man called me from Europe, saying that he had been entrusted by Chu Lun to tell me that he had met General Zilo at a small lake in central Europe.

I didn't pay any attention to such a call, and I haven't heard anything about Cullen since.

Chu Lun's whereabouts are fleeting. Although I have a good relationship with him, it is not surprising that I have not heard from him for several years, who knows what he is doing, perhaps he is in the Black Forest of Africa, photographing the activities of ants; or perhaps he is in the harem of the Arab chief, modeling the beauty of the chief.

At that time, I was only reminded of why General Zilo had made a special impression on me, without any association, and in fact, it was impossible to associate two seemingly unrelated things.

I asked, "Yes, General Zilo, how long has it been since he was injured?" ”

Sha Ling said, "More than nine years, to be exact, nine years and ten months." ”

I said, "It seems that the injury didn't cause him any damage, did it?" ”

Sha Ling's voice was a little dazed, "Yes, at least, so far, there has been no damage." ”

I also smiled bitterly and said, "Well, that injury may have been an accident." ”

Sha Ling just gave a noncommittal sigh, and I said, "You just have to investigate, I think these things are very strange, and I do my best to find answers, and we keep in touch." ”

Sharing agreed, and my conversation with him ended here.

Although I promised Sha Ling to do my best to find the answer, no matter how great my strength was, I could not make it out in this matter, because everything had no clue at all. All I can do is speculate and estimate. However, I have made dozens of assumptions, and I cannot satisfactorily explain the purpose of the encounter of more than a hundred super-figures in the world, nor can I imagine who is carrying out such a strange thing.

It sometimes happened that two days earlier he and Sharing had mentioned General Zilo in a conversation, and two days later, they saw one of his news in the newspaper that the military strongman General Zilo had gone to Switzerland for treatment because of a heart attack.

Generally speaking, the health of military strongmen, once a problem occurs, will create a situation of political shaking. Fortunately, Zilo's five years of rule have laid the foundation, as long as he is not suffering from an incurable disease, there will be no problem.

As I watched the news, I remembered the phone call that the inexplicable man had called me many years ago from a small town in Switzerland. But I just thought about it, and I haven't made any connection between the two things.

Even more coincidentally, half a month later, suddenly a woman of mixed Eurasian descent, with a large and very beautiful body, came to visit, and I invited her in, and she introduced herself: "My name is Haven, and I work as a translator for a United Nations children's agency, which has its headquarters in Switzerland." ”

I replied "Oh oh", sure that I had never seen Miss Haven before, nor did I know what she had come for.

Haven sat down, sitting in a very elegant posture, and it was obvious that she was well educated, and she looked at me and said, "I have been entrusted by a man to give you something." ”

As Haven spoke, he opened her handbag and pulled out the next small brown paper envelope.

Still inexplicable, I took the envelope and looked at her, and she smiled a little apologetically and said, "This friend's name is Chu Lun." ”

As soon as I heard the name Chu Lun, I immediately "ha" and said, "It's him, is he okay?" ”

A shadow appeared on Haven's beautiful face, and his voice became low, "I hope he's okay." ”

I was taken aback, this kind of verbal answer, often containing fierce consumption, I hurriedly said: "He-"

Haven turned his head slightly and said, "He's dead." ”

Chu Lun is dead! I stayed for a moment, unable to speak.

Haven added, "He's been dead for a long time, and the forensic doctor estimates that it was at least five years old, but his body hasn't been found until recently." The body was buried in a forest, and because it was not buried deep enough, the mud washed away after a heavy rain, revealing his skeleton. ”

My heart was full of doubts, "Murder?" ”

Haven said, "Yes, the police said that the clothes on his body were all rotten, and there were scars left by a heavy blow to the back of his skull, and the forensic doctor said that was the cause of his death——""

At this point, Haven couldn't help but wave his hand, interrupted her, and said, "Wait a minute, how did you get his relics in such a situation?" ”

Haven lowered his head and said, "I had only known him shortly before he died, and I had a few dates with him, and in his underwear pocket, there was a small note hidden, the address I had written to him, and a number, and after the police found his skeleton, they found me according to the address." ”

I frowned, my heart was full of doubts, Chu Lun was a good friend of mine, he had inexplicably murdered people, and I couldn't ignore this matter.

I was thinking, Miss Haven sighed and said, "No wonder he hasn't come to me since that date, it turns out that after we broke up, he has already suffered a blessing, alas, I can't believe that he is actually a very cute person." ”

I asked, "Miss, did you mention a number just now?" ”

Haven said, "Yes, after a police investigation, that number is the number of the storage box at the bus stop of a local town." Go to track down, because the storage box has not been opened for a long time, the station has long been opened, the contents of the box are taken out, and another storage, that is, the paper bag in your hand, which has a note, please look at it. ”

I hurriedly opened the paper bag and saw that there were quite a few photos in the paper bag. I didn't have time to look at the photographs, so I took out the note, which had the words in cursive written like a dragon flying phoenix: "If I have any misfortune, please give these photographs to Mr. Wesley, whose address is -"

I looked up at Haven, who said, "It just so happens that I have a holiday, and I have long wanted to travel to the East, so I have brought this thing to you." ”

I busied myself and took out the photos, there were more than ten photos in total, it seemed, a little inexplicable, the photo was taken, it was two people, carrying a person on a car, the whole process can be coherent, but when the shooting, obviously very hurried, a little vague and unforgiving, the last few, the distance is quite far, is the car has disappeared from the dust, and the car, is a car used in a golf course.

I looked up and said, "What do these pictures mean?" ”

Haven said, "I don't know. However, Chu lun's performance that day was very strange. He was a strange man, but after I knew him, I never saw him strange like this, that day, I was by the lake, with my back to him, and I already felt his breathing behind me, but suddenly, he screamed strangely——"

What Miss Haven goes to say next is what has already been described in verses one and three. Listening to Haven's account, I pointed to the photograph and said, "So he thinks the man who was taken in the car was General Zilo." ”

Haven made a helpless look and said, "It seems that this is indeed the case. ”

The suspicion in my heart was even worse, and I said, "It seems that he is still very serious, because afterwards, probably on the same day, he called someone who did not know who it was, and called me to tell me about it." ”

Haven's eyes widened, and I said, "Do you know his whereabouts in the future?" ”

Haven said, "I don't know, I was so angry that I got into a car that was driving on the road and left without turning my head." ”

I asked again, "After his body was found, didn't the local police investigate his whereabouts?" ”

Haven said: "The incident has been happening for too long, there is no way to investigate, so it has to be stopped." ”

I looked at the pictures again, and my thoughts fluctuated. The first question that came to my mind was that this kind of car, which is not suitable for long-distance driving, must be nearby and can find the answer. Judging from the situation of these photos, Chu Lun is clearly running and taking pictures at the same time, so is he chasing the car?

Of course, the speed of the man's running was not as fast as the speed of the vehicle, and Chu Lun may have stopped after chasing him, but he must have seen clearly where the car was going.

He was hit to death by a heavy object in the back of his head, so the place he was going to could be where he died.

In the meantime, the ins and outs can be found through simple reasoning, but the question is: what caused his murder?

I thought for a moment and said, "Miss, I'm afraid that the right place to take these pictures, can you tell me?" ”

Haven said, "Of course you can." It is a small lake in western Switzerland, that small lake, near the town of Lehmann. It was a small town of only a few dozen people and was a great place for a holiday. ”

When I asked this question, I was already thinking about whether I was going to go to the place where Chu Lun had an accident and investigate the real cause of Chu Lun's death, and as soon as Haven's words came out, I shook my head sharply, "Oh, Leman Town... Lerman Town..."

After reading the name of the town twice, I hurriedly leaned over and went through the old newspapers in the newspaper stand under the coffee table, and found the news that the military strongman General Zilo had suffered a heart attack and went to Europe for medical treatment, and the news made it very clear that General Zilo would go to a sanatorium in the town of Leman in western Switzerland to be examined and treated. ”

Haven said, "Perhaps, two months earlier, there was an American Wall Street tycoon who also visited the town of Lerman." ”

My heart moved sharply again, and I said, "This tycoon—"

Haven said, "My name is Xin Yanshi, and I heard that he is of Jewish descent." ”

I took a deep breath, Xin Yanshi, the tycoon who accidentally suffered a slight injury while playing golf!

I vaguely felt that there might be some connection between several things. But what exactly is the connection between them, I can't think of it for a while. Miss Haven stood up and said, "Did Chu Lun give you these photos because it might have something to do with the cause of his death?" ”

I looked at the pictures again and said, "Miss Haven, at that time, he must have felt that things were very special, so he would ignore you and go after what he thought was special, and the date of his murder may be on the day you broke up, or, a day or two late, in short, within those days, these photos are undoubtedly very important clues." ”

Haven hesitated, "After so many years, can you still find it?" ”

I pointed to the picture and said, "I think it's okay, you see, the look of these people, very clearly -"

Halfway through my speech, I stopped abruptly, my eyes a little straight, and I immediately glanced at Haven and saw that her expression was also very strange. I knew that in that instant we all found something in common, that in the photograph the man who had been caught in the car looked very similar to the photograph of General Zilo in the newspaper, almost like a person.

As Haven regained her composure, she whispered, "God, Chu Lun didn't read that wrong. ”

I shook my head vigorously and said, "Two similar people, not special." ”

Haven pointed to the newspaper and said, "But General Zilo is already ill. I don't go anywhere, but I go to the Lerman Sanatorium, which is a bit special. ”

She was right, it was a little special, and it seemed that I had to go to that town for a while. There was Cullen's death, and Haven's life seemed very peaceful, and I didn't want her to be involved in this inexplicable strange thing, so I said, "I'll go there and see, I hope you have a happy vacation, and the investigation of the cause of Cullen's death is left to me." ”

Miss Haven frowned for a moment, looking a little helpless, and said, "Well, my vacation is two weeks, and if I am finished and you are still in Switzerland, we can still meet." ”

I said, "I hope so." ”

Haven politely bid her farewell, and I sent her to the door and back into the living room, and then carefully compared the man in the photo with the photo of General Zilo in the newspaper, and felt more and more that the two were similar.

Half an hour later, Bai Su returned, and I told her about Hai wen's visit, and Bai Su stayed for half a moment and said, "That phone call, Chu Lun is very serious, that's why he called someone to call." ”

I smiled bitterly and said, "He really is, since he is serious, he should call himself, pull a random person, headless and faceless, come to a phone call, tell me how to bury?" ”

Bai Su said, "Everyone else is dead, do you still blame him?" ”

My mind was very confused, for a moment, I couldn't figure out a clue, Chu Lun's death was a fact, why did he die? Was it because he discovered some amazing secret that led to his death? What is the secret he discovers? Was it he who discovered a military strongman with a stand-in?

If so, then he is involved in some major political conspiracy, should I go through such muddy waters?

As I pondered, Bai Su whispered, "No matter what, you should always go to that sanatorium once." ”

I took a breath and said, "I think so too, but I can't be sure if it's related to the nursing home—"

I paused and said, "I had to get over there and take one more step to see." ”

Bai Su nodded in agreement, and she suddenly said: "The news in the evening newspaper says that one of our friends has entered the hospital because of a sudden heart attack." ”

I "ah" a sound, a person because of a heart attack in the hospital, and can be reported in the newspaper, this person is naturally a big person, I asked busily: "Who is this person?" ”

Bai Su said, "Tao Qiquan." "Tao Qiquan!

You must be familiar with this Mr. Tao, he once knew me because of "feng shui", and I borrowed two million dollars from him, took this money to buy a piece of "charcoal", he is a very interesting person.

Tao Qiquan is one of the richest people in Asia, and in his prime, he controls countless institutions, and his wealth is distributed all over the world, which is very important, and he is one of the most important figures in the Asian financial world.

Such a big person, heart disease into the hospital, of course, is a very important news.

I asked, "What did the newspaper say?" ”

Bai Su said, "It's not very detailed, it's just that it's very serious." ”

I said, "How old is Tao Qiquan this year?" ”

Bai Su said, "I am in my early fifties, but there is actually no relationship between illness and age." ”

I walked back and forth a few steps, picked up the phone, and called a bank. This bank, which is also one of Tao Qiquan's enterprises, the vice chairman's surname is Yang, I have met several times, and is one of Tao Qiquan's right-hand men in the city.

Tao Qiquan is such a big person, so even if he wants to have a phone call with his subordinates, it is not an easy task. The secretary who answers the phone. First of all, Vice Chairman Yang was not available, he was in a meeting, and when I reported my name and went through several turns, I heard Vice Chairman Yang's voice. His voice sounded extremely anxious, and he said, "Hello, Mr. Wei." Alas, what a misfortune, Mr. Tao—"

I was taken aback and said, "What? Mr. Tao's condition——""

Vice Chairman Yang said: "I just came back from the hospital, and the doctor who consulted said that it was a congenital heart disease that had reached a very serious stage. ”

My heart sank, and if the doctor who consulted said that, it would be really less fierce, and I asked, "He didn't seem to have any signs of heart disease before?" ”

Yang replied: "Why not, we have been advising him to rest more and pay more attention to his body, but there is no way, he is so busy, before entering the hospital, he is still presiding over a meeting, proposing a plan to buy a building on Long Island in New York, that is, during the meeting, he passed out and was sent to the hospital." ”

I can't help but laugh bitterly, the success of the cause is the goal pursued by everyone in the world, but the successful cause is like a heavy shackle, tightly clasped on the neck of the successful person, want to get rid of, Jane is really impossible, only endlessly serve it, and later, what is it for, only afraid of all successful people, none of them can answer.

Tao Qiquan's situation was like that. Anyone would think: If I had that much possessions of him, I would definitely do nothing and enjoy it. Only he himself knew that he could not have half a minute of his own time, and in the process of sleep, he would also wake up for the sake of the gains and losses of his karma. Perhaps, only death can make a person of his type get a real rest.

Vice Chairman Yang told me the name of the hospital and told me that the doctor restricted him from meeting the interviewer, and if I wanted to meet him, he would have to insist on it.

I said, "Rest assured, as long as he is sober, he will definitely see me." Of course, so that I don't have to waste time waiting, can you arrange it for me first? ”

Vice Chairman Yang said: "Of course, I also want to see him - wait, there is a call, it is from the hospital." ”

I heard him listening to another phone call, constantly saying "Yes, yes, I came at once, Mr. Wesley was on the phone, and he was coming to see you too, okay, I'll pick him up." ”

I heard him say that, knew that he was talking to Tao Qiquan, and sure enough, his voice sounded again, "We will see you at the entrance of the hospital." First come, first served. ”

I put down the phone and glanced at Bai Su.

Bai Su smiled bitterly and said, "When a billionaire faces death, I don't know what kind of mood he feels?" ”

My voice, very low, said: "In everyone's own mind, their own life is the most important, and beggars and billionaires may not see any difference." ”

Bai Su sighed again and said, "There are many people in the unborn world who are very brave enough to end their lives." ”

I said, "Of the four billion and two billion people, such people are, after all, a very small minority." Are you going down? ”

Bai Su thought for a moment and said, "I'm not going." "I waved my hand as I went out. Drive straight to the hospital. It was a very famous private hospital, known for its expensive and extravagant. Of course, expensive is for ordinary people, for a rich man like Tao Qiquan, if you are happy, you can buy a hundred such hospitals without frowning.

At the door of the hospital building, I waited for about five minutes, and within these five minutes, I saw many tycoons from their luxurious cars hurrying down and walking into the hospital, these people, although they were all famous and rich, but almost all of them were Tao Qiquan's men, or they depended on Tao Qiquan's support in business dealings.

When Vice Chairman Yang came, several people greeted him, and when he saw me, he took my hand and said, "Go up." ”

Seeing this kind of battle, I couldn't help but be a little nervous, and whispered, "It's not okay anymore?" Why gather so many people? ”

Vice Chairman Yang made a helpless look, and we took the elevator together to reach the special ward on the top floor. As soon as you get out of the elevator, that kind of extravagant arrangement, no matter how you can't imagine that this is a hospital. A 100-square-meter lobby, topped with glass, is a large greenhouse planted with flowers that allows patients to see the sun in a wet state.

In that lobby, there were quite a few people gathered, all tycoons from all walks of life, but those tycoons, obviously, had not been honored to be received by Tao Qiquan, they were just sitting or standing in the lobby, talking in a low voice.

Yang Zhi and I walked through the lobby to a automatic door, there were two big men guarding the door, met Vice Chairman Yang, immediately pushed the door opened, inside the door is a small living room, there are also several people sitting, I recognize at least three of them are the president of the big bank.

Past the little living room, it was a corridor, and to go all the way to the end of the corridor, there was another door, and a nurse was at the door, and as soon as she saw us, she opened the door, and Yang and I went in.

Inside the door was a huge room, almost every corner, full of flowers. On a hospital bed, tao Qiquan lay.

Seeing him lying on the bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. A man, no matter how high his status and how rich he is, when he lies down, he cannot lie on two beds or just lie on one bed like anyone.

At the bedside, there were two doctors who were taking care of Tao Qiquan, and there were many medical instruments that I could not call the hall of fame. Tao Qiquan's face looked extremely pale. He used to feel full of vitality when I saw him, but now, the vitality is clearly moving away from him.

There were already six or six people in the room, and I took a cursory look at them, but I recognized their identities, probably the same as Vice Chairman Yang, all of whom were The most powerful and trusted figures in Tao Qiquan's career.

Tao Qiquan's eyes rolled, and a nurse shook the upper half of the bed, making Tao Qiquan maintain a half-lying posture. A doctor removed the oxygen mask that was set on the mouth of Tao Qiquan and said, "Speak slowly, don't exceed half an hour-"

Before the doctor could finish speaking, Tao Qiquan had already waved his hand steeply, his movements were very rough, and his voice was also extremely impatient, "What's the difference?" I'm dying anyway. ”

The two doctors at the bedside could only smile bitterly, and Tao Qiquan looked at everyone in the room and said, "Now I am not dead, you come here." ”

All the people rushed to the bedside, but I didn't feel the need to do so, so I stayed not far from the door, and the two doctors had been squeezed back to my side. I whispered, "How is he doing?" ”

The two doctors looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and one of them whispered, "Under the best convalescence, his heart function can be maintained for about fifteen to twenty days, and then -"

The doctor's voice was extremely low, and in the ward, after everyone came to the bed, it became very quiet, so Tao Qiquan's voice sounded very thick, and he was almost shouting, "The doctor said that I was dying, I didn't want to die, I didn't want to die at all." ”

I took a breath, involuntarily, and closed my eyes for a moment. Tao Qiquan's two sentences were simply mourning. He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die at all, but his heart function could only be maintained for fifteen to twenty days, what else could he do?

After Tao Qiquan's words, there was a buzzing sound on the side of the hospital bed, which was more or less than "you will not die" and "Jiren has his own celestial appearance".

Tao Qiquan's look, looking very impatient, he said: "Less nonsense, contact Dr. Barnard?" Tell him to pack a plane and come right away, he is the authority on heart-swapping surgery. ”

A middle-aged man with half-bald hair said busily: "Our representative in South Africa has contacted him, and he has promised to come." ”

Tao Qiquan laughed and said with confidence, "You don't have to say anything, as long as I don't want to die." I'm not going to die. ”

Immediately there was a chorus of echoes at the side of the hospital bed, as if if Tao Qiquan really didn't want to die, he wouldn't die. I looked at the two doctors next to me, and the two doctors showed a helpless sadness and shook their heads. I had quite a few questions to ask those two doctors, but at this moment. Obviously it wasn't appropriate, so I held back and didn't say anything.

Tao Qiquan called out a person's name again, "What I want to do, I always do, don't you?" That year, no one in the world believed that I could buy up Venezuela's big oil fields, but how did we succeed? ”

The man had a fierce look on his face and said, "Money, money, what can't be done?" ”

Tao Qiquan laughed triumphantly and said, "Yes, with money, you can do anything, you can buy life." I have money, I won't die, a hundred million dollars to extend a day's life, I can live to two hundred years old. ”

A relatively young doctor next to me said in a very low voice, "His mentality has reached a very abnormal point, which is really pitiful." I looked at the doctor and made a gesture to him to leave the ward with me for a while, but at this moment, Tao Qiquan suddenly cried out, "Wesley, why don't you come?" ”

Of course I couldn't ignore him, so I walked toward the hospital bed and said, "I think you probably have a lot of important things to say, so I don't want to bother you." ”

Tao Qiquan was a little annoyed, and said: "Fart, what is this, I have something to tell them, some are time, why rush at the moment, come here, let's chat." ”

It is of course a good thing that a person, when he is seriously ill, is still full of confidence in his own destiny. However, Tao Qiquan's confidence was not very normal. Because his faith is completely pinned on the fact that he has money. In fact, even if you are willing to spend a hundred million dollars in exchange for a day's life, in many cases it is impossible.

Death is man's ultimate path, and the fairest arrangement, unavoidable for anyone, and has little direct relationship with having money or not having money.

When I thought about it, I felt that as a friend, although it was a very unpleasant thing, I still had to do it, and I called his English name and said, "You should be brave and accept the facts, now is not the time for small talk." ”

I used these two sentences as the beginning of what I was going to say, thinking that I was already very decent, but when Tao Qiquan heard it, his face immediately became extremely ugly.

And all the people next to the hospital bed, their faces also became more ugly than Tao Qiquan's, and two of them glared at me, seeing that if they hadn't beaten anyone for a long time, they would definitely have swung their fists at me. Their indignant expression expressed their extreme loyalty to Tao Qiquan, the big boss, and the appearance that Tao Qiquan could not be killed by atomic bombs.

I ignored these people and said, "The doctor's diagnosis results, I think you know it, while you can still take care of things——"

I was just talking about this, and one of the two men was already yelling at me, "Shut up! Mr. Tao's health is absolutely no problem. ”

I felt extreme disgust and said, "That's what you said, the doctor's opinion is different from yours." ”

The man said, "What is the doctor, Mr. Tao—"

I suddenly interrupted the man's head, looked directly at Tao Qiquan, and said, "Do you believe the doctor's words, or do you believe the words of such people?" ”

Tao Qiquan gasped for breath rapidly, and in an instant, he became extremely tired, he raised his hand, waved slowly, and said, "Get out, you all go out." ”

Everyone hesitated, and Tao Qiquan raised his voice and shouted, "All out, I want to talk to Wesley alone." ”

When he called this, his face was blue, he looked very frightening, and his breathing became rapid and unsmooth, and a doctor rushed over, pushed away the two people at the bedside, put the oxygen mask on his face, and at the same time, waved the crowd away.

All the people looked at each other and withdrew together, and there were only two doctors left in the ward, me and Tao Qiquan, and the two doctors were about to leave, but I asked them to stay.

After breathing under the oxygen mask for about three minutes, Tao Qiquan's face gradually returned to normal, and he pushed the doctor's hand away, and his voice was still very weak. "Wei, as soon as Dr. Barnard arrives, I can be saved." I know my heart, I can't maintain it for many days, but there is still enough time to replace it with a sound heart. ”

I took a breath and said, "We need to hear the opinions of experts on this." ”

I looked at the two doctors and said, "In a situation like Mr. Tao's, what are the hopes of success in the heart exchange surgery?" ”

The older one said, "Heart replacement surgery is very complicated, first of all, you have to have a sound heart to use—"

I interrupted him and said, "There is no need to consider this, Mr. Tao has money, and it is not difficult to find a sound heart for him to replace. ”

The doctor said, "Dr. Barnard has more than five cardiograph surgeries, and the equipment in this hospital can also be performed." But the biggest problem with heart transplant surgery is rejection. ”

Tao Qiquan immediately said, "But there are already successful examples." ”

The older doctor turned his head and did not make a sound. The young one said, "Mr. Tao's so-called successful examples are really not optimistic. Before rejection was completely resolved, the shortest record of a person who had undergone a heart transplant was two days, and the longest record was not more than two years. ”

Tao Qiquan's flesh twitched, and his expression became difficult to see the pole.

The young doctor seemed to have dared not tell Tao Qiquan about this problem, but as soon as he had the beginning, he also became unscrupulous, and he added: "Even if there is a two-year life span, in these two years, it is necessary to constantly carry out surgery to resist rejection, and the heart changer itself can hardly carry out any activities, which is already the best situation that can be foreseen." ”

Tao Qiquan's lips trembled, trying to say something, but no sound came out.

The scene in front of me is really cruel, facing a dying man to discuss the time of his death! Tao Qiquan was already a person with very strong nerves, so he could endure it, and if he changed others, he couldn't stand such a discussion at all.

In such a situation, I had to say: "Make the most optimistic estimate, two years is also good." Medical progress is rapid, and in two years' time, new technologies may emerge. ”

Tao Qiquan smiled bitterly and said, "Wei, even you used empty words to comfort me?" ”

I said busily: "I am not talking about empty words, in fact, there is no way to make you live except to undergo heart replacement surgery." ”

In that moment. Tao Qiquan's face showed an extremely deep sad look, and he said, "I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, as long as I can live, no matter how much it costs——"

At this point, his body involuntarily and shaking, I pressed his shoulder, trying to calm him down, but of course it didn't work at all, he was still shaking violently, and his face began to turn blue again.

The doctor hurriedly gave him oxygen again, and after two minutes, he sighed and said, "Wei, do you know that I am only fifty-four years old this year, if there are another thirty years-"

I sighed and said, "This is a helpless thing, throughout the ages, I don't know how many people are in the same situation as you." ”

The older doctor said, "I think Dr. Barnard can arrive tomorrow, and then we'll study it together." ”

Tao Qiquan grabbed my hand like a child and said, "I want to live, I have always believed that money can create miracles, I have always believed, I have really always believed." ”

I couldn't think of any more words to comfort him, so I gently patted the back of his hand. Tao Qiquan looked at the doctor and said, "Inject me with sedatives, I don't want to be sober, sober, I will think about a lot of things, it's too painful." ”

The doctor smiled bitterly, "I'm really sorry, your heart is in a very poor condition now, and the sedative will increase the burden on the heart that is already overwhelmed, so -"

Tao Qiquan murmured, "I am the most miserable person in the world, and I will not be more miserable than me." Don't wait for Dr. Barnard, go and tie me up to find a sound heart. ”

I retreated to the door, opened the door, and conveyed Tao Qiquan's order to those who were waiting at the door, and there was a loud voice of approval outside the door. I don't know what method these people use to find it, but they have money and should be able to find a heart that can be transplanted.

When I returned to the ward, my heart could not help but hesitate. I came, in such a situation, naturally I can't leave Tao Qiquan, but if I don't leave, accompany him here, and there is really nothing to say, do I leave, or stay?

Tao Qiquan obviously saw my hesitation, he said: "Wei, stay and accompany me, to be honest, you are my only friend, tell them to go, I want to see them, naturally I will inform them." ”

I went to convey this order from Tao Qiquan again, went to the sofa of the hospital bed, and sat down. Doctors and nurses kept coming in and out, and I picked up some light topics to talk about. At midnight, Tao Qiquan fell asleep.

The two doctors were still on duty, the nurse was awake, and I was very sleepy, leaning over the couch, vaguely about to sleep, when I heard the two doctors talking in a low voice before I opened my eyes again. A doctor saw that I was awake and said, "Mr. Wei, please decide on this matter." ”

The doctor's expression was very solemn, and before I could ask what was going on, he added: "There is a person who claims to be the representative of Dr. Barnard, and insists on seeing Mr. Tao, and has important things to say to Mr. Tao, is it to wake up Mr. Tao, or to wait for tomorrow?" ”

I looked at Tao Qiquan, who was asleep, but frowning, and his expression was quite bitter, since Dr. Barnard had sent a representative, I think he must have greatly wanted to see this representative, because he had pinned all his hopes on this doctor who could perform a heart transplant for him. So, I nodded and said, "Okay, invite him in, and I'll wake him up." ”

The doctor shook his head, sighed, turned and walked outside, to the door, paused slightly, turned back, shook his head again, his lips moved, murmured something, at this time, I really couldn't bear it, since the initiation of Tao Qiquan's disease, this problem has existed in my heart for a long time. I made a gesture to the doctor, indicating that I had something to ask him, and then, walking over to him, came to his side, lowered my voice, and said, "Doctor, ask you a question." ”

The doctor's expression was a little sad, as if he already knew what question I was asking, he also lowered his voice and said, "Please ask." ”

I lowered my voice a little lower, perhaps because I didn't want to ask at all, or because I already knew the answer to this question.

I said, "Mr. Tao, is he completely hopeless?" ”

The doctor smiled bitterly and said, "This is a knowing question." ”

My breathing was a little short, my voice dried up, and I said, "Even Dr. Barnard's heart-changing surgery can't save him?" ”

The doctor made a gesture, and I don't know what he meant by it, but his helpless look indicated his mood. "Dr. Barnard is a brilliant surgeon, but in fact, since the first one, heart transplantation has not been the most complicated surgical procedure," he said. In our hospital, several doctors, can do it, the problem is the rejection phenomenon after the transplant, Mr. Tao he... It is impossible to live long, and even if you live, you are in extreme discomfort and pain. ”

I listened quietly and looked at Tao Qiquan again. Death is not a tragedy that no one can avoid. But death happened to someone like Tao Qiquan, which is undoubtedly a tragedy, and he wants to live like that, and he refuses to accept the fairest fact of death at all, and he refuses to accept that even a rich man like him is going to die. He also firmly believed that money could buy his life back.

This "belief" of his is bound to be disillusioned. When that came, he felt a thousand times more pain than death itself.

I let out another low sigh and made a helpless gesture, "There is no way, please invite Dr. Barnard's representative to come in." ”

The doctor shook his head and walked out, I came to the bed, first put my hand on Tao Qiquan's forehead, my hand touched, Tao Qiquan jumped steeply, he did not even open his eyes, he had already shouted in a hoarse voice: "I will not die, I will live." ”

I cleared my throat and said, "Someone is going to see you—"

He opened his eyes, and there was a look of extreme confusion in his eyes, and I continued, "Representative of Dr. Barnard." ”

As soon as he heard it, he let out an "ah" sound and said, "Well, it's finally here, where is it?" What about people? ”

I pressed the button next to the bed, so that the end of the bed was slightly raised, and said, "The doctor went and asked him to come in——""

At this point, I paused and said, "Actually, everyone will die." ”

Tao Qiquan looked angry and shocked, and said, "Of course I know, but before I die, I will live at least twenty years, thirty years, or more." ”

He was saying something that even he didn't believe, and it was so sad that I could have left him to lie to himself and continue to deceive himself until death came.

I'm a bit dead-eyed. Moreover, I think that it is a sad and funny thing for a person to lie to himself like this before he dies, and such a thing should not happen to such an outstanding and successful person as Tao Qiquan.

So, I almost didn't even stop, and said, "No, you won't live that long, you'll die if you're very sick, and death may come sooner than you think." ”

As soon as my words came out, Tao Qiquan was obviously provoked by me, and a strange red appeared on his pale face, and I was really afraid that he could not stand the stimulation and anger, and he cried out for his life. He threw his fists and tried to hit me. But even if he was angry and agitated, his fists were weak, and his pale face showed a strange red halo, it made people feel that this was a dying person.

I reached over, shook his waving fist, and said in a very sincere voice: "Listen, it is nothing for a person to die, I firmly believe that man has a soul, the soul is immortal, much more valuable than an aging body, you should not fantasize that your body can always be maintained immortal, you should think about the farther future." ”

Tao Qiquan looked even angrier, broke my hand with force, and said,, what a soul! ”

I wanted to explain it to him further, and he cried out in that hoarse voice again, "I want a body, my body gives me all the enjoyment, can you use your soul to chew the tender beef?" Can you use your soul to embrace your beloved woman? Can you use your soul to experience the comfort of attaching a good silk dress to your body? ”

I tried to interrupt him, but he spoke excitedly and quickly. Suddenly, he laughed continuously and said, "Wesley, I find it a pity that you don't become a missionary." ”

I smiled bitterly, and then I wanted to explain to him the relationship between religion and soul since human civilization, which was really a long story, so long that his limited life might not have enough time to listen, let alone understand the true meaning of it.

I was thinking about how to continue my conversation with him when the door swung open and the doctor walked in, followed by a rather tall, rather thin, bright-eyed Westerner with a tall, sharp nose.

That person, at first glance, is a very shrewd and capable man, and his actions show this. As soon as he came in, he didn't waste a second, and he went straight to the bedside and said, "Mr. Tao, my name is Roque, and I am Dr. Barnard's personal representative." ”

Tao Qiquan shrugged his eyes and said, "I didn't know that Dr. Barnard still had a personal representative." ”

The man, Luo Ke, treated Tao Qiquan like a child, reached out and patted him on the head, and said, "You have a lot of things you don't know, too much." ”

If Tao Qiquan had been treated in this way (although the possibility of this was very rare), he would have been furious. At this time, Tao Qiquan also shook his head, but he did not have a seizure, just snorted.

Luo Ke sat down, looked directly at Tao Qiquan, and said, "I have something to say to you about how to make your life continue." ”

Tao Qiquan shook a little, straightened up, and wanted to open his mouth, but Luo Ke immediately made a gesture to prevent him from having a chance to open his mouth, and said, "This is a matter between me and you." ”

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked over to me and the doctor.

From the moment Roark appeared, I didn't know why, and I didn't like him as a person at all. I was sure I had never seen Roark before, but strangely Enough, I seemed to have a certain impression of him. This vague impression came from his high, sharp nose.

When, somewhere, did I see a Westerner with such a tall, sharp nose?

I was thinking about this, so I didn't pay much attention to Roark's words, although I understood his intention to look at me as soon as he said that, but because I was meditating, my reaction was slightly slower than usual.

The so-called "slow response" is actually only a matter of a second, but Roark is actually impatient, he issued a sneer, "I thought my hint was obvious enough." ”

At that moment, the doctor looked very embarrassed, and quickly turned and walked toward the door, and I stood up.

Although I stood up, I had no intention of leaving, just looked at Tao Qiquan.

The reason I didn't want to leave was because Roark was a stranger at all. He claimed to be Dr. Barnard's "personal representative," but did not produce any proof at all. Letting such a stranger get along with Tao Qiquan alone is not an appropriate thing in any case.

Tao Qiquan was also shocked: "No matter what we discuss, Mr. Wei can be present, he is my best friend." ”

Roark said in an extremely mocking tone, "Good friend? How good is it? ”

Tao Qiquan didn't even think about it, and said, "It's good enough that he can point out to me bluntly that I won't live long." ”

Roark laughed as if he had heard some of the funniest jokes. He laughed wildly, and the laughter stopped suddenly. He pointed directly at Tao Qiquan and said, "Listen, the conversation between you and me, only you and I can participate in the ——。 ”

He threw his hands outwards and continued, "There is no third party to participate, no third party!" ”

Tao Qiquan was a little angry, "What if I insist that he be present?" ”

Roque said, "Then we won't talk about it anymore." Mr. Tao, what you need now is not a good friend, but someone who can keep you alive. ”

Tao Qiquan's face was very ugly, but he did not continue to be angry, and obviously gave in, he looked at me. Another gesture was made. I still had no intention of leaving, because I felt that the more luo ke insisted that he was alone with Tao Qiquan, the more suspicious he appeared.

Roark looked over at me and he laughed again. This guy, while laughing, said: "What is your purpose in not leaving here?" Protect him? ”

I snorted and didn't answer.

Luo Ke laughed even more, pointed at Tao Qiquan, and said, "Don't forget, he is a person who is dying, if I want to kill him, I don't have to do anything at all, as long as I go out, how long can he live?" ”

I took a deep breath and thought to myself, Roark was right.

Tao Qiquan was a dying man, even if there was something to harm him. There is nothing to harm. Luo Ke's biggest role is at most to deceive him of some money, Tao Qiquan's money is too much, even if people cheat a little, what is it? There was really no need for me to insist on staying in the ward with Tao Qiquan.

One thought about it. I laughed, shrugged, turned to the door, pulled it open, made a gesture of not caring, stepped out, and closed the door.

After I left the ward, Roque and Tao Qiquan said something, and naturally I didn't know.

At that time, I was at the door of the ward, waiting for about ten minutes or so, and did not wait for Roark to leave, I said a few words to the doctor, asked the doctor to tell Tao Qiquan that I went home, if he wanted to see me, he could call my house to find me, and then I left the hospital.

Tao Qiquan didn't call me, not that night, not the next day. I really remember him, because in one day, his life will be one less day, and his life is so limited.

The next evening, the phone rang, and I picked up the phone and heard the doctor's voice, "Mr. Wei, Dr. Barnard has arrived." ”

I let out an "Oh" and said, "What did he say?" ”

When I asked "what did he say?", I naturally meant that this wonderful surgeon had any opinion on Tao Qiquan's condition. But the doctor replied, "He said that he had no personal representative at all, and he never knew a man named Roque." ”

I stayed for a moment, that Roark, I already knew he was a little weird, not a good number of roads, I said busily: "Then Mr. Tao-"

The doctor said, "Mr. Tao has already left the hospital." ”

As soon as I heard him say this, I couldn't help but cry out, "What is the so-called long time away from the hospital?" I was with him yesterday. ”

The doctor explained urgently, "Yesterday, after you left, about half an hour later, Roque, the fake representative, came out and told me that Mr. Tao was going to be discharged immediately." I told him that it was impossible, in terms of Mr. Tao's condition, leaving the hospital was simply looking for death, but then I heard Mr. Tao's roar, he was going to be discharged. ”

At this point, the doctor paused for a moment and said, "You should know that when Mr. Tao decides to do something, there is no one who can stop him from moving." ”

My mind was confused. Tao Qiquan's condition was so serious, but when he and Roque talked for about forty minutes, he was immediately discharged from the hospital.

I couldn't figure out what it was for, but I had a vague sense that the situation was very serious.

I gasped involuntarily and said, "Where did he go after he was discharged from the hospital?" Changed to a hospital? ”

The doctor said, "I don't know, but Vice Chairman Yang personally drove him away." That Roark, always with him. ”

I stayed for a very short time, my heart could not help but grunt a few words, put down the phone, I was scolding the doctor damn, why Tao Qiquan was discharged, he did not tell me immediately, he was also scolding Tao Qiquan to die, if he treated me as a friend, he should also tell me.

After I put down the phone, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I couldn't help but reach out and pat it the table.

Just then, Bai Su passed by the door of my study, and she half turned around and said, "What's wrong?" ”

I said, "It's all king and bastard!" ”

Bai Su smiled for a moment and said, "What is called all the kings and bastards, you are also, and so am I." ”

I narrowed my eyes, not feeling funny at all, and said, "Tao Qiquan left the hospital, and no one told me." ”

Bai Su shook his head and said, "Ah, he's dead?" ”

I waved my hand and said, "No, who knows if he's dead or alive." ”

Bai Su walked in and looked at me with doubtful eyes, I tried to persuade him about the meeting with Tao Qiquan yesterday, and halfway through, Roque, who claimed to be Dr. Barnard's representative, came in, and so on, and told her again, Bai Su listened attentively.

When I was done, she said, "That's weird." ”

I snorted and said, "Actually, it is not strange, people who are dying will believe that there is some strange way to prolong their lives, and throughout the ages, not many people are willing to accept the fact that death will inevitably come." Who knows what Roark said to him, and perhaps, Roark said that the Witch cult in Haiti could cure his illness with the power of the evil gods. Ha ha. ”

Bai Su didn't find it funny, and said, "At least, we should know where he went after he left the hospital." ”

Giving Bai Su a reminder, I picked up the phone again and dialed his home number. Tao Qiquan's style is very big, there are also operators at home, when I said to find Tao Qiquan, the answer of the operator was: "Sorry, Mr. Tao is not at home." ”

I was a little annoyed and said, "What does it mean not to be at home?" He was a dying man, he must be home if he wasn't in the hospital, and he took the phone to his bedside, and I was Wesley, and I was going to talk to him. ”

The operator's voice was still extremely soft, so soft that I was a little ashamed to have lost my temper with her just now, and she said, "I'm so sorry." Mr. Wei, I can't do what you tell me to do, he's really not at home. ”

I said, "So, where is he?" ”

The operator said, "I don't know." There were many people who came to him and didn't know where he was. ”

I put down the phone, Bai Su said: "Call Vice Chairman Yang, he took Tao Qiquan out of the hospital, he must know." ”

I was trying to pick up the phone again, the phone rang, I answered immediately, but it was vice chairman Yang's voice, as soon as I heard that it was him, the fire went straight up, and said loudly: "Where is Tao Qiquan?" ”

Yang's voice seemed very urgent, and he said, "I only called you for his whereabouts, please wait for me at home." I'll come right away. ”

I stayed for a while, not knowing what kind of mystery he was making, and after he finished speaking, he immediately put down the phone, and I looked at Bai Su again, and Bai Su said, "Then I have to wait until he comes." ”

In fact, chairman Yang was already gasping for breath in less than ten minutes, running up the stairs and entering my study, but these ten minutes made me anxious and made all kinds of assumptions.

As soon as I saw him, I almost pounced on him, waved my hand, and said, "Where has he gone?" ”

Yang Hurriedly shook his hand and said, "I don't know." ”

I shouted, "Nonsense, you picked him up and discharged him, how come you don't know." ”

Yang almost cried out, and it was quite funny that a vice chairman of a bank suddenly had such a look of hatred. He said, "I drove him out of the hospital, but I don't know where he is." When Yang received a phone call from Tao Qiquan personally, asking him to immediately drive to the hospital to pick him up and discharge him, his heart was full of doubts.

Tao Qiquan's situation was extremely unfortunate, and several people close to Tao Qiquan all knew it. For several days, they had been worried about how long Tao Qiquan's life would last. Because Tao Qiquan always stubbornly believed that he could still live and live for a long time, he refused to make any arrangements for the group business and property he controlled.

Since Tao Qiquan was so stubborn, the rest of the people, of course, did not dare to say anything, but had to be secretly anxious in their hearts, and calculated what kind of changes would happen to their position in this group once Tao Qiquan died. Especially people of such a position as Vice Chairman Yang are more worried. Because he knew that Tao Qiquan's two sons and a daughter were all sons and sons who had been arrogant and indulgent since childhood, if Tao Qiquan did not have a real account before he died, then the inheritance of the entire consortium was naturally the children of Tao Qiquan. However, these three successors, even when Tao Qiquan was so ill, one in the Atlantic Ocean with blonde beauty water skiing, one in Paris to buy fashion, and one, in Monte Carlo's casino for more than a month, Yang Vice Dong Heng has remitted to him more than two million dollars in cash.

When Vice Chairman Yang drove into the hospital, he wondered: Is Tao Qiquan going to start using his limited few days to make a final explanation? He even thought that Tao Qiquan actually did not have to be discharged from the hospital, as long as he called the closest people and then called the lawyers, he could tell what to do in the hospital bed, and no one would go against his will.

When Vice Chairman Yang saw Tao Qiquan with a tall and thin Westerner, he first froze, and then he knew that he was wrong.

When Tao Qiquan was about to be discharged from the hospital, several doctors were still trying their best to oppose it, but Tao Qiquan did not listen, and his face showed a strange excitement, and he immediately got into the back seat of the car.

Vice Chairman Yang drove a large car, and there was a sound insulation glass interval between the front and rear seats of the car. Tao Qiquan got into the back seat, and the foreigner was honest and unpretentious, and also entered the back seat and sat next to Tao Qiquan, so Yang had to be the vice chairman of the board of directors and quan as a driver.

This does not make Vice Chairman Yang angry, anyway, the vice chairman or the general manager, in front of Tao Qiquan, all are small guys, no big people. What made Yang angry, or rather, sad for him, was that as soon as Tao Qiquan got into the car, he immediately pressed a button to separate the glass between the front and back seats. By this time, Yang could not hear not only what he and the tall and thin Westerners were talking about, but also what they were saying.

All Yang heard was Tao Qiquan's command, "Sail to the Prince's Wharf, be careful with your car, I don't want to die yet." ”

Yang could be sure that Tao Qiquan's voice seemed very pleasant. This pleasant tone of voice was matched by the look of excitement on his face. Vice Chairman Yang remembered that Tao Qiquan seemed to have never been so happy. Only once, a few years ago, when Tao Qiquan beat a European consortium to the near-bankruptcy after fierce competition, and increased his property by more than ten billion US dollars, did he have a slight look.

Vice Chairman Yang didn't know what was going on, he just drove the car to the dock, which was about thirty minutes away.

Princes' Pier is a marina dedicated to the landing of yachts. It wasn't a holiday, the weather was bad, and it seemed quite cold.

Chairman Yang only stopped the car, he saw the back seat door open, Tao Qiquan and the tall and thin Westerner, got out of the car together, Tao Qiquan beckoned to him, Yang Lian also got out of the car.

Tao Qiquan handed him a cassette tape and said, "You will give this tape to Wesley and go immediately—no, wait until tomorrow, tomorrow evening, and then hand it to him, not too early." ”

Yang took the tape, very anxious, and said, "Mr. Tao, where are you going?" ”

Tao Qiquan said, "I'm going to leave for a few days, about a month, and I'll keep in touch with you." All the business, you can be the master, first for me to be the master, can not be the lord, wait for me to come back. ”

Deputy Director Yang Dongting was aware of Tao Qiquan's condition, and after listening to it, he stayed for a while and lost his voice: "Leave for a month?" ”

Tao Qiquan patted Bai Yang's shoulder and said, "Yes, at most a month, maybe not so long." ”

Vice Chairman Yang felt that at this moment, he did not know how much work was left to say, but the Westerners - of course, Luo Ke - had called a very beautiful yacht, and the yacht was moored on the edge of the dock, Tao Qiquan did not even need to be helped, he got on the yacht himself, and Luo Ke also followed.

Vice Chairman Yang also wanted to get on the boat, and Tao Qiquan said, "You go back and do as I tell you." ”

Vice Chairman Yang at this time. His heart was in a state of confusion, Tao Qiquan's command had no legal effect at all, no one could testify for him, if Tao Qiquan never returned, then——

In Yang's disordered thoughts, the yacht with a very beautiful appearance had already sailed out.

Yang had no choice but to drive back and wait until this evening to contact me.

He said, "So, where Mr. Tao went, I really don't know." ”

Before I could finish listening to General Yang's speech, I cried out and asked, "What about the tape?" ”

Yang Lishi took out the recording tape, looked at me with an anxious look, and said: "Can the recorded will be legally valid?" ”

I said, "Fuck the will!" That's what he's going to say to me! ”

I found the tape recorder, put it in the tape, pressed the button, and immediately heard Tao Qiquan's voice.

Just as Yang said, Tao Qiquan's voice sounded very pleasant. A dying man, no matter how pretentious, cannot pretend to be such a pleasant voice.

The following is what Tao Qiquan said in the tape:

"I'm so sorry, Wesley. I can't let you know what's going on, at least not for the time being. However, after you believe in me one hundred percent, what happens to me will only be beneficial to me, and it will never be harmful, you must believe this, do not think wildly, I know that you are the most likely to think wildly. So, you don't have to act smartly, if you do that, it will only harm me, absolutely can't help me, we are good friends, you can say that you are my only friend. If I really die soon, the words you said to me in the hospital would have been very helpful, but now that the situation is different, I can definitely be saved, and the good news you are waiting for me is, don't do anything for me, don't do anything. ”

On the tape, Tao Qiquan's words, these are all.

The names he used, such as "self-made cleverness, wild thinking", etc., were somewhat harmful to my self-esteem, but there was no doubt that it was Tao Qiquan's own words.

I replayed it again, bent on hearing something in it, because according to Vice Chairman Yang, Roque was in the back seat of the car with him, and it was very likely that he had made this recording under the compulsion of the co-ordination.

(Remembering Tao Qiquan's comment of "making himself smart", he was a bit crying and laughing)

After listening to it again, bai su looked at Yang and asked, "Before he got on the ship, he said he was going to leave for a month?" ”

Yang busily said, "Yes—"

Bai Su interrupted him and asked, "He also said that he would contact you as soon as possible?" ”

Yang added, "Yes, I don't understand what he means when he says that." ”

Bai Su looked at me, and I frowned, "In this situation, he looks like he is going to be treated, ahem, that Roark, who is he?" Is it a healer? ”

Bai Su stayed for a moment before he said, "Luo Ke is a very mysterious figure, he must have used extremely beautiful work to impress Tao Qiquan's heart——"

I interjected, "It's so easy to touch the heart of a dying man, just tell him there's a way to keep him alive." ”

Bai Su disagreed and said, "That is not tolerated, Tao Qiquan is an extremely shrewd person." ”

I sneered, "Isn't Qin Shi Huang shrewd?" He didn't believe that people could live forever! ”

Bai Su sighed and said, "What did Roque say to him?" What did Roque say to him? ”

Bai Su seemed to be asking herself, she had no answer, I naturally did not have an answer, Bai Su asked a few times before saying: "Mr. Yang asked you to arrange for us to meet with Dr. Barnard once." ”

Vice Chairman Yang nodded and agreed.

The meeting with Dr. Barnard passed by and was quite enjoyable.

Dr. Barnard arrived, but Tao Qiquan did not show up, and Dr. Barnard could not help but be a little grumpy. But Vice Chairman Yang still fulfilled all his promises, and Dr. Barnard could get a generous reward without having to do anything to the extent that he was naturally grumpy because of his unexpected rewards, and he was minimized.

The content of the conversation, of course, revolves around human health and heart disease. I was intent on meeting Dr. Barnard, so, halfway through the conversation, I asked my question.

Before asking questions, I asked a few questions about heart transplants. Yuko had read a lot of reference books beforehand, so the questions raised were quite pertinent, and seemed to be a bit like those raised by the insiders, and Dr. Barnard answered them in detail.

When the problem reached the phenomenon of rejection after heart transplantation, Dr. Barnard sighed and said, "This is the most difficult part to solve, the human body has the function of naturally rejecting foreign transplants." This feature. Originally, it played a protective role, but now it has become the biggest obstacle to various transplant procedures. ”

I asked, "Is there any way to remedy this exclusion?" ”

Dr. Barnard spread his hands and said, "At least, my colleagues and I have exhausted our methods, and the exclusion phenomenon is very complicated, even if it is an organ transplant of a close blood relative, sometimes there has been a serious rejection phenomenon." ”

I smiled and said, "If you are twins of the same egg, can they do organ transplantation to each other?" ”

Dr. Barnard also laughed and said, "Theoretically, it should be possible, but I have not done any experiments, and there are no twins, so I am willing to swap my hearts for each other to try it." ”

The people who listened to Dr. Barnard's words all laughed together.

Amid the laughter, Dr. Barnard added, "Moreover, the so-called theoretical possibility is only a crude theory." The structure and composition of the human body are really subtle, and there are many factors that are still unknown to this day. For example, the same egg is of course the closest example of all the structures of two people. But the closest thing is not exactly the same. They come from the same egg to develop, but must be two different sperm to facilitate development. Sperm from the same human body, each with its own unique genetic characteristics, is never the same, which is why the personalities of siblings can be completely different. Therefore, even if the same egg is born, it is impossible to be sure whether it is possible to completely avoid rejection in organ transplantation. ”

I listened attentively to his words, and then I asked, "So, according to you, is it not true that the transplantation of a vital organ must not save the life of a person whose organ has been seriously injured?" ”

Dr. Barnard took a breath and said, "That's not what I meant, or rather, it's God's meaning." ”

I smiled bitterly, asked a specific question, and said: "You have seen Mr. Tao's medical records, may I ask, if he undergoes a heart transplant, how long can he survive under the best circumstances?" ”

Dr. Barnard said, "Nobody knows. ”

I said, "Please make a rough estimate." ”

Dr. Barnard frowned, perhaps because my question was unreasonable and made it difficult for him to answer, and he hesitated to speak, and after a while he said, "I still can't answer your question, but so far, the best person in the situation has lived for two more years." ”

I took a deep breath, remembering Tao Qiquan's mysterious whereabouts, and what he said in the tape he left me, I made a gesture, "Is it certain that there is no better heart transplant specialist in the world except you?" ”

Dr. Barnard waved his hand vigorously, and his expression was quite serious, "You can't say that a heart transplant is not a great surgical procedure." Hospitals with good equipment, surgeons, can be performed, and there are examples of successful transplants all over the world. ”

I said, "Of course, the difficulties they encountered are the same?" ”

Dr. Barnard said, "Of course it is. ”

My original assumption was that Tao Qiquan might have found a better doctor, so he didn't want Dr. Barnard to operate on him and quietly left. But now it seems that this hypothesis obviously cannot be established. I had to continue

Therefore, I asked again: "Judging from Mr. Tao's condition, is there any other way to heal?" ”

Dr. Barnard did not speak, just shook his head, and after a while, he said: "Miracles, sometimes also happen, but scientists are more realistic, preferring not to wait for miracles to happen, but to wait for time, to do something real." Something that is more certain. ”

I was ridiculed by him, but of course I didn't think so, and I wanted to get a positive answer, and asked: "There is absolutely no hope for a condition like Mr. Tao's?" ”

Dr. Barnard looked at me for half a moment before he said, "I've said that sometimes, or there will be miracles." ”

After he said this, he looked around and said, "Where is he?" Why not show up? Is there no courage to face the bad luck he wants to accept? ”

I mentioned where Tao Qiquan was. Vice Chairman Yang rushed over to fork the topic. We talked about something else, met with Dr. Barnard, and that was it.

On the way home, Bai Su and I remained silent at first, and later. I couldn't help but say, "If we recognize Dr. Barnard's status as an expert, then Tao Qiquan is dead." ”

Bai Su sighed and said, "People always have to die." ”

I was a little dissatisfied with Bai Su at such a time, still saying such insignificant words, so even the voice of the speech became thicker. I said, "But his husband is missing, and the man who claims to be Dr. Barnard's personal representative is really messing with the ghost?" ”

Bai Su frowned, "What's wrong with you?" No matter what ghost that person was messing with, Tao Qiquan would never live long. ”

I said" Aha, "Miss Bai, that's a big difference." Tao Qiquan is an extremely important figure, he has mastered countless wealth, and his every move can affect the lives of many people, and even affect the international situation. ”

Bai Su said, "So what, he must die anyway." ”

I took a breath and said, "Why didn't you think that if someone used a job that he was willing to believe in to deceive him into thinking that he could still live, and if he was asked to agree to certain conditions, he would definitely agree." ”

Bai Su's expression was even more impatient, "So what?" ”

I learned her tone and said, "So what?" That means a lot of money transferred, it means economic chaos, it means many, many changes, it means—"

I also wanted to say it, But Bai Su waved his hand, interrupted my head, and said, "Speaking and going, it is nothing more than money!" You should know that the most precious thing about a man is his life, and even the most miserly scrooge will be willing to exchange all his money for his life at the last moment. ”

I snorted and said, "If you can really use money to buy your life, then the problem is simpler." ”

Bai Su said, "I understand what you mean, are you saying that Tao Qiquan may have been deceived and deceived?" ”

I nodded, and Bai Su laughed and said, "I still say that, so what?" Suppose the other party, with the temptation that can save Tao Qiquan's life, cheats Tao Qiquan of a lot of money, and Tao Qiquan believes it, so what? What's so bad about making him happy before he dies? ”

I wanted to refute Bai Su's words, but for a moment, I couldn't think of anything to say, so I had to say, "That, too, is a scam." ”

Bai Su said, "Listening to the voice in Tao Qiquan's tape, how sure and happy it seems, even if it is a scam, you don't have to expose it, let him enjoy a little happiness in the last moment." ”

I had nothing to say, and though I still felt that the whole thing was very wrong, I still had nothing to say. I can't even say exactly what's wrong with him, but in terms of feeling, I always feel that there is mostly unreasonable and questionable part of the course of things.

I didn't say anything more, and there was nothing to do, except wait for Tao Qiquan to take the initiative to contact us.

Of course, I didn't do nothing, I went to investigate, to investigate where Tao Qiquan and the person who claimed to be the representative, boarded the yacht, and where they were going.

As a result of the investigation, on the voyage southward, several ships, having seen such a yacht, sailed south at a fairly high speed. The people who saw it unanimously expressed their surprise at the speed of this yacht, which showed that it was a yacht with excellent performance.

As for where the yacht was headed, no one knew. That is to say, where Tao Qiquan went, no one knew except himself and the representative.

Bai Su looked at me for the past two days, and her mind was uncertain, but she came to persuade me, saying, "Aren't you ready to investigate the cause of Chu Lun's death?" He's a good friend of yours and should do something for him. ”

I smiled bitterly and said, "I am waiting for Tao Qiquan's message." ”

Bai Su said, "As soon as he has news, I promise to use the fastest method to let you know immediately." ”

I let out an "Oh" and waited, of course not the way, and I had to accept Bai Su's proposal. Because in any case, a brilliant person like Chu Lun, who is not clear, has been killed, buried in the jungle, as his best friend before his death, he should always go to inquire about it, so I put aside the matter of Tao Qiquan for the time being, and asked Bai Su to tell me as soon as he had news of him, and then set off for Switzerland.

When I arrived in the town of Lerman, it was dusk. Driving in a rented car, facing the sunset, the roadside scenery is picturesque and pleasing to the eye. The town of Lehmann is idyllic and quiet, and is a typical European town. There is only one hotel in total in the town, and I thought that in such a small town, hotel rooms would never be a problem, so I didn't think about booking a room at all.

Who knows, when I got out of the car with my simple luggage, walked into the already quite old building, and faced the middle-aged, half-bald, and thick-looking owner of the shop, indicating that he wanted a more comfortable room, the shopkeeper said to me with a very apologetic look and tone: "I'm really sorry, sir." All the rooms, all rented out. ”

For a moment, I could hardly believe my ears and just stared at him, and when he repeated it, I let out an "ah" sound and said, "Is there another hotel?" ”

The owner said, "I'm sorry, there is only one hotel in town." ”

I said, "It seems impossible, this is not a tourist mecca, it seems that your shop has at least twenty rooms." ”

The owner said, "There are twenty-eight in all." ”

I asked again, "Full?" ”

The owner said, "Yes, I'm sorry, it's full, it's never been the case before." You know, sir, I reject you in the same sad mood as I refuse an old friend to come to the accommodation. ”

I believe that he really can't have a room for me, which makes me hesitate, where should I go to stay? Maybe you can spend the night in a car? The owner of the shop saw that I was very embarrassed, and he explained to me the reason why the hotel was full, saying: "I don't know which country in Asia, a general has come to recuperate in a nearby hospital." Now the guests in our shop are all the general's subordinates. ”

I let out an "ah" and said, "General Zilo! ”

The owner of the shop said, "Yes, yes." ”

General Zilo was in a sanatorium near the town of Leman, and I had seen this news in the newspaper, and I did not expect the general to come to treat the disease, and there was such a big pomp and circumstance, and I was considering whether I could ask the owner of the shop to move a little place for me to live, and when I saw three Asians coming out of the store. As soon as the three men saw me, they looked up and down at me with hostile eyes.

These three people, as soon as I looked at them, I knew that they must be General Zilo's security guards, and I casually looked at them, turned my face, and said to the owner, "Whatever room it is, even if it is a utility room, I just want to -- "

Before I could finish speaking, I felt that the three men had come behind me, and that they had come too close, too close to be as close as strangers should be.

I stopped talking, a pair of hands were already on my shoulders, and at the same time, a very heavy voice said, "Go quickly, all the rooms in this hotel, we have all the rooms." ”

I was very annoyed, but I still maintained my composure and said coldly, "Please take your hand away, and I suggest you cut your nails, it's too dirty." ”

My words were very calm, but the man behind me was obviously provoked by me, and his hand on my shoulder tightened sharply, and it became a grasp on my shoulder, and his two companions shouted in a hurry, in the language of their country, telling the man not to cause trouble.

But his companion's warning came too late, and just as the man's fingers tightened and grabbed the Lord's shoulder, my left arm shrank steeply backwards, and my elbow was already pounding heavily on the man's ribs.

I didn't want to get into trouble, otherwise, my bump would at least break two or three of his ribs. The man let out a roar, and I had already turned around and saw the man's hand on his chest, shocked and angry, and his two companions supported him with a look of anger.

I pointed at them and said, "Want to fight? Or is it here to obey the law? "I also use the language of their country.

The three men must have thought I was from their country, and one said fiercely, "If you want to go back." As soon as you get off the plane, you're —"

Before I could finish speaking, I interrupted him and said, "You are welcome to wait for me at the airport." ”

Then, I tilted my head sideways and looked at them with disdain, "Looking at your situation, it seems that it is difficult to protect Zilo's safety." ”

The three men were blue in the face, I put my duffel bag on my back, and walked over to them, the three of them hurriedly retreated, I came to the door of the hotel, turned my head again, and said loudly: "Don't forget to cut your nails." ”

The man who had been elbowed by me tried to chase him out, but was pulled by two of his companions.

I went out of the hotel, this kind of skirmish, I will not pay attention to it, but it is not always a pleasant thing to find a hotel. I got in the car and drove slowly. Asking for the location of the local police station, he turned two street corners to the police station, shouted for at least a minute before a young police officer came out from behind in a panic.

The policeman saw me, shook his head, and said, "What's the matter, sir?" ”

I said, "I'm a friend of Chu lun's." Chu Lun is the name of the deceased whose body was found in the forest not long ago. ”

The policeman let out an "Oh" and said, "Yes, yes!" He still had a puzzled look on his face and said, "You came to... For what? ”

I patiently said, "Chu Lun died of a suspicious cause, was he murdered?" Have you investigated? ”

The male police officer stood up and said, "Of course there is, he may have been murdered." However, that was more than five years ago, and there were no clues at all, and it was impossible to begin the investigation. ”

The young officer was certainly not an experienced man, but I believed that even the most experienced detective could not investigate a headless case five years earlier. Moreover, the deceased was a person from out of town, and it seems that the local police did not attach particular importance to this case.

I scratched my head and said, "I want to find out the cause of his death, can I show me the information," and the information related to this case." ”

The young policeman agreed and said, "Yes." ”

As he spoke, he opened a file cabinet drawer and looked for it. I found a folder, handed it to me, and motioned for me to sit down at a desk.

Open the folder, and the relevant information is also pitiful. Apart from a copy of what the man who found the skeleton said about the process, there was only a brief picture of the forest. Paint the correct place where the skeleton was found. There was also a police document with my name on it, which recorded that the deceased had a relic handed over. Naturally, it was miss Haven who brought me the pictures.

Then there is a forensic report stating the cause of the deceased's death and the time of death.

The time of death is of course an estimate, about five years ago. I read the material several times, rolled up the forest map, put it in my pocket, and the police officer did not protest.

When I left the police station, my face was completely black. If there is a place to stay, of course I will rest first and start work tomorrow. But now that I was going to spend the night in the car anyway, I wanted to go to the forest first, but when I drove out of town, I changed my mind.

The forest is nothing more than where Chu Lun's body was found. After Chu Lun was killed, he buried his body in this location there, which had little to do with the whole case.

The biggest thing that mattered, of course, was the location of the murder, and now there was no clue at all, and secondly, it was the little lake where Chu Lun and Haven were dating. Chu Lun encountered a strange thing there, and he also took a lot of pictures of him, as if he were going to seek the answer, and in the process of pursuing, it was much more important to go to the small lake than to go to the forest.

So I turned to the little lake, and on the way I naturally thought of General Zilo.

More than five years ago, Chu Lun claimed to have seen General Zilo and asked a man to call me to bring it up. He took quite a few more photographs to prove it.

In Haven's account, General Zilo appears to have been dragged by a small lake into a car that is used on the golf course.

Following this clue, you should be able to have a clue.

Half an hour later, the car passed a building with a fairly high wall, so large that it appeared to be more than a hectare, and I knew that it was the sanatorium.

It's a little strange that the hospital needs to have such a high wall, maybe this is a nursing home for dignitaries and nobles, so there is such a device? I didn't care at the time, and I continued to drive forward, and when I got to the road of the lake, I parked the car on the side of the road and walked toward the lake.

The moonlight was quite good that night, and the lake was sparkling with moonlight. The lake was so quiet that there was no one there. By the lake, there is soft grass.

Seeing such a beautiful meadow, I walked on the grass for a while, presumably came to the place where Chu Lun and Haven were dating that day, and sat down on the grass.

I sat first facing the lake, and then, half-turning, toward the direction of the highway.

I was quickly thinking that the kind of car used on the court, since it could not drive too far, now as far as the eye could see, there were several forks in the road, but when I drove in, except for the nursing home. There doesn't seem to be any other building there.

So, is this kind of car used in a nursing home?

If so, then Cullen's death has a lot to do with this sanatorium.

The patients in this nursing home, known to include General Zilo, Xin Yanshi, etc., will a hospital with such a noble status of patient be involved in the murder?

I imagined what happened to Chu Lun that day, he saw General Zilo, and judging from the pictures he took, the person who was cool in the photo of General Chilo was forced into the car by three other people. A general who is in the limelight, even if he becomes a patient, should not be treated so rudely.

Of course, there is some secret that is not known, and Chu Lun may have provoked the disaster of killing himself while tracking down this secret.

What exactly is the secret? Not only do I not know, but I cannot even conceive of the nature of the secret.

At the lake, I sat for about half an hour, thinking about it, and it was very quiet around me, until I stroked my face hard and relaxed my mind a little, and then I heard the sound of the scream.

Yuko Tsuyoshi was concentrating on thinking, so I couldn't know how long the sound had been going on, but as soon as I heard it, I immediately followed it.

The sound came from a bush about twenty meters away from where I was sitting. At first, I thought it was the sound of a small animal moving in the bushes, but I immediately saw a moving black shadow under the moonlight, next to the shadow of the bush. The black shadow was to be carefully identified, and it could be seen that it was a crouching person.

Found the lake besides me. And the others, I couldn't help but pause, judging from the movements of the black shadow, for a moment, I couldn't be sure what this crouching man was doing, and I slowly stood up and walked toward the bush. I didn't mean to relax my steps, people walking on soft grass would not have made any sound.

The crouching man hadn't spotted me until I could already see him, and he still hadn't noticed.

I saw the man, crouching on the ground, very vigorously digging up the dirt next to the roots of the tree and piling up the loose mud. I stood behind him for half a minute, and he kept doing the same thing, and I had no way of knowing what his purpose was.

Since I was behind his back. So I couldn't see his face. And he kept his head down, digging intently, as if digging up the dirt loose and piling it up was a very interesting thing. After watching it for ten minutes, I couldn't help it, first I coughed softly, and then I said, "Friend, what are you doing?" ”

As soon as I made a sound, the man turned his head sharply and stared at me, motionless, like a frightened little animal. I was even more surprised, so I took two steps back and made a friendly gesture to him.

The man stood up rather slowly as I stepped back. It was only then that I could see that his figure, rather tall and burly, looked like an Asian, with a fairly dark complexion and dark eyes, and that his appearance was very imposing, but his expression was extremely childish.

The man was dressed in a white cloth robe that looked ridiculous, so that a good man looked like a clown and not a clown, and there was an unspeakable funny taste.

When he stood up completely straight, looking at his expression, it seemed that he wanted to laugh, but he didn't know what to do, and the whole look was very nervous, a little confused.

I had to make another gesture to him and say, "Hello." ”

The man's mouth opened a little, but no sound came out, and in an instant, he suddenly showed a look of extreme fear, and he kept retreating.

He retreated so much that all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he tripped over something, turned his back to the bushes, and fell on his back. As soon as I saw this, I jumped over to help him. My reaction was so fast that as soon as he fell, I had jumped forward and reached out and grabbed his arm.

Who knew that my kind support, but in exchange for the unexpected consequences, I grabbed his arm, he suddenly made a strange cry, that strange cry, it sounded very frightening, I still did not understand why he was screaming strangely, the back of his hand hurt sharply, for a moment, I could not believe my eyes: this tall man, actually bowed his head, with his mouth, biting the back of my hand.

When the back of your hand is bitten, the only way to deal with it is, of course, to immediately pinch the biter's cheek and make his mouth open. That's what I did, and when the man's mouth was opened by me, I punched him his jaw. With this punch, the man made a strange cry again and fell into the bushes.

I slammed my hand, the tooth marks on the back of my hand were so deep that I almost bled from biting. I was angry and confused, and I was about to shout at the man when two bright lights shot out.

I immediately saw a car, speeding forward, the speed of the car was quite fast, all at once it came to the near front, jumped from the car and two people came, straight into the bushes.

The two men moved very quickly, and as soon as they threw themselves into the bushes, they immediately grabbed the man, who made a terrible cry and struggled, but they were dragged out by the two men and pulled towards the car. At this time, I also saw that the car was the kind of light car that had appeared in Chu Lun's photo.

Naturally, the two men saw me, and they glanced at me and exchanged glances with each other. I saw that they had pulled the man into the car, and one of the two had jumped into the driver's seat, and I was busy shouting, "Hey, wait, who is this person?" ”

The driver said in a gruff voice, "Who do you think he will be?" ”

I raised my hand and said, "He bit me." ”

The man snorted, no longer pay attention to me, the car has driven forward, I immediately followed behind, the car went very fast, I chased halfway, I stopped chasing the car, but ran to my own car, when I got into the car, after starting the car, you can still see the lights of the car, I drove the car, at a very high speed, chased up.

The car, approaching the nursing home, drove through the self-opening iron gate. When my car was tracked, the iron door had automatically closed, if I had not stopped quickly, I almost crashed into it, fortunately, my driving skills were not bad, but the sound of emergency braking also cut through the silent night, which sounded very harsh.

I didn't get out of the car first, but I fixed my mind in the car, and everything happened so suddenly that it was almost impossible to adapt. I can only be sure that this hospital with its unreasonably high brick walls must be extremely eccentric.

I took a breath, got out of the car, came to the iron gate, and looked inward. The hospital building was about three hundred meters away from the iron gate. The hospital building occupies a small area, and there is a large open space within the walls. The open space is actually a very beautifully arranged and furnished garden, and the whole garden is purely European. A hundred meters away from the iron gate, there was a circle of roses, surrounding a large spray of water, and in the center of the fountain was a very beautiful stone statue.

There were not many lights in the building, and the garden was immersed in darkness, which seemed very quiet, and it did not look like anything had happened. I looked at it a little and reached for the ringer.

As soon as I rang the bell, I heard a loudspeaker next to the doorbell, and a very low-pitched voice came out, "What person?" What's up? ”

I took a breath, this question, not easy to answer, I adopted the most cautious attitude, said: "I am a lost traveler, just found something difficult to explain, want to talk to your supervisor." ”

As I spoke, I looked at the iron door and bolt, and immediately found a television camera tube facing me, and I knew that the person who was talking to me could see me on a fluorescent screen.

I thought that I said so vaguely, the other party at the beginning, the tone was not very friendly, my request, will be rejected, who knows the other party only stopped for a very short time, said: "Please come in." ”

He promised to be so cheerful that it made me stay, but I had no time to think about it further, because the iron door had opened automatically, and I thanked him, walked into the iron door, and the door immediately closed behind me.

In my imagination, since this hospital is weird, I will have a very sinister feeling when I walk in. But in fact, there is no such feeling at all, under the moonlight, the deliberately arranged garden looks very beautiful everywhere.

As I walked past the fountain, I saw the hospital gate open and a man in a white robe walking toward me. When we met, the man held out his hand and said, "Are you the general's bodyguard?" ”

I froze and asked, "General Zilo?" No, the only relationship I have with him is probably that we're all Asian. ”

The man laughed and said, "Then I made a mistake and shouldn't have let you in." At this point, he lowered his voice again, showing a very funny look.

The man said: "General Zilo asked us to take the strictest security measures, and the patients in our hospital were all prominent and big people, but there was never one more nervous than him." ”

This man, about fifty years old, with a rosy face, half-bald hair, and a kind look, this kind of person, the first impression of people, is always very good.

I shook his hand, and he shook my hand vigorously and said, "You said you just encountered something inexplicable?" What is that? Saw a UFO landing on the roof of a hospital? ”

He said, and he laughed again, and I had to laugh with him and said, "No." ”

He asked, "So—"

I told him what I had seen by the lake, and the man listened, shook his head, and said, "Yes, one of our patients, without the doctor's permission, left the hospital. ”

I said, "A patient? ”

The man said, "Yes—oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Dr. Durian, Zizhigli Durian." ”

He seemed to wish I knew who he was as soon as I heard his name, but my familiarity with the people in the medical profession had not yet reached this point, so I had to say calmly: "Doctor." ”

Dr. Du Liang's expression was somewhat disappointed, and he continued, "Patient! This patient, you somewhat think he is a little strange, don't you? He suffered from an intermittent form of dementia. This kind of disease is very rare, when the attack occurs, the patient is like an idiot, and it takes a long period of treatment to have the hope of recovery. ”

Dr. Du Liang was already walking towards the hospital building when he was speaking, and I followed him. When he had finished speaking, he had come to the door, and he made a gesture to me to invite me in.

Looking at his expression, it didn't look like he was particularly defensive about me. And his explanation sounds very reasonable, and I should be satisfied. If it weren't for Chulen's death, which was presented first, I might have retreated.

I was at the door, and after a slight hesitation, Du Liang raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you go in and sit down?" ”

I said, "Don't bother with your work?" ”

Du Liang spread his hands and said, "On the night shift, the most I hope for is that suddenly someone will come and talk to you, are you?" ”

I told him my name, falsely declared a profession, and said I was a pure tourist. Du Liang shook his head and said, "Don't lie, how come tourists came here?" I see you as a journalist who works too hard and wants to cover a little special news. ”

I had to pretend to be recognized by him and smiled awkwardly. Du Liang smiled triumphantly. We walked into the gate of the building, and inside the door was a fairly spacious lobby with a column of counters on one side, and there was a night watchman who was reading a novel.

The reason why I took pains to describe the situation inside the hospital was because this hospital, although I thought it was weird, but from the outside, it was really normal, and it was no different from other hospitals.

Du Liang took me, turned a corner, and entered a room like a lounge, he first invited me to sit down, and then poured me a cup of coffee from the electric coffee pot, and said: "I can only tell you that General Zilo is in very good health, and he can be discharged from the hospital in the shortest possible time and return to China to resume government affairs." ”

I am not really a journalist who came to cover General Zilo's illness. I followed him for another purpose. One of my purposes was to see what was going on inside the hospital, but now I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. My second purpose was to ask Du Liang something I wanted to know.

The first thing I thought of was what Happened to Chu Lun at the lake many years ago, so as soon as I heard him say this, I immediately leaned closer, showed a mysterious look, lowered my voice, and said, "General Zilo came to seek medical treatment in public this time, five years earlier, did he come secretly to seek medical treatment?" ”

Du Liang froze for a moment and said, "There is no such thing." ”

I pointed at him and said, "How long have you been here?" If it's been more than five years, you must know, please don't lie to me. ”

Du Liang said: "I have been serving in this hospital for more than ten years. ”

I made a big laugh and said, "That's even more proof that you're lying, I have a friend who, five years ago, on a lake not far from here, saw General Zilo and took a picture." ”

Du Liang frowned, stared at me, and looked at his expression as if he had heard something extremely incredible, but after a while, he suddenly realized that he had laughed, slapped his own thigh hard, and said, "By the way, at that time, the general was not a particularly prominent figure, so I can't remember him, he seems to have come." ”

From the moment he appeared, Du Liang's impression on me was not bad, he loved to laugh, his attitude was very sincere, and he took the initiative to invite me into the hospital building. There was really no suspicious sign at all.

But these two sentences made me suspicious.

As a doctor, if there is a patient who came a few years ago and is now coming again, is being treated. There was no way he could have forgotten such a person because the patient was not in a very prominent position the last time he came to seek medical treatment.

Du Liang's words clearly indicate that he is lying.

Why is he lying? Is it an attempt to hide something? I thought quickly, but still did not expose him, but casually echoed a few words, said: "My friend, just a short time after he saw Zilo, was murdered, what do you think?" ”

Du Liang's answer was very appropriate, and he said, "What opinion can I have?" ”

I stared at him and said, "I think he was killed because he discovered a great secret." ”

Du Liang sighed and said, "Yes, it is a bad habit to listen to other people's secrets-" He said this, reached out and pointed at me, and said: "It is harmful to health." ”

I smiled awkwardly and looked around, and Du Liang said, "Don't you think there are any secrets in our hospital?" ”

I deliberately said, "That's hard to say." ”

Du Liang smiled again, approached me, and said, "As far as I know, in the basement, vampire zombies, Frankenstein, and ghost doctors are being created, so you really have to be careful." ”

I said, "Funny, funny. ”

I stood, stood up, stretched out, and said, "I'm sorry. I gotta go. ”

Du Liang seemed to be very sorry, made a helpless gesture, and also stood up, he had been accompanying me, walked out of the big iron door of the hospital, and watched me get into the car.

If it weren't for the fact that General Luo's words aroused my suspicions many years ago, I might have left and investigated the cause of Cullen's death. But at this time, since I had doubts, I naturally refused to count on it. At that time, I drove forward until I was sure that Du Liang could no longer see me, and then stopped the car and turned off the lights.

It was very quiet all around, and I sat quietly in the car for a moment, thinking about what had happened to Chu Lun and my own personal experience. Still felt suspicious about the Lerman sanatorium. But where the suspicion is, I can't say.

I stopped for only a few minutes, then got out of the car and walked back the same way, and when I could see the wall of the hospital, I became very careful in my actions, finding as much cover as possible, hiding forward, and when I was only a hundred meters or so away from the wall, I rushed straight over.

As soon as I reached the foot of the wall, I stood still against the wall and looked up, about eight feet high, and it looked very strange. I'm not sure if there are additional safety features on the wall. Climbing such a high wall is not easy for others, but for me, it is not difficult.

I first took out a pair of very sharp small chisels, inserted the tip into the brick crack, and then gradually climbed upwards. After about four or five times of the same procedure, the right hand is extended upwards, and the head can already be touched. I slowly reached out and carefully touched the wall and found that there was nothing on the field except rough cement. With a little force, I can climb over the wall.

I'm a little disappointed that there are no security guards on the walls, because I think this hospital, if it's related to a big secret, shouldn't be so neglectful. Does this situation mean that I made a mistake and that this hospital is not actually my goal?

I thought about it for a while, thinking that no matter what, sneak in to see, there will be no loss. So as soon as I shrugged, my body was already across the wall, and there was grass at the foot of the wall, I relaxed, jumped down, and easily entered the garden of the hospital.

At this time, I was on the left side of the hospital building, and under the moonlight, the whole garden was very quiet, and there was no one. I took a few quick steps forward and found that the moonlight cast a long shadow on the ground, which was quite easy to detect.

I immediately got down and moved forward at the highest speed possible. After a while, I came to the side of the building, walked ten meters against the wall, and came to a door, the door was locked, but after breaking the glass and reaching out, the door opened immediately.

Inside the door was a rather narrow corridor with dim lights, and there were about eight to ten rooms on either side of the corridor, all with the doors closed.

I walked forward and pushed every door, some unlocked, some locked, no locked rooms, including two bathrooms and three others, piled up with a little clutter.

There was nothing suspicious about this situation, as in a normal hospital, and I was almost out of this corridor, and outside the corridor was a hallway where two lifts could be seen. At this moment, the door of one of the lifts opened, and a man dressed in white stepped out and walked forward. In order not to let him see, I flashed against a door.

When the man walked over, I twisted the door handle with my backhand, and the door was locked. Before that, I had also noticed that there were three or four doors locked, and I didn't open them, because I thought there was nothing remarkable about these rooms. Then I found the room locked, and I wasn't going to open it, but I was looking for the right moment to cross the hall and go to the rest of the hospital to have a look.

But at this moment, I was suddenly attracted by a very strange sound. This kind of sound, when it comes to the ear, can never be sure what kind of sound it is. And it came out at a very close distance to me, so it really startled me.

I immediately looked at the situation around me, and very quickly, I found that there was really nothing around me that could make a sound. Moreover, the sound sounded coming from behind me, and I was standing with my back to a door. That is, the sound is coming from behind the door.

As soon as I was sure of this, I could also estimate that the sound that sounded absolutely unpleasant was caused by someone behind the door, somehow scraping something on the door.

I took a breath and pressed my ear to the door. As soon as the ear was pressed up, the sound was heard more clearly, and it sounded like someone was scratching the door with his hand. I listened for about half a minute, and I felt a feeling of extreme surprise in my heart. Most of the rooms in this area are utility rooms, what kind of person will hide in a utility room and grasp the door with their hands?

I turned the door handle again, the door still could not be pushed open, I looked at the keyhole slightly, this kind of door lock, it did not take half a minute to make the door open, I also immediately took a thin wire in my hand, but when I reached the thin wire into the keyhole, the hand was involuntarily trembling.

This is really a surprise to myself, I don't know how many winds and waves have passed, there is no reason to be afraid in such a situation as this. In my own heart, I also know that I am not afraid, it is just a feeling of extreme surprise. This feeling tells me that if I open the door, there may be indescribably terrible things.

I paused for a moment, took a deep breath, laughed at the involuntari trembling I had just experienced, and said to myself, "What's the big deal, the big deal is that the dead people in the hospital have become ghosts." ”

The mood is slightly relaxed, and the action is naturally much smoother. In the process of unlocking the lock, the crawling sound continued until there was a relaxed "popping" sound from the keyhole, and the sound stopped.

I reached out and grasped the door handle, not opening it immediately.

If, just now, the sound was made by someone behind the door. Well as soon as I open the door. As soon as you push it, the door hits the man. The one who made the crawling sound, I don't know who it is? If he screams when I touch him, then I will be found.

So, before I push the door in, I have to think about myself and do a little preparation.

My preparation, to put it bluntly, was to use my left hand to open the door, and my right hand was clenched into a fist.

Turning the door handle, slowly pushing the door, the door was pushed open a few inches, and I could be sure that behind the door, there was indeed a person standing, and this person must be standing very close to the door, because I had encountered resistance and could not continue to push forward.

Since there was someone behind the door who affirmed it. I really couldn't hesitate any longer, I took a breath, pushed the door hard, the door slammed inward, obviously crashing into a person's body, I pushed the door with quite a lot of force, knocking the man back, I had flashed in, the light inside the door was very dark, I didn't have time to tell who the man was, the right fist was already swinging, hitting the man's jaw hard, and the man immediately fell backwards and fell on top of a pile of debris.

Until then, I still hadn't seen who the man was, but I was sure that after the man had punched me, he wouldn't wake up for at least half an hour.

So, I immediately closed the door with my backhand, reached for the door, touched the light switch, and lit the light.

The lights are not bright, and the clutter storage room does not need too bright lights at all. But it was enough for me to see that the man, after a punch, was half-turning and swooping forward, at this time, with his back up, on a pile of sheets.

The man, dressed in a very comical white cloth dress, was lying on the pile of sheets, motionless.

I took a few steps forward, leaned over, came to the man's side, turned his body over, and faced me.

When I turned over the man's body, I immediately saw the man's face, and in that instant, my whole being froze as if I had been struck by lightning.

What I saw was not a monster, and if I saw a monster, even if its face had eight noses, sixteen pairs of eyes, a tongue three feet long, and a mouth a foot wide, I would not be so stunned.

All I saw was an ordinary person, who looked very majestic, and just fainted because of my punch.

What stunned me was that this person was an acquaintance of mine, and no matter what I thought, I could not imagine that this person would punch me in the face in this place.

This person is Tao Qiquan!

This person is really Tao Qiquan!

I can say that I have never experienced such a panic, and for a moment I opened my mouth like a fish out of water, not knowing what to do.

Tao Qiquan, in the first moment, I almost had no time to think about why Tao Qiquan appeared here. All I think of is that Tao Qiquan is a very serious patient, and he has a serious heart disease.

A serious heart patient, suddenly, took me a heavy punch, this punch, the force can only make normal people unconscious, but it can make a patient like Tao Qiquan lose his life! The possibility of My punch causing Tao Qiquan to die was too great.

My thoughts were so chaotic that I almost swooped forward and almost fell on the pile of sheets. I immediately reached out and probed his sniffles, for his face looked so pale that I almost thought he was dead. It wasn't until my fingers felt the breath coming out of his nostrils that my violently beating heart gradually returned to normal.

Tao Qiquan did not die, he was just knocked unconscious by my punch, I immediately pushed away his eyelids, his pupils, it seems normal, I pulled open his neckline, reached out to probe his heart, there was nothing abnormal in his heartbeat.

Only then did I really breathe a sigh of relief and think to myself, Tao Qiquan seems to be in a very good situation——

When I thought about this, I suddenly shuddered and felt that something was wrong, but for a moment, I couldn't think of anything wrong. However, this confusion was only a very short time, and I immediately thought that something was wrong.

Tao Qiquan's situation is very good, which is not right.

Tao Qiquan's situation should not be good, he is a seriously ill patient. Life doesn't have many days left, and now he seems to be in much better health than I am, and it doesn't take many days for me to break up with him, and he won't suddenly become so healthy.

At that time, I didn't have time to delve into it, but I just used my fingers on Tao Qiquan's temple and the jade pillow on the back of my head, and tapped hard a few times, which helped to wake up people who had been hit hard and were unconscious.

After I tapped a few times, Tao Qiquan's eyelids began to beat, and it wasn't long before he opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, I saw a blank look on his face.

As soon as I saw him wake up, I almost screamed, but just then, there was a sharp footstep outside the door, and I hurriedly reached out and pressed his mouth, and whispered: "Tap, what the hell are you doing?" Why did you come here? What do you do in the utility room? You can stand that punch just now, I'm really sorry. ”

I talked to myself until the footsteps outside the door were gone, and then I let go of the hand that was holding his mouth.

I thought that as soon as I let go, he would send out a series of questions like me.

However, to my surprise, when my hand was completely gone and he was completely free to speak, he still just looked at me sheepishly, looking dazed.

I froze for a moment, still lowering my voice, and said, "What? Don't know me anymore? ”

Tao Qiquan struggled for a moment, and I held out my hand to help him sit up. But before my hand touched his body, he shook suddenly, and his body shrank backwards and shrank a little.

In that instant, I was really stunned!

Tao Qiquan's expression and movements at this time were no longer similar to the person I met by the lake.

The man I had met by the lake, the Dr. Duryan, had said what had he come from? Intermittent dementia patients? When it is said that this disease occurs, people are like idiots.

But I knew that Tao Qiquan had no such illness. Tao Qiquan suffered from the most serious heart disease, not some congenital dementia.

I held out my hand again, and this time, Tao Qiquan's reaction was still the same as last time, shrinking his body, trying to avoid my hand. This kind of action of his is by no means defiant, it seems to be a kind of evasion without the ability to resist. I had grabbed his arm as he shrank. This action of mine may have been a little rude, but it should never have caused Tao Qiquan's great panic, and in an instant, his reaction was so strong that I was overwhelmed.

First, he showed a look of utter horror, and then he opened his mouth and uttered an extremely terrible cry. That kind of call was actually just a cry of "ah", but hearing Tao Qiquan like an idiot, making that kind of cry, it was really hairy, I hurriedly released my hand, my body retreated backwards, and asked in a continuous voice: "What's wrong with you?" What's wrong with you? ”

Of course, it was because at that time, I was too shocked, just looking at Tao Qiquan in front of me, something happened behind me, I couldn't prevent it at all, the door behind me, when it opened, I don't know, I still just stare at Tao Qiquan.

By the time I suddenly felt as if there were someone behind me, I had slowed down a step, and I was still ahead and turned around, and I felt a sharp sting on my back. It was clear that a needle had suddenly pierced my senses, and I turned sharply to see two men in white uniforms standing in front of me.

But I didn't get a chance to see their faces, and by the time I turned around and saw them, my vision had begun to blur. In that instant, all I could think of was that someone was behind me, injecting me with a strong anesthetic, and I was going to pass out.

In fact, I didn't even think about this concept completely, and I didn't know it anymore.

I don't even know how I fell, and I certainly don't know what happened after the coma, and I don't know how long I was unconscious—I didn't know it afterwards, when I woke up.

When I woke up, I felt nothing but extreme thirst. I struggled to move a little, and immediately felt a tube, shoved into my mouth, and a cool, slightly sweet juice flowed into my mouth. After swallowing three mouthfuls in a row, I opened my eyes. I saw myself lying in a hospital room, a nurse, passing through a hose, feeding me water.

In front of the bed, there was another person standing, that was Dr. Du Liang, whom I had seen before, and as soon as he saw me open his eyes, he came over and took my pulse and shook his head, saying, "You are too much, too much!" ”

I wanted to speak, but my voice was very dry, and I had a hose in my mouth, which was not convenient, so I reached out and pulled out the hose, and the first sentence asked: "What about Tao Qiquan?" ”

Dr. Du Liang froze for a moment and said, "Tao Qiquan? You didn't come for General Zilo? ”

After I asked this question, I sat up. Since I had been treated so unkindly, I didn't have to be polite, and as soon as I sat up, I reached out and pushed Du Liang, who was pushed by me to take a step, shouted, and said, "What are you doing?" Crazy? ”

I sneered, "I'm not crazy at all, you have the ability, you can inject me with another injection!" ”

Du Liang was a little angry and said, "You stole into the hospital, who knows who you are?" We are medical personnel, what else can we do but use this method against the gangsters? ”

I angrily asked, "I'm a gangster? Hmm, I see none of you are good people, where is Tao Qiquan? ”

Du Liang gasped and said, "He just underwent surgery, and the situation is very good, but a rude person like you is not suitable to see him." ”

I froze and said, "He just had the operation?" How long have I been in a coma? ”

Du Liang did not answer my words, but only said, "What is the purpose of your stealing in?" ”

I sneered, my purpose was to find this hospital strange, and now, I can be more sure of this, Tao Qiquan is actually here, it is really strange.

In the middle of the conversation, two more men dressed in white walked in.

If I want to do it, I am not afraid of more people, but I am reading Tao Qiquan, so I suppressed my anger and said, "I am his good friend, and I want to see him." ”

Du Liang was angry and said, "Nonsense, as far as I know, Tao Qiquan came here as an extreme secret, and no one except himself knew." ”

I immediately said, "At least there is one more person who brought him here." ”

Du Liang shook his head, "No one brought him here, he came by himself." ”

I said fiercely, "Make up fewer stories, let me go and see him." ”

Du Liang's appearance was very angry, he went to the bedside, picked up a phone, pulled out a number, and said: "I am Dr. Du Liang, yes, I want to know the situation of Mr. Tao Qiquan, whether he is suitable to meet a person, whether he is willing to meet that person, that person is called Wesley, yes, that is the person who stole into the hospital, please answer me as soon as possible." I'm in room three. ”

After Du Liang finished speaking, he put down the phone, puffed his cheeks, and looked at me, looking fearless.

My mind was racing, and in that instant, all I could think of was that they didn't know what conspiracy they were going to carry out, and I never thought that I could meet Tao Qiquan in a peaceful environment.

The stalemate lasted about a minute or so, and just as I was about to rush out with force, the phone rang suddenly.

The ringing of the phone made my movements stop slightly, and Du Liang immediately picked up the phone, listened, and kept responding.

It didn't take long for him to put down the phone, and then, looking at me with a very strange look, I just looked at him with a sneer.

He said, "It's really strange, although Tao Qiquan's spirit is not too good after the operation, he is still willing to see you." He also warned, don't provoke you, if you do, you will tear down the whole hospital to the ground. ”

I shuddered, just snorted, and Du Liang, as if he didn't quite believe it, walked over to me and said, "Really? ”

I was a little amused and said, "You might as well try it." ”

Du Liang spread his hands and said, "Since Tao Qiquan is willing to see you, then please, I will accompany you to see him." ”

I was extremely confused in my heart, thinking that If Du Liang wanted to take me out of the ward, there must be another treacherous plot.

But when I thought about it, I felt that there was no such reason. I don't know how long I've been in a coma, but I'm sure it must have been quite a long time. When I met Tao Qiquan, he was definitely not like he had been operated on, but now, it was already after the operation.

What Tao Qiquan wants to do is not a small operation, but a major operation to change his heart, which will take nearly ten hours, or more, if Du Liang and the people in the hospital are going to be unfavorable to me, during this time, it is easy to get out of the hand, and there is no need to wait until now, and then make any conspiracy.

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