
41 fake foreign devils in milk powder! Don't be fooled

author:British calves

------- British Cow -------

The so-called fake foreign devil's milk powder is a pseudo-"foreign milk powder" registered overseas by Chinese (Han traitors), taking advantage of loopholes in domestic laws, forging and seriously exaggerating the history and quality of products, and exclusively supplying Chinese babies for huge profits.

Niu Niu summarized the list of 43 kinds of fake foreign devil milk powder brands spread on the Internet, which is only for the reference of Bao Mom.

1. American good ministers

'Shanchen' is a deliberate name given to the Chinese market, taking advantage of the Chinese people's sublime psychology.

The American vitamin brand "Centrium Zencun" was slightly modified, swapping the order of 'e' and 'n', as well as 'r' and 'i' to deceive the English blindness; the pronunciation of "Shanchen" was close to 'Shancun' to deal with the inattentive; the funny thing is that the American brand would proudly mark USA, but not America, because the latter only means "America, South America or North America", and only Chinese English users will make themselves clever.

And even if it is a good deposit card, it does not produce milk powder, and this cottage is very powerful.

2. American Grace

Needless to say, everyone knows this, the scam company, the biggest fake foreign devil in the milk powder industry, we in the industry have always told it as a joke. Yashili changed its name to a high-priced product in Guangzhou, and the milk source came from a milk powder base in Yashili Shanxi. Because of the same formula and raw materials as Yashili, but wearing an American brand coat to cheat money, the first few years became famous by a large number of advertisements, and then after the accident in melamine and the identity of the fake foreign devil were exposed, it almost went out of business, but Yashili was not bad money, and it was still holding on. The emergence of this kind of enterprise is the product of Chinese blind superstition of foreign brands, but also the sadness of China's ignorant consumers, and Shi En, hanging sheep's head to sell dog meat fake foreign devils, there are several brands in the milk powder industry, consumers must polish their eyes, check more on the Internet, see the real background of their enterprises and in foreign countries, especially in the country of origin of the business status and reputation.

3. Xinyi - the most ignorant fake foreign devil milk powder

Just after returning from New Zealand, some friends asked me how "Xinyi Milk Powder" is called "Newfresh" in New Zealand? I have been in New Zealand for 4 years and have never heard of or seen "Newfresh" or "New Fresh Milk Powder", and I say formula milk powder. It should be noted that the New Zealand government has very strict regulations on formula milk powder. I had never seen Xinyi Milk Powder in a New Zealand supermarket. KariCARE, Wyeth and Heinz are common, and there are few other brands on the market. The so-called New Zealand milk powder with the word 'New' in the country is really too bad!

4. Doctor of Baby-Raising

Quite a name, aimed at the psychology of Chinese mothers; in the European, American, Australian and New Zealand markets, there is not even a shadow of a fake. Even divided into milk powder and goat milk powder, only domestic milk powder will come up with this trick, but that packaging looks really good, no wonder some parents will be deceived! Moreover, a friend of a friend who has stayed in that factory has heard that the factory price is only twenty yuan, and it will not really be selling some low-cost milk powder and a little thing!

5. Michael / MG

Similar to Fonterra, Maigao is a major dairy supplier in Australia, the main products sold are raw materials such as whole fat, skimmed milk powder and whey powder, and it is also a major foundry company, and the previous brands such as Ausnutria are produced on its behalf. In recent years, it has set up a factory in Qingdao and begun to operate independently in the Chinese market, but the Maigao brand is specially developed for China and is not sold in Australia. Its boss in China is also an official of the original Qingdao Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the marketing is very backward, are large packages to dealers to operate, but the profit is very high, but the quality is not sure.

6. Swiss Ace

There is absolutely no such brand in Switzerland. So is it possible that it is an export brand produced by Swiss manufacturers? Secondly, in the spirit of conscientiousness and responsibility, I carefully read the introduction of the Swiss ace, which is written in this way at the producer's stop, Herstellt in Hochendorf, which means produced in Hochendorf. This writing is very vague, the first does not conform to the normal writing rules, does not clearly indicate the manufacturer, generally state who the specific manufacturer is, whether it is a limited company GmBH or a joint-stock company AG, rather than just writing a place name. Second, there is more than one place in Switzerland called Hochendorf, which literally means a village on a high place, and there are too many such villages, and in Switzerland, the name of the state and the four-digit zip code are written at the same time, which can determine where a place is.

I also checked the website of the Swiss Dairy Association, and it is true that Hochendorf is a very old dairy company, but strangely enough, its baby food is surprisingly small, and there are only two children's drinks. As for where they produced the Swiss ace, I didn't dare to write an email to ask because I didn't have the slightest confidence.

Originally, the first page on the website of the Swiss Dairy Association was about the news of Chinese baby milk powder, which was not so much news as a scandal.

7. New Zealand Nurritz

Now there are too many brands with Australian and New Zealand brands, there are dozens in China, but in Australia and New Zealand there are really only a few milk powder brands, can only say that Chinese has the unparalleled imagination of other countries in terms of "counterfeiting"! Only fixed mailboxes were left on the milk tanks, no production address was indicated, and no Nurritz products were found for sale in the New Zealand home market where the products originated.

8. New Zealand loves it

Obviously, on January 12, 2007, New Zealand Double Love Dairy Group, which was registered in Hong Kong, launched the "Letter to Consumers" on its official website: "Recently, people in the Chinese market are worried about the safety of infant milk powder, we are highly concerned about the progress of the incident, and here New Zealand Double Love Dairy Group promises consumers around the world: the quality of New Zealand Double Love products is reliable!" ”

9. Synbiosis

Fake foreign devils, as early as 2007 was exposed by "315", but also and "315 complaint network" to fight a lawsuit, of course, Hopson lost, forced to the original trademark "BIOSTIME French Synbiotic", changed to "BIOSTIME Synbiotic", the French two words have been removed, the advertisement does not dare to directly say that it is a French brand. However, at that time, they had not yet made milk powder, and everyone did not pay much attention. Later, they also learned to be smart, and found a Lallemand in France to produce bacteria for Synbiotic, and came in the factory of Hopson in Guangzhou for sub-packing, but even in France, there has never been a brand and products sold by Synbican, just to deceive Chinese. Its milk powder is even more outrageous, in France to find a manufacturer called Laiterie de Montaigu for processing and production, the cost should be in 60-70 yuan, actually sold to 400-500 yuan, mainly the profit is too high, the store can sell a can can earn about 150 yuan, equivalent to selling 10 cans of Mead Johnson and other big brands of profit, the clerk will desperately help introduce to the guests.

The boss is a Hainanese, originally made of chemical raw materials, and France has nothing to do with it, but every day in the shouting French Synbiotic, it is really ridiculous; and there are actually many consumers to let their children eat their 500 yuan a can of milk powder, is even more ignorant and sad. However, it is also such a scammer, but it is the most profitable company in China's milk powder industry. In fact, the most mainstream milk powder on the market in France is gallia, guigoz, candia and blueina these four kinds of milk powder, of which gallia milk powder is the largest sales of milk powder in France, in France's infant milk powder share of 37%, gallia belongs to the French Danone.

10、11. Swiss Belle... And New Zealand Belle joined forces to coax the countrymen

[A] What is the gimmick of "Swiss Century Seiko" and the hype of "Pure New Zealand Milk Source", how much gold content there is. Today, when fake foreign devils are emerging in the milk powder industry, it is really suspicious.

The main brand of New Zealand Peizhi Company, "Bai Li Le" colostrum milk powder, is known as the "leading brand" in the Chinese market. At present, the average price of "Bai Li Le" pure bovine colostrum powder on the market is more than 8 yuan per gram, although it cannot be said that it is as expensive as gold, but the price of silver is almost the same. The reason why it is so expensive is because of its status as a "foreign brand", and the other is "advertised" as a special functional colostrum. However, media investigations found that the "New Zealand original import" marked on the "Bai LiLe" colostrum packaging bag is actually an authentic domestic product, not only its filling in China, but also its raw materials are basically from China. The expensive and mysterious effect of bovine colostrum is even more controversial.

The official New Zealand government responded: "Biolife (Peizhi) is only an exporter, only qualified to export, and the goods it exports should come from third parties." This means that Peizhi Company has no production qualifications in New Zealand at all, which contradicts its guarantee of "self-production and self-sale".

Peizhi Company From the boss to the milk powder are "fake foreign devils":

Media investigations found that New Zealand Peizhi Company has a close relationship with Guangzhou Milk Platinum Trading Co., Ltd.

Predecessor of Peizhi Dairy: The predecessor of Peizhi Dairy (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. is Ruijian Dairy (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., registered on August 22, 2006, the legal representative is also Lu Guihai, and was renamed Peizhi Dairy (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. in early 2011.

It is indeed controlled by the same family: According to the government website of the New Zealand Commercial Registry, Peizhi New Zealand was registered on July 22, 1999, and there were three shareholders at the time of its establishment, including Lu Jiangwen and Lu Guihai. Guangzhou Milk Platinum Trading Co., Ltd. was registered and established on December 25, 2001, with legal representative Lu Guihai contributing 95%.

[B] At present, the number of dairy cows in Switzerland has reached about 560,000 heads, with an annual output of about 3.3 million tons of raw milk, and the raw milk supply is completely self-sufficient, of which 30% of dairy products are exported. As one of the traditional industries in Switzerland, its dairy products were exported to countries around the world as early as the Middle Ages. 70% of Switzerland's fresh milk is processed by five major companies, of which SMG Swiss Milk Group processes more than 10% of Switzerland's fresh milk.

Domestic conversion standard: 10 kg of milk = 1 kg of powder

Suppose that the dry matter content of the raw milk of the foreign devil is 2 times that of the domestic raw milk (of course, this is impossible),

Then all the raw milk produced in Switzerland throughout the year is used to produce milk powder, with an annual output of 330/5 = 660,000 tons,

SMG production capacity accounted for 10%, SMG production of 66 * 10% = 66,000 tons

SMG Group's production capacity data is: the daily processing of fresh milk < 3,000 tons, the annual output of milk powder 60,000 tons (the original Swiss people are drinking milk powder)

According to the price of high-grade milk powder 200,000 / ton, the so-called century-old enterprise "SMG Swiss Milk Group" has annual sales of 13.2 billion "YUAN"!

"30% of the dairy products are exported", it seems that the Swiss people are not so great, they do not drink themselves, and they are willing to contribute all the good milk! The export value of "SMG Swiss Milk Group" is 13.2 billion * 30% = 4.4 billion, and these 4.4 billion sales are generated in "more than 60 countries around the world"! Sales to China will probably not exceed 400 tons, the amount of less than 70 million!

PS: Through Baidu, Google search, failed to find the SMG Swiss Milk Group's Chinese and English official website, and it is also worth noting that the "Peizhi" co-branded with SMG, the new Zealand veteran milk powder company that New Zealanders have not heard of, and there is no official Chinese and English official website, especially intriguing is the ICP filing license number of Peizhi (China)'s website: Guangdong ICP Bei 05086588 number, and another named "Bai Li Le" Website ICP filing license number: 粤ICP备05086588 number is exactly the same, after inquiry, the ICP filing license number does not exist! It seems that through the unremitting efforts of the Chinese people, we have surpassed the developed capitalist countries in the West, have we reached a socialist society?

12. Ausnutria Australia

And Shi En, Hopson is also a fake foreign devil, is the original Hunan Nanshan a group of managers out of a brand of self-creation, mainly through an Australian raw material OEM company TATURA to produce, there are also some in the form of formula powder shipped back to Changsha sub-pack, its ability is mostly Australian OEM production, Ausnutria brand is domestic production, the price is lower. Mainly high profits to baby and child stores sales, because of high profits, many small shops like to promote this brand, but the price is very low for consumers; its fake foreign devil identity has also been reported by CCTV and others, after the listing in Hong Kong circle money, on the one hand, the packaging price increase continues to cheat money, on the other hand, shareholders slowly cash out ready to withdraw, and now in a large number of increases and replacement dealers, so that the company and dealers are in danger, the prospect is very unoptimistic.

13. Dutch Mejibao - Another name is Mercebio milk powder for Chinese mothers, which is said to have been founded in 1894 as the main brand of the Dutch company, and the local mainstream channels have never seen the brand products, and the Meizhibao milk powder that has always appeared under the "Dutch Meizhibao" brand is actually only available in China. In the baby milk powder industry, there have been products such as Shien milk powder and Ausnutria milk powder that are only sold in China, which have been exposed because of pretending to be fake foreign brands. Meizhibao milk powder is considered by netizens to be another copycat foreign brand in baby milk powder.

14. Beden, France

Even Hopson milk powder has not been seen in France, let alone Beden, but the packaging is really better, and the production area is in a factory in Fujian.

15. Nuca, USA

There is no shadow in the mainstream market in the United States!

16. New Zealand Button's Ken

There is no shadow in the mainstream market in New Zealand!

17. New beez, New Zealand

18 New Best, New Zealand

19. New Wycombe, New Zealand

20. New Zealand Sunshine

21. New Yorker, New Zealand

Note: Now the market surname "New" foreign milk powder is huge, and like to find a relationship with New Zealand,

In fact, there are 3 kinds of new Zealand local big names,

Therefore, these 'new' brands that flock to the mainland for huge profits are basically ...

22. Jacobes

There is no shadow in the mainstream market in Australia!

23. Comparu

"Domestic and New Zealand listing at the same time", the original is to say that before entering China, it was not sold abroad.

24. 'Bullpen Card' Embell

Only the British 300-year-old Brand Cow-Gate Bullpen. This "Embell" formula is not seen in the UK.

25. Edison

Challenge the IQ bottom line of the Chinese people

26. Rui Sheng Rui

27. American Pride

Utter liar! There is no shadow in the mainstream market in the United States!

95% of the U.S. market has only three major brands:

Enfamil/Enfagrow Mead Johnson, Abbott (Similac), Nestle Nestle (Nido and Gerber)

28. Convido, The Netherlands

There is no shadow in the mainstream market in the Netherlands!

29. BebeSong

Bebeson was a group of people in Shanghai who had previously engaged in the computer business, and later found a small factory in East Germany to process it.

The Krüger Group, which began in 1971, owns four subsidiaries: Wilhelm Reuss, Ludwig Schokolade, Lactoland and Elb-Milch. EIb-Milch was founded in 1948 in Stendal, central Germany, and in 1991 Elb-Milch joined the Krüger Group. During the East German period, the main production and operation of Babysan brand milk powder. After the formal reunification of the two Germanys in 1990, although the factory still existed, the milk powder of the Bebeson brand was not seen on the market. On the Krüger Group website, we see chocolate drinks, tea drinks and coffees that are sold all over the world, but we don't see Bebeson products. At least it is certain that the products sold domestically are not imported from Germany, but it cannot be ruled out that the German side will use the formula for domestic production. As for why Germany stopped production, it is not known. During the visit, the author found that Deluz and Bei BeiSong were selling well in Wuhan and surrounding markets.

30. 'Abbott' Jingzhi "Organic Treasures"

Out of professional habits, the author also conducted a search on the official website of Abbott Denmark, and found no traces called organic milk powder.

31. Zhi Ling Tong Tianyuan

Earth's Best is an American infant organic food brand, and Zhilingtong Tianyuan Infant Formula is created by the Zhilingtong brand and Tianyuan, which is specially produced for Chinese babies and has no sales in Switzerland or the United States.

32. Dutch Flower

There is no shadow in the mainstream market in the Netherlands!

33. Hobbez

34. Kinkiss, Norway

Surprisingly, after consumer complaints, he issued a statement 'Only suitable for babies who are not deficient in calcium'...

Where can you see the shadow of 'Jinqishi' in the mainstream norwegian market!?

35. Ciria, France

There is no shadow in the mainstream Market of France

36. American Nodo Pure Beauty 'Combell'

Another giant deception! There is no shadow in the mainstream market in the United States!

37. Ikabel, United States

38. New Zealand loves pastures

39. Druze

Founded in 1918 as a milk drying plant, CREMILK has been producing instant coffee and instant cappuccino since then, less than a hundred years ago. The translation of the information on the official website of Deluz Germany is: "Since 2011, the infant formula and infant formula labeled with the VIBALEN trademark have been supplied to the Chinese market", and the formula packaged in German cannot be seen on the Official Website of Deluz. It seems to be another fake foreign devil made in China!

40. Ausska Cattle

41. Domez

Although Domez advertises itself as belonging to the French Danone Group and uses equipment imported from Denmark, Australia, New Zealand and Norway, the production line is located in the Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone. This brand is very interesting, in 1993, by the Danish Baolong foreign firm invested in the construction of IntraEl nutrition dairy co., LTD. in Shanghai, the establishment of a milk powder production base with local milk source as the main raw material, the production of milk powder named Domez, known as the Danish brand, in fact, is only a Danish brand, not a Danish imported product. In 2006, it became a Dutch brand, and in 2007, it became a French brand under Danone. Whether it is an authentic imported product or not, please tell your own.

----- British Cow ------

Niu Niu private WeChat: xylx0526