
A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

author:Walnut pupils

Recently, in Gong'an Village, Sanyu Town, Tongzhou Bay Demonstration Area, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, a foreign woman in her 50s caught a toad next to a field and was reported by enthusiastic people. After receiving the report, the Sanyu police station immediately dispatched police to the scene, and sure enough, a middle-aged woman with a flashlight walked back and forth on the edge of the field, carrying a white plastic bucket in her hand.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

After the police came forward to check, they found that there were more than 20 toads in the barrel, and the middle-aged woman admitted that the more than 20 toads were caught by herself, and then the police took the woman back to the police station. Sanyu police station police tips: toads are the state's "three haves" protected animals, and "three haves" animals are protected by law, illegal hunting of these wild animals, the number of more than 20, will be investigated and punished, catch more than 50 is a major criminal case.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > Chinese toad</h1>

The scientific name of the toad is Chinese toad, also known as leper belly, big toad, its appearance is relatively ugly, the skin is very rough, the body is covered with round fistulas of different sizes, people do not want to go near it at a glance, so there is a toad that wants to eat swan meat. When I was a child, I caught many frogs, but it is estimated that few are willing to catch toads.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

When walnuts were young, they did not dare to catch the toad when they saw it, because in some places there were rumors that when the toad was caught, the pimples on its body would emit poisonous juice, and even it was included in the five poisons. Its distribution range is very wide, and it has its presence in the northeast, east China, northwest China, and central China. They usually burrow in the dirt or inhabit under rocks and grass.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

Like frogs, toads also lay eggs in the water, looking very similar to frogs, walnuts are always unable to distinguish which tadpoles are toads and which are frogs, and each toad can lay 2,000 to 8,000 eggs. They hide at dusk and crawl out to prey, usually preying on mosquitoes, ants, snails and other insects, which can be regarded as a beneficial animal. However, like frogs, they are often caught in large quantities by humans, except that frogs are caught and eaten, while Chinese toads are taken for medicine in addition to eating.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > the value of the Chinese toad</h1>

Chinese toad has high economic value, medicinal value and edible value. One of the most famous is the toad crisp. Toad crisp is a unique secretion of Chinese toads, which is a white pulp liquid secreted by their posterior ear glands, is a precious Chinese herbal medicine, has detoxification, swelling, pain relief, anti-cancer, anesthesia and other effects, it is said that it takes 500 pounds of toads to produce a pound of toad crisp. However, toad crisp is a strongly toxic substance, which cannot be taken directly and must be processed and refined. Secondly, their toad coat is also a precious medicinal herb, which is the product of the natural molting of toads.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

In addition to these, its toad head, toad liver, toad tongue and even the entire dried toad can be medicated. At present, Germany has used drugs made of toad crisp for the treatment of temporary coronary heart disease, and many chinese medicine ingredients have toad-related ingredients. Because of this, many people go to the fields in the summer to catch a large number of toads.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > case of Chinese toad</h1>

Just in the early morning of September 19, a woman in Linquan, Anhui Province, riding a three-wheeled electric vehicle encountered the police car, actually turned around and ran, the police immediately went forward to intercept and interrogate, and then searched for 145 toads on its tricycle, and the woman was currently taken criminal compulsory measures, buried in the interrogation room, and the toad was also released into the wild.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

Changzhou a man in his 50s Huang Mou arrested more than 300 toads arrested, because Huang is deaf and mute, there is no fixed job, so he wants to catch some toads to make a little money, who knows just caught by the police. Subsequently, Huang was released on bail pending trial, and the toads he caught had already been released.

A woman in Jiangsu caught more than 20 toads and was caught, the police: in order to protect animals, the value of the Chinese toad chinese toad protected by law The case of the Chinese toad

On April 7, People from Zigong, Sichuan Province, Lin Mou and His Mother, caught 70 toads at night by means of light illumination, and in just one hour, they were caught by the public security police on the spot. After identification, these toads are all Chinese toads, which are protected animals of the state "three haves", each worth 100 yuan, and the value of the 70 toads captured by the defendant is 7,000 yuan.

Now basically most of the wild animals are protected animals, such as sparrows, frogs, geckos, pheasants, hares, king snakes, bamboo leaf green, king cobras, etc., there are more than 1700 kinds of protected animals alone. The official compensation price can be much more expensive than the market, such as this time the toad is 100 per toad, gecko 300 yuan, bamboo rat 200 yuan, hedgehog 200 yuan, sparrow 300 yuan. Therefore, Walnut felt that there was no need for everyone to catch toads because of that little interest, lest they end up losing more than they lost, and they would go to jail.