
A simple way to raise white butterflies in green plants

author:Drunken flower digital technology

White butterflies can quickly adapt to the surrounding growth conditions, such as light, in bright light, the leaves of white butterflies are more developed, lighter color. Placing white butterflies in a lower light environment will cause the plant to be ugly and the leaves to become smaller.

A simple way to raise white butterflies in green plants

The requirements for water are very high, and the principle of keeping the pot soil moist throughout the year should be watered, and the humidity of the surrounding environment should be maintained, which is conducive to the growth of the plant, and the leaves of the plant can become bright, tender green and vibrant. During the growth period, fertilization should be applied every six months, and the white butterflies should be placed indoors for maintenance, and less fertilization is required. Fertilization is sufficient once during the period from May to September, and 2-3 times a month during the growth period of the spider.

A simple way to raise white butterflies in green plants

Potted plants need to be shaped, and it is more appropriate to choose 10-15cm in pots. In summer, plants grow more rapidly and need to be reshaped. When maintaining in winter, do not wet the potting soil, otherwise the low temperature and humidity will cause root rot and yellowing of leaves.

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