
The "two new" organizations have strength: the comprehensive party committee of the Lusong Market Group carries out love donation activities

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment, August 20 (Correspondent Long Zhiming) In order to carry out in-depth party history study and education, we have solidly promoted the "I do practical things for the masses" activity. On August 19, Yang Zheng, Secretary of the Comprehensive Party Committee of Zhuzhou Lusong Market Group, led relevant personnel to Sericulture Primary School in Baiguan Town, Lusong District to carry out the "Focus on Rural Education, Care for Students' Growth" love donation activity, and donated 220,000 yuan in cash to the school. Deng Lihui, director of the Lusong District Education Bureau, Wan Li, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Lusong District Committee and secretary of the Two New Working Committees, Liu Xiaomin, mayor of Baiguan Town, Yi Shaoying, deputy secretary of the Comprehensive Party Committee of the Market Group, Xie Chunli, president of the Lusong District Clothing Market Managers Association, attended the donation ceremony, and some party organization secretaries and school representatives of the Lusong Business Circle attended the donation ceremony.

The "two new" organizations have strength: the comprehensive party committee of the Lusong Market Group carries out love donation activities

Donation ceremony.

At the donation ceremony, Yang Wenbin, principal of Silkworm Mei Primary School, introduced the basic situation of the school to everyone and accepted the donation on behalf of the school. He said that thanks to the care and support of the comprehensive party committee of the Lusong Market Group for the development of the school, Silkworm Mei Primary School must uphold the concept of "civilization, optimism, progress and innovation", adhere to the morality of the people, and run the education that the people are satisfied with. After the donation ceremony, everyone visited the school's classrooms, offices and other infrastructure.

Wanli pointed out that the comprehensive party committee of the market group combined with its own characteristics to give play to its organizational advantages, actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, and helped solve the problem of "urgent difficulties and expectations" for The Silkworm Mei Primary School, which demonstrated the responsibility of the "two new" party organizations. The supporting facilities of Silkworm Mei Primary School are weak and the teaching room is small, and this love donation is of great significance to the school. The school should make good use of this loving fund and use it to ensure the steady progress of school construction.

Yang Zheng, secretary of the comprehensive party committee of the Lusong Market Group, said that the love donation activity of Silkworm Mei Primary School is one of the work plans of the party committee at the beginning of the year, which is not only an important content of the study and education of party history, but also the specific practice of "I do practical things for the masses". Since the beginning of this year, the comprehensive party committee of the market group has taken the study and education of party history as the starting point of its work, taken the solution of the most concerned, most direct and most realistic problems of the masses as the foothold, organized and carried out a number of activities successively, and effectively played the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress in epidemic prevention and control and social welfare.

It is understood that Silkworm Mei Primary School is located in Silkworm Plum Village, Baiguan Town, Lusong District, and is a geographically remote rural primary school with a long history of more than 70 years. The school has a total of 76 students. The school only has a two-storey old-fashioned teaching building, the classroom area is only 20 square meters, can only accommodate 10 students, students classroom learning and activity space are very small, due to the backward office conditions, all teachers can only work together. In order to improve the teaching environment of Sericulture Primary School, the Comprehensive Party Committee of Lusong Market Group launched an initiative to donate funds to the party organizations under its jurisdiction for Sericulture Primary School, and the party organizations responded positively, and the party members and masses enthusiastically signed up to donate love, raising a total of 220,000 yuan of love funds, all for the hardware construction of the school and the improvement of various functional room facilities.