
"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

author:Memories of the fall of 1975
"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Among the grandchildren of the Seventh Master, the Seventh Master's favorite is Zhan Yuan and Bai Mei, Who performed well when he was young, and when he grew up, he became a bloody patriotic youth, escaped from the house and embarked on his own revolutionary road; the other is Bai Mei, who is bent on pursuing progress and has a simple and kind mind, which is a rare pure flower in the door of the mansion that is not stained with worldly dust.

Originally, as a rich lady in the door of the mansion, Bai Mei had already won at the starting line. In the future, there will be more high-quality education and the cultivation and blessing of ladylike fans, and they can live a life that many girls at that time can't hope for.

Since she grew up, Bai Mei has felt a sense of happiness since she fell in love with Tong Yue, and she is only waiting for Tong Yue to fly out of the big mansion door and break out of her own new world.

Unfortunately, life is not satisfactory things are always nine times out of ten, the relationship between the two is ruthlessly cut off by Bai Jingye and his wife, and at this time, Bai Meisheng, who has been secretly knotted, is driven crazy.

After her condition improved, she searched for Tong Yue in a thousand mountains and rivers, who expected tong to marry another person sooner. After giving birth to a son for Tong Yue, Bai Mei returned to the mansion in frustration, never mentioning what had happened to her during the time of her disappearance.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Later, with the help of Wu Yingyu, Bai Mei regained her life and was nourished by love again. Bai Hui, the sister who did not want to be perverted, could not see Bai Mei, and gave the fact that Bai Mei had been mentally ill to Bai Mei's current boyfriend and disk, and stirred up Bai Mei's good marriage, and Bai Mei was driven crazy again.

In the end, Bai Mei had to marry an old man who was older than her father, but this old man was by no means a good match, and soon after passing through the door, the children plotted to seize the old man's family property, the old man was killed alive, and Bai Mei, as a widow, was expelled from the door without a name.

Bai Mei, who had no place to live and was cornered, had to return to the door of the mansion, hoping that her relatives would give her a place to live. Who knew that at this time, the door of the house had already been separated, and Bai Mei did not say a word. The cold-blooded sister and mother turned a blind eye to Bai Mei's downfall and chose not to care, not to ask, not to accept.

The sister even took five yuan and sent Hanako to drive Bai Mei away, and Bai Mei, who was forced to think of it, took these five yuan to buy a kitchen knife, raised the knife and cut her sister and mother, fell to the ground and died of asthma, and finally ended her life of being calculated, manipulated, and teased.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

How did Bai Mei get this "miserable" word in her life, in the final analysis, who caused it?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first, scumbag boy yue</h1>

When she met Tong Yue, Bai Mei once thought that it was the favor of heaven that allowed her to meet a good person at the best age, and from then on she could shield her from the wind and rain, who knew that the wind and rain were all due to him.

Tong Yue's life was given by the people in the mansion door, and the mansion door showed the greatest kindness to Tong Yue.

Because he actively resisted Japan, because he was young and promising, because he was not afraid of life and death, the Seventh Master had a green eye for Tong Yue. Seeing that he and Bai Mei were in agreement, the Seventh Master acquiesced to Tong Yue's interaction with Bai Mei.

Tong Yue actively campaigned for the anti-Japanese resistance, and Huang Li, who was highly skilled in martial arts, volunteered to escort Tong Yue and other anti-Japanese youths. During an operation, Tong Yue was shot and hunted down by Japanese devils.

Huang Li gave his life in order to cover tong yue himself and the Japanese devils, and Tong Yue, who was saved by Huang Li, hid in the door of the mansion and survived.

The Seventh Master risked his life to hide Tong Yue in the flower room to heal his wounds, and then sent Bai Mei to serve in front of the bed.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Tong Yue was in the door of the house, that is, the left guarded the two generations of famous doctors in China and the West to treat him, and the right had a gentle girlfriend Bai Meiyi who did not understand the heart to accompany him, not only to retrieve a life, but also to earn a fiancée.

The Seventh Master was so obligated to save Tong Yue, although he had the responsibility of protecting the anti-Japanese youth, he also had the selfish intention to complete the marriage between Bai and the United States.

Qiye felt that the current house door was a pot of noodles, so he hoped that Tong Yue would take Bai Mei out of the house door and go his own way, and not mix in the noodles that could not be lifted in this pot.

After the wounds were healed, Tong Yue was impatient to return to the army, and Bai Mei had no choice but to let Tong Yue go even if she had tens of millions of reluctances, and the two of them swore to meet for a day and a letter to talk about comforting each other.

Tong Yue left this time, and his heart was very firm about his feelings for bai mei, and he knew that the victory was in his hands.

First of all, because their love affair has crossed the bright road here in the actual family of the seventh master at the door of the house, and has been promised.

Secondly, he knew that Bai Mei loved him to the death, and had promised him.

Then he learned that Huang Ye died to save him, and that his life was given to him by Bai Mei's family.

If Tong Yue had a conscience, no matter where he went in the future and encountered any obstacles, he could not do anything to live up to Bai Mei.

But what did Tong Yue do?

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

After Tong Yue left, the two began to write frequently, you came and went, and the feelings were like glue. Later, his letter was withheld by Bai Jingye, and he did not receive a message from Bai Mei for several months.

Then he received a letter that was not written by Bai Mei, informing him that Bai Mei was married and that he had died marrying Bai Mei's heart.

Tong Yue did not doubt that he had him, so he believed the fact that Bai Mei was married, and soon he married a new person and left Bai Mei behind.

If he is stronger than Jin, the door of the house is there, and he is familiar with it, can't he personally go to the door to verify it?

To say that the situation is turbulent and the transportation is inconvenient, Bai Mei, a weak woman who has never been far away, is pregnant and knows nothing about the current situation of his family, and can cross many obstacles to find him.

It can be seen that the results of intentional and unintentional finding are clearly there.

And this boy became too fast, so fast that he couldn't even wait for just a few months. When Bai Mei was pregnant and found it difficult to find out, the two of them were inseparable and could never go back to the past. Most likely, Tong Yue had married someone else and could not place Bai Mei.

Moreover, he can also throw the pot of betrayal to Bai Mei, and then marry a new person and live a new life with peace of mind.

Tong Yue's scum, the scum was silent, of course, even let the Seventh Master can not accuse him is not, who let Bai Mei stall such a pair of excellent fathers and mothers!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > two, unreliable daddy</h1>

In this lifetime, Bai Jingye had never done anything that could be the seventh master's heart.

He is insatiable, selfish, slippery-tongued, hides when there are difficulties, goes cheap, when the son is unqualified, when the father is not qualified.

Among his children, Zhan Yuan was a well-behaved one, who got rid of his control early and broke into his own way; most of the rest were like him, despicable and shameless to a realm where he could not help it.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Only Bai Mei, first of all, he was still in pain, and he felt that his mind was simple, and he actually followed Tong Yue's way of being a soldier.

Sister Bai Jiali married to the soldier He Luofu and was widowed within a few months of marriage is still vividly remembered, and now the beloved little daughter must follow in her aunt's footsteps? She was too young to understand things, and she couldn't be fooled by her temperament.

There are many people who come to the door to propose to Bai Mei, including many high-ranking officials and nobles, young talents. Jingye felt that it was better to pick out any of them than the tong who came and went without a trace and would only poke Lou Zi.

Therefore, he intercepted the letter and pretended to be Bai Mei to make Tong Yue break his mind and never feel that he was wrong, but instead did his duty as a responsible father.

Partial dedication wife Tang Youqiong is a super pot thrower, more brainless, no opinion, will only listen to the dedication, dedication to let you do what you want, the couple together to put their daughter into the pit.

In fact, the seventh master is also responsible for this matter, Bai Mei is a grandchild after all, and the parents of others have the right to speak in the marriage of their daughters.

Since you have fallen in love with Tong Yue and verbally promised the marriage of these two people, you should call your son Jingye to the front to solemnly explain the matter and clear the way for Bai Mei's marriage to go smoothly.

Jingye had nothing else to fear of his father alone, and if he promised the Seventh Master, he would not dare to make a moth come out again, so that he would not do such an inconspicuous thing, irretrievablely forcing Bai Mei into a desperate situation.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, cold-blooded and ruthless family</h1>

Bai Mei not only has an unreliable father, but also a cold-blooded and ruthless sister and a bunch of brothers who are not too big to watch the hilarity.

If Bai Mei's first madness was related to her parents, then the second time was Bai Huizuo's iniquity.

It was not easy for Bai Mei to slowly recover her vitality under the enlightenment of Wu Yingyu and began to talk about a new love with the heart.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Wu Yingyu introduced her to a tenor singer, the two of them had a good feeling for each other, and Bai Mei was visible to the naked eye and became happy.

Who expected that on the occasion of the seventieth birthday of the seventh master, Bai Mei brought a new boyfriend to wish the seventh master a happy birthday. The old girl Bai Hui was angry, she could share her share of the Bai family's huge family property when she arrived, and she refused to marry until she was more than forty years old, and only frequently changed boyfriends to please herself.

This time seeing the neuropathy Bai Mei can find such a decent boyfriend as He Fei, Bai Hui's heart is unbalanced, why?

The sinister Bai Hui deliberately rendered Bai Mei's condition in front of He Fei, and Bai Mei, who could not bear it, once again raised the knife in her hand to cut the cake and ran after Bai Hui in the courtyard, and sure enough, Bai Mei fell ill again. Naturally, her chance to regain happiness was missed again.

Every time Bai Mei fell ill, her family hid far away, her parents did not dare to show her face, her brothers were indifferent, and even Zhan Yuan, who beat Xiao and Bai Mei's relatives, chose to escape because she hated these bad things in the house, but every time the outsider Wu Yingyu stood up, she heroically accompanied Bai Mei through the spiritual difficulties.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Therefore, for Bai Mei, the house gate is a man-eating beast, a cold ice kiln, and a cage that cannot be broken. She hates this family, and she can't do without this family, so she can only hate and kill her family members who don't like relatives in it.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > four, can not stand up</h1>

The tragedy of Bai Mei's fate is due to the tragedy of personality. She has a weak personality, no opinion, no self-reliance, and must be dependent on her family to survive.

She wanted to escape from the house, but the only way to escape was to cling to one man after another.

The same thing about finding a partner, the same love to die and live, but Wu Yingyu has more initiative than her.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

For love, Wu Yingyu can chase Zhan Yuan around the world, and when she can't find it, she can also settle Zhan Yuan into her heart and not delay in improving herself.

She went to college, chose her favorite music, and took a degree. After graduation, you can support yourself by teaching music, and you don't have to rely on anyone to live.

Her independent and elegant posture makes her always have no shortage of suitors around her, so it is her choice to keep her body like a jade for Zhan Yuan, rather than a stalker that must be done.

Bai Mei was not so free, Tong Yue gave her, it was her light, her life, and her only salvation.

When Tong Yue and her were as good as glue, they had already seen the hint in her, and Bai Mei regarded love as all, completely without self, without other meanings of life.

Bai Mei's love made Tong Yue suffocate and feel fear, afraid that on the difficult road of pursuing his career, he always dragged Bai Mei's hand at the corner of his clothes sadly.

Therefore, when Tong Yue later received the news that Bai Mei was married, he did not kindly guess Tong Yue, I am afraid that Tong Yue secretly wanted to breathe a big sigh of relief, and there was even the happiness and happiness of being removed from the stumbling block.

The dedicated couple dared to beat the Mandarin Duck, but they really did not expect that Bai Mei would have such a big reaction - she was driven crazy all her life.

"The Gate of the Mansion": Talking about love will become crazy, who is the last straw that drives Bai Mei crazy? First, the scumbag boy Yue two, the unreliable father and mother three, the cold-blooded and ruthless family four, can not stand up their own

Because there are many couples who have been separated, who is not slowly healed by time, and then re-accept others and live their own lives. But Bai Mei is an exception, which shows that her psychological quality is worrying.

In addition, there are many variables in life, even if the parents are perfect, it is difficult to ensure that the more the child repents, or the more the child marries, it is difficult to ensure that the heart will not change in the future, so Bai Mei's madness is really unbelievable.

Or since the house door is so annoying, why not learn From Wu Yingyu and Learn from Bai Jiali, she wants to go out and learn a skill, whether it is to heal the wounds, or to stand on her own, the Seventh Master should be fully supportive, and this money family can also afford it.

Learn the skill of settling down and establishing a life, and from then on, you will firmly hold your destiny in your own hands. When love comes, you can build a better future side by side; when love is gone, a person can also live a wonderful life.

Not greedy, not possessive, not waiting, not relying on, this is the right solution to start a good life. Such white beauty cannot be hurt by anyone.

A few years later, when his son Tong Mainland came to find him and saw such a cool and independent mother, how could he not be proud? It is far worse than looking at people in the door of the house for the division of that little family property, being despised, and finally drawing a knife to kill each other, mother and daughter are not like mother and daughter, sisters are not like sisters, and people sigh and sigh for it.