
"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

author:Fu Fat Movie
"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show


"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

God knows how many weird movies I've watched.

"Breaking Through the Kung Fu City" is a kung fu film filmed by Liu Zhongliang in Taiwan in 1979. The film tells the story of Long Gang (Liu Zhongliang), Luo Hao (Jin Long), and others who are caught in a place called "Tiger Howling City" and forced to dig gold mines for a group of warlords. Among the slaves is a hot-blooded young man named Fang Shijie (Ma Rufeng) and a witty Wei Chao (Wei Ping'ao). Long Gang, Luo Hao, and Fang Shijie escaped again and again, and were caught again and again, and each time they could not avoid being tortured. After being beaten once, foreman Li Yang (Yu Songzhao) secretly trains Long Gang so that he can practice superb leg skills. As the contradictions escalate, Luo Hao, Li Yang, Wei Chao, Fang Shijie and others are killed one after another, and Long Gang can't bear it anymore and engages in a life-and-death struggle with the bandit gang led by Uncle Qin (played by Liu Junhui, also known as Liu Fei, one of the martial fingers in this film).

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Tiger Howling City

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Jin Long, Liu Zhongliang

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Ma Rufeng, Ling Feng, Wei Ping'ao

After watching the whole film, I didn't understand why the title has a "kung fu city".

The lines of this film are very watery, all of which are "don't fight anymore", "you beasts", "why don't you obey" and so on, which greatly reduces the power of the film's accusations of violence.

In terms of action design, it seems very stupid and unreasonable in most situations. The character's head has been hit many times without affecting the combat effectiveness at all, and it is still alive and well. Of course, in order to wait for Liu Zhongliang's outbreak, all this seems to be worth enduring.

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Wei Ping'ao

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Golden Dragon

In terms of acting, Liu Zhongliang obviously tried to show more emotions, but it did not seem to be satisfactory, relying on the famous comedian Wei Ping'ao to support the scene. Wei Ping'ao is a senior actor with good acting skills and theory, and he has a number of treasures in this film, which shows his skills. And Jin Long, who has always been based on the role of gag jokes, this time played a character who is very bitter, he was forcibly arrested when his wife was in the basin, and returning home to visit his wife became the driving force for him to unswervingly escape.

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

After recovering from injury

Most of the film is depressing and chaotic. Long and tedious fights, dark plots, endless torture, make people lose sight of any hope. However, after fifty minutes, Liu Zhongliang's legs finally awakened, making the film look new.

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

The dragon just had an iron ball tied to his feet

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Awakening in the mine

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show


"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Long Gang was handcuffed and shackled by Li Yang for many times of unruliness. When he accidentally found that his legs had increased sharply, he understood Li Yang's painstaking efforts, so he officially learned kung fu from him. Since then, the bad street fighting style fight has escalated into Liu Zhongliang's gorgeous leg control show, which is very enjoyable.

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Qin Ye vs Liu Zhongliang

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

The final battle is very hard, but the evil is not oppressive is the eternal theme. With the defeat of several of the main villains, the minions scattered, and the dragon was just surrounded by everyone and left the "Tiger Howling City". Unfortunately, whether Luo Hao's wife is safe or not, we don't know.

Liu Zhongliang, as one of the "four-legged kings" in film history, is by no means a vain name, and his right leg is stretched powerfully and very flexibly. It is worth mentioning that Liu Zhongliang and his master, Tan Daoliang, who makes good use of his left leg, just complement each other. I saw a comment from a foreign netizen that if the two of them cooperated in filming "Yin and Yang Legs", what a spectacular scene it would be.

"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

Tan Daoliang, Liu Zhongliang

It's a pity there aren't that many ifs.


"Breaking Through Kung Fu City", a story of resistance to oppression, the second half becomes Liu Zhongliang's leg control show

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