
Dai Rongjiang carried out the "July 1st" visit to offer condolences

author:Market Weekly
Dai Rongjiang carried out the "July 1st" visit to offer condolences

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the PARTY, on June 22, Dai Rongjiang, secretary of the District Party Working Committee, visited and comforted some old party members, provincial labor models, party members with difficulties in life, the families of martyrs and moral models, and sent them the care and warmth of the party and the government, and extended cordial greetings and high respect. District leaders Zhou Xiang and Xu Ya attended.

The 96-year-old Bian Wanlong has nearly 72 years of party experience and once served as the village chief in Yuankan Village. Dai Rongjiang wore a commemorative medal for the elderly "50 Years of Glory in the Party" and asked about the physical condition and living conditions of the elderly. When he learned that the old man was in the same house for five generations, the family was harmonious, and the life was happy, Dai Rongjiang felt very pleased. He said: The party and the government will not forget the contributions made by veteran party members to the cause of the party and the people, and hope that the elderly will take care of their health and reflect on difficulties in a timely manner. He also exhorted the town and village cadres accompanying them to earnestly take good care of these veteran party members who have contributed to the party's revolutionary cause, show concern for their daily lives, and let them live happily and well-being in their later years.

Tao Longzhong is the chairman and CEO of Jiangsu Runyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and has been selected as a talent of the provincial "Enterprise Doctor Gathering Plan", the provincial "Double Creation Team" plan, and the Municipal Innovation and Entrepreneurship Leading Talent Program, and won the title of Jiangsu Provincial Model Worker in 2021. Dai Rongjiang came to Jiangsu Runyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to have in-depth exchanges with Tao Longzhong, thanked him for his contribution to the development of the photovoltaic industry in Yancheng Economic Development Zone, and listened carefully to the difficulties and problems encountered in the development process of enterprises, and said that he would continue to optimize the business environment and support enterprises to continue to grow bigger and stronger. It is hoped that Tao Longzhong will continue to carry forward the spirit of labor model, base himself on the present, redouble his efforts, be a good enterprise leader, and strive to make greater contributions in the new journey of the "14th Five-Year Plan" development of the Yancheng Economic Development Zone.

The warmth and coldness of the life of party members in difficulty has always been a concern of the party and the government. Zhang Maosong, 84 years old this year, has 38 years of party experience, during the period of joining the army, he was awarded three third-class merits, and now lives with his daughter and son-in-law, who has a second-degree physical disability and breast cancer, and her life is more difficult. Dai Rongjiang walked into Zhang Maosong's home, asked about the health status, living conditions, etc. of the elderly with concern, and sent condolence money to encourage the elderly to strengthen their confidence, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and bravely face the difficulties of life. In the face of warm care, Zhang Maosong was touched, and he said emotionally: "Thanks to the care and help of the party and the government, with the gradual improvement of life, full of confidence in the future!"

Chen Yuanzhong, the son of the martyr Chen Guoxing, is 76 years old, and his wife is old and sickly, and their main income is subsidized by the new agricultural insurance and the children of the martyrs, and their lives are difficult. "How's your health lately?" Where do children work?" Dai Rongjiang and Chen Yuanzhong's family sat around a table to learn more about the family life of the martyrs and the difficulties that existed. When he learned that the old couple did not live with their children, Dai Rongjiang specially urged the town and village cadres accompanying them to care for the lives of the martyrs' families, actively help solve practical difficulties and problems, and let the martyrs' families feel the care of the party and the government and the warmth of the whole society.

"Noble character never goes out of style!" At the home of Bian Aiguo, a moral model of "honesty and trustworthiness" in Yancheng City, Dai Rongjiang praised Bian Aiguo's good deeds of collecting gold, and cordially inquired about Bian Aiguo's work and life, and encouraged him to continue to play the leading role of moral models and be an advocate and leader of civilized and moral customs.