
The super drama "Our War" was released by Li Gan on Weibo

The war epic drama "Our War", directed by directors Zhang Li and Dong Zhe, lasted four months and was filmed in January. Starring fu Xinbo, Dong Qi, Li Gan, and other young actors, the drama mainly tells the story of a group of heroic sons and daughters in China's history during the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. As a war drama, the super web drama "Our War" aims to commemorate the history of the "War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" through this work, and to commemorate those soldiers who have long passed away. Li Gan played Chen Tianfang, who dared to love and dare to hate in the play. The cast of the drama is also talked about. Actor Li Gan sent a long text after the end of the play to express his reluctance, "I really won't wear that military uniform anymore, I really won't hold the Thomson that belongs to me anymore, really finished!" I finally left tears in my eyes. "It can be seen that the drama "Our War" has made the actors have a lot of growth.

The super drama "Our War" was released by Li Gan on Weibo

As early as the university era, Li Gan was a famous "drama maniac" in the school. He loves dramas, movies, stage plays, and has even been misunderstood by his classmates: "Movies are fake, just a music, why be so serious?" As a teenager, he heard such a question and did not know how to answer it. That being the case, simply make life simpler, watching plays, rehearsing plays, reading books, writing poems, practicing on the road of literature and art, and always finding answers.

For this practice, Li Gan watches a movie or some drama almost every day. He loves Takeshi Kitano, who is both good and evil, and loves the famous Swedish director Ruben Ostlund, who is good at capturing human nature. In addition to niche films, he will also pick some of the most popular or not very good works at the moment, learn from classic works, and warn himself with immature works.

The super drama "Our War" was released by Li Gan on Weibo

It is precisely because of this persistence that Li Gan is no longer the boy who just debuted four years ago, with innocent wolfhound eyes on his face. Now he has transformed step by step on the road of literature and art, and has slowly put the focus of his performance into the movie. The theatrical movie "Jiahe" starring Li Gan will also meet with the audience this year. Li Sense, who has been breaking through his acting skills, will subvert the audience's previous impression of him with a full sense of youth and mature acting skills beyond his age.

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