
2021, you still give your child antitussives?

author:Dr. Sawahashi

Recently, such an incident happened around me, which broke my guard, and made me start to doubt my life doubts, and as a health science worker, I did not even cover the people around me.

Here's the thing,

Last weekend I went to my brother's house to rub rice, just happened to encounter my little niece cold cough, recently changed the season well, children feel a cough is also very normal, normal maintenance for a few days, adjust the indoor air, really can't go to the hospital to see.

2021, you still give your child antitussives?

But my brother is also a tiger man, directly a large spoonful of cough syrup to feed my little niece belly, she is only three years old.

2021, you still give your child antitussives?

I said, this doesn't work. He said it was ok.

I said you didn't understand the situation, and if there was a problem, you went to solve the person who raised the problem, right? Definitely not right

Cough is actually the one who asked the question.

In fact, there are many cough receptors distributed throughout our respiratory system, and once some irritation occurs in the lungs, the cough receptors will produce nerve impulses, and nerve impulses will travel along our afferent nerves to the central nervous system. At this time, our central nervous system will make a judgment and cough out these things that are harmful to me through coughing.

Do not understand? Let's put it another way.

These cough receptors are like a monitoring probe, once some irritation is found, these probes will report this information to the leader, the leader feels that this bad thing can not be removed to get out of ah, the process of making out is cough.

Let's take another analogy, what happens if you choke on water while swimming? You can't help but think about coughing, right, this is actually after the water enters our respiratory system, the respiratory system wants to drain the water. The same is true of phlegm.

Therefore, just thinking about cough is a symptom rather than a cure, but it may lead to phlegm staying in the child's body for too long and not discharged in time.

2021, you still give your child antitussives?

And cough medicine can not be eaten indiscriminately.

The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that it is not recommended to give cough medicine to children under the age of six.

My brother asked, what should I do with my daughter's old cough?

The problem of children's cough still depends on what people say professionally.

Peking University M.D.! Deputy Chief Physician Wang Yajun has come to give you a trick!

Doctor Profile:

2021, you still give your child antitussives?

Wang Yajun

Deputy Chief Physician

Capital Institute of Pediatrics

Department of Respiratory Medicine

Ph.D. in Medicine, Peking University

Youth Committee Member of Allergy Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association

Areas of expertise: allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic cough, chronic cough in children, wheezing in infants and young children, recurrent respiratory infections

2021, you still give your child antitussives?

Full of dry goods!

What are the common causes of cough? How to check? How is it treated?

How should my child live when he coughs? What should I pay attention to in dietary conditioning?

How to use atomization? How to take the drug?

It's all here!

Who needs it?

If your child is susceptible to cough-related illnesses

If you are ready to conceive a child-to-be father-to-be mom

If you are a childcare or childcare facility worker

You must need it!

Course outline

1 Why does my child cough? What kind of impact will it have

2 How many types of cough are there?

3 Cough caused by upper respiratory tract infections

4 Cough caused by upper airway syndrome

5 Cough variant asthma

6 Children need to do atomization, first understand these

The first point is what is atomization

The second point is which situations to adapt to

The third point is whether it is safe or not, and what is the impact on the child

The fourth point is whether there will be dependencies

Fifth point Are there any adverse reactions?

7 What message does the "sputum" in the cough convey?

8 How can my child go to the hospital with a cough?

9 When coughing, do not eat the medicine indiscriminately

10 In addition to the treatment of cough guided by the doctor, what else do I need to pay attention to?

The first point diet: appropriate and contraindicated

The second point is living habits

The third point is how to quickly relieve cough when the cough is fierce

Click on the link below to listen to the lesson!

"Experts Teach Tips for Curing Cough"