
Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

author:Miss Meow

| Bree

What kind of emotion is between dogs and people? When watching "Hachiko the Faithful Dog", he was tearful for Hachiko waiting for the return of his departed master, and when watching "Togo", he was touched by the 425-kilometer race between the elderly Togo and the master to deliver vaccines to the god of death.

Darwin once said: "The love of man has become an instinct of the dog, almost unquestionable".

I believe this sentence.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage


The film Antarctic Adventure, remade by Disney, is based on the 1983 Japanese film Antarctic Story, both of which are based on the true story of the 1957 Japanese Observation Team to Antarctica. Although it is the same story, "Antarctic Story" shot in the third person is more brutal and more realistic, but why is there a "Antarctic Adventure" after it?

I think it's more about recording the warmth between animals and people!

Directed by Frank Marshall and starring Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood, Jason Biggs and others, Antarctica Adventure was released in the United States in 2006 and lasted 120 minutes, and won the Satellite Award for Best Youth DVD Of the Year.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry instructs Maya to save the Doctor

In the film, the director uses montage techniques, adopts a segmented crossed, double-line parallel narrative mode, and connects the two main lines of "the active rescue of the owner Jerry" and "the independent survival of the dogs", showing the simple feelings between people and dogs: the loyalty of dogs to their owners is unchanged throughout their lives, and their love for their owners has become instinctive; their independent survival, the spirit of unity is worth our hearts to taste; people also need to untie the spiritual shackles through the rescue of dogs. Gain inner peace.

In a movie, the most basic element is the lens. The main way to connect the lens is montage, it can be said that montage is a unique means of expression of film art. Today, I will use "Antarctic Adventure" as an example to briefly analyze the use of montage techniques to analyze the unique charm of its brings.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1. </h1>

Montage means "editing" in French, but in Russia it was developed into a theory of a combination of shots in a film, which shot a film into many shots according to what the film was meant to express and the psychological order of the audience, and then connected according to the original idea group.

It can be divided into: narrative montage, performance montage and rational montage. The former is a narrative style, and the latter two are mainly used for expression.

Montages often present a variety of faces in the specific content and aesthetic pursuits of each film.

Therefore, no matter how the montage is divided, in short, it is to cut together different scenes such as far, medium, near, and special according to a certain logic, showing a special tension to achieve the purpose of highlighting the theme and bringing a good viewing experience.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, montage" three expression methods and their application in film analysis</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >01 crossover montage</h1>

A cross-montage that rapidly and frequently alternates two or more episodes that occur in different regions at the same time, with the development of one clue often influencing another, and the threads interdependent and finally converging. Causing suspense, creating a tense atmosphere, and strengthening the sharpness of contradictions and conflicts are powerful ways to grasp the audience's emotions.

In "Antarctic Adventure", the narrative method adopts a cross-montage approach, double-line parallelism, cross-narrative, which not only enhances the contradiction of the rescue work, but also highlights the tension of the dog's independent survival.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry and the Doctor go looking for the meteorite

In the first part of the film, Dr. McClellan, with the help of the guide Jerry, successfully obtained the Mercury meteorite, and encountered great danger on the way to and from, especially the doctor almost died twice, this introduction paved the way for the importance of dogs to people in the process of Antarctic exploration, and laid the groundwork for the dogs to wait for rescue.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Maya rescues the Doctor from an ice cave

The two then evacuated due to physical reasons, and the aircraft capacity was too small to plan the next trip to pick up the dog, but the deteriorating weather made the rescue plan a failure.

Then, Jerry's isolated path to help began. He returned to the United States to find a number of agencies, all of which said they could not immediately carry out rescue because it was the largest snowstorm in Antarctica in 25 years. At this moment, the director let us see the Antarctic dogs, and on the fourth day of the owners' departure, the antarctic wind blew down the flag of the station, and the dogs roared wildly, and one of them broke free of the chain and quickly brought back the flag.

Jerry rushes to rescue the dogs, the dogs break free of the chains to defend the flags of the owners, the extreme weather conditions, the tense atmosphere is about to come out, let us a little touched, but also a little worried.

Jerry did not give up, continued to find Dr. McClellan's house, and sincerely requested to apply to go to Antarctica again, but the doctor said: "There is no possibility, it has been so long, you have to find a way to forget all this." The director cut the camera back to the South Pole, the 15th day of the dogs' independent survival, and saw the seabirds falling in the distance, the dogs became excited, and began the team hunting process under the leadership of leader Maya. At this time, the atmosphere is still tense, but the team spirit displayed by the dogs is touching.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Sled dogs

Jerry fell into isolation and thought of giving up, but fortunately he unlocked the shackles of his soul.

5 months later, Jerry went to Dr. McClellan's celebration banquet, and his words touched the doctor, and the doctor who returned home fell into deep thought and finally made up his mind to join the rescue team.

In the ensuing footage, we see the dog Max foraging alone, finding the ice cave that the doctor once fell, and seeing a dead whale, but this is also the food of the seal, so, with Max's cooperation, a group of dogs nervously and orderly launch a food battle with the seal, thrilling and exciting, in the process, Maya was bitten on the leg. The dog's battle for food reflects the cruelty of nature, the harshness of the living environment, and also praises the teamwork spirit of the dogs.

Eisenstein, the founder of the montage theory, wrote in The Montage: "The pair of two montage fragments is not the sum of the two, but more like the product of the two, because the results of the pair are never qualitatively different from each individual component." ”

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Dewey fell to his death

In the film, Jerry's rescue and the independent survival of the dogs are both independent and interdependent, and the cross-cutting narrative method shows the 175 days of PUBG in front of the audience. We are infected by the tenacious independence and team spirit of the dogs, who are strong. At the same time, the rescue road of the guide Jerry, through rejection, unshackling the shackles of the soul, walking on the road of rescue alone, to touching the team members, going to the South Pole to rescue the dog, is also the road to our spiritual growth.

Griffiths's aesthetic effect is that the narrative structure of the film is connected as a whole in a parallel and intersecting way. The change of scenery and angle of the lens omits the unnecessary parts of the event process, makes the narrative concise, highlights the relationship between the characters and the mentality and personality of the characters in the event, is rich in dramatic tension, and has a unique visual rhythm of the film narrative as a whole.

In my opinion, the director uses the art of cross-montage to portray the story into everyone's heart, everyone's life, there are always some moments, beating your soul, is it to continue to move forward, regardless of disregard, or to unshackle, lightly loaded into the position to move forward? Here, through two stories, we can see the process of dogs racing against death, see the passage of human nature and goodness, and see the insistence of people and dogs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >02 reproduce montage</h1>

Reproduction montage, also known as repetitive montage, is to show a certain image or a certain shot repeatedly, so that the plot of the film can be linked, so that the film's artistic conception changes from light to thick, and the artistic expression changes from weak to strong, so as to achieve the role of portraying the character of the character and deepening the theme.

Repeatability does not refer to the repetition of the same shot, but to the fact that the same thing appears in different ways in different shots, and these repetitions may be objects, dialogue, sounds, etc.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry and the Doctor search for meteorites

In Antarctica Adventure, the most common occurrence is the photo of the dog, although sometimes it is very obscure, either in the album, or in watercolor, or in real photos. The director deliberately arranged the appearance of dog photos, and strongly set off the atmosphere of the whole plot to highlight the deep emotions between humans and animals, and at the same time rescue the dog, which is also his own salvation. In the movie, there are a total of five photos of people and dogs, and each appearance of the photos properly paves the way for the storyline.

The first time was at the Antarctic base, Dr. McClellan came from afar to the Melbourne Hills to look for meteorites, and before they set off, they took a photo with the sled dog as a souvenir, but it is this photo that has not been shown for the time being that will touch the depths of the two people's hearts.

The second time is when Jerry returns to the United States, hoping to save the dog left in the Antarctic, and after being rejected, Jerry finds Dr. McClellan's house and takes out the photo of the dogs when he sets out to look for the meteorite, but the Doctor's refusal makes the atmosphere freeze in an instant.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Antarctic polar night, dogs watch the aurora

The third time is Jerry returning to his motorhome in frustration, moving off the bicycle in the motorhome, and the moment he comes up, the camera gives a picture of the dog on the table, at this time, Jerry's mood sinks to the bottom, and he can only sit on the reef by the sea and miss the dogs.

The fourth time is after Katie's persuasion, the escapist Jerry found the Indian family that had raised sled dogs, he took the dog album, the Indian told him a story of his father and the sled dog: the father was once attacked by a black bear and passed out, when he woke up, the dogs around him were gone, the father insisted that he must go to find the sled dog, must go, may not find the sled dog, but must go, as Jerry is now, to unshackle the soul can only rely on himself.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry went to find the Indians

The fifth time is Jerry, who has been relieved in his heart, once again determined to go to the Antarctic continent, whether the dogs are still alive or not, he must go, so he comes to the Doctor's celebration dinner, says goodbye to the Doctor, and when the Doctor who returns home in the evening kisses the child's face, he accidentally finds a painting of the Antarctic dogs, and there is a sentence on it: (My hero is the dogs who saved my daddy: The heroes in my heart are these dogs, because they once saved My father's life).

Then Dr. McClellan fell into deep thought, and he looked at the photo with the dogs that Jerry had sent, thought about it, and made up his mind to go to the South Pole with Jerry.

Due to the repeated use of montage, a photo runs through the entire plot, allowing us to see the director's intentions, the film's artistic conception changes from light to thick, and the artistic expression changes from weak to strong, so as to portray different character images, and the friendship between people and dogs continues.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >03 Psychological montage</h1>

Psychological montage is the modeling performance of the character's psychology and is an important means of psychological depiction in the film.

Through the combination of lens groups or the organic combination of sound and painting, it directly goes deep into the inner world of the characters, and visualizes, concretizes, and vividly presents the inner activities to the audience as a kind of montage expression method, such as showing the characters' flashes, memories, dreams, hallucinations, imaginations, reverie, thinking and even subconscious activities.

In the movie, the psychology of the characters is mainly rendered through two characters, the first is Jerry's psychology, followed by the doctor's psychology, but their psychology is interpreted through a silent perspective because of the combination of dogs.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry and Katie

Jerry's psychological changes: Jerry has experienced a total of three more obvious mental processes, the first time, when all the personnel of the Mactown base evacuated the Antarctic, he applied for a plane from the general manager, but was told that it was impossible, back to the room, Katie also said sorry, Jerry sat quietly alone and thought, the camera immediately returned to the Antarctic dog. At this time, Jerry is angry and regretful, regretting that he has fastened the chain too tightly and the dogs cannot break free. The second time, when he asked Dr. McClellan to return to the South Pole, the Doctor refused and told him to forget about it. After Jerry returns to the motorhome, he sees a picture of the dog, sitting quietly on a rock by the sea, which is Jerry's intense struggle and the process of his own inner struggle. The third time, it was the decadent Jerry who came to the Indian family where the sled dogs grew up and apologized to him, but after listening to the Indians' story, he knew how to unshackle his inner shackles, and he still insisted on going to the South Pole.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry searches for the key to unlock the shackles of the mind

If it weren't for Jerry's insistence, we wouldn't have seen the dogs being rescued. Each rejection allows us to see the picture of the dog surviving independently in the Antarctic, and the two are combined with each other.

Dr. Psychological Changes: Dr. McClellan also experienced two very obvious inner changes. When they first arrived at the South Pole, when they learned of the weather conditions and had to use sled dogs to complete their expeditions, the Doctor did not have too much affection for the dogs, but only used them as tools. Even though the dogs have saved their lives, he may have been moved, but when Jerry found himself and applied to return to Antarctica, his sentence "There is no possibility at all, you have to forget all this" portrays the image of the doctor who only ignores life for the purpose of completing scientific tasks.

The second time, it was Jerry who came to his celebration party, saying that he had told Jerry a word to fight for his pursuit, and the doctor returned to the celebration party with a little thought.

When he got home, he saw a painting drawn by his son with eight dogs and a sentence: "The heroes in my heart are these dogs, because they once saved my father's life", this sentence made the doctor fall into thinking, it turned out that in the child's mind, the dog is a hero, then he was saved by the hero. Picking up the group photo that Jerry had sent again, the Doctor's feelings for the dog changed significantly, and he decided to go to the South Pole with Jerry to save the hero.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

Jerry and Dr. McClellan

It is the use of psychological montage, the combination of lens and picture, let us see the psychological changes of the characters, although the portrayal is more subtle, but also the essence of the good story is expressed. The core of a good story is change, and the sentence to fight for their own pursuits not only tells people themselves, but also reminds us Antarctic dogs to fight for survival at all times. These psychological depictions enhance the artistic charm of the film and play a role in shocking the soul.

Take "Antarctic Adventure" as an example: analyzing the three expression methods of montage and practical application 1, what is montage? 2. Analysis of the three expression methods of montage and its application in the film 01 Cross montage 02 Reproduce montage 03 Psychological montage

The dogs saw their owners return

Conclusion: In "Antarctic Adventure", the director successfully shows the warmth between people and dogs through the use of crossover montages, reproduction montages and psychological montages, and the scenes of dogs surviving in desperate situations are also because of their trust and loyalty to their owners, and their spirit of unity is worth savoring.

Darwin once said that love for people is the instinct of dogs and cannot be questioned.

Yes, at the end of the film, the remaining 6 dogs saw Jerry and the others, and the picture of frantically running to them was touching, which just confirmed this sentence.

Finally, people also obtain inner salvation by rescuing dogs, writing another great emotion in the world: the inseparability of man and dog, and the eternal loyalty of dogs to people.