
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

author:Lao Wang taught painting

Pablo Picasso, a world-famous artist, is known to almost everyone. But you know what? Picasso's name is much more than that.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

His full name is actually Pablo Diego José Francisco Di Paula Juan Napomusino Maria di Los Remedios Cipriano Di La Santiago Trinida Luis. Picasso – frighteningly long (though I've heard spaniard names are quite long). A little gossip, it is said that Picasso has been in a relationship with the number of girlfriends comparable to the number of his names.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting


There is also a short story about Picasso. It was during World War II that a German officer living in Nazi-occupied Paris saw a picture of Guernica in Picasso's apartment and asked Picasso, "Did you do what was in this painting?" Picasso replied, "No, you did it." The theme of "Guernica" is the scene of the German bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica.

In addition to Picasso, there are many anecdotes about art, have you ever heard of it? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian.

01 Artists also have procrastination!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Despite being one of the most famous painters in history, leonardo da Vinci is not well known, in large part because of his frequent "catastrophic" experimentation with new technologies and procrastination.

02 The name of the little plum originally came from this...

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Little Plum is based on Leonardo da Vinci to get its name. The story goes that when his mother was pregnant, she once went to an art museum in Florence, Italy, and when she stood in front of da Vinci's portrait, she felt the fetal movement for the first time. So his father gave him the name "Leonardo" as a memorial.

03 Why is Mona Lisa's eyebrows bald?

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The Mona Lisa has no pronounced eyebrows and eyelashes. In 2007, French engineer Pascal Cotter announced that ultra-high-resolution scans of the painting provided evidence that the Mona Lisa had eyebrows and eyelashes when she first painted it, and it was quite clear. However, over time, they gradually disappeared, possibly due to excessive cleaning.

04 Rembrandt bending for a coin

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

It is said that the Dutch painter Rembrandt was a miserly man, and his students drew coins on the floor in order to trick him, and their teacher really bent down to pick them up.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Rembrandt's Night Watch

05 Take pictures, be serious, don't laugh!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Portrait of Mark Twain

For most of history, smiling in portraits or photographs was considered radical, and even Mark Twain once wrote: "Photographs are the most important documents, and nothing could be more destructive than a silly and stupid smile that is permanently captured."

06 Ancient paintings that were only discovered after destroying ancient Buddha statues...

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

After the Taliban destroyed ancient Buddha statues in 2001, archaeologists discovered a series of ancient caves with paintings dating back thousands of years and depicting various scenes from Buddhist mythology. They are considered to be the oldest oil paintings ever discovered.

07 Empty picture frame on the wall

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

After a piece of art was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990, they did not remove the frame of the stolen painting from the wall. The stolen paintings, worth $500 million, were the largest thefts of property in history.

08 Attention! Buy a painting and send a house!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

In 2007, a Bristol couple was unable to sell their house because of graffiti on the walls. However, when they discovered that the graffiti was made by the mysterious artist Banks, they decided to sell the painting and give it to the house for free. They received an offer that was twice as high as the previous price.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Banksy's cover photo for Time magazine

Speaking of Banks, I have to mention one more thing – this man is a legend. He is known as Britain's most successful graffiti master, having painted graffiti all over the past two decades in London, New York and elsewhere. His street work is often ironic, accompanied by subversive, cynical black humor and poignant sentences, and has a strong political style, like a social commentary expressed in an artistic way. These works have appeared on the streets, walls and bridges of different cities around the world, and have even become the most attractive urban landscape in the region. However, no one knows his true identity, and there is no speculation.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The angel who guards Ozone

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The guns in the hands of the male protagonists in Pulp Fiction are replaced by bananas

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

TESCO shopping bag wrapped around a street lamp

09 Painters who rekindle hope

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Bill Murray

In his early acting career, Bill Murray questioned his abilities and even broke down at one point, determined to commit suicide in Michigan. However, after seeing the paintings of the French painter Jules Breton, he changed his mind and tried to live.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Jules Breton self-portrait

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

《The Song of the Lark》

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting


The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

《Afternoon Repast》

10 Excel drawing?

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Ritsuo Horiuchi from Nagano Prefecture, Japan, began creating digital paintings on a computer in 2000, using Excel, the most common tool for making electronic watches, to produce a series of beautiful works.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

11 Say, where does the money come from?

In September 2010, an elderly man in Germany with no job and no apparent source of income was investigated for having a large amount of cash.

In September 2011, prosecutors obtained a search warrant for his small apartment in Swabian, Munich.

In late February 2012, more than a thousand works of art were discovered, with a total valuation of about 50 million euros. The artworks are suspected to have been looted by the Nazis during World War II.

12 Why ignore me!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Henry Matisse

Henri Matisse's le Bateau was exhibited for 46 days at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and no one noticed.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting


The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Museum of Modern Art

13 I'm sorry, I shouldn't have smoked...

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

In the mid-1970s, in Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion, John Lennon nearly got beaten by lighting a cigarette in a priceless painting by French artist Henri Matisse.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The original Playboy Mansion

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Masterpiece by Henry Matisse

Luxury, Tranquility and Pleasure

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The Red Table

14 The President has ascended to heaven!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Murals on the dome of the U.S. Capitol depict George Washington's ascension to heaven as a god.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Washington Becomes God

This massive mural of 4,664 square feet, which fills the dome of the rotunda of the Capitol, was completed in 1865 by Konstantin Brunmidy.

15 Dreams that everyone has

In 1989, a Philadelphia financial analyst bought a painting depicting a rural landscape at a flea market in Adams, Pennsylvania— he actually took a fancy to the frame. While inspecting a crack in the canvas, he accidentally dropped the painting on the ground, allowing him to discover a folded document that had been hidden behind the canvas, suspected to be an old copy of the Declaration of Independence. He later learned that this was actually a rare one-sided printed version of the original Danglep, one of the five hundred official documents first printed in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Analysts sold it for $2.4 million.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

《Declaration of Independence》 This Row Of Universal Faces Printed Edition

16 Ancient artists

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Most of the most famous cave paintings were created by women. By comparing the relative lengths of certain fingers, the researchers determined that three-quarters of the handprints were female.

17 I love ballet dancers deeply

Portrait of Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas was so fascinated by ballet dancers that he often used them as objects of painting. It is estimated that Degas created about 1500 paintings of ballet dancers.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

18 Oh...

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Cubist representative Georges Braque was the first to exhibit his work alive at the Louvre.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The Mandolin

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Estak's House

19 I am reincarnated!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Salvador Dali photo

(Carl van Vyten, November 29, 1939)

Salvador Dalí, a Spanish surrealist painter, considers himself the reincarnation of his dead brother.

In each of his paintings there is a portrait or silhouette of Dalí. He created more than 1500 paintings, many of which are considered masterpieces, quite easily keeping the mainstream Surrealist movement alive.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The Eternity of Memory

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Eternal Memories of Metamorphosis

20 Tree: I am the great artist

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

British artist Tim Knowles tied his pen to a tree and let the wind do the rest. They have produced some interesting results.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

21 Well-known painters almost went to sell goods that year

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Claude Monet's father disapproved of his painting because he wanted him to be a grocer.

22 How angry!

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

William Morris, world-renowned designer and painter of furniture, wallpaper patterns and fabric patterns. He was born into a wealthy family and had a happy childhood. However, he was spoiled by everyone and had a rather short temper, even as an adult. If the preparation didn't work his way, he would throw his dinner out the window.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting
The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

William Morris design pattern

23 Van Gogh's Bole

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Vincent van Gogh had an older brother who died at birth, also known as Vincent van Gogh. In just a decade, Van Gogh created about 900 paintings.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

"Starry Sky"

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting


His younger brother Theo was a lifelong confidant who had been spiritually and financially supporting his dreams. After Van Gogh's death, due to grief and long illness, less than half a year later, Theo also died, and the two were buried together.

Theo's wife, Joanna, then received all of Van Gogh's paintings and letters and worked to get the recognition he deserved.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Left: Van Gogh's younger brother Theo

Right: Theo's wife Joanna

24 time capsules

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

Andy Warhol (1928–1987) was an American artist, printer, cinematographer, and one of the founders of pop art in the visual arts movement. Warhol began packing items in cardboard boxes in 1973, sealing them whenever they were full, labeling them with a date, and putting them in warehouses. By the time of his death, Warhol had a collection of 612 chests, which he called "time capsules."

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

The boxes left by Andy Warhol

The boxes contained items such as wigs, mummy feet, unopened canned Campbell soup in various flavors (I heard that Warhol liked this can a lot, and it was indispensable for breakfast), Clark Gable's boots, etc.

The unpopular little stories about artists, such art history is interesting

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