
Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts
Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

The "Harry Potter 20th Anniversary Re-screening" met with "the first school return after a long holiday". Therefore, Cinewoo presents a unique set of "Ha Fan" theme knowledge quiz for everyone to check whether they are "qualified" to get the Hogwarts admission letter sent by the owl.

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

Carefully calculated, 20 years have passed since the first Harry Potter entered the country. In the past 20 years, most of the small fans of that year have now entered the society, and the commercial territory of Harry Potter is constantly expanding.

From the first cinema line release in 2001 to the official release of the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them series in 2016. In the past 20 years, the harry potter big IP has released a total of ten movies.

This year, the first Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), the first Harry Potter film in the iconic Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001), was also reunited on the big screen.

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone re-release poster

In the face of such a huge commercial territory and the volume of works, the stories behind many screens may not even be able to be counted by veteran Fans.

Today, we bring you 20 "Harry Potter Movie Knowledge Torture". How many points can you score if this is an entrance test?

Without further ado, the test starts now!

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts


Courage, boldness and chivalry


A portrait of the gatekeeper of the Gryffindor Tower – How many faces does the Fat Lady appear in the movie?

2 faces

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), The Fat Lady is played by Elizabeth Spriggs, a well-known actress from the Royal Shakespeare Company, who plays the Fat Lady as a decent lady who is not drunk.

Later, due to physical reasons, Elizabeth missed filming for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) and was replaced by Dawn French. She created a unique drunken soprano version of the fat lady for everyone, and is also considered to be a more representative image of the fat lady.

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Left: Fat Lady played by Elizabeth Spyrigus Right: Fat Lady played by Don French


Where did Gryffindor get its name?

From gryphon d'or in French

The word Gryffindor seems to many to be Aunt Rowling's new word, but it is not.

In fact, Aunt Rowling had already revealed in an interview earlier: Gryffindor's name was actually a variant of the French Gryphon d'or, which means golden griffin. It is also one of the most commonly used coats of arms in France.

With the lion ornamentation of the lion courtyard, the name can be said to be very appropriate.

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Lion ornamentation at Gryffindor House


Why does Hagrid appear so big in the movie?

Hagrid's cottage is specially made

This question was hailed as one of Warner's biggest secrets when the Harry Potter films were first released.

First of all, Hagrid's character Robbie Coltrane is 190 centimeters tall, not as tall as the movie shows. But in order to make the difference in size between Hagrid and Harry's trio more obvious, Warner made two sets of Hagrid's huts, one small for Hagrid's shooting, and one large set for Harry's trio. And the props in Hagrid's hut are also specially set to make them more suitable for Hagrid's huge body.

At the same time, Warner also found Hagrid a larger double to make him look bigger in the shot. Of course, they also used some special effects to make Hagrid look bigger than his surroundings.

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Cort Ryan and Daniel for a group photo

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Hagrid was on location on the special effects shoot


Where is Harry's lightning scar on his forehead in the movie?

On the right side of the forehead

This question once plagued Chris Columbus, the director of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. When he asked Aunt Rowling about this question, Rowling told him firmly that the scar was on the right side of her forehead. That is to say, in the original illustration, the way the scar is drawn in the middle of the forehead is wrong!

Of course, it is also said that when the first shot of the film was filmed, the makeup artist mistakenly drew the scar on the right side of the forehead, and the young actor who played Harry in his infancy had a hard time falling asleep, so he made the mistake and shot it wrong.

Of course, I have to say that this is also quite beautiful.

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On the cover of the original book, the scar was drawn in the middle of the forehead

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

In the movie, the scar appears on the right side of the forehead


What exactly is the color of Harry's eyes?


This is probably the biggest difference between the Harry Potter film characters and the original description.

Harry Potter's eyes are green in the original book, but Daniel Radcliffe, the young actor who plays Harry, is allergic to green pupils. In desperation, the crew could only consult Aunt Rowling and retain Daniel's original eye color.

Fortunately, Geraldine Somerville, the actor who plays Harry's mother, also has blue eyes, otherwise the classic line "you have your mother's eyes" would have become a joke.

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Harry Potter is blue eyes in the movie


Wise, shrewd and erudite


What is the iconic color of Ravenclaw College?

Blue and bronze

In the original book, Ravenclaw's signature colors were blue and bronze, but in the movie, this color was changed to blue and silver. It is also the only one of the four colleges that has been changed color.

In fact, Warner's move is also for the sake of film shooting. In an earlier interview, Harry Potter's art director explained that bronze was less recognizable in a castle with brick red as the main color, and in order to make the final appearance better, the crew changed the bronze color to a brighter silver.

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Ravenclaw Movie Edition logo

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The blue of the film is paired with a silver scarf


In the movie, how do you get into Ravenclaw's common room?

Answer the riddle of the gatekeeper portrait

In the film, there is no direct picture of how to enter the Ravenclaw common room.

In fact, the crew originally thought of shooting such a set of shots, and Aunt Rowling also prepared a lot of riddles for the crew to choose from. It may be that these riddles are too difficult for the young actors, and in the end this plan can only be abandoned.

It seems that it is not easy to enter the Ravenclaw common room, which is known for its wisdom.

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

Rice edition harry potter through ravenclaw common room illustration


Does the owl in the movie really deliver letters?

This is of course true!

In the Harry Potter crew, there is such a special group of people, their task is to train owls, so that they obediently deliver the letter to the actors accurately. Just to train this group of owls, the crew spent nearly half a year.

In order to increase the realism of the film, all the letters that appear in the first film are handwritten by the crew themselves. (How sad it would be if it was lost))

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

The owl of Ron's house sent a letter that was also filmed


What exactly is Ravenclaw's iconic animal in the film?

A strange bird

Ravenclaw's iconic animal in the original book is an eagle that represents wisdom. In the movie, however, the image becomes a bird that no one knows what it is.

This pot can only be carried by the prop team. For some reason, in the badge that the prop team prepared for Ravenclaw, the eagle turned into a bird that resembled a raven and a crow. As for what exactly this bird is, no one has given the right answer so far. Maybe this will also become a major unsolved mystery of Harry Potter.

But in the hearts of many fans, it is still the majestic eagle that can represent the spirit of Ravenclaw.

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Left: Original Ravenclaw logo Right: The film version of the Ravenclaw logo


Who is the only actor older than the character?

Crying Myrtle

Probably many Harry Potter fans know that it is very rare for Aunt Rowling to be strict in supervising the casting process. Single: All actors must be British or Irish, which has shattered the dreams of Hollywood movie stars. In terms of the age of the actors, Aunt Rowling is also strictly controlled. But an exception was made here in Myrtle.

Myrtle is played by Shirley Henderson, born in 1965, more than 20 years older than Myrtle. Rowling explained in an interview: "When I first saw Shirley's audition clip, I was touched by her eyes. That's exactly what we're looking for!

I have to say that I can't see that she is 45 years old!

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Left: Appearance in the Myrtle movie Right: Real photo of actress Shirley Henderson


Loyalty, stoicism and honesty


If Dead Standby is also a member of Hogwarts, what about him at that house?


As early as 2016, the original comic of "Dead Standby" had a scene of waiting in line all night for the new Harry Potter.

In the comics, Die Waityi changed his usual red and black color clothing, but wore a yellow and black Hufflepuff logo color dress, so he was recognized by fans as a member of Hufflepuff. Later, Marvel officials also issued a statement acknowledging the identity of Hufflepuff.

Some original authors also said that the official wanted him to become a gryffindor member, but he could not survive the insistence of a group of editors and finally compromised.

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In the original manga of "Dead Wait", he is dressed in a yellow and black color matching costume


Newt in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was once a member of Hogwarts, so which academy was he?

For Harry Potter die-hard fans, it may be a send-off. In fact, we can see from the opening credits of the first part of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, when Newt first arrived in the United States, he had a Hufflepuff scarf in his suitcase.

This little detail is also really heartfelt.

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In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a scarf in Newt's suitcase


Who first proposed the Harry Potter musicals project?

Michael jackson

As early as the Harry Potter series became famous, the famous musician Michael Jackson had proposed to Aunt Rowling that he should be responsible for producing the Harry Potter version of the musical. But Aunt Rowling did not hesitate to refuse.

In a 2015 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Aunt Rowling explained: "At that time, I rejected a lot of proposals because I loved original novels and I loved movies. Musicals can be fun, but I'm not sure what they'll make. ”

In addition, Michael Jackson, who loves Harry Potter, is a member of Hufflepuff in the hearts of many fans.

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Michael Jackson has arranged photos with the Harry Potter actors on several occasions, and the picture shows Michael Jackson and Emma Watson


Which academy is the one that gives Rowling the most headaches in casting?

Many fans know that Aunt Rowling has always claimed to be a member of Gryffindor. But in her heart, her favorite is Hufflepuff!

In a 2012 interview, Aunt Rowling told reporters: "I may surprise a lot of people when I say this, but in many senses, my favorite academy is Hufflepuff." They are low-key, loyal and not reckless at all."

In the face of her favorite college, Aunt Rowling naturally has high standards and strict requirements. The most famous of these, Cedric Diggory, has auditioned 708 actors, much higher than the auditions for all three protagonists. It can be seen that Aunt Rowling's preference for this academy is obvious.

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List of main characters at Rice Hufflepuff Academy


Which of the seven Horcruxes has the most spare props?

Hufflepuff's Gold Cup

You may think that the most spare props should be Harry Potter's glasses (107 pairs) or his wand (more than 200). After all, he has always played the magic barrier as a drumstick)

But according to Harry Potter's crew data, the most spare props are actually Hufflepuff's Gold Cup, with a total of 327.

The key reason, of course, is that in that scene in gringotts safes, Hufflepuff's Gold Cup was copied hundreds of times. Due to the needs of the plot, this prop has become the most spare prop among the seven Horcruxes.

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In the film, the Hufflepuff Gold Cup is a mountain


Elegant, noble and cunning


Which actor quietly took the most props on set?

Alain Rickman

Didn't expect it! Snape's character, the respected Alan Rickman, took a lot of things off the set.

According to Jason Isaacs, the actor of Lucius Malfoy, there was a time when Rickman took a bunch of Gringotts gold coins from the set (it seems that gringotts elves also deserted).

In addition to Gringotts' gold coins, Rickman took away from the set Snape's wand and cloak. Working on the set of Harry Potter, who can stand it? [Laughs]

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It was this piece of equipment that was all taken home by Rickman


Which academy in the United States in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them has a relationship with?


Some viewers may remember that in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them appeared an American version of the wizarding school, the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was founded by the descendants of Salazar Slytherin.

According to Aunt Rowling's article on Pottermore, Slytherin's departure from Hogwarts, one of his immediate descendants, Isolt Sayre, moved to North America because of his disagreements, where she met her husband, Muggle, James Steward. The two co-founded the Ilph Moni School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft.

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Illustration by Ilph Moni School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft on the Pottermore website


Which actor's family came out to play the role of Voldemort?

Ralph Fiennes

Many fans are satisfied with the role of Lord Voldemort played by Ralph Fienne. But what everyone doesn't know is that for the role of Voldemort, Fiennes even went out as a whole family.

At that time, in order to choose a young actor to play the young Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), the crew was overwhelmed: it was difficult to have acting skills and look more like Fiennes.

Fortunately, Fiennes's nephew himself has good acting skills, and the two uncles and nephews are already somewhat similar, so they naturally got this role. But it was Voldemort's family.

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From left to right: Young Voldemort, Young Voldemort, Adult Voldemort


In the film, the earliest mentioned and last mentioned colleges are respectively?

This answer may come as many people's guess. You must know that the three protagonists are all from Gryffindor!

In the first film, Harry first appears in Diagon Alley, hearing Hagrid talk about Voldemort coming from Slytherin House (Malfoy in the original book).

In the final film, Harry's son talks about the academy for the last time – he fears he will be assigned to Slytherin.

I wonder if Aunt Rowling did it on purpose?

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Hagrid took Harry to Diagon Alley for the first time


Because that character Harry Potter was almost accused in Russia?

House elf Dobby

Although many people are fans of Dobby, there is no denying that Dobby's black powder is not in the minority.

There was a group of lawyers in Russia who didn't like the role and felt that Dobby looked too much like Russian leader Vladimir Putin and filed a lawsuit against Warner.

A survey launched after the BBC showed that 54 percent agreed after the lawsuit that Putin looked a lot like Dobby.

In this way, it seems that it is also the expectation of the people.

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Left: Dobby, a house elf, right: Russian President Vladimir Putin

Although we are swept away by Harry Potter every year at the beginning of the school year, this shows the enduring charm of Harry Potter. And the film conveys this charm more intuitively to the audience through the screen.

In the past 20 years, Harry Potter has grown up with a generation and has become the memory of a generation. It is hoped that one day, the owls at Hogwarts will send long-lost admission letters.

How many of you got the entrance exam right?

Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

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Spec Special Program | entrance test at Hogwarts

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