
Long Qianyu "White-haired man sends black-haired man" Steel Father also wanted to commit suicide when he lost his son!

author:Starlight clouds
Long Qianyu "White-haired man sends black-haired man" Steel Father also wanted to commit suicide when he lost his son!

▲Long Qianyu choked up when talking about her daughter. (Photo/ Courtesy of Howe Records)

Reporter Guan Shaowen/Taipei Report

"Taiwanese Amit" Long Qianyu recently released a new album, and the new song has completed the mental journey in recent years. Long Qianyu has gone through ups and downs in the past 7 years, divorced from her husband, died of illness, died suddenly of her daughter, and fell into a valley for her son, a series of tests of life and death, so that Long Qianyu has a deeper understanding. Long Qianyu and the recent public television program and steel dad had dinner, sharing their hearts and minds with each other.

In order to go on the "Who's Coming to Dinner" program, Long Qianyu had a headache for a month and was very nervous, because she was afraid to touch the pain in her heart. When they first met, Long Qianyu gave Steel Dad a warm hug, And Steel Dad said that he was very reluctant to let Sister Long lose his beloved daughter's mood, and Long Qianyu felt that Steel Dad had lost his love son from small love to big love and devoted himself to public welfare! Long Qianyu felt a sense and said, "After many life twists and turns, I cherish everything I have now even more."

Long Qianyu "White-haired man sends black-haired man" Steel Father also wanted to commit suicide when he lost his son!

▲ Long Qianyu and Steel Daddy share their feelings with each other. (Photo/ Courtesy of Howe Records)

Mentioning that after the wind and rain, Long Qianyu and Steel Dad have both experienced the pain of losing their daughter and losing their son, and Long Qianyu also talked about his heart journey for the first time during the dinner with Iron Dad's family, and Steel Dad said: "I don't want Sister Long to lose her beloved daughter, so I have always wanted to see Long Qianyu, hoping to share the cheer together." Long Qianyu said: "I saw many netizens cheering for Steel Daddy on the Internet, and I really felt admiration in my heart." Iron Dad, who is engaged in the funeral industry, said bluntly: "When I lost my beloved son two years ago, my heart has not been able to go through, I once impulsively wanted to kill the perpetrator, and then I committed suicide, but along the way I finally learned to put it down, thanking netizens for their encouragement and encouragement, so that I can devote myself to public welfare to help more people in need, and turn my love for my son into love for more people."

After listening to the sharing of the steel father, Long Qianyu choked up and said: "My daughter died in an accident, I couldn't walk out for a whole year, I thought of the past and my daughter doing modeling for me and bathing with mother and daughter, etc., these mothers and daughters get along with each other, the biggest pain in life is the white-haired people sending black-haired people, at the moment I don't want to sing anymore, I feel that life has lost its meaning, spend a long time in the dark, and then I realized that my mother and son still need me, so that I realized that 'people often look at lost things, but ignore what they have", Because then I came out."