
The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

author:Time Movie Factory

When it comes to Japanese geek screenwriters, you may not have heard of his name, but you have more or less heard of the works in which he participated.

"Tiger and Dragon" and "Haenyeo" are classic Japanese dramas with 9 points+ evaluated by tens of thousands of people.

The latest works brought by the screenwriters of this high-quality Japanese drama are, unsurprisingly, still of a high standard.

"My Story"

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

The male protagonist, Shouichi, was born into the Noh family of Kanzan.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

As a traditional art in Japan, Noh has a high status in Japan.

The inheritor of Noh is Shouichi's father, Kanzan Shouzaburo, known as the "National Treasure of the World", which can also be regarded as a prominent reputation.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

As the eldest son, Shouichi was gifted from an early age and was undoubtedly the best heir of this family.

But he chose to become a wrestler as a teenager and left home.

On the road of wrestling, Shouyi also broke through the world, and he had thousands of fans who coexisted with his appearance and strength, and then got married and had children and embarked on the peak of life.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

But this brilliance was short-lived, he unfortunately suffered a serious injury in a game, and since then quit the professional game, not only has his career fallen into the trough of his life, but his wife has also left him with his son.

Alone, he is saddled with a debt of 20 million yuan and can only make a living by playing exhibition games.

The scenery of the past was infinite, but now it is so depressed, anyone who looks at it does not say a word of misery.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

Before this was over, the news suddenly came that his father was seriously ill, and Shouichi decided to go home to meet his long-lost father.

In order to reassure his father, he promised to inherit the family business, and then he announced that he was quitting wrestling.

A good filial son, a good warm drama.

Just announced the retirement, but a new message came:

Father woke up.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

The doctor announced that Shousaburo only had half a year left to live, and it was reasonable to say that since there was not much time, he should cherish the last days, but his father's tumultuous operation made everyone drop their jaws.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to announce that I was getting married!

The person of marriage is Sakura, a nurse who has been taking care of herself.

A 72-year-old, a 20-year-old, sat on my lap at the zongjia meeting, and did not shy away from the many students sitting under the stage.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

Just when everyone was overwhelmed, Shousaburo threw another sunny thunderbolt:

His own inheritance should also be given to Sakura.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

The children had long been thinking about how to divide the inheritance, and they never expected that their own father had actually come to such a show.

Descending from the sky an unknown stepmother, who still has to take away all her property, who does not have a heart attack?

The most tragic thing is Shouyi, who has to inherit the family business and work for it, and at the same time has to find a way to pay off the debt, but he can't get a penny of the inheritance.

The third son of the Guanshan family silently investigated and found that Sakura had taken care of the dying elderly many times and received a huge inheritance!

This is also too much like a liar engaged in the "post-wife business".

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

And that's not all, there are more bloody emotional lines.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

In addition to dog blood, we see unhealthy family relationships and japan's elderly support problems.

After Shousaburo became seriously ill, his children were the first to discuss how to divide the estate.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

They were also worried about their fathers at first, but after a few years, what had to be done had been done, so it was possible to calmly exchange the issue of inheritance distribution.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

For the long-term care of the sick elderly, for them, the father is no longer the "national treasure of the world", but a burden.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

They have gradually lost patience, so when they need to take turns taking care of their father in shifts, they find various reasons to shirk it, and put all the blame on the eldest son Shouichi and the nurse Sakura.

Shouichi, who is known as a prodigy by outsiders, has never heard praise from his father, and he gave up his talent to become a wrestler only because he found that his father had praised wrestlers.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

He wants to get his father's praise, wants to be affirmed, and fight for it, but on the way to struggle, he ignores more important things.

His father was so ill that he suddenly realized that he had never cared about his family in the 25 years he had been away from home.

As a son, he could no longer remember his mother's appearance, his father was already ill but he never cared to inquire; as a father, he did not take good care of his son with a learning disability; as the eldest son of the family, his family, who did not know the scenery at that time, was now on the verge of bankruptcy.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

In middle age, he seems to have begun to really mature, let go of obsession, return to the family, and focus on his father and son, which is quite a bit of a change of heart and the meaning of being a new person.

So in order to make up for the missing 25 years, he gave up his job and took care of his father closely.

Shouichi couldn't accept that the strong father in his memory had become what he is now:

Life is difficult to take care of, going to the toilet and bathing need help from others, travel needs a wheelchair...

So he made up his mind to do it himself:

When I was a little devil, you never bathed me once, never changed my diaper, and what you failed to do for me, I will do it for you, you know why, because that's the rule.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

Not only Shouichi, but even Shousaburo himself could not adapt to his own aging.

Aging is accompanied not only by legs that are no longer strong, but also with a memory that is no longer sharp.

He seemed to be able to converse normally, but in the cognitive test, he could no longer successfully say the type of vegetable.

For what just happened, it will also be quickly forgotten.

These changes, he himself knows very well, once the "national treasure of the world", has now lost its glory.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

He felt lonely in the face of a diminished memory, and he felt fear in the face of impending death.

Even if his son can take care of himself, he still insists on folding his own bath towels to prove himself.

Even a musician who was once admired by thousands of people has difficulty maintaining dignity in the face of aging.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

So in this state, he chose Sakura's company, even if he knew Sakura's past, he said that he didn't care, just to seek a little warmth.

Both father and son have their own dilemmas.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

In addition to Shouichi, the eldest son, Shousaburo also has a son and a daughter, but they can't make time to take care of their father, only Shouichi and Sakura take turns to take care of them.

This responsibility is heavy, money is a big problem, Shouyi not only carries a mortgage of 20 million yuan, but also has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife and son every month.

In order to make quick money, he temporarily took a list for a competition.

But just a few hours after he left home, his father with limited mobility had an accident...

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

Looking at the description, do you think this is a tragic and tragic dog blood tragedy?

In fact, the charm of the story written by Miyato Kankuro is that one second you are still empathizing with the tragic encounters of the characters in the play, and the next second you are amused by the sudden twist.

The 72-year-old marries a young nurse, and the island country's high-scoring drama is also too bloody

Sometimes there is nonsensical funny, sometimes there is touching when family affection is revealed, laughter and sadness coexist,

This is not only a feature of Miyato Kankuro's works, but also a feature of real life.