
From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

author:Zichen's father scientific parenting

Introduction: Children are always placed high hopes by their parents, and every parent hopes that their children can get ahead. Child stars, on the other hand, are even more enviable, after all, they have already won at the starting line. As Zhang Ailing said: "Fame should be early." In this complicated world, if you want to achieve fame and realize the value of life, you can only make yourself stand out in the fierce competition if you seize the opportunity as soon as possible. ”

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

However, what is more important is the last sentence said by Zhang Ailing: "After becoming famous, individuals still have to forge ahead and not forget their original intentions, so that they can last." ”

Yes, after becoming famous, all kinds of honors and temptations come to the face, and adults are difficult to resist, not to mention child stars, they are essentially a child.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > was sentenced to 17 years in prison from a well-known child star to a bell</h1>

Wang Xinyi debuted at the age of 7 and entered the show business circle by participating in the Taiwanese variety show "I Guess I Guess I Guess Guess" and began to shoot advertisements.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

When the TV series "Dolphin Bay Lovers" was popular all over the country, Xu Shaoyang's role as a child, the 8-year-old boy Wang Xinyi, was loved by the audience because of his excellent acting skills.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

When participating in "Kangxi Is Coming", Wang Xinyi performed on the spot for ten seconds and shed tears, as soon as the words were finished, the tears immediately fell down, and after crying, he immediately laughed, and his ability to enter the play was very strong.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Because of its superior conditions, the company gave Wang Xinyi many opportunities to perform, such as popular TV series such as "Pawnshop No. 8", "Bullfighting, Do Not Want", "Knock on Love with You" and so on. Because of his remarkable acting skills in "Footprints in the Sun", at the age of 12, he was also nominated for the Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actor.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Originally, the future was bright, advertising endorsements, film and television invitations continued, but as he grew up, Wang Xinyi began to lose his heart, and in high school, he learned to tattoo others, and later directly became a fierce social person.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Until later, 21-year-old Wang Xinyi was angry to help his friends, and many people joined forces to seriously injure a teenager under the age of 16 and imprison him. At this point, his life was completely ruined.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="22" what makes a promising child star "fall" >? </h1>

There are many ways to ruin a child, and there are many reasons why a child becomes bad, and in Wang Xinyi, the main reason I feel is still his parents.

1. Parents' desire for profit

After watching the whole process of the incident, we will find that the indecent event at the age of 12 can be regarded as a key turning point in Wang Xinyi's life. After the indecent video incident, Father Wang's first reaction was: "Will this matter affect the signing of the child's subsequent programs?" ”

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

When the child made a mistake, the parents not only did not strictly correct it, but even overdidiously doted on it, and used all their energy to excuse the son; after the fermentation of the incident, the father even sued the female fan in court, trying to shift all the responsibility to the other party.

It's not because of love, it's because parents never really care about their children's lives. Parents are more concerned about "scandals" that may cut off their own financial paths than their sons' crooked lives.

Greedy and selfish parents, people are afraid. What is the most cruel desire in the adult world? I think it is the parents who forcibly attach the pursuit of fame and profit to their children.

2. Parents are absent from the growth of their children

Wang Xinyi was born in Taiwan, where he also had two older brothers. Not long after Wang Xinyi was born, she was left by her biological parents to raise her grandmother. Wang Xinyi, who grew up with his grandmother, was full of human feelings, and because his parents were not around, he was often bullied by his classmates since he was a child. After becoming famous, on a variety show, Wang Xinyi told her experience of having no friends at school and being bullied by other children.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

The absence of parents has an irreparable and significant impact on the growth of children.

Children aged 0 to 3 need security the most

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Children in this period, new arrivals, are very curious about everything in the world, who brings more to kiss whom, the baby is most afraid of loneliness at this time, but also the time when the most need for security.

The child's security during the 0 to 3 years old period has a huge impact on the child, and the child who obtains a sufficient sense of security will be more confident and independent, because with the father and mother behind them, they will have more courage to explore and try.

Children with insufficient sense of security will be more introverted or even inferior, they are afraid to explore the unknown world alone, so their independence will not be strong.

Children aged 3 to 12 are a critical period for increasing intelligence and making rules

Children in this period will follow the example of a man who imitates and learns from them, and most of this man is a father. When dads are absent from their children's lives, children may follow the example of the older children they meet, and when those older children have bad habits, the children will also learn these bad habits.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Children aged 3 to 12 are the critical period of making rules, and it is difficult for children without education to get the affirmation and respect of society. Whether a child has a happy childhood is important, but whether the child is parented is more important, because it is related to their later life.

Children aged 13 to 18 need to be guided correctly

Children in this period are in the period of adolescent rebellion that talks about ideals and life, and has not yet formed the correct three views, and may lose themselves when they encounter temptations.

Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to have parents around to give the child the right guidance and let the child go the right way.

Wang Xinyi's parents, in the beginning of the absence of the child's growth, when they saw their son "fire", they actually came back to rush to raise the child, and also sent Wang Xinyi's two brothers to be child stars. They both quit their jobs, took their children around to shoot dramas, go to announcements, and take business performances, and naturally became "nibbling little people".

How can such parents and families give their children the right direction in life?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" > parents' beloved sons, it is a far-reaching plan</h1>

Not every pair of parents is so short-sighted, there are parents in this world who are eager for success, and there are parents who care about their children's childhood and understand long-term thinking.

Li Leheng, who played Qiu Xiaodong in "Wulin Wai Biao", is the child of Zhang Jianxin, the assistant director of "Wu lin wai biao" and a famous actor.

Compared with ordinary children, he naturally has the resources of the entertainment industry, and it can be said that the stars are bright.

But Li Leheng's parents, in addition to letting him make a friendly cameo, did not let him enter the entertainment circle early. Before some netizens saw his Weibo by chance, they found that as early as 2017, he was admitted to Harvard Law School and was a doctoral student.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Zhao Xinpei, who became popular for playing a red child, was popular at that time, and many people liked this tiger-headed, eccentric little boy.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

After that, Zhao Xinpei received many invitations for film and television dramas and advertisements. But his parents hoped that he would be able to study with peace of mind, and they all politely declined. As a result, the red child of "Journey to the West" has become the "lone book" and "no singing" of Zhao Xinpei's acting career.

Eventually, Zhao Xinpei was admitted to the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Peking University, and later received a doctorate from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is now the chief technology officer of a company in Beijing.

From well-known child stars to prison, behind the "fall" of child stars, it is the parents' desire to smoke from well-known child stars to prison, what is the reason for being sentenced to 17 years, so that a child star with a bright future is "falling"? The beloved son of a parent is a profound conclusion

Miyazaki once said: "Childhood does not exist for the sake of growing up, it exists for childhood itself, for the experience of things that can only be experienced when you are a child." ”

Parents love their children, and they have far-reaching plans for them. Parents who truly love their children and think about their children's lives should not use their children to achieve their wishes. It is not necessary to let children become money-making tools at a young age.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" > conclusion</h1>

The parents' vision determines the height of the child's life, do not "consume" the child too much, and do not miss the child's growth process.

After all, the meaning of our children is not to expect him to make us how much money, but to hope that they can go down the right path, healthy and happy.

Some of the pictures come from the Internet, invaded and deleted

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