
Construction process four anti-static floor construction methods

author:Li Xin - Today's Floor

Anti-static flooring has the advantages of wear resistance, high strength, moisture resistance, easy maintenance, etc., so it is widely used in industrial places. The construction of the anti-static epoxy floor has the following steps: waterproof treatment → treatment → epoxy primer → epoxy halfway → conductive self-adhesive copper foil laying → conductive primer → anti-static topcoat, detailed operation see the following process.

Construction process four anti-static floor construction methods

First, [epoxy electrostatic floor] waterproof treatment:

According to the construction requirements and construction standards, the ground waterproof treatment should be done, and the ground on the first floor should be waterproofed.

Second, [epoxy electrostatic floor] plain treatment:

Use grinding tools to clean up the ground impurities, roughen the concrete surface, and completely clean the dust with an industrial vacuum cleaner.

Third, [epoxy electrostatic floor] epoxy primer:

Epoxy primer with strong permeability and adhesion is applied to enhance surface adhesion.

Construction process four anti-static floor construction methods

Fourth, [epoxy electrostatic floor] conductive self-adhesive copper foil laying:

1. About the anti-static floor self-adhesive copper foil, Xiaobian teaches you how to choose: conventional 0.05mm * 10mm * 50m specifications are appropriate, if the self-adhesive copper foil is too thin in the construction is easy to be pulled off, if the self-adhesive copper foil is too thick need more paint to smooth the thickness difference between the self-adhesive copper foil and the primer.

2. About the construction method of epoxy electrostatic floor conductive self-adhesive copper foil:

(1) On the plain ground brushed with anti-static primer, the 1.5CM width of the masking paper tape is first pasted with 2m*2m or 1.5m*1.5m intervals to lay in a "well" shape, if Party A has other interval specifications, it will be constructed according to Party A's requirements.

(2) After laying the perfect texture paper tape, brush a layer of conductive medium coating, to not cover the masking paper tape (the masking paper and the middle coating height are flat), and then polished and flat.

(3) Then tear off the masking paper tape from the middle coat groove, and paste the copper foil tape along the groove torn off by the masking paper tape, because the masking tape is slightly thicker than the copper foil tape, so the copper foil tape is slightly lower than the middle coating in the groove, and then the copper foil tape is coated with conductive carbon black.

Construction process four anti-static floor construction methods

Fifth, [epoxy electrostatic floor] conductive carbon black:

After the self-adhesive copper foil is laid, a layer of epoxy conductive carbon black (a certain proportion (ranging from 5% to 20%), is included in the epoxy resin, which is conducive to enhancing the conductivity between the copper foil and the anti-static topcoat.

Sixth, [epoxy electrostatic floor] conductive primer:

Conductive primer according to the actual needs of the number of construction channels, and requires flat no holes, no batch knife print and sand grinding print.

Construction process four anti-static floor construction methods

Seven, [epoxy electrostatic floor] copper foil grounding:

After the copper foil is laid, there are at least two grounding ports in every 600 square meters of area, and after welding between the copper wire and the copper foil, the copper wire is connected to the electrostatic grounding port in the room leading to the outdoor (single guide). A grounded conductive pile that enables static electricity to be smoothly channeled outdoors.

Eight, [epoxy electrostatic floor] anti-static surface coating:

The antistatic topcoat brushes two times, and the average surface resistance is between the 5th power of 10 and the 9th power of 10 Ω. After completion, the overall ground is bright and clean, the color is uniform, and there is no empty drum.