
"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

A few days ago, Lucy Lawless, a Hollywood actress who has starred in blockbusters such as "Spider-Man" and "Ghost playman", came to Italy for a vacation, but she did not expect to encounter a bad thing in the famous Tuscany.

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

One night, as Lucy was strolling through the ancient streets and alleys of Lucca, a burst of laughter suddenly came from behind her. She turned to find a black lad riding a bicycle, and behind him were six italians, about 18 or 19 years old, laughing at him, one of them with his hands above his head, clapping his hands while imitating chimpanzees, and the other shouting "Gabon!" Gabon! (Gabon, a country in central and western Africa)", and the rest laughed and clapped their hands in unison.

"It's so bad that if I'm mentally prepared or if I can speak Italian a little better, I'll calmly tell them: 'In the old days, Italians have also been immigrants to our country,' and the attitude of these young Italians is a kind of 'terrorism,'" Lucy Lawless wrote on his Facebook page.

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

As soon as the news was announced, it spread wildly on the Internet, and more than 1400 messages were received in just a few days. Among them, many netizens are ashamed of the ignorance and ignorance of those young people

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"I am Italian and I am ashamed of my countrymen. Those people were narrow-minded and never left their hometowns. Sadly, Italy's outlook is bleak, while ignorance and ignorance continue to proliferate... But these people do not represent all Italians. ”

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"I'm an Italian and I'm sorry you had such an unpleasant experience. Although not all of them are like those young people, it is a pity that many Italians do have that idea. Italian parents should seriously teach their children to respect others regardless of their gender or color. Those kids are so humiliating! ”

Some netizens also believe that in the face of the unstoppable refugee tide and the various social problems that follow, racial discrimination is inevitable, and Italians are actually bitter in their hearts!

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"I like you a lot, I'm a huge fan of yours!" But I really think there's a bit of a misconception: there are immigrants in every country, and you have to live in a place to get to know the people of a place. I'm not trying to defend those Italian youths, but I live in the center of Lucca and I understand the reality here. Here, migrants spread throughout the city, and local residents were afraid to move around after 17:00 p.m., forcing their doors to close because of the rampant theft, robbery, and fighting outside.

Italy is not a country full of racial discrimination, we just can't live with peace of mind anymore. You can treat my home as your home, but you can't challenge my bottom line, and when some principles aren't followed, you can't blame us for being ruthless. I'm not saying that the kids are doing the right thing, I just think that it's not easy to judge all Italians because of the actions of the 6 young people. ”

There are also people who are very unconvinced, thinking that even if they are immigrants, Italians are good immigrants who are law-abiding!

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"You're a 'Kiwi' national, aren't you?" The situation of Italian foreigners today is not the same as that of Italians in New Zealand! Italian immigrants did not arrive in New Zealand in rubber boats, and the New Zealand Navy did not drive warships to pick them up. We are allowed to live and work in your country through 'selection'. By the way, you 'Kiwi Country' didn't treat us very politely... In addition, I am speechless when you confuse the concepts of 'terrorism' and 'bullying', probably because there has never been a terrorist attack in New Zealand, so you can't figure out the concept of 'terrorism'... Have fun in Italy. ”

"Italians were also immigrants!" Hollywood stars anger Italians for racism!

"Unfortunately, you're right. But disgusting immigration policies are the problem. Italy's near-collapse social security system, legal inequality, poor employment opportunities and the growing number of people who do not have enough to eat are problems that are a problem of both Italians and immigrants. There has always been racism in Italy, but now something has changed, and the general sense of frustration has increased the degree of exclusion of society, which is everywhere..."

As netizens have said, in recent years, the refugee problem has caused a chain reaction in all sectors of Italian society like dominoes, with a sharp decline in social welfare, continuous security problems, and high unemployment... Many people blame the problems on the thousands of refugees who landed on Italy's coast in rubber boats, and far-rightism and xenophobia are on the rise.

Whether Lucy is biased between words because of anger or not, what she has seen and heard and the various arguments and rebuttals of netizens have clearly pointed out the most intense set of contradictions and conflicts in Italy at present - refugee admission and racial discrimination.

What do you think about that?

(Italian stew original, translation: Hongyu, editor: Hua Jiayan, news source: Italian "Republic", photo: network, reprint please indicate the italian stew: oushitalia)

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