
The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

author:Chat About Gutong today

Now no matter what era there is no shortage of heroes, in the past in the martial arts story, all kinds of jianghu masters are equipped with special skills, they all have unique martial arts secrets, which has also become the dream of many teenagers. Being able to live freely, being able to use the ability to judge one's social status, this kind of happy and vengeful life, wandering the world, is now impossible for people to appreciate.

Whether it is the past or the present, if you want to have a perfect life, you must continue to enrich yourself, and you will have the opportunity to work hard if you have the ability. Our kung fu is very famous, and our martial arts culture has been passed down for thousands of years. Compared with the luck of practicing a stunt overnight in martial arts stories, what is needed in real life is perseverance and perseverance.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > have practiced a skill from an early age</h1>

There are many types of kung fu in China, the most respected of which is tai chi, whether it is young or old, for tai chi is very fond of. The process of training can make people calm and calm, and can also achieve the effect of strengthening the body. Now that the bone reduction gong has been lost, Wang Baohe is the only heir.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

Wang Baohe is a strange person in the folk, he has mastered the essence of bone reduction through years of training, and he is emaciated and able to shrink himself into a small jar, which many adults cannot do. But now he would rather this stunt be lost than teach his disciples again, saying that the times have changed, and the bone reduction technique is no longer suitable for the development of the times.

Bone reduction has always been legendary, through the internal power of the human bones and internal organs to displace, so as to achieve the effect of making their body smaller. An adult can change his body to the size of a baby only a few years old, and in some critical moments he can escape through a narrow hole.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

But this kung fu is easy to say, but it is very hard to practice. Wang Baohe's kung fu is ancestral, and his grandfather practiced a good kung fu and used to sell art on the street. Bone reduction is like an heirloom, passed down from generation to generation, only to Wang Bao and this generation, it is really valued by the world.

When Wang Baohe was 6 years old, he began to train with his father. The training was very difficult at the beginning, and no matter what the weather, he trained in the courtyard under the supervision of his father. The bone reduction work can achieve the effect by shifting the bones, which is also very harmful to the health of the trainer.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

In order to make the bone reduction work achieve the effect, Wang Baohe will deliberately control the body shape and weight from a young age. Although he is now respected by everyone, he has also left a body of illness. When the weather is bad, the joints of the body will be faintly painful, which also makes Wang Baohe very tormented.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > ancestral skills shine</h1>

Wang Baohe, with his amazing kung fu, has gradually gained popularity in the folk. In 1992, there was also a condolence group from the province to watch Wang Baohe's performance, when Wang Baohe's performance surprised everyone, and he became the cultural spokesperson of his hometown and the spokesman of investment promotion.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

After having fame, Wang Baohe will go to various places to perform commercially, and his performance has allowed many foreign guests to see the exquisite and wonderful nature of China's kung fu, and Wang Baohe has also become an idol in the hearts of many people. Wang Baohe also had children and grandchildren, but he did not pass on his skills.

At the beginning, Wang Baohe also recruited disciples, but most of them gave up after a few days of training. Nowadays, people are accustomed to living a comfortable and rich life, and for many things it is three minutes of heat. Bone reduction requires unwavering patience and years of training to succeed. To be able to endure physical pain when training, very few people can persist to the end.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

In 2007, Wang Baohe was also invited to perform in the Great Hall of the People, and the state banquet at that time invited many foreign guests, and Wang Baohe surprised everyone present after the performance. His bone reduction skill can be said to have resounded at home and abroad at this time.

Wang Baohe also had many other juggling skills on his body, which were inherited from his father, but the effect achieved by the bone reduction technique was the most shocking, which became a special skill on his body. As he grew older, Wang Baohe's movements became somewhat sluggish, and coupled with the torment of years of illness, his bone reduction skills decreased a lot.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

Now many people are beginning to question why Wang Baohe did not pass on his own skills to his disciples. At that time, these people who went to the rivers and lakes to sell their art, they practiced this skill, just to support their families, and now with the improvement of social status, they have also become the inheritors of Chinese martial arts.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > vision keeps pace with the times in the long run</h1>

With the improvement of living standards, people also cherish their bodies more and more, the process of practicing bone reduction skills, facing many risks, a little careless, may cause themselves disability, or even death. Coupled with the intensity of training, many people can't stick to the end.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

Wang Baohe only taught other simple skills such as returning the three immortals to the cave to future generations, and such stunts were not harmful to the body, and the difficulty coefficient was relatively low. Wang Baohe's practice is also to protect future generations, and under the premise of not damaging the body, he can practice a skill, which is a kind of great love.

Now is a scientific and technologically developed society, diversified development is the product of the times, now there are many opportunities to make money, all walks of life are particularly in need of talents. Professions like acrobatics can no longer gain a foothold in this society. I have to say that Wang Baohe's vision is relatively long-term, and he has grasped the lifeblood of the development of this era.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

Bone reduction skills are now facing loss, and this skill will be eliminated or even extinct, which is inevitable. Because it brings great harm to the human body, no one will really want to earn money and die. Chinese culture has a long history, and we should take its essence and get rid of the dross in it.

Now people's living standards have improved a lot, although artists are still a hot profession, but everyone is also keeping pace with the times, some unspoken rules are slowly being changed. Although Wang Baohe's bone reduction technique is exquisite, it has gradually lost the stage of display and is no longer passed on to future generations, which is also a helpless choice.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > summary</h1>

The loss of some cultures makes people feel particularly sorry, but this is also reasonable. We live in this era, we must look forward, constantly enrich ourselves, and create a culture that is more in line with the development of the times, which can promote the process of civilization. The spirit of Chinese kung fu should be inherited, and the ultimate goal of everyone is to make the motherland more and more prosperous and make our lives more prosperous.

The only heir to the bone reduction gong that has been passed down for a hundred years, it is better to lose it than to teach people, he said: The world has changed from a young age to cultivate a skill of ancestral skills to shine with the eyes of the long-term advancement with the times

Everyone has the right to choose life, how the future we can not predict, can only do the heart, do not leave regrets for themselves, this is responsible for life. The process of bone reduction training is too difficult, now as long as you have the strength and knowledge, you can find a stable job, the times have changed and there is no need to practice some skills with a relatively large risk factor.